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Issues With Overlapped Missions


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The system itself for multiple objectives is fine with me, but there are some aspects that need to be cleaned up yet.

1. Timed Primary missions. It can be problematic when you complete an objective and get a 5 minute to escape timer, only to recieve a new objective that obsolutely must be completed before you can leave, and the rng decides to put it on the far end of a ridiculously huge map setup. These can range from fun challenge, to practically impossible without extremely fast frames. Again these can be okay if there are aditional restrictions added to the level generation when creating theses scenarios, or have secondary objectives be removed from all timed primary objectives. Another option would also be to have the secondary objective be optional in this scenario with some kind of bonus for completing it.

2. Multiple datamass types while solo. Just now, while soloing a spy mission, after grabbing the 4th datamass, a new one spawned on the floor right next to the one that I just hacked and was about to pick up. So it was the virus/hacked datamass for the sabotage mission to take it to the main computer. The problem was, you cannot carry this datamass with the stolen datamasses, and as I was solo, I was forced to leave my hacked datamasses where they were to continue the mission. Now fortunately in this case the path back to the exit took me right by the original datamasses, and it wasn't really an inconvenience, however, just to test, I left them at the entrance to the extraction area and was unable to complete the mission without them. This would be a problem if things had not worked out so nicely in the mission random setup.

In other words this mission combination needs to be looked at and/or removed from possible random scenarios for solo play

3. Extermination secondary missions. Currently getting extermination as a secondary objective completely cancels the original mission. The problem here is when the original mission involved datamasses, as they are not removed from the game, and continue to have objective markers placed on them. Personally I would leave them in, people can carry them around all they want, but they really should have their objective marker removed if they are no longer required to complete the mission.

Edited by TinFoilMkIV
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The first two arent issues.

While it sucks that you have to drop one datamass is there really a problem with having to do a bit more walking?

The marker is a bit annoying but it's not like it breaks the mission.

The last one i have never actually experience but i do see how it can create problems.

I do like your idea that the secondary objective could be optional and give you more XP.

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The first two arent issues.

While it sucks that you have to drop one datamass is there really a problem with having to do a bit more walking?

The marker is a bit annoying but it's not like it breaks the mission.

The last one i have never actually experience but i do see how it can create problems.

I do like your idea that the secondary objective could be optional and give you more XP.

An issue doesn't have to be game breaking to be an issue. Its a matter of cleaning up the missions and making them function smoothly, who wants to be forced to trek back across a huge map just because the random mission generator decided to be a jerk to you? They detract from the overall experience of the game.

While not essential to game function I believe these are things that really should be looked at before the games full release

EDIT: edited first post because I agree the timed mission is a lot more significant than the solo datamass issue, I remembered it after writing the first two.

Edited by TinFoilMkIV
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An issue doesn't have to be game breaking to be an issue. Its a matter of cleaning up the missions and making them function smoothly, who wants to be forced to trek back across a huge map just because the random mission generator decided to be a jerk to you? They detract from the overall experience of the game.

While not essential to game function I believe these are things that really should be looked at before the games full release

EDIT: edited first post because I agree the timed mission is a lot more significant than the solo datamass issue, I remembered it after writing the first two.

Since we are in beta issues that causes the most problems get put first in line, this is why i mentioned this concerning the extra waypoint that some times happens.

The random changes in missions are supposed to reflect the chaos of real life where the most plan mission can suddenly change at the drop of a hat. So you are supposed to adapt to these constant changes and see your missions through. It adds to the experience becasue the mission you go in for doesnt all the time turn out like you thought it would. Some times that could be good, turning into an exterminate with a small number, and some times that could be bad, multiple datamasses.

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The random changes in missions are supposed to reflect the chaos of real life where the most plan mission can suddenly change at the drop of a hat. So you are supposed to adapt to these constant changes and see your missions through.

the missions are hardly planned. you load in and start killing things. someone volunteers to grab data packs. in general, the only planning you do is selecting the right combo of weapons before the mission, but mission objectives rarely change this. targets change it.

I woudl agree that there needs to be some control on randome mission add ons. I like the the extra play. I once got a mission to get data, then got the second objective to get more data. teas funny! I also got one to destroy the ship, then i had to exterminate. i thoguht it was hystarical!

as far as issues, I did have the timer show up once with a second objective. i destroied the core, timer started (i think its a 5 minutes timer in general) and i had to get data! with 4 people this would have been possible, maybe, but the two of us just could not run fast enough. 5 terminals and the exit in 5 minutes! we failed the mission. it was a fluke, but an issue that made us not play again that night.

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note that I said "looked at before the games full release", I am aware that these are not priority issues, but they shouldn't be completely ignored either. And yes I like the random secondary objectives, but that is not an excuse to ignore somewhat faulty funcionality between crossover objectives.

I just want people to be aware that these exist, and add to the list if anyone finds other uncommon conflicts

EDIT: @ above post, prime example of why these should be looked into when the devs have less critical things to worry about. While the lesser ones probably wont make people stop playing for the day straight up, they detract from the game experience and make it less fun when you encounter one of these uncommon faults with the system. Anything that is unintentional and has the potential to make people not want to play is something that needs to be looked at.

Edited by TinFoilMkIV
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