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Fix Reactant or take it out.


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1 minute ago, dreamycreampie said:

endless in fissure "ends" after a while and you lose your chance if you don't have enough flames by then. They're only endless because you have option of going round 2, but round 1 is over and you're back to fissure start

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

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  • 1 year later...

Just did an interception for a lith relic and failed to open it, and I have some suggestions to fix this reactant issue:

Have enemies spawn already corrupted. Why do we have to wait for the corruption to happen? And how do Grineer corrupt into Corpus and vice versa? Just have the enemies spawn corrupted already and that removes some throttling.

Every spawn group should have 1 reactant minimum. I killed way to many spawn groups that dropped no reactant after corruption.

Remove the reactant entirely. We're already doing a heightened version of the node. You pass the mission/rotation, you open the relic. You fail, you lose the relic. Just have enemies drop void traces that you can collect to refine your relics.

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