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What I Spent My Plat On. ((And What Should I Buy Next?))


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Bought a founder's package.

I ended up with 370 plat plus an additional 5 plat I had hanging around from free sign up.

I've supercharged my excalibur, And 3 of my weapons, I now have 6 warframe slots, and 18 weapon slots, and I have another 100 to supercharge another warframe and the 4 remaining weapons in my arsenal. And I spent 75 to unlock more color options.

Now my current plan is to supercharge the Rhino when I've finally gotten it, followed by supercharing the gorgon, the kraken, the gram, and the braton Vandal.

My current loadout is the Latron, the Lex, and the cronus.

Rather than jump blindly into it and have buyer's remorse until the beta reset, I wanted opinions on what kind of set I should go with.

It seems to me that The Gorgon and The Braton Both esentially do the same thing when properly upgraded, and the same could be said for the kraken and the lex. Though I'm not entirely sure How they'll end up playing once I've gotten them max leveled ((Lex is the only one I've gotten maxed so far))

Should I spend the plat on supercharging other weapons so I have a larger variety to pick from? or do all weapons essentially do the same thing, which would mean I should focus on supercharging warframes. ((I have enough to supercharge 5 more warframes, and I only have 5 more slots))

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This is what i do before i supercharge anything. I play it and level it up until 15 or so to see if i like it. This gets me a feel for the weapon and gets me some rank points. Once i hit the point where i feel its worth it/my playstyle i supercharge it. You dont need to sueprcharge anything right away, you might not even like it enough at all.

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I'd definately add the Hek to your lists of weapons and I think the Kraken is way better then the Lex mainly because of the fire rate and less kick back.

When it comes to warframes, you migt wan't to take a look at Frost or Mag. You already have Excal and Rhino plays not that much different where as Frost or Mag offer very different play styles.

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Well having 6 frames already opened I can say the Ash & Mag are my top 2 choices so far. For pistols work towards the AKBolto and you will be very happy. The Kraken is good and better/similar to the Sicarus IMO. For Melee I am enjoying the Dual Heat Swords atm and have leveled the Gram to 15 but not unlocked the rest of the tree yet. No one can really tell you what to spend your Plat on, but having the extra frame and weapon spolts is a smart choice. Yes as metioned above the Hek is the gun you won't want to put down once you unlock and build it. I think Frost is an amazing frame, but even with speed MODS is slow to get places.

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