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A Shot at Endgame Suggestions "Plagues of Yggdrasil" Raidjack Concept


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{ Warning }


   Another raid. If you dislike raid concepts then might wanna stop reading because mine get long. I dive into the stats, abilities, tilesets, and more for my concepts. As always these are not made for newer players or with solo play in mind. This is a co op game and this is what will be considered the hardest content in the game. This doesn't mean I don't care for solo players but this was a sacrifice I made to achieve the difficulty for this raid.
   "Plagues of Yggdrasil" features enemies with trillions of EHP. Remember you have 8 players at your disposal here and infested almost never use armor. The bosses of the raid need this much health to even stand a chance. The tridelon can be done multiple times in one night by a single player and those have 10M rounded EHP not counting the time it takes to remove shields. Make the most of the 8 frames you're given. That being siad these stats ARE NOT FINAL. I only make the stats the way they are to get a point across as they are probably way offbalanced and need to be tweaked to not be such a massive bullet sponge. However they will have far and away more health then your average boss as they're inspired by WoW raid bosses.
   By design "Plagues of Yggdrasil" is not short. However I've used a system suggested by someone *forgot who sorry* where missions are fragmented in such a way where players can cash in or risk it all and keep going for better rewards after each mission like how endless missions work. Players need to go deeper for juicy rewards and given that this is a high difficulty raid nobody should have a fear of players leaving early. The vast majority of parties will take place between friends in calls, clans working together, or recruited parties, so host migration and leaving unexpectedly should almost never be an issue.
   "Plagues of Yggdrasil"'s difficulty will focus on horde content, bosses, and puzzles bosses highlighting railjack and archwing gameplay. There will be aspects involving mechanical game play and beefy normal enemies but neither to the extent of the "Raid on Nightwatch" or "Revenge of the Sergeant". While you can expect horde clearing warframes to be seen, bosses still are a part of this so remember to pick wisely.
   I strive to make my raids unique from one another in regards to unique difficulty making a special experience for each raid. However be warned my difficulty is NOT meant to justify an easier normal raid. The base raid still challenges even the best, but if you really want to shoot for the stars, the added difficulty is meant to make if feel almost impossible. Optional Difficulty is not needed for the best rewards, but it will give you more of said best reward should you be skilled enough to complete it.
   Lastly, this raid will heavily, HEAVILY focus on community made concepts. I believe the community is an bottomless well of ideas drawing from everything imaginable for concepts and it still goes unappreciated. So for anyone who reads this, please support the initial creator of these concepts.



  "Plagues of Yggrasil" features dragon keys as it's optional difficulty. This doesn't mean they're required, but they give you more rewards if you complete the raid with the vaults opened. During the raid there will be a total of 4 Vaults similar to the Derelict Missions, each will require a different ANCIENT Dragon Key. Players are not capable of equiping all of the keys, nor would anyone want to given what they do. Being greedy may cause your entire team to have a chain reaction of chaos.
   While there are 4 doors, there will be a total of 8 keys, for 8 players. 4 new keys have been added and these ANCIENT versions are raid exclusive, and are designed to crush you as players should you not be prepared to take on the trial."Vault Runs", or the 8 key runs, will need extensive planning and experience or you will be doomed to fail. This should realisticly be the hardest thing in the game to complete and will satisfy that desire to complete something difficult.
   This difficulty is not needed for the best reward. They will increase the amount of rewards you can obtain from the raid, but they are not needed.


Ancient Decaying Dragon Key (50,000 credits // Orokin Derelict Assassinate Key //  100 Void Traces // 10 Control Modules // 1 Orokin Cipher)
Holder loses 90% Shields
Holder cannot recover shields themselves.
If Holder goes down all players have all armor removed for 30s.
Ancient Bleeding Dragon Key (50,000 credits // Orokin Derelict Assassinate Key // 100 Void Traces // 10 Control Modules // 1 Orokin Cipher)
Holder loses 90% health
Holder loses 2.5% Health per second. Bleeding key will kill
If Holder goes down all players lose 1 revive.
Ancient Hobbled Dragon Key (50,000 credits // Orokin Derelict Assassinate Key // 100 Void Traces // 10 Control Modules // 1 Orokin Cipher)
Holder loses 75% Speed
Holder loses all mobility only being able to walk or run.
If Holder goes down, all players are heavily slowed for 30s
Ancient Extinguished Dragon Key (50,000 credits // Orokin Derelict Assassinate Key // 100 Void Traces // 10 Control Modules // 1 Orokin Cipher)
Holder loses 75% Damage.
Holder cannot deal critical damage.
If Holder goes down all players cannot deal any damage for 30 seconds.
Ancient Apathy Dragon Key (50,000 credits // Orokin Derelict Assassinate Key // 100 Void Traces //  5 Neural Sensors // 1 Orokin Cipher)
Holder loses 90% Max Energy
Holder takes 400% longer to cast abilities.
If Holder goes down all abilities are removed and nullified for 30s.
Ancient Encumbered Dragon Key (50,000 credits // Orokin Derelict Assassinate Key // 100 Void Traces // 10 Control Modules // 1 Orokin Cipher)
Holder loses 50% modding space on all equipped items.
Holder cannot use gear and can't pick up any item from the floor.
If Holder goes down all players lose all ammunition and energy.
Ancient Deranged Dragon Key (50,000 credits // Orokin Derelict Assassinate Key // 100 Void Traces // 5 Neural Sensors // 1 Orokin Cipher)
Holder has 70% reduced accuracy
Holder cannot see their UI at all.
If Holder goes down, all players can be hit by friendly fire for 30s.
Ancient Empathizing Dragon Key (50,000 credits // Orokin Derelict Assassinate Key // 100 Void Traces // 5 Neural Sensors // 1 Orokin Cell)
Holder takes 20% of the damage their allies do anywhere on the map.
Holder loses energy equal to abilities cast whenever allies cast abilities.
If Holder goes down all players lose access to operators, their passives, and their companions for 30s, including all set mod benefits and arcanes.




{-{-{ Trial: Plagues of Yggdrasil }-}-}
(8 Person Railjack Squad)
*Inspired by StallorD's raid concept*



   Yggdrasil was once a beacon of hope. An Ancient Orokin Tower far beyond outer terminus and safe from the old war, housing life from before the orokin's tampering with the system. In case things were to go wrong, Yggdrasil could bring back life back to any planet and provide the original flora needed to jumpstart ecosystems. During the old war, the tower was forced into the Derelict, but recently it's removal was not noticed and it's return brought new terror to the system. This tower is famous among New Loka but due to their inability to locate such a place it was classified as myth.
   Nearing the end of the Great Plague, the infested were pushed back. Some infested spores escaped into space and came in contact with Yggdrasil forming small tumors. Over time it blossomed, and consumed all life in the tower tainting the last traces of natural life in the system. Yggdrasil Station became a "home base" to the infestation, growing potent breeds of horrific monstrosities over centuries of Isolation. Yggdrasil will very often speak to the warframe, not the tenno, during the raid.

   The blueprint for this raid can be purchased in the market for 1,000,000 Credits and requires a single R10 Intrinsic to access. Crafting should use Railjack Resources.

Mission 1 LvL 130 // (Earth) 0 Vaults


   The system is in chaos and the tenno must act to prevent the Spead of the infestation. Reports are coming from all factions and requesting help from any and all active tenno. Your group scrambled together and acts to save the system, preserving the balance.

   The Corpus, Grineer, and the syndicates are all working to contain the infested threat and the tenno must act. The squad is randomly split into two groups and each group must destroy hives across the system. A total of 3 Hives per planet and 3 planets per group. Hives are guarded by infested tendrils which go into a frenzy and spawn more frequently the more the hives are destroyed. Each Hive is protected by 1 Phorid Golem. Once the hives on one planet are destroyed players must move on. 
   To traverse planets, squads must use a network of void portals. To access said portals players must escort an NPC that spawns after all hives are destroyed. If the NPC dies before they can set up the device another NPC spawns. Once all the hives are dealt with Cephalon Cy recalls all the tenno into the Railjack for the next portion of the mission.


Phorid Golems Phorid Golems are the new boss version to Phorid using the cyst eximus concept shown in devstream 87. This general idea had lots of controversy but as a boss mechanic exclusive It could work. Depending on the faction being invaded by the infestation, it can either be a giant leaper, or a giant charger covered in cysts. For each player in the mission there will be 3 Phorid Pods in the boss room. This would make phorid's fight much more challenging without the need of a heavy boss rework.
   In normal missions they are not normal spawns so they won't be everywhere like our eximus varient idea. Rather they, like the juggernaught, is a rare spawn but maybe more common then the juggernaught like ever 5 waves or 5 minutes 1 spawns. 

   In the midst of the chaos, Vay Hek is determined to exterminate Iron Wake. The Steel Meridian are attempting to evacuate Iron Wake, but are under attack by Vay Hek's ships. Caught between the infested and Vay hek's forces the Steel Meridian's only option was to jump their capitol ship to Earth and escort the defectors out, but they need assistance. The Steel Meridian know how to stop the infestation but if they're wiped out then there can be no counter attack, protect them from Vay Hek and the Infested.

   Players must defend the Steel Meridian capital ship from Vay Hek's troops as he aims to destroy fleeing refugees and defectors. If it is destroyed the mission fails. Tenno must also divide and form an away team, sending them to the surface for a defection. They will deploy via archwing and fly down to earth, fighting grineer archwing and railjack enemies on the way.
   Occasionally in space, a transport carrying defector prisoners will appear and a minor pursuit mission will activate. You can ignore them but it progresses the mission faster if they are rescued. Players on the surface can activate archwing at any time and fly skyward to enter space combat, likewise they can fly back down to enter earth's defection. 

   The away team on earth will suffer armor degradation and if their armor % reaches 0 they lose control of their warframe. If you lose control, you must attack and defeat it with your operator or have it defeated by an ally. To avoid this Ordis has deployed a series of life support towers marked as A, B and C. Defectors will rally to the towers and heal, but they must be powered. Power Cells can only be obtained from manics, which attack VERY frequently. Powered towers will heal defectors that come close. Interacting with towers recovers armor. Towers that are powered emit a shield neutralizing infested spores similar to infested salvage vaporizers.
   Defectors reaching extraction fill a ship to be extracted. Some players must escort them back and ensure they aren't blasted out of flight while they make their way through space to the steel meridian capitol ship. If 3 ships are destroyed or 10 defectors are killed on the surface the mission fails. Once all defectors have been escorted to safety all players must exit the railjack and the ship will warp away as players make their way to earth. Players will force the portal open using a steel meridian Torsion Beam Device and protect themselves from the incoming onslaught of infested for 5 minutes. After this Mission 1 is complete.

   Players are given the choice to take the rewards and leave or continue, risking the rewards and going further for more. If players leave they may not start another raid that day.


1 Plague Vial Blueprint
100,000 Credits

Mission 2 LvL 140 // (Derelict) 0 Vaults



   The portal did not take you to the source, but it placed you nearby an infested tower. Ordis is in awe as he struggles to recall the tower's name, calling it Yggdrasil. Cressa Tol scoffs at the tower and wonders how the new loka would handle the legendary pure station being overtaken by infestation. Cephalon Cy warps the Railjack into the void by tracking the tenno signals and all players enter the railjack as the steel meridian set up. You will have to fight your way to Yggdrasil. The steel meridian have installed something on the railjack to prevent any further plague stars from launching.

   Players must fly the captain's Railjack to the tower. Defend it from enemy fire and avoid  Infested defenses
   "Hive Masses" will trap the railjack like a zeplin in a swirling damage over time field of infested spores. They must be entered like crewships, but you must destroy 3 tumors and scan the hive. The railjack must then dome charge the Hive mass causing it to blow up. 
   Infested Swarms will also attempt to jam and gum down systems such as guns, engines, reactors, shield arrays, etc etc by attaching themselves to the ship. Leave the railjack and exterior of the infestation. You must then hack a terminal in the engine room to restart the lost systems.
   Spore Masses will be floating around and are massive infested mines which deal crippling damage to the Railjack Hull causing multiple ruptures and sending the railjack reeling backwards.
   Space Wyrms are similar to Starcraft Nydus Worms and shoot out from asteroids and pierce the inside of the railjack continuesly vomiting infested into the railjack. Kill them before you suffocate in the railjack from spores. You can kill them by shooting them in archwing. Space Wyms will draw the railjack in like a fish on a hook.

   The Railjack needs 250 Flux Energy and it can deploy a massive Zeppelin Web capturing the entire station in a Zeppelin Web designed by the Steel Meridian. The tower's systems are weakening the web, so players must enter Yggdrasil from 3 separate orokin dry dock and disable the systems.
   Once players have entered the 3 docks, a defense begins. This defense is not completed by waves or time, but it's endless until the correct password has been put into 3 consoles. 1 Console will reside in each dock that must be defended. Players must search the orokin station for a 12 symbol cipher which must be put into all 3 terminals. Players must find these symbols by traversing the derelict tile set by using Esophages to access other parts of the tower. Around the tower are small, scannable, tablets which show a clue to the cipher.
   Careful, there are a variety of new infested blocking the way and you don't know what they're capable of.

  • Shamblers are walking grineer corpses being controlled by the infestation. These corpses still have guns and come with reduced armor from base lancers. Shamblers also will attempt to take cover if possible. When they die, they release a horrifying groan and with a bone shattering crack the corpse splits creating a grineer crawler. Grineer crawlers will latch onto tenno dealing damage over time and slowing them.
  • Sluaghs are similar to Shamblers in appearance but have more in common with leapers hanging on walls and vomit infested bile from above leaving pools of virulent acid applying corrosive damage. Sluaghs have slightly more armor then lancers but less than troopers. If players tread too close they're grabbed and tossed across the room.
  • Hive Eyes are rare infested rollers leaving trails of tar along the ground. Infested will run faster along the tar. While a Hive Eye is within 35m of your frame operator mode in inoperable. Hive Eyes have a much higher chance at spawning as eximus.
    • Hive Eyes are the infested version of Crows for Odin.
  • Horrids are infested bombards which use the Torid and come in 3 variations.
    • Horrid Launchers which shoots seeking toxic missiles.
    • Horrid Morters release flaming tar from their backs like morters
    • Horrid Sparks launch missiles that create a corrosive cloud on impact.
  • Insetik Queens are ancient infested biologists at Yggdrasil before it was infested. Queens emanate an aura which degrades armor at the top right of the screen. Queens also release swarms of flies clouding enemy vision and protecting allies. Queens are very heavily armored and move quickly. When low they can burrow away to regenerate. Killing a queen releases a horrific shriek killing all her minions. Insetik Queens must be killed via parazon, going down like thralls.
    • Corpse Maggots erupt from corpses nearby the Insetik Queen
    • Idea comes from a combination of SC Queens, MrPigman's Insetik Warframe Concept
  • Revenants are Infested Manics that quickly crawl along the walls. They can turn completly invisible and initiate quick time events where players can force the revent off by spamming X. When in the quick time event they have pained coughing laughter. Revenants can teleport to surprise attack players and shoot webs that slow players. When near death they glow a bright red and attempt to suicide bomb players.
  • Aesir Ancients are evolved and larger ancients with more abilities. All of them are armored, spit serrated spikes, and have more HP.
    • Aesir Etir, Provides complete toxic immunity for all allies in range and they toss infested bombs. On death they birth new infested.
    • Aesir Healer, Provides regeneration and healing to all allies in range, they take damage in their allies place. On death they birth new infested.
    • Aesir Disruptor, Provides 90% ability damage resistance and 300% health as Bioshielding to all allies in range. On death they birth new infested.
    • The Aesir were the gods of Norse mythos, or in our case the ancients.
  • Nephilim Chargers are large ancient chargers using ,formerly, perfect grineer bodies found in Yggdrasil. They are heavily armored and use infested sinew. Killing one releases corrosive clouds.
    • Nephilim are the sons of god, or in our case the children of false gods, the orokin.
  • Ash Behemoth- Ash Behemoths are large, speedy mobile versions of the juggernaut grown from Corrupted Moa but are overall more fragile. They have huge chunks of bioshield and innate 75% Damage resistance everywhere except their mouth. Ash Behemoths charge players similar to juggernauts. Ash Behemoths summon Horrids, Slaughs, and Shamblers to their aid. When killed, their head detaches from it's body and attacks.

    Once the 3 ciphers are complete, the zeppelin bubble completely locks in all infested. All tenno will gather at the center of the station and take an elevator down to deal with what Cy thinks is a massive infested. Killing it will secure this floor, allowing it to be used as a starting point for the steel meridian to advance from and assault the infestation. Once down, you discover that it's a massive Hemocyte Cy has designated as the Plague Hemocyte. Destroy it.


Plague Hemocyte has 750,000,000 Health in Phase 1 // 250,000,000 health for each head.
-Heads will regenerate in 5 minutes, but will have 1/2 health, then 1/4 health, etc etc.
-While fighting Plague Hemocyte, Yggdrasil Tendrils appear to kill players and must constantly be dealt with.

   -Spits out toxic bombs afflicting enemies with viral and toxin damage.
   -Can scream to create massive energy waves similar to scrambas and combo which nullify abilities.
   -Spits out spawning pods creating ancient enemies.
      -Pods will drop ammunition

   -Can swing it's scythe around which will instantly kill players if hit. Avoid at all costs.
   -Can release a barrage of missiles to carpet bomb specific areas in heavy toxin damage.
      -Targeted areas will glow red in advance to warn players if the area is going to be bombed.
      -Targeted area will be affected by napalm after the bombing for 10s
   -Capable of releasing a series of grappling hooks from it's mouth and drags players in for a kill

   -Grants Disruption and Healer buff to all allied infested nearby.
   -Spits an arc of sticky bombs at enemies in range.
   -While INFESTED is alive Plague Hemocyte will release infested pods when damaged.

Plague Hemocyte has 1,500,000,000 Health in Phase 2 // 500,000,000 Health for each head.
-The lower one head is compared to the others the more damage resistance that head will gain. Switch heads constantly to deal the most damage.
-Heads will regenerate in 5 minutes, but will have 1/2 health, then 1/4 health, etc etc
-While fighting Plague Hemocyte, Yggdrasil Tendrils appear to kill players and must constantly be dealt with.
-Plague Hemocyte boss arena has 4 unkillable giant tendrils which grab players and crush them to death. If a play is grabbed, you must shoot the tendril.
   -Grabbed players will have a marker on them.

   -Spits out toxic bombs afflicting enemies with viral and toxin damage.
   -Shoots out electrical orbs that seek players out like jordas. Shoot with amps to destroy.
   -While CORPUS is alive each step creates massive fusion waves knocking players over.
   -While CORPUS is alive ground pound attacks emit massive fusion waves knocking players over.
   -Spits out spawning pods creating ancient enemies.
      -Pods will drop ammunition

   -Can swing it's scythe around which will instantly kill players if hit. Avoid at all costs.
   -Can release a barrage of missiles to carpet bomb specific areas in heavy toxin damage.
      -Targeted areas will glow red in advance to warn players if the area is going to be bombed.
      -Targeted area will be affected by napalm after the bombing for 10s
   -Capable of releasing a series of grappling hooks from it's mouth and drags players in for a kill
   -While GRINEER is alive ground pound attacks affect all enemies nearby with electrical damage like power fists

   -Grants Disruption and Healer buff to all allied infested nearby.
   -Spits an arc of sticky bombs at enemies in range.
   -While INFESTED is alive Plague Hemocyte will release infested pods when damaged.
   -While INFESTED is alive Plague Hemocyte releases toxic gas trails when moving like jordas.
   -While INFESTED is alive all heads will slowly regenerate.

Plague Hemocyte has a 5% Chance to drop a Lost Arts mod.

   Once the Plague Hemocyte is defeated, this part of the raid is over and players will be given the opportunity to claim their current rewards and leave, or continue and risk the rewards to go further. If players leave they may not start another raid that day.


1 Random Corrupted Mod
15 Hemocyte Cystolith
(10% Hemocyte Articula)
100,000 Credits

Mission 3 LvL 150 // (Derelict) 0 Vaults



   The Steel Meridian have noticed a massive infested worm emerged from the bottom of the tower and coiled around, consuming the infested biomass. The frightening thing is, it was spotted regurgitating infested flyers. It also created a special type of spore that is weakening the zeppelin web, if left unchecked it could melt the entire web and the system will be put at risk yet again. Codename Nidhogg, the worm is a threat to the mission and must be dealt with before proceeding up the tower.

   This part of the raid is a giant open area of ground movement and archwing transition points and parkour areas using target panels to navigate the area. The Nidhogg is a giant worm and will swim through the tiles and attacks unsuspecting tenno from all angles. The arena has 6 power stations fueled by a TENNO's void energy. Power the stations to activate purification devices within the tower, reducing the nidhogg's damage resistance the more the generator is powered. Power degrades over time and must be maintained.


Nidhogg has 2,500,000,000 Health and 250,000 Shields
-Shields must be destroyed by operator amps before health can be damaged. These can be damaged even if it's not vulnerable.
-After 500,000,000 health Nidhogg becomes invulnerable and a player must leap inside of it's mouth similar to riding the ropololyst and scan 1 of 5 hearts. Players in the Railjack must shoot a dome charge at the scanned heart to destroy it allowing it to be damaged further. This must be repeated until all 5 hearts are gone and the nidhogg is destroyed.
-Nidhogg will eat sap to rapidly recover health and Shields
   -Cy will alert you to nearby sap and mark it.
   -Destroy sap with operator amps or dome charges.
-Nidhogg has 100% damage resistance unless stations are powered.
   -Eyes along the body always have 25% less damage resistance than the body.
-Nidhogg is immune to any and all forms of CC as it is a giant GIANT creature.
-Nidhogg's is supported by a variety of infested enemies.
   -Players will constantly be harassed by Revenants on the ground level and they catch players in webs.
   -Nidhogg is aided by burrowed enemies and regurgitates archwing enemies to attack the railjack..
   -Nidhogg's battle area is supported by Yggdrasil's tendrils which attack the tenno.

-Nidhogg has the ability to spit out dozens of spikes similar to phorid, seeking out players and dealing heavy damage.
-Nidhogg's spores will constantly degrade armor, Ordis frequently deploys life support towers which will lower spore saturation, increasing armor.
   -If spores are above 70% all players will permanently be affected with swarm particle effect until it is lowered.
   -If spores at 100% players begin to rapidly suffer heavy toxin damage.
   -Support towers generate Dome Charges for the ship.
-Nidhogg occasionally emits a screech shutting down ALL railjacks systems requiring a hacking restart at lower engineering.
   -All systems include regeneration, foundry, turrets, flight, lights, and more.
-Once the Nidhogg reaches 35% Health, Yggdrasil will grow 3 hives containing 18 tumors which must be destroyed, 6 for each hive. After this Nidhgg can continue to be damaged.

Nidhogg has a 7.5% Chance to drop a Lost Art

   Once the Nidhogg is destroyed, this part of the raid is over and players will be given the opportunity to claim their current rewards and leave, or continue and risk the rewards to go further. If players leave they may not start another raid that day.


1 Random Corrupted Mod
1000 Pustrels
(10% Nidhogg Articula)
50,000 Credits

Mission 4 LvL 160 // (Derelict) 0 Vaults



   The entire lower base level of Yggdrasil Station is secure and locked down. Cy suggests activating or destroying the station's Neural Sentry as all towers are created with a safety precaution. If the infested manage to assimilate the sentry with a mutalist strain like with jordas, the tower can warp away and the mission could be a complete failure. Access the higher levels and seek out the sentry. Find the grand elevator and climb. This elevator tile is BIG.

   This phase requires players to work between Archwing and Elevator Gameplay. At the start of the mission all players are in archwing and must split into two groups. Group 1 must land and escort a steel meridian operative through the infestation to a massive elevator. Once they reach the elevator the operative deploys several vaporizers which must be activated causing armor to begin degrading, but the vaporizer can recover it. Power the vaporizer with Anti Serum you've crafted in your gear wheel. Once the Vaporizers are active the Elevator tema is attacked by hordes of infested, both archwing and normal which try to destroy the vaporizers. Pods will also fall from above, which can be shot to reduce pressure. The longer the elevator is active the higher in level the infested will become. You must ensure the vaporizers are always fully powered to protect the 3 terminals. If 2 are destroyed, you cannot rotate open and closed doors for your other group and you'll be forced to quit.
   On the archwing side, players must enter a maze of narrow pipes without a minimap. These pipes have 2 challenges. Similar to the underwater Uranus Spy Vault, these pipes have electrical currents which will zap you to death if your timing is off. The tunnel also has "friendship doors" without panels. The elevator squad must activate 2 of the 3 panels simultaneously on the elevator to rotate which doors are open and which are closed. There are also stationary respawnable infested turrets similar to Railjack Cannon Batteries but infested.

   The objective for this mission is to solve a puzzle in the pipes to fully activate the elevator. In the pipes there are 7 orokin ciphers using 3 symbols each labeled Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, and Golf. The ciphers must be activated in the proper sequence in order for the elevator to reach the topmost floor of Yggdrasil. If the sequence is incorrect, then the sequence for the remaining ciphers is re-randomized to a different password. Communication between the elevator team and the archwing team is required because you must rotate which doors are open and which are not.
   Every time an Insetik Queen is mercy killed, players are murmur'ed hints to the order of the ciphers. However the symbols themselves are written all around the pipe system and must be found. Players on both ends must work together to discover the correct cipher order/sequence and cipher combination.
   Once the correct sequence of ciphers is activated, the elevator finally activates and goes upwards. Players in the pipes must fly through a portal to regroup with their friends in the elevator.

   Once the top of the station has been reached the vaporizers eject 3 data mass units. Players must search for the hidden Neural Sentry. Once discovered players must place all of the charged data mass on the door, which is blocked by infested mass, and wait for the vaporizer to burn through the dense infestation. This will continue for 15 minutes as hordes lead by dozens of juggernauts lay siege to the door. The timer can be sped up by pouring energy into the data mass.
   Once the door has been melted away players will enter the room and find a unique juggernaut called Ratatoskr. This creature is far bigger then the Juggernaut behemoth and looks much closer in appearance to the original juggernaut concept art if possible. This battle area has 4 pillars with rotating lasers and vents which emit lethal toxic procs. Infested pods will also constantly be falling from the ceiling. There are also 4 Ash Behemoths which will aid Ratatoskr.


Ratatoskr has 8,000,000 Health and 6,500 Armor
-Ratatoskr is immune to all damage unless hit on weak spots.
    -Weak Spots means areas which can be damaged, these areas cannot take critical damage.

-Ratatoskr can release 3 types of roars which will be announced by Cephalon Ordis.
   -Crippling Roar disables all active warframe powers and causes a massive loss of energy over 15s.

   -Inspiring Roar oar causes all enemies to be healed and given a disruption shield for 15s.
   -Numbing Roar roar stuns all warframes briefly and causes increases reload time by 300% for 15s.

-Ratatoskr can slam down on the ground creating a wave of infested slime, slowing tenno hit and tenno who walk over it.
-Ratatoskr can grab and crush players, downing them instantly.
   -Grab has a 2.5 second broadcast, so it's easy to avoid.
-Ratatoskr leaves a trail of acidic blood in it's wake when below 70% Health.
-Ratatoskr will charge his enemies constantly creating a massive fusion blast knocking down all nearby players.
   -If players hop onto him like the ropololyst, they can angle his charge to a pillar exposing a weak spot.

Each Behemoth has 1,500,000,000 Bioshield, 50,000,000 Health, and 1,000 Armor.
-Each Ash Behemoth is a different Eximus Type.

Ratatoskr has a 10% Chance to drop a Lost Art

   After Ratatoskr has been defeated players may access the Neural Sentry. To access it players must kneel on special pads. The Neural Sentry is now active and this part of the raid is over. Players will be given the opportunity to claim their current rewards and leave, or continue and risk the rewards to go further. If players leave they may not start another raid that day.


1 Behemoth Gauntlet Part
3 Random Pherliac Pod Parts
50,000 Credits

Mission 5 LvL 180 // (Derelict Vault) 4 Vaults



   With the Neural Sentry reactivated, The Steel Meridian fled leaving the sentry to exterminate the infestation. However the infestation already ran too deep. Long before, the Neural Sentry sealed the infestation away to prevent it from taking over the systems, and locked the infestation within the tower's sentries "vessel" called a Valkyrie. The Valkyrie had became the queen and prison of the infested in Yggdrasil, Isolating the infestation. Neither the neural sentry nor the hive mind could have full control over the tower, vying for control within the Valkyrie. The hive's vessel must be destroyed to crush the infestation, destroying the Neural Sentry in the process.
   Cy has designated the target vessel as code name Eir, based off the Neural Sentry designed for Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil's Neural Sentry was specially designed after Eir, an elite dax who was part of the Valkyrie Squadron who were deployed alongside railjack crews. Eir was closely in tune with nature, and to honor this dax Yggdrasil's Neural Sentry was made with her ideals in mind. Neural Sentry Eir was coded for the cultivation and preservation of the origin systems natural flora in case a mass extinction event. The tower was also an archive on ancient sicknesses and cures.
   If detected, the infestation would've been dealt with immediately. but the technocyte was intelligent, and evaded detection, slowly gaining a foothold in the tower until it was too late. Eir refused to teleport into the void or activate cascade bombs, as it would destroy the flora. The sentry preserved data and plants within the vaults, then lured the hive mind into a possible vessel, the Valkyrie. With the Infested's primary consciousness locked inside Yggdrasil, the infested became aimless and slowly left terminus, until rediscovered by Dr. Tengus. Slowly, the sentry was beginning to lose itself, and began sending plague stars across the system as a twisted cry for help.
   There are 4 vaults located near the top of the tree. Each vault is covered by ancient technology and only certain keys can be used. When opened you will find an artifact, and Ordis will talk about how this is an archive, and a safehouse, for flora keeping the infestation from absorbing the natural 

   Find and Destroy the Infested Valkyrie. At the top of the tree is a maze of past and present infested versions of Yggdrasil's halls which will be the main focus of this battle. Hidden in the halls are the 4 Vaults. Find and claim them at your own risk because they will affect you for the entire boss fight.
   The Neural Sentry Eir has been consumed by the infestation. Players will have to find and fight her in a maze of halls filled with orokin traps, infested enemies, and tears in void time letting players travel forwards and backwards in time. There are 8 Boss areas where Eir can be found in when she retreats to, 4 in the past and 4 in the future. Lanterns are also carried by Insetik Queens hiding in the halls 3 in the past and 3 in the future. Eir and enemies can only be damaged if she is within a lantern's radius which can be sustained with a players energy.


Eir has 2,000,000,000 Robotic Health and 50,000 Bioshield.
-Eir's shields must be broken by operators before she is vulnerable to damage.
-Eir suffers .25X more damage per status effect applied.
-Eir is immune to critical damage.

-Every 20% health suffered she will tear open a void rift and slip into a different time to recover health while out of combat.
-Eir will occasionally howl causing all warframes to rebel against the tenno's control. Subdue and re-transference to regain control.
-Players too close to Eir will be grabbed and infested. Subdue and re-transference to regain control.

After Eir has been "killed" she loses control and the infestation takes over. She will twist into an Infested Valkyrie with wings before teleporting all players back in time to the Nidhogg area. You must defeat her and the nidhogg at the same time. Players must also defeat her in less time then they defeated the Nidhogg if they want to return to their time,  if not they fail the mission. Only she needs to be defeated, you can ignore the nidhogg.

Eir now has 4,000,000,000 Robotic Health and 100,000 Bioshield.
-Eir is Invincible unless her shields are broken by operators
-Eir suffers .25X more damage per status effect applied.
-Dome Charges stun her for 30 seconds.

-Eir can create large clouds of spores disabling archwings and railjack systems if passed through.
-Players too close to Eir will be grabbed and infested. Subdue and re-transference to regain control.
-Eir creates a massive void storm. All players are permenantly affected by radiation unless within vaporizers.
-Eir will sometimes fly to a vaporizer and attempt to destroy it with a charge time. Stun her with a dome charge to prevent it.
-Eir will occasionally howl causing all warframes to rebel against the tenno's control. Subdue and re-transference to regain control.
-Eir will capture downed players and resurrect them as a zombie preventing revival until killed.
   -Killing the zombie allows the player to revive their warframe.
   -If all players are infested the mission will fail.
-Eir's presence on the battlefield will cause all infested rapidly regenerate and take 25% less damage.

Eir Has a 25% Chance to drop a Lost Art

   Eir howls in pain and the void energy created from Eir collapses in on the tower transporting all players to the very top of Yggdrasil. Mercy kill her and the mission completes. You instead decide to take on the infestation into your warframe, which may have side effects, but restores the Neural Sentry to it's former self. The raid is complete and you cannot run another until the next day.


Gain 1 Lost Memory for the warframe used in the raid (33.33% chance for +1 random Lost Memory for every vault unlocked)
(+1 Random Corrupted Mod for every vault discovered)

(10% Valkyrie Articula)
50,000 Credits



{-{-{-{ RAID REWARDS }-}-}-}
These rewards are all completely made up and are fun to come up with, which is why I present multiple options. As shown above, there are many rewards in this raid, but this portion will focus on mods, weapons, and the Plague Vials. None of these will be what you actually play for, that's the forgotten memories. But these can be sold for platinum and can be played over and over for. The part I most enjoyed was the Lost Arts, as they are essentially parazon augments. If anyone has suggestions or criticism, feel free to share, even if it means tearing down the rewards.





Behemoth Gauntlets (Fist)
Behemoth Gauntlets augment their wearer with enhanced strength to rip their opponents to shreds with raw, vile power.
(Heavy Attacks send the claws into a frenzy causing them to grow and enhance critical damage by 1 critical tier causing normal damage to crit, yellows to orange, etc etc, for 10s.)

24H Behemoth Gauntlets // Furax Wraith // 6 Mutagen Mass // 10 Infected Palpators // 10 Chitinous Husk // 100,000 Credits

Attack Speed 0.95 // Attack Range 1.35 // Attack Damage 176
Blocking Angle 85o // Combo Duration 8s // Follow Through 110%
Critical Chance 12% // Crit Multiplier 2.25X // Status Chance 26%
53 Impact // 53 Slash // 70 Corrosive Damage

Slam Impact Damage 528 // Slam Attack Radial Damage 176 // Slam Radius 8.0
Slide Attack Damage 528

HEAVY Impact Damage: 880 // Heavy Wind Up 0.8s
HEAVY Slam Attack Damage 880 // HEAVY Slam Radial Damage 704 // HEAVY Slam Radius 9.0m

Ok so this weapon was developed with the intent of it being a super unique weapon based around heavy attacks along with various other features separating it from other fist weapons. One being it's the only status fist weapon, it's the only fist weapon that leaves out a physical damage type, it's the only weapon with a unique follow through, and it's got a longer combo duration by default. This alone should provide players ampule fun with the weapon taking a big spin on traditional melee mechanics fist players are used to. This weapon is meant to be a rival the the tekko prime and the ankyros prime.
The idea is also based off this picture developed by Tenedrenox under the name "Beheth and Lephas". It's somewhat different as theres no sword and it's a fist weapon, but the general concept spawned from it.

Corrupted Mods
I am only writing down new corrupted mods. These are suggestions and can be kept exclusive to the raid or not. The vaults are simply a stage for difficulty to obtain greater rewards, and corrupted mods are just something that comes with the vaults naturally. There are better rewards but here are some I think would be interesting to add, especially with the new focus on railjack and archwing.


8✰ Fighting Flight (Warframe) <14 Zenurik>
On Heavy attack hit gain 10% > 20% > 30% > 40% > 50% > 60% > 70% > 80% > 90% movement speed for 6s > 8s > 10s > 12s > 14s > 16s > 18s > 20s > 22s
-4% > -8% > 12% > 16% > 20% > 24% > 28% > 32% > 36% Sprint Speed

10✰ Bleeding Armor (Warframe) <12 Madurai>
Transform 4% > 8% > 12% > 16% > 20% > 24% > 28% > 32% > 36% > 40% > 44% Health into Armor.

10✰ Suffering Guard (Warframe) <15 Madurai>
-10% > 16.5% > 23% > 29.5% > 36% > 42.5% > 49% > 55.5% > 62% > 68.5% > 75% Damage taken to shields.
-10% > 16.5% > 23% > 29.5% > 36% > 42.5% > 49% > 55.5% > 62% > 68.5% > 75% Damage taken to health.

10✰ Decaying Diffusion (Warframe) <16 Vazarin>
+4% > 8% > 12% > 16% > 20% > 24% > 28% > 32% > 36% Ability Range
-6% > 12% > 18% > 24% > 30% > 36% > 42% > 48% > 54% Ability Efficiency

10✰ Traumatic Impact (Melee) <12 Naramon>
+40% > 60% > 80% > 100% > 120% > 140% > 160% > 180% > 200% > 220% > 240% Impact Damage
-20% > 30% > 40% > 50% > 60% > 70% > 80% > 90% > 100% > 110% > 120% Puncture Damage

10✰ Abrasive Collision (Melee) <12 Naramon>
+40% > 60% > 80% > 100% > 120% > 140% > 160% > 180% > 200% > 220% > 240% Impact Damage
-20% > 30% > 40% > 50% > 60% > 70% > 80% > 90% > 100% > 110% > 120% Slash Damage

10✰ Grueling Wounds (Melee) <12 Naramon>
+40% > 60% > 80% > 100% > 120% > 140% > 160% > 180% > 200% > 220% > 240% Slash Damage
-20% > 30% > 40% > 50% > 60% > 70% > 80% > 90% > 100% > 110% > 120% Impact Damage

10✰ Empty Auger (Melee) <12 Naramon>
+40% > 60% > 80% > 100% > 120% > 140% > 160% > 180% > 200% > 220% > 240% Puncture Damage
-20% > 30% > 40% > 50% > 60% > 70% > 80% > 90% > 100% > 110% > 120% Slash Damage

10✰ Possessed Strikes (Melee) <12 Naramon>
+40% > 60% > 80% > 100% > 120% > 140% > 160% > 180% > 200% > 220% > 240% Puncture Damage
-20% > 30% > 40% > 50% > 60% > 70% > 80% > 90% > 100% > 110% > 120% Slash Damage

9✰ Recessive Strike (Melee) <14 Madurai>
+8% > 16% > 24% > 32% > 40% > 48% > 56% > 64% > 72% > 80%  Heavy Attack Wind Up Speed
-10% > 20% > 30% > 40% > 50% > 60% > 70% > 80% > 90% > 100%  Heavy Attack Damage

10✰ Distended Style (Melee) <16 Madurai>
+0.15 > 0.20 > 0.25 > 0.30 > 0.35 > 0.40 > 0.45 > 0.50 > 0.55 > 0.60 > 0.65 Range per stance combo stage
-2% > 4% > 6% > 8% > 12% > 14% > 16% > 18% > 20% > 22% > 24% Attack Speed per stance combo stage

9✰ Weighted Bullets (Rifle) <18 Madurai>
+ 0.3 > 0.6 > 1.2 > 1.5 > 1.8 > 2.1 > 2.4 > 2.7 > 3.0 > 3.3m Punch Through
-5% > 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% > 45% > 50% Fire Rate

6✰ Overclocked Turbine (Archwing) <16 Madurai>
+5% > 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% Archwing Speed
+0.3s > 0.6s > 0.9s > 1.2s > 1.5s > 1.8s > 2.1s longer blink cooldown.

9✰ Defenseless Reflection (Archwing) <14 Vazarin>
+6% > 12% > 18% > 24% > 30% > 36% > 42% > 48% > 54% > 60% Shield Damage Resistance
-8% > 16% > 24% > 32% > 40% > 48% > 56% > 64% > 72% > 80% Armor

10✰ Maddening Efficacy (Archwing) <16 Madurai>
+9% > 18% > 27% > 36% > 45% > 54% > 64% > 72% > 81% > 90% > 99% Ability Strength
-6% > 12% > 18% > 24% > 30% > 36% > 42% > 48% > 54% > 60% > 66% Ability Efficiency

10✰ Intolerance (Archwing) <16 Vazarin>
+9% > 18% > 27% > 36% > 45% > 54% > 64% > 72% > 81% > 90% > 99% Ability Duration
-6% > 12% > 18% > 24% > 30% > 36% > 42% > 48% > 54% > 60% > 66% Ability Range

5✰ Secondhand Skill (Archwing) <11 Naramon>
+10% > 20% > 30% > 40% > 50% > 60% Ability Efficiency
-10% > 20% > 30% > 40% > 50% > 60% Ability Duration

5✰ Outreaching Wings (Archwing) <11 Vazarin>
+10% > 20% > 30% > 40% > 50% > 60% Power Range
-15% > 30% 45% . 60% > 75% > 90% Power Strength

5✰ Sickening Recharge (Arch Gun) <9 Naramon>
+20% > 40% > 60% > 80% > 100% > 120% Charge Rate
-10% > 20% > 30% > 40% > 50% > 60% Magazine Capacity

10✰ Abhorrent Shot (Arch Gun) <15 Madurai>
+15% > 30% > 45% > 60% > 75% > 90% > 105% > 120% > 135% > 150% > 165% Damage
-5% > 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% > 45% > 50% > 55% Accuracy

7✰ Vain Aim (Arch Gun) <13 Madurai>
-10% > 20% > 30% > 40% > 50% > 60% > 70% > 80% Recoil
-9% > 18% > 27% > 36% > 45% > 54% > 63% > 72% Damage

5✰ Frenzied Fighter (Arch Melee) <11 Madurai>
On Critical Hit gain 15% > 30% > 45% > 60% > 75% > 90% Attack Speed for 12s
On Critical Hit lose 10% > 20% > 30% > 40% > 50% > 60% Status Chance

7✰ Grim Armament (Arch Melee) <12 Madurai>
+10% > 20% > 30% > 40% > 50% > 60% > 70% > 80% Critical Damage
-3% > 6% > 9% > 12% > 15% > 18% > 21% > 24% Damage

Lost Arts
Lost Arts are mods designed for the parazon. I decided to give them a name because just mods seem weird as the mods for the parazon lack a polarity/school to follow. Most of these "Lost Arts" are based in some form or another on ninjutsu and ninja tactics such as sabotage, infiltration, surviving, mobility, etc etc. I did notice that the parazon, while may people compare it toa ssassins creed, is very similar to an essential tool all ninja carry. So I wanted to make the Parazon an omni tool with these "Lost Arts"


0✰ Lost Hook (Parazon)
Double tapping the roll button shoots Parazon up to 35m dragging tenno to location like a ripline.

0✰ Neural Wash (Parazon)
Mercy Kills brainwash enemies and make them fight for you. 5 enemies maximum. Extra enemies die.

0✰ Spectral Spike (Parazon)
Upon reviving an ally, they are mercy killed creating a specter of them for 1 minute. Only one specter can be active at a time.

0✰ Warp Blade (Parazon)
Teleport to enemies open to mercy kills with X.

0✰ Swift Assassin (Parazon)
Increase Finisher Speed by 350%.

0✰ Battle Born (Parazon)
Mercy Kills raise melee combo by 35

0✰ Weak Link (Parazon)
Enemies below 18% Health can be mercy killed.

0✰ Guard Breaker (Parazon)
Impact procs have a 18% chance to open enemies to Mercy Kills.

0✰ Disarming Kill (Parazon)
Mercy Kills break enemy weaponry within 16m

0✰ Master Assassin (Parazon)
Mercy Kills open all enemies 8m from the Mercy to normal finishers.

0✰ Holographic Trickery (Parazon)
Mercy is performed by a holographic copy instead of the warframe.

0✰ Fox Fire (Parazon)
All enemies within 16m of the target are ignited for 5% of enemies Max HP

0✰ Blood Lust (Parazon)
Mercy Killing an enemy increases attack sped by 35% for 15s

0✰ Blood Bath (Parazon)
Mercy kill regenerates 5 health per second for 12 seconds.

0✰ Adrenal Overload (Parazon)
Mercy kill grant 75 extra energy which decays over the course of 12 seconds.

0✰ Lock Pick (Parazon)
65% chance that locked lockers can be hacked to be unlocked.

0✰ Ciphered Circuitry (Parazon)
80% chance ciphers are not consumed on use.

0✰ Essence Siphon (Parazon)
Drain enemies of life creating 50 endo from Mercy Kills.

0✰ Synthesis Sweep (Parazon)
Enemies are fully scanned on mercy kill and grant 10X simaris standing.

Plague Vial
The Plague Vial is an item similar to Forma and can be installed with the Actions option. Plague Vials can only be injected into infested melee weapons once. This allows the infested melee weapon to use exodia arcanes. This will allow normal infested weapons to compare to plague zaws and hopefully increase weapon variety. This obviously will need some balancing but I believe this would greatly help in getting some forgotten weapons out there.
The Plague Vials can also be used in dojo decorations like trophies, and it can also be used for craftable items later on. If this resource is used it not only puts more value into invasions, but railjack.


Caustacyst / Cerata / Dual Ichor / Hirudo / Lesion / Mios / Mire / Pathocyst / Pupacyst / Scoliac can be injected to carry Exodia Arcanes with the Plague Vials.

24H Plague Vial // 4 Infested Catalyst // 2 Mutagen Mass // 4 Bracoids // 5 Synthula // 100,000 Credits




{-{-{-{-{ LOST MEMORIES V2 }-}-}-}-}

   Lost Memories are an old concept I used for the "Revenge of the Sergeant raid, but I believe I've improved on them since. Many are still the same but some were altered, cut down, nerfed, or changed to be more fitting. These were inspired by the Echos of Umbra item, but refined to be better. This not only allows sentience, but acts as an upgrade a way to provide lore on your favorite frames.
   For those who don't know what they are, Forgotten Memories will be an item which can be installed in your warframe to activate 1 of 3 special attributes tied to that specific warframe. In a sense, they are augments without the need of a slot, but still different. The goal is not to buff or nerf, but twist, enhance, or create playstyles in different directions. These will also allow your frame to become sentient, similar to umbra, and move without your operator.
   Now I say specific warframe because players can only have 1 attribute per frame crafted. If you different abilities you must create another warframe. This is essentially like creating another character for different powers becuase you build them differently. This will cost more time, forma, catalysts, slots, and reactors, throwing people back into the warframe loop. To be detailed, this would benefit people who trade, it would place more value into prime parts and relics, it would be a resource sink, and it benefits DE because the paying players will spend more money. All at the same time, this system isn't P2W because you MUST play the raid to obtain this power. You must be good enough to have it.


   Players must collect 5 of a specific warframe's forgotten memories from this raid. Once this is done, you can install 5 of X warframe's memories with the actions option which begins the "recovery" process. "Recovery" causes the frame to go berserk. Chase it like you did with umbra during the sacrifice, subdue it, and transference into it. From here you can access 3 options to take your warframe's pain away. Wrath, Acceptance, or Emptiness. Each option correlates to a different power so pick wisely.
   After the mission is completed the warframe is returned to you as "recovered" and you get a glowing effect around your mastery symbol in your energy color when using a "recovered" warframe. Recovery will also add 50 Mastery points to your profile for each unique recovery completed for a total of 150 mastery among the three choices. Only your first choice for the frame will be added to the moral compass.
   In the codex, recovering a warframe will let you view your "recovered" warframe's memories, of before they became a warframe. This is more for personal investment into the warframes and would allow lore communities to thrive. Each codex should involve something related to their abilities and their memories like their last thought or something important to them. Here is an example, just so you can get the general idea. Preferably it would be longer but even something this size would be appreciated. 



   "Subject" was a high ranked and well respected orokin scientist who worked alongside archimedean Silvana. She was notified that her daughter was to be used as the base for the newest warframe, Saryn. "Subject" knew what the trial would do and pleaded to take her daughter's place, to spare her. "Subject" was taken to an isolated cell and injected with the most terrible virus ever born of the golden empire. Her cell flooded with contagions beyond imagination. Through the cycles, "Subject" drank noxious acids and viral fluids, throwing them up and always slipping in and out of deadly slumber within the venomous miasma. The terrible sickness within refused to allow "Subject" a peaceful end, breaking and consuming her in a maddening pain to keep itself alive. Soon the cell became the most poisonous place in the system. Yet life blossomed within the tomb, a grove of beautifully malignant flora so polluted with toxins it was fatal to the touch. With breath and blood like acid, Saryn was born. Her last lingering thought was of her daughter, dressed in a purple and blue dress.
   After Saryn's creation, she was sent to earth under an experienced dax commander to cull the infested swarms. Poison to fight poison, Saryn's affliction was the corrosive bladed bane to the infested.

   Here's a list of the attributes gained by the Forgotten Memories.


A roided Medusa on #63

1. Petrify now freezes creating ice instead of rocks, enemies are slowed if shooting at Atlas with ice rubble.
2. Rumblers have an 80% chance to petrify enemies when attacking.
3. Atlas can roll through Rock Walls to refresh and gain rubble, he becomes becomes and can aim the boulder dealing more damage in a larger radius the further he travels.

Such a Ninja wannabe I'm surprised his sprint animation isn't naruto running.

1. Bladestorm can mark enemies up to 4 times, marking enemies increases combo count by 3.
2. Throwing weapons have a seeking effect, homing in on enemies heads slightly. Shuriken will always headshot.
3. When cloaking, Ash releases a stun grenade stunning all nearby enemies briefly and opening all enemies affected to mercy kills.

Owner of DJ Dubstep Radio Station, on from Tennoclock AM to Tennoclock PM

1. Sonic Boom stuns enemies after knock down for 8s.
2. Sonor turns banshee’s vision black and white, letting her and her team to see enemies through walls. 
3. Silence nullifies eximus effects.

Looks for opportunities to throw a temper tantrum. 
3. Enemies suffering impact damage have a 25% chance to become vulnerable to Mercy Kills, greatly reducing restraint.
2. Lulled enemies will not attack baruuk or his allies at all unless attacked themselves.
1. Desolate Hands disarms and deep sleeps targeted enemy.

An old, flightless, dragon that can't spit fire half as well as he can fly. get it?

1. Chroma merges with the pelt, allowing flight like Hildryn. Hold to fly/land, tap to flap wings to push enemies away with status effects.
2. Spectral scream charges Vex Armor and Elemental Ward, scaling in size, damage, and dps, the stronger Elemental Ward and Vex Armor become.
3. Sentient pelt adapts as armor grants adaptation up to 65%.


1.Fireball bounces from enemy to enemy if enemy is affected by Inferno scaling in damage with each bounce.
2. Fireblast creates a convection prison, trapping enemies within and keeps them ignites.
3. Burning enemies in affinity range of Ember have a 30% chance to drop health globes on death.

The unbalanced warframe based on balance.

1. Day and Night have separate health bars and slowly regenerate when out of combat. When downed Equinox can activate her 1st ability to get back up.
2. Mend will rejuvenate allies in range over time with the stored healing. Maim will increase or decrease enemy speed based off power strength.
3. Enemies affected by Rest have a higher chance to drop health orbs. Enemies affected by rage have a higher chance to drop energy orbs.

The Kirit- I mean swordsman of warframe. Also R.I.P Draco

1. Dual Swords can be modded and customized separately but the stance is shared. Swords can also now equip one handed skins.
2. Slash Dash attacks create 4 extra energy waves which travel outwards. *like kirito’s horizontal square*
3. Swords gain 5% Range and damage per combo stage // E= 5% // EE= 10% EE E= 15%

The cool dude.

1. Ice Wave cleanses status from frost and allies hit, then applies the effects to all enemies hit by Ice Wave
2. Shooting Freeze from within snowglobes uses snowglobe health as added damage.
3. Avalanche creates a blizzard reducing enemy accuracy and healing snow globes.

Must be very… very… careful… to not break her.

1. Glassed enemies from Mass Vitrify leave shatters glass which increases/refreshes splinter storm.
2. Spectrorage will fill to Mass Vitrify's radius, filling shattered wall segments consuming a mirror.
3. Damaging gara's shields have a chance to blind attacking enemies.

Likes to live life on the edge. ok dark humor sorry.

1. If Garuda is too low on energy to cast abilities, she will use her health to cast abilities as a secondary means of energy.
2. If Garuda or an ally dies when near a Blood Alter, they're instantly revived sacrificing the alter.
3. Blood ball creates a dome of blood cleansing status and healing allies over time.

Brain Damage, Don't run into walls at home kids.

1. Gauss grabs an enemy in Mach Rush and uses 35% of their health as explosion damage.
2. Energy Orbs grant 10% Battery Charge.
3. Redline now stands at 85%


1. Pulverize deals 100% more damage per meter of height he falls from.
2. Grendel's Nourish eats enemies and spits out extra loot.
3. Grendel becomes invisible while using feast.

The hot headed occult leader who blames his team for everything and leaves.
1. Covenant no longer increases critical chance, but increases status chance. 100%+ applies 2,3,etc etc different status.
2. Headshots on chained enemies will refresh the duration of condemn and chains nearby enemies.
3. Enemies within Thurible Radius generate 25% of energy if killed by allies.

She's got mountains for muscles, shields in spades, and comes with a heavy laser gun... Guess what joke I'm making.

1. Pillage always pushes enemies away then drags enemies to Hildryn when reactivated.
2. Balefire deal 60% less damage but rapidly shoots 3 times with larger splash radius.
3. Aegis Storm flight now tethers enemies with hildryn.

1. Undertow is 500% larger and faster. Undertow no longer drags enemies under unless done manually.
2. Tempest Barrage will be cast on all allied positions anywhere on the map and at target location.
3. Hydroid can swap between 2 Tidal Surge types letting him travel with the wave or not.

Has an obsession with daggers.

1. When downed, Inaros has access to all his abilities and shambles like a zombie instead of being in a sarcophagus
2. Inaros leaps to enemies when devouring and heals 300% faster.
3. Desiccation traps enemies in quicksand.

The bunny, treefrog, jellyfish, archer who uses ripoff dark sector mechanics. Make up your mind people, what is she!?

1. Artemis Bow transforms into a longbow shooting 9 arrows instead of 7 in a 35% smaller fan. Longbow can only be fired at 50% or above.
2. While in Prowl, Ivara can see enemies heads through walls similar to the Zenith.
3. Prowl steals 200% faster and opens stolen enemies to finishers.

Crazy Cat Lady's basement personified.

1. While Venari is in offensive mode, Venrai teleports to marked enemy and performs a lethal attack. Enemies standing 11m from the attack are snared. Venari's finishers cause a ripple effect through the strangle dome and ensnared enemies, dealing damage to them as well.
2. While Venari is in Protect mode, she will teleport to the marked, disarming them and jamming all enemy weapons in an 11m radius. Venari becomes 60% more resilliant to physical damage.
3. Venari passively has access to Shelter, Mischief, and Sense Danger and does not need mod slots to gain effects.


1. Limbo can access a third dimension. All of his abilities gain a quiver mechanic to summon a second version of the ability for this third dimension.
2. Limbo can overclock time in the rift with rift surge, causing everything within the rift to happen faster or slower depending on power strength.
3. Operators never run out of energy and ammo in the rift and energy regeneration is increased to 2 per second.

Loki Master Race

1. Enemies targeting decoy or allies are open to mercy kills, from behind, while loki is invisible.
2. Decoy scales in level similar to specters. 3 decoys can be placed down at one time. Decoys can latch onto walls.
3. Switch Teleport refreshes all active duration abilities.

Hildryn's, less popular big sister. Yes, big sister, mag was released first. Also R.I.P Draco

2. Crush increases in damage the more armor, shields, and enemies are caught within crush. Magnetized enemies take critical damage.
1. Mags shields focus on specific points rather than a full sphere, reducing incoming damage to shields by 90%.
3. All abilities apply magnetic status effects on enemies.

Soldier 76 and Mcree's baby... wait that doesn't make s-

1. When using Dual Pistols, Mesa can customize and mod each pistol separately Each pistol has its own recoil and cross hair when aiming.
2. Ballistic Battery is now activated as a timed ability applying it's stored damage to weapons for 6s
3. Shooting Gallery now jams weapons of enemies you shoot, regardless of range.

Synoid Simulor. Also R.I.P Draco

1. Holding Hall Of Mirrors disbands mirrors as specters for them to do their own thing. They can be recalled by holding the ability down again in case they are needed.
2. Mirage prism can be shot to increase damage, critical chance, critical damage, and influence status type.
3. Sleight of Hand will multiply and duplicate ammunition, health orbs, and energy orbs.

Bone Daddy

1. Desecrate creates a wandering ghost of the enemy, distracting enemy fire. *won’t stack your shield of shadows*
2. Nekros terrify creates a prison equal in radius to cast area, keeping enemies inside the area.
2. Soul Punch heals all allies nearby the target by 25% max health, including shadows.

Your access to In-game chat has been suspended.
1. Firewalker creates skates out of halos increasing fire walker width by 1m and increases sprint and sliding speed by 25%.
2. Recasting divine spears teleports all speared enemies infront of nezha and slams them into the ground.
3. Chakrams have an 8m vacuum, harvesting and bringing back loot.

Oh a new frame was released? CYST TIME!

1. Maggots trapped in larva multiply, exploding and splitting in 2 when hit by virulence dealing 75% less damage with each split.
2. Virulence impales enemies for 6s, keeping them locked on fungal spikes taking toxin DoT.
3. Nidus sacrifices 5 stacks to save an ally from death if parasitic link is active.

Don't let her play basketball. She'll drop the ball.

1. Wormhole sucks in enemy projectiles within 5m. Players are tugged in the direction of wormholes if they're within 3m.
2. Antimatter Drop enhances null star damage and charges enemies with molecular prime.
3. Killing primed enemies has a 70% chance to grant an additional Null Star.

*Crying in the corner*

1. Nyx can mind control up to 3 targets. Releasing a target from mind control causes a psionic explosion, avoiding armor, damaging all enemies near the target.
2. Chaos places all enemies affected into a deep sleep, however enemies are still active and attack everything in sight, including themselves.
3. Nyx shrouds herself in starry black mist gaining 60% Evasion and status immunity while shields are active.

The female goat that married Tinkerbell... wait he's a guy?
1. Hallowed Ground creates invincible radioactive razor wings spreading radiation to enemies around the ground.
2. Smite deals an additional 25% damage per status on base smited enemy.
3. Irradiated targets will completely ignore Oberon.

Her music is so bad that it can be described as a rolling ball of death... metal.

1. Amp renders Octavia impervious to all damage and status. She enters a dancing animation where the player can play an extremely difficult Swazin Rhythm Game to apply all metronome effects to players in affinity range. Losing a combo resets all provided buffs. High Combos increase duration of allied abilities.
2. High power strength lowers metronome speed, low power strength increases metronome speed. Each note can be played with a completely different musical instrument.
3. Octavia can place down 2 Resonators. They no longer pick up mallet but produce a metronome at 50% range while metronome is active. 

Vampire/Ghost/Eidolon Hunter/Sentient warframe... Ok who designed this guy and why is he like this!?

1. While mesmer Skin is active, Revenant generates a 23m bubble of eidolon energy reducing damage from outside the energy dome by 60% *for team play.*
2. Thralls that die from Danse Macabre create massive lasers which shoot into the sky. Lasers have a 3m radius and deal 5% of the thrall's max HP per second as tau damage.
3. When Revenant goes down, he assumes a vomvalyst ghost form. He can either be revived by a team mate, or reave health to revive. Abilities can be used, but weapons deal no damage similar to the rift.

1. Allies affected by Rhino's Roar will release a roar of their own, but using their own power range and strength.
2. Rhino Stomp breaks time, increasing the duration of all active warframe abilities in range by 12s.
3. Rhino's Iron Skin armor uses Alloy Armor instead of Ferrite Armor.

God Saryn's so weak she can't even play ESO correctly. She needs a buff right??? right? yeh thought so.

1. Molt now creates 6 crawlers in Saryn's visage which crawl towards enemies, distracting them, then explode in their face with gas clouds. Crawler Molts distract enemies.
2. Miasma creates a highly contagious miasma causing enemies to spread viral effects to unaffected enemies. Corpses remain longer letting the viral toxins spread.
3. Popping spores with melee weapons surges the target with 100% of spore damage but spores now deal 50% of spore damage.

Behold, Tinkerbell! The eater of Forma.
3. Collecting Tribute recovers 3 razorflies. Titanya can have up to 32 razorflies active at one time which now scale in level like specters.
2. Lantern no longer uses enemies. Titania herself will glow herself and damaging enemies stores damage for an explosion.
1. Dex Pixia and Diwata can be called down as Archwing Weapons in her base form, however these last indefinitely.

Lobster butt was the OG Support.

1. Blessing duration extends by 1s per enemy trinity kills.
2. Trinity loses 10% efficiency and 10% duration, in return gaining 10% strength and 10% range.
3. Well of Health grants Armor equal to HP recovered.

If Nyx's absorb invincibility was actually put in something useful.

1. During Hysteria, Valkyr gets on all fours gaining extra mobility. Valkyr gains 35% sprint speed, 45% finisher speed, and 100% double jump strength.
2. All enemies and allies inside of or within 2m of Valkyr's "Hysterical Aura" are affected by warcry if active.
3. Pressing X midripline animation causes Valkyr to leap onto target performing a cinematic hysteria finisher. 

Clown/God of the 1,000... soon to be 10,000
3. Enemies affected by tesla are orbital striked for 25% damage when casting orbital strike.
2. Vauban gains access to an Augment mod slot.
1. Vauban gains access to Two Exilus slots.

Sonic the Hedgehog, also he can actually turn... GAUSS!

1. Charged Electric Shields create a static field which forcefully blasts enemies away from the shield with powerful bolts of lightning.
2. Volt becomes a tesla coil while discharge is active, stunning enemies for the duration of the ability like any other enemy.
3. Electrified enemies from any of his abilities have a greater chance at dropping energy orbs.


1. Wisp can teleport to allies and reservoirs through walls with breach surge becoming invisible for 6s.
2. Wisp has an invincible "will o wisp" duplicate of her equipped companion distracting enemies.
3. Deploying specters or clones as Wisp creates 2 of that summoned ally.

Wu Kong
1. Wu Kong will now activate 2/3 of his undying traits on death and recovers one free revive every 5 minutes he is alive.
2. If Celestial Twin is active when Wu Kong goes down, He takes the Twin's place at full health but no energy.
3. After defy is used, all enemies within Wu Kong's vision will freeze for 4.5 seconds.

Birds can't fly, but buff ladies and fairies can.

1. Zephyr's tailwind charge lets Zephyr fly in the air like Hildryn and moves 300% Faster.
2. Hold tornado to release a cyclone lifting all enemies 8m away from tornadoes for 12s
3. All airborne or lifted foes 8m from Zephyr's tailwind suffer heavy slash damage.


{-{-{-{-{-{ CONCLUSION }-}-}-}-}-}

I've been sitting on this for over a month now and I'm not sure everything is completely correct. However I needed to push this out there NOW because there was mention of a railjack raid idea and I want to put my own ideas out there. I seriously doubt this will be the raid should the railjack be used, but It's fun to think about what it could be.

I did try to keep the general theme of the original "Yggdrasil" raid idea, but I also wanted to modernize it to the railjack. Additionally i had to make some extra challenge because I don't want the raid to just be a push over. Making it feel impossible but not actually making it impossible was the goal. This raid will push people to use everything they possibly can to win.

One thing I haven't included is a scoring system or leader boards. The reason for that being I don't know how I'd go about making one for this raid so this one is more PvE focused. Making it time based would rely too much on map generation RNG so that would be unfair, and there's not a solid system which can't be abused for a scoring system so this raid shouldn't have one.

Lastly, I excluded squad link for several reasons. For 1 I don't want to include something so bug risky in a raid because it would rely too much on factors you cannot control. The mission can be messed up by bugging, disconnecting, host migrations, and more so Squad Link would only make it worse. The normal raids were buggy as is so i don't want to risk more then I need to. Secondly, I don't have a good grip of what squad link could possibly do and how it can be used so It's hard to concept a raid off of such a big unknown.

Would this be a fun raid? If you've got any criticism on anything at all, or questions, feel free to leave it below and I'll try my best to reply.

Edited by Violet_Xe
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