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Update 6-10 How Warframe Has Changed


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Good evening chaps


Just for fun one day i scrolled through the update and build note section down to update 6. when i had a scan over it i noticed key differences between the content we are getting in u10 to the old content in u6 and decided to compare them



u6 https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/7485-update-6-new-stompin’-grounds/




-Everyone loved the update people calling it an full win on a truly epic scale (comment 40)

-First problem was seen in comment 19 and was solved in 3 comments time

-Comment 51 and 52 state 2 inportant things that the community is being listened too and that the update got people buying founders packages

-first criticism was encountered on comment 53 but was a nitpick and was countered in comment 60

-Mostly comments on bugs that needed to be fixed

-DEsteve was the most active and the last comment form a developer was Rebecca at 307. Trust me translating russian is hard


Over all a massive update and a successes for warframe witch can bee seen in the comments



To under stand the change i am highlighting some key aspects of what happened after u6 


-March 21 2013 Warfarme went open beta brining update 7. update includes sentinels, mod system redesign, 2 new frames and endless defence.

-May 3rd Warframe first event fusion Moa event also offers insight on u8 with the Frost prime bp being the reward

-May 23rd Update 8 brings clans, forma, new grineer tilesets and Orokin void

-June 1st Rage gaming videos puts up a rage perspective video inspiring me to get the game (sorry)

-June 4th Official post stating that warframe will be a ps4 launch title 

-July 12th Update 9 gets released features include Nova, Lore, Void expansion and amazing new Vor battle.


If i have missed anything please let me know (future events are not needed)


U10 ttps://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/105648-update-10-shadows-of-the-dead/page-9


Warning the topic is still up and u are still able to put a comment on so my findings may not be accurate. 


-Received GENERALLY well with lots of my body is ready posts 

-First seen criticism (edited) is comment 12 it states the difficult process to get nekros and the stamina update

-Comment 19 gives the update an 2/10 and has lemongrab

-Comment 62 WTF

-Comment 83 shows the other side of the spectrum with the only person to like the stamina system

-Comment 114 the first DE Staff comment compared to u6 its a dangerous comparison (u6 first staff comment 23)

-Comment117 being an absolute rant showing a de lie 

-A lot of comments saying "Where do we get golem nav Coordinates" and "why is there still the old golem.

-Comment 137 shows more dissatisfaction  

-Comment 149 shows how DE has not been listening to the fans. something that has changed from u6

-Comment 161 and 162 states how DE is forgetting old frames and taking money from the players



(Running out of time i will do more later)


Things that affected u10 after its release


20 September sheldon apologises for void drop rates and mutagan mass and recipe costs. DE gave 50 platinum and a mutagan mass to help ease the pain. This was received very well  



The obvious thing we see is that de has gone downhill and has changed dramatically from the "listining to players getting it right approach" to the "dont listen we need money" approach




My question is....... WHAT WENT WRONG?



(ps if theres anything i missed or u want added please let me know and thank you for taking the time to read this)




UPDATE 2: Interviews


Recently i talked to a few people about this post and asked some questions about this thread. note they have slightly diffrent questions


Silver bones: silver bones responded in video and if everyone responded in video form it would make the main post less cluttered and make my life easier. (i understand that if you dont have the proper tools you cant do it. im fine with that but if you have a decent video software hanging around and your confident have a go!






Next is little reshiram. he was asked becuse of his comment on the u10 arrival post (link http://tinyurl.com/pe75jrn )


Question 1 Did you get blocked or warned  for your comment 



Warning, IIRC, no. Others got one. Albeit I'm ready to at least get a temp-bann. I guess I were lucky, or something.



Question 2 Have you been around since u6 and if you where why did you like it




 I'm actively playing since U7 and up, but I guess I can smell some past U6 elements.

I like it when they actually gave us meaningful fixes, instead of "OH HEY WE HAVE THIS STUPID CORE SYSTEM WE CAN'T FIX! HAVE THIS @(*()$ MOD TO FIX IT!"

I like it when they gave us lots of game-changing, YET VERY FRIENDLY and not alienating for new or old players.


I honestly like that they did hundreds of fixes to Rhino, just for the sake of making him viable.

Hell, they even went as far as FUSING 2 OF HIS SKILLS!


When RNG 1 #*($%%@ up, they did their best to make RNG 2.


Long before that, enemy resistance is a MAJOR pain in the &#!, and they worked around to fix it, remove it, temporarily.

Now it's like they're a bit rushed by the PS4 release that they just keep spamming small, forgettable fixes to shut players up. Which is not their fault, but still irritating when it comes down to it.


I mean, I kept screaming internally, "just delay the @(*()$ Updates! Why you need to rush it?"



Question 3 Why do you think warframe has gone downhill in player dissatisfaction 


The way they fix core elements of the game. Now they work things up, bypassing the already dirty base, just because.


"You recover from a knock-down too slow? USE CONSTITUTION OR THE EXTREMELY RARE HANDSPRING! DUH!"

Seriously, asking us to use MODS to fix the FRICKING CORE SYSTEM OF THE GAME?

Sincerely, no. I don't care about Handspring, I don't care about Marathon, Acrobat, and Quick Rest.

My Loki just need Rush. My Ember is dying, and my Saryn, Frost, and Rhino is buff enough to kick &#! while they're dragging their own weight with them!

NONE OF THEM need the always been pointless stamina mods!

I still have this tiny hope to the guys in DE. But whenever I looked back to the past major Updates. It's...saddening.

It's like I'm guilty for not hoping they'll roll to the better side of the road, but then again it's painful to keep hoping, seeing how bad their situation already.


And it's just a year. A @(*()$ YEAR.


PS: Sorry for the swearings and/or curses. It's just pretty sensitive subject for me.


There you have it folks 2 interveiws more to come so stay tuned

Edited by Lord_zasca
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I don't blame them. It most cost a lot of money to keep up with a community like this happy. This isn't an excuse to start not caring about us though. This is my view on things at least.

Edited by alphex
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What went wrong is that they went Open Beta too fast, and made a deal with the PS4 guys too fast. Warframe was NOT ready yet, there were so many things that needed to be worked on, yet making the PS4 deal and setting an official release deadline made them panic to rush out content, resulting in increasingly poorly thought out decisions and buggy content. Open Beta got a surge of new players into the game, and it also increased revenue, but it also resulted in more players who are more critical and less forgiving of DE. People expect more from an Open Beta than a Closed Beta afterall, as it's supposed to be a stage when the game is already presentable. Not only that, but with a much larger community also brings more noise and garbage posts on the forums, making it harder for DE to discern actually valid feedback, and picking out the good suggestions from the bad ones. I suppose it also gave DE a bit of a power rush to the head, making them more stubborn and arrogant, thus listening to players less and less.


All this is just a theory i came up with off the top of my head of course. Either way, what ISN'T a theory is that DE is making increasingly large amounts of mistakes, and it appears they have lost the direction that they once followed, making the game suffer as a result. The PS4 launch release is coming, DE is running out of time to pick up their mess. Armor 2.0 will be the deciding factor for this game's life or death. All we can do is give them feedback, hope they listen, and pray DE returns to their former selves.

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What went wrong is that they went Open Beta too fast, and made a deal with the PS4 guys too fast. Warframe was NOT ready yet, there were so many things that needed to be worked on, yet making the PS4 deal and setting an official release deadline made them panic to rush out content, resulting in increasingly poorly thought out decisions and buggy content. Open Beta got a surge of new players into the game, and it also increased revenue, but it also resulted in more players who are more critical and less forgiving of DE. People expect more from an Open Beta than a Closed Beta afterall, as it's supposed to be a stage when the game is already presentable. Not only that, but with a much larger community also brings more noise and garbage posts on the forums, making it harder for DE to discern actually valid feedback, and picking out the good suggestions from the bad ones. I suppose it also gave DE a bit of a power rush to the head, making them more stubborn and arrogant, thus listening to players less and less.


All this is just a theory i came up with off the top of my head of course. Either way, what ISN'T a theory is that DE is making increasingly large amounts of mistakes, and it appears they have lost the direction that they once followed, making the game suffer as a result. The PS4 launch release is coming, DE is running out of time to pick up their mess. Armor 2.0 will be the deciding factor for this game's life or death. All we can do is give them feedback, hope they listen, and pray DE returns to their former selves.

Eh sorry but I don't think armor 2.0 will be this game's "life or death." Seems kinda dramatic too like a soap opera. But that's just how I saw it kinda made me spit out water!

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I can see this thread either getting lost under piles of pointless threads or getting the attention of people who just want an excuse to call DE names and then getting locked.


But I do agree that DE have let their standards slip a little from where they started. I still have hope that they can pull through, a little at least.


I think what went wrong was, as Madotsuki said, they moved forward too fast. It's debatable whether they were ready for OB when they opened it but I don't think anyone can argue against the simple fact that they didn't give themselves enough time when they signed for a PS4 launch title.

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I can see this thread either getting lost under piles of pointless threads or getting the attention of people who just want an excuse to call DE names and then getting locked.


Hope this dosent happen i based this investigation off Facts that i have gathered form many posts and wiki sites

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Eh sorry but I don't think armor 2.0 will be this game's "life or death." Seems kinda dramatic too like a soap opera. But that's just how I saw it kinda made me spit out water!

Well Armor 2.0 is going to change some very fundamental aspects of the game, just like Mods 2.0 did, and everyone who was already in the game at the time knows how well received THAT was. And Mods 2.0 WAS a change for the better, though not a perfect system in any way shape or form. As such, with Armor 2.0, most likely it's going to create AT LEAST as big of a controversy and mess as Mods 2.0 did, even if it does end up as a good change. Creating a temporary flame wall amongst the community is going to be THE BEST CASE SCENARIO. If they actually mess up Armor 2.0, I don't even want to imagine what would happen.


So yeah, I'm honestly not trying to exaggerate here. Armor 2.0 is going to be do or die.

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Well Armor 2.0 is going to change some very fundamental aspects of the game, just like Mods 2.0 did, and everyone who was already in the game at the time knows how well received THAT was. And Mods 2.0 WAS a change for the better, though not a perfect system in any way shape or form. As such, with Armor 2.0, most likely it's going to create AT LEAST as big of a controversy and mess as Mods 2.0 did, even if it does end up as a good change. Creating a temporary flame wall amongst the community is going to be THE BEST CASE SCENARIO. If they actually mess up Armor 2.0, I don't even want to imagine what would happen.


So yeah, I'm honestly not trying to exaggerate here. Armor 2.0 is going to be do or die.

We will see then. I doubt it but hey you never know.

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A number of key playability issues never got addressed.  Instead more warframes,  weapons, mods, etc. were piled on top of existing problems:

1)  Communicating and Match making is such a pain that EA's Origin crAp is looking good.

2)  Nightmare modes locked behind RNG.

3)  Voids and Derelict maps behind key wall.

4)  High level missions locked behind low level missions and rng alerts.

5)  Crazy prices and resource scarcities.

6)  Nothing terribly exciting in terms of game modes.   Grind, grind, grind........

7)  No attempt to accomodate the broad range of opinions among the player base.  One size fits all mentality persists.

8)  Bugs

9)  Tutorial


Make a new account and compare.

Edited by jaywalker
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A number of key playability issues never got addressed.  Instead more warframes,  weapons, mods, etc. were piled on top of existing problems:

1)  Communicating and Match making is such a pain that EA's Origin crAp is looking good.

2)  Nightmare modes locked behind RNG.

3)  Voids and Derelict maps behind key wall.

4)  High level missions locked behind low level missions and rng alerts.

5)  Crazy prices and resource scarcities.

6)  Nothing terribly exciting in terms of game modes.   Grind, grind, grind........

7)  No attempt to accomodate the broad range of opinions among the player base.  One size fits all mentality persists.

8)  Bugs

9)  Tutorial


Make a new account and compare.

I agree communication is a problem but I've seen steps in the right direction, remains to be seen if there will be more steps. But still.


1) Communicating? Do you mean chat system? Yeah it could be improved on by a lot and same for matchmaking.


2) Nightmare modes are not behind RNG, you just need to complete all missions on a planet. Mods however are, but instead of saying "this is crap! fix it now" can you say how would you fix it? What do you think needs to be changed?


3) Void, in my opinion, is ok being behind a key wall, but there should be more ways to get keys rather than 5 minutes in defense and then bail out hoping for the best. As for derelict, I agree, they should have replaced existing missions with them and old golem with new one.


4) High level missions locked behind low level missions? Could you specify? Because in my experience that kind of level progression is normal in all games. Alerts should be RNG, it's a chance to get plat only items free for a little effort. However that rng needs to be looked over because right now we can get multiple alerts with same items in a row. Shouldn't be like that.


5) I'm assuming you mean market and crafting prices? Market prices are nuts, no other way to put it. Makes no sense. Crafting prices need to be more consistent. Right now they seem to be gradually increasing, looks like power creep. Resource scarcities? Do you mean mutagen masses? They should return them to the star map and maybe make existing or new weapon crafting require a wider variety of resources. I mean I'm sitting nearing 1.3 million nano spores and I've already crafted everything that needs it.


6)Yes. Only fun game modes are defense, survival and mobile defense. Everything else is just dull.


7) This one is pretty difficult to achieve, seeing as a good compromise leaves everyone unsatisfied. They "have" to find a way to please everyone but it's not possible. If they tried they would end up debating and negotiating for way too long and it would still leave people unhappy.


8)Yes. All we can do is report them and hope for the best, I wish they would at least tell us they are being worked on or fixed and pending release.


9) Tutorial as it is, is pretty shallow. There's some great suggestions on gameplay feedback forums. Voice your opinion, it may fall on deaf ears but at least you did what you could.



I recommend voicing concerns and giving them some ideas. Constructive feedback, it helps everyone.


Well I made a nice wall.

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 Armor 2.0 will be the deciding factor for this game's life or death.

Unfortunately, I don't think that's true anymore. In a really bad way. There is so much else that is wrong with this game. The entire scaling system, as well as balance in general will still be a mess. Armour 2.0 will balance some weapons and powers, possibly make higher level content less spongy, but in the end, balance between frames, scaling in general, noob-friendliness of early-game, possibly the mod system, and most importantly of all, a viable endgame, still need work. And right now it seems that DE is unable to find a viable solution to endgame except add content locked behind RNG grinds. And you can't really blame them, either. I can't think of any solutions either.

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Unfortunately, I don't think that's true anymore. In a really bad way. There is so much else that is wrong with this game. The entire scaling system, as well as balance in general will still be a mess. Armour 2.0 will balance some weapons and powers, possibly make higher level content less spongy, but in the end, balance between frames, scaling in general, noob-friendliness of early-game, possibly the mod system, and most importantly of all, a viable endgame, still need work. And right now it seems that DE is unable to find a viable solution to endgame except add content locked behind RNG grinds. And you can't really blame them, either. I can't think of any solutions either.

I can think up an end-game already off the top of my head. Moving nightmare mode to a completely separate Nightmare Sol System. This Nightmare System can have the same planets and missions as the normal system, except in nightmare mode all the time. Each Nightmare Planet is unlocked after completing all missions on the normal planet. Nightmare mode will have increased mat drops, much higher chance of uncommon and rare mats, unique dual-stat mods, etc.

This gives veterans A LOT of extra content to unlock through for little effort from the dev team. Sure as end-game it's rather short term, but hey, unless it's a sandbox or well developed PvP, you're not going to be able to keep players interested forever without additional content updates. Of course, this still would only work if DE actually makes Nightmare Mode interesting instead of adding stupid timers and health drains.

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"-Comment 114 the first DE Staff comment compared to u6 its a dangerous comparison (u6 first staff comment 23)"

U6 also had like 1/10th the playerbase (and that's being generous) as u10.

Look at the time stamps of those posts... both of them happen about an hour after the patch went live.

You're a fool if you think this game had the same following in CLOSED beta as it did in OPEN.

Edited by Bakim0n0
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4) High level missions locked behind low level missions? Could you specify? Because in my experience that kind of level progression is normal in all games. Alerts should be RNG, it's a chance to get plat only items free for a little effort. However that rng needs to be looked over because right now we can get multiple alerts with same items in a row. Shouldn't be like that.

I do believe he means nightmare modes.

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What went wrong is that they went Open Beta too fast, and made a deal with the PS4 guys too fast. Warframe was NOT ready yet, there were so many things that needed to be worked on, yet making the PS4 deal and setting an official release deadline made them panic to rush out content, resulting in increasingly poorly thought out decisions and buggy content. Open Beta got a surge of new players into the game, and it also increased revenue, but it also resulted in more players who are more critical and less forgiving of DE. People expect more from an Open Beta than a Closed Beta afterall, as it's supposed to be a stage when the game is already presentable. Not only that, but with a much larger community also brings more noise and garbage posts on the forums, making it harder for DE to discern actually valid feedback, and picking out the good suggestions from the bad ones. I suppose it also gave DE a bit of a power rush to the head, making them more stubborn and arrogant, thus listening to players less and less.


All this is just a theory i came up with off the top of my head of course. Either way, what ISN'T a theory is that DE is making increasingly large amounts of mistakes, and it appears they have lost the direction that they once followed, making the game suffer as a result. The PS4 launch release is coming, DE is running out of time to pick up their mess. Armor 2.0 will be the deciding factor for this game's life or death. All we can do is give them feedback, hope they listen, and pray DE returns to their former selves.

Like this guy said, I believe the problem is that DE is going way too quickly for their own good.

If A) they see reason and B) it's legal, perhaps they could delay their PS4 debut?

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I feel as though the devs have made some bad decisions with how to extend the longevity of gameplay.


Nerfing exp gain from enemies was one. We already spend hours slaughtering enemies just to rank up to 30, forma once or twice, and then max our builds.


->Nerfing the exp gain across the board without increasing exp at higher levels of play will only encourage everyone to, in the words of Datareaper 'farm low level crap', especially with nuking ults.


Hearing about the whole 'forma drop rate' fiasco was quite upsetting.


Nerfing credit drops and providing a universal 'credit sink' is also a questionable decision. Most people I know aren't drowning in credits or nano spores.


Perhaps the devs have been listening to the wrong crowd. Human beings generally don't complain unless there is a problem. Hence, when veterans complained about not having a credit sink, new players and casuals kept quiet because they assumed it was going to be optional. Nothing so huge as exploring a new area, or a new boss fight.


Complaints about general difficulty such as 'game is not challenging enough' should be taken with a grain of salt based on who is complaining. A veteran re-leveling his maxed out frame with full aura and polarities should not have as much right to say that the game is too easy compared to a new or average player. 


 -> I myself almost caught myself thinking 'game is too easy', at which point I did a reality check and realized I had full iron skin, strun wraith, and kunai spam. This means I had no right to say it was too easy. 


Dear devs, if you are reading this..


You have done a wonderful job polishing the game, and for the first ten hours or so, it shines like a diamond. 


Unfortunately, after the first 10 hours, it starts to go downhill quickly due to the huge level of grind required to get anywhere, resource walls, boss walls, RNG madness, unfixed enemy scaling and spawn rates, and too much emphasis on the veteran player experience.


Xylia, fatpig and several others have already given more than their fair share of time and feedback, going so far as to make new accounts to test what a newbie has to go through. Please evaluate future suggestions with a poll, if nothing else, so that Warframe will be fair for all, not just those with big pockets or 1000 hours played.

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"-Comment 114 the first DE Staff comment compared to u6 its a dangerous comparison (u6 first staff comment 23)"

U6 also had like 1/10th the playerbase (and that's being generous) as u10.

Look at the time stamps of those posts... both of them happen about an hour after the patch went live.

You're a fool if you think this game had the same following in CLOSED beta as it did in OPEN.

If i had a game update come out and people said "omg there is a bug" i would be onto that quicker then flies to an abandoned sausage.there where A LOT of people saying "where do u get golem nav cords" and "why is there still old j3" DE should have cleared them up. besides its not like one of the staff went to the toilet and 100 posts came in

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I agree communication is a problem but I've seen steps in the right direction, remains to be seen if there will be more steps. But still.


1) Communicating? Do you mean chat system? Yeah it could be improved on by a lot and same for matchmaking.


2) Nightmare modes are not behind RNG, you just need to complete all missions on a planet. Mods however are, but instead of saying "this is crap! fix it now" can you say how would you fix it? What do you think needs to be changed?


3) Void, in my opinion, is ok being behind a key wall, but there should be more ways to get keys rather than 5 minutes in defense and then bail out hoping for the best. As for derelict, I agree, they should have replaced existing missions with them and old golem with new one.


4) High level missions locked behind low level missions? Could you specify? Because in my experience that kind of level progression is normal in all games. Alerts should be RNG, it's a chance to get plat only items free for a little effort. However that rng needs to be looked over because right now we can get multiple alerts with same items in a row. Shouldn't be like that.


5) I'm assuming you mean market and crafting prices? Market prices are nuts, no other way to put it. Makes no sense. Crafting prices need to be more consistent. Right now they seem to be gradually increasing, looks like power creep. Resource scarcities? Do you mean mutagen masses? They should return them to the star map and maybe make existing or new weapon crafting require a wider variety of resources. I mean I'm sitting nearing 1.3 million nano spores and I've already crafted everything that needs it.


6)Yes. Only fun game modes are defense, survival and mobile defense. Everything else is just dull.


7) This one is pretty difficult to achieve, seeing as a good compromise leaves everyone unsatisfied. They "have" to find a way to please everyone but it's not possible. If they tried they would end up debating and negotiating for way too long and it would still leave people unhappy.


8)Yes. All we can do is report them and hope for the best, I wish they would at least tell us they are being worked on or fixed and pending release.


9) Tutorial as it is, is pretty shallow. There's some great suggestions on gameplay feedback forums. Voice your opinion, it may fall on deaf ears but at least you did what you could.



I recommend voicing concerns and giving them some ideas. Constructive feedback, it helps everyone.


Well I made a nice wall.


1)  Yes, text and voice chat, obviously.  Would be good if Warframe could just use Steam's comm and friends system as it's very good.  But, I guess they don't want to be so reliant on steam. 


In Origin(terrible application), you can have a separate chat window for each person you are chatting with.  It makes it a lot easier to run down your friends list asking for people to join your group.


In ME3(attrocious game), you can open your match to the public and kick them if they act idiotically.  Which is what I would rather do.  I don't care to boss people around.  I don't care what Warframe people bring.  I just don't want absolute A******s in my match.


Something is wrong when terrible, attrocious, applications do something better.


2)  Nightmare Modes not locked behind RNG?  Really?  OK, how do I select no shields + energy drain NM?  You don't.  You select a location that is currently hosting NM and you get the mode you get.  C'mon, I shouldn't have to say this.


3)  I don't see the need for keys at all.  It's just another obstacle to choice.  If you down grade the pain from hassle to nuisance you're just heading in the direction of "why bother with keys to begin with?"


4)  Normal?  Then I guess it's bad that you can just play Palus without having to work your way up from Terminus each and every time?  I don't know why you're talking about alert rewards.  I'm talking about access to higher level missions.  I shouldn't have to wait on the RNg to cough up a level 125 mission when I want a level 125 mission.  I shouldn't have to grind from level 70 to get to level 150.  I should be able to choose level 100, 125, 150, etc. as my starting point whenever I want because there is a huge difference between level 80 and level 120 unlike that between level 40 and level 80.


5)  Yes, crafting, market, etc.  Yes, mutagen masses, and the weeks where no fusions mods dropped, and 0.0000002% drop rates on barrels, helmets, seer, toilet paper, etc.


6)  I don't mind capture, rescue, etc. missions per see.  They're good for quick matches and I like quick matches.  The problem is that length of match is basically the only difference between them and defense, etc.  You do the same thing all the time.  Compare that to No Shields + Energy Drain Nightmare Mode.  Now, that is a difference.  Good luck running'n'gunning there.  And, that is the difference I am talking about:  Solo, PvP, No Shields + Energy Drain, Level 150 Missions, etc.


I don't want DE to get rid of the easy stuff, or the solar system map, or the "normal" stuff, or the low level stuff.  I want radical variety and I want to choose!  I want conditions, environments, modes, call them whatever you want, that impose a change of play style.  I don't want a reduction in play styles.  I want more of them, a massive amount more, and contexts to challenge and accommodate them.


7)  There is the problem right there, compromise.  Compromise is a FAIL.  That's why we have PvP and PvE and Nightmare modes, and ........  Because you can't please all of the people all of the time with one choice, not even half the people half of the time.  The problem is that these things are under developed and the choice mechanism is broken in Warframe.

Edited by jaywalker
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Update 10 has dethroned Update 8 in decisiveness due to the Stamina revamp's poor implementation,  A simple warning or heads up would have deflated the **** storm.


The much awaited Golem revamp being just another farm trap with a grind wall -not a bad grind wall- but the movement of Mutagen to just there well... yeah.



and then VoidGate happened, where datamining showed the Void drop tables were indeed poorly balanced-IE broken- despite reassurance that the drop numbers were just dilution issues and RNG was RNG and essentially the communities pent up frustrations went nuclear.

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The much awaited Golem revamp being just another farm trap with a grind wall -not a bad grind wall- but the movement of Mutagen to just there well... yeah.



Did they mention that they will move Mutagen back to regular levels?


If not, that's a bad sign.

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So Lord_zasca contacted me with some questions and rather than wall of texting it, I made a video response.

NOTE: Slightly PG-13 in language rating, so be aware.

EDIT: Imbedding seems to be jacked right now.

Direct link:

Remember, this is just my observations and responses to the given questions. Opinions are a personal thing.

My only advice is this...


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