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Orokin Void Rare Material


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I think it would make sense for the void missions to have their rare material drop rate somewhat reduced and changed. I would suggest orokin cells as the new rare material. They are used for most of the prime weapons (that drop in the void) and with important things such as warframe construction. It also makes sense to me from a lore standpoint that the orokin cells would be in the void. I understand that it should not be a one stop shop for the prime weapons (with all other materials for the prime weapons currently located in the void) but I think with a rare drop rate this could be a great idea.

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Actually since Void is behind key wall it would be quite reasonable to lover overall resources drop rate and put only rare resources on drop list. Just sayn'.
I would also gladly see a void specific research resource utilized by Oracle so it wouldn't be only a hump in a road to actual clan-tech.

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Of course, Orokin cells are dropped in the Void Derelict (along with precious neurodes). That said, I agree that they should also be in the Orokin void. Makes sense from a lore standpoint and, really, who can ever have enough orokin cells? Long time players spend so much time in the void. I'm having to farm orokin cells a lot these days....

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