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Lock avi's into grid, keep separate from "scrap" option. [ Railjack ]


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Good afternoon.

I went to scrap some avi's, due to the mess I was gaining, plus I could use the materials. It didn't take long to realize, there's a HUGE problem with this UI/option.

Namely, that ALL your avi's are shown, including the one's you placed in the grid. I ended up scraping the default "Bulkhead" avi, plus ones that I bought through the market.

Consider this as a "heads-up", to you all. And, here's to hoping that support will return my avi's.

Thank you for your time, and consideration.

Edited by GrazeZeroLow
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3 minutes ago, TheRealShade said:

While it would be nice to have an indicator to avionics currently equipped, why do you scrap them down to 0 instead of only scrapping duplicates? You never know when you might need one even if it's weaker than something else.

I did believe that's what I was doing, but the whole group keeps labeled. It doesn't allow you to choose who many.

Hindsight is 20/20. :crylaugh:

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