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Doppelganger Warframe Concept


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"This is Doppelganger, adaptation through imitation is it's strength!"




rank 1   - 100HP 100Shields 100Energy 125armor 1.0sprint speed

rank 30 - 300HP 300Shields 225Energy 125armor 1.0sprint speed




Doppelganger only comes with 1 power;


Mimic - Copies the last power you used at a lower cost with the same strength. (50/25/10 power cost for the 3 levels of the card)




Only 1 polarity default for Mimic power.


Doppelganger can use all the powers the other warframes have (you need to have the card of course) in any of the remaining 3 slots of powers but it comes with no default polarity slots. The general idea is that you can make whatever set up of powers in only 1 warframe making it a long term plan warframe with enough stats to fill any role that you might need. Tell me what you guys think of it, it's a rather simple concept.

Edited by Hellsworth
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ty for the replies ...interesting idea so the warframe would be game breaking but the abilities that are already in play are not? hmm :)

It's not the abilities being unbalanced so much as the ability to mix and match other abilities into game-breaking combinations that disregard the individual Warframes' rules of balance.

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It's not the abilities being unbalanced so much as the ability to mix and match other abilities into game-breaking combinations that disregard the individual Warframes' rules of balance.

so basically what you're trying to say is... "those abilities are game-breaking but in order to have them you have to have crappy ones too!" ... someone ought to do something about that =P

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so basically what you're trying to say is... "those abilities are game-breaking but in order to have them you have to have crappy ones too!" ... someone ought to do something about that =P

No, that is not what I'm saying. Each Warframe is balanced toward a relatively particular role with its abilities; if you could just pick and choose which abilities you wanted from all of the others available, it would render the normal Warframes obsolete, and that's generally considered bad design.

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it might be true but, also it is considered bad design grinding, repetition, game-breaking abilities and abilities it's not even worth sloting, so would it be powerful? yes. Would it be the best? not really since the focused warframes would actually have more stats towards their particular role. Would it need alot of time and investment? yes but it would also be rewarding in the long run and also there's a point to it... imagine that you dont have a particular warframe online atm to fill in the role you need BUT there's someone with a Doppelganger ... it might fill in the slot you just need. Also it would make devs think on what abilities work best and what dont work at all and their combinations.

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it might be true but, also it is considered bad design grinding, repetition, game-breaking abilities and abilities it's not even worth sloting, so would it be powerful? yes. Would it be the best? not really since the focused warframes would actually have more stats towards their particular role. Would it need alot of time and investment? yes but it would also be rewarding in the long run and also there's a point to it... imagine that you dont have a particular warframe online atm to fill in the role you need BUT there's someone with a Doppelganger ... it might fill in the slot you just need. Also it would make devs think on what abilities work best and what dont work at all and their combinations.

1. Grinding and repetition aren't considered bad design; they're part of the genre and are only considered bad if they aren't fun, and so far they are.


2. As I have said before, the abilities themselves are not game-breaking; putting certain combinations of abilities on a single Warframe are what could potentially be game-breaking.


3. My point exactly; once you have Doppelganger, why would you need anything else? Why get multiple frames each designed to excel in a single role when you can have one frame that performs decently in any role? ...On second thought, that's Excalibur, so this really doesn't have a purpose after all besides make the devs code a fundamental change to a core mechanic that can be used by one and only one Warframe.

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1. true but, tell me something that you will do for the 100th time that is fun. (not even sex =P)


2. if you're trying to say that the combinations of certain abilities would be game-breaking, probably they could but are they not right now? And also that should be a self-controling cycle between the devs and the players... something you dont have atm since you only see "We need this and this for random party so we can break the game and breeze through!"


3. Every game should have it's jack-of-all-trades and Excalibur cannot heal, and it shouldnt be a fundamental code change since there are cards that can fit all warframes its just about what kind of slot the warframe has.



But again this is not meant to be the best of the best at all times .. it's meant to be a slot filler and if you really think the abilities that the already playable warframes have are in-tune then re-arranging the abilities shouldnt be that game-breaking. On another perspective "you cannot kill something twice" which means if you already have a game-breaking group with certain combinations of warframes then adding a warframe with a specific set of the same abilities will not add more "game-break-age", it would make players and devs think alot more about certain stuff though. :)

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1. true but, tell me something that you will do for the 100th time that is fun. (not even sex =P)


2. if you're trying to say that the combinations of certain abilities would be game-breaking, probably they could but are they not right now? And also that should be a self-controling cycle between the devs and the players... something you dont have atm since you only see "We need this and this for random party so we can break the game and breeze through!"


3. Every game should have it's jack-of-all-trades and Excalibur cannot heal, and it shouldnt be a fundamental code change since there are cards that can fit all warframes its just about what kind of slot the warframe has.



But again this is not meant to be the best of the best at all times .. it's meant to be a slot filler and if you really think the abilities that the already playable warframes have are in-tune then re-arranging the abilities shouldnt be that game-breaking. On another perspective "you cannot kill something twice" which means if you already have a game-breaking group with certain combinations of warframes then adding a warframe with a specific set of the same abilities will not add more "game-break-age", it would make players and devs think alot more about certain stuff though. :)

1. Eating. Killing monsters on Monster Hunter. Playing video games for an hour. Playing Tetris or other good puzzle games. Riding a roller coaster- the list goes on and on.


2. ...I actually can't understand your grammar there. Something about abilities being game-breaking already? The most I could think of for that would be having a good team filling all the right roles making everything easy, but that's not game imbalance, that's good teamwork. This thing could potentially make play with less than four players too easy because you have the power of multiple Warframes in one. Then again, considering how normal ability sets are planned out and how much energy they cost, being able to select any four at will is probably more likely to render your Warframe useless with the wrong combinations than it is to make you OP, e.g. having four AOE powers at 100 energy apiece mean you're useless at less than 100 energy, or having a bunch of lighter attacks make you bad at crowd clearing... this is really starting to sound very lame now, actually.


3a. It would be a fundamental code change because by default all Warframe-specific ability mods are inacessible to all but that one Warframe. Now they'll have to be accessible to two: the one they're meant for and Doppelganger. Depending on how the code for that mechanic is written it could be a lot of work for a little payoff.


3b. You might have a point on the healers, though technically any Warframe that brings Team Heals to a mission can serve as a medic, albeit less effectively than Trinity. Frankly though I think we would just be better off with another Warframe with at least one team healing ability that's less dependent on teammates for support than Trinity is.

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1. zzz


2a. if some of the abilities were not so "game-breaking" we wouldn't have issues with any of this in the 1st place would we? i mean how can a single warframe with just 3 (not 4) open slots for all the available powers and with lower stats than it's role specific counterparts be imbalanced just because of the fact that can mix and match any combination of 3 powers when the others have 4 powers of each?


2b. about energy... you'll eventually get to the part where you actually read the only power of the warframe and see why Mimic is there =P


3a. about the code... warframe A = power card 1,2,3,4 warframe B = power card 5,6,7,8 ... doppelganger = mimic card, power cards from A,B. Though i seriously doubt this has anything to do with anything, the problem is not in coding.


3b. i surely hope so... healing warframes are severely lacking :) 



*sigh* a not so simple concept at all as it seems. But actually, tell me if you could, what combination of powers would you set up that would be so game-breaking so powerful that would just "Falcon Punch" a whole batch of Void Missions? =P 

Edited by Hellsworth
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  • 2 weeks later...

1. zzz


2a. if some of the abilities were not so "game-breaking" we wouldn't have issues with any of this in the 1st place would we? i mean how can a single warframe with just 3 (not 4) open slots for all the available powers and with lower stats than it's role specific counterparts be imbalanced just because of the fact that can mix and match any combination of 3 powers when the others have 4 powers of each?


2b. about energy... you'll eventually get to the part where you actually read the only power of the warframe and see why Mimic is there =P


3a. about the code... warframe A = power card 1,2,3,4 warframe B = power card 5,6,7,8 ... doppelganger = mimic card, power cards from A,B. Though i seriously doubt this has anything to do with anything, the problem is not in coding.


3b. i surely hope so... healing warframes are severely lacking :) 



*sigh* a not so simple concept at all as it seems. But actually, tell me if you could, what combination of powers would you set up that would be so game-breaking so powerful that would just "Falcon Punch" a whole batch of Void Missions? =P 

3a. Clearly you have never tried programming in C or C++. It's generally not that easy.

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so you want a frame that can t solo missions ? (better have abilities) and this frame is just useless if solo since it s power is to mimic used powers of other frames

You neglect to notice it has the ability to equip power mods meant for other Warframes.


Iron Skin + Antimatter Drop + Snow Globe + Slash Dash/Radial Javelin = curbstomp tiem.

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