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[Mission Concept] Corpus Treasure Realm, Kuva Crusade, Baro OpLink


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This concept attempts to tie together several Warframe systems and create a challenging place to fight, for greater rewards. 

The Corpus Treasure Realm
Baldier, was a Corpus explorer who happened upon a Orokin vault filled with ancient secrets. This was a few centuries after the collapse from the old war. He learned from the vault the method of Orokin immortality and how to transmute matter and energy. His greed and arrogance led him to decide that only he was worthy of possessing this knowledge. Baldier, cloned himself into the thousands and imbued his new Corpus of people with power and wealth. Baldier, increased his Oro with power and then split it among the clones. When Each clone dies, their Oro returns to a bank on the Balderian Microworld, and is placed in a new clone body. The Baldier stormed across the origin system and built what would become the modern Corpus. However fearing the power the Baldier wielded, the Corpus betrayed the Baldier and drove them into hiding. Now, the Baldier are a myth, and their accomplishments are accredited to pretenders. 


The Baldier that retreated to their base, a microword that has the appearance of an Endo sphere combined with the Orokin towers on Lua. Inside the microword is a Rialjack zone filled with towers, space stations, satellites, and other objects, along with golden Corpus treasure ships.  


The Baldier Corpus’ metal is all gold plated, and have special features.

Unique Balderian features

Shields have 100% resistance to Warframe powers. 

Summon Corrupted Units

Restore Shields/Overshields

More agile/tactical


100% to drop credits, and x2 amount. 

The Corpus civilian/capture target unit drops credits when fleeing.

Have unique Greed Coins that are used at unique Greed Shrines.

Some units have Golden Petrify attacks

Have unique resource drops for new items.


A Corpus cult worships the Baldierian Host, wishing to join. On any normal star chart node there is a chance that a group of cultist appears. They will be attempting to make a human sacrifice. An Ostron for Grineer tilesets, Solarin for Corpus, and a Micronian for Infested. Standing for appropriate parties, if player save the sacrifice hostage. Possibly, the victim could be from a random syndicate. 

If the cult, successfully sacrifices the hostage, a void fissure opens and the cultist are corrupted and are joined by a squad of Balderian Corpus. If they Fail, the Balderian squad appears and kills them. 

Slain Balderians have a chance to drop an isotope that helps trace the Balderian Microworld. 


The Balderian Microworld

Once enough isotopes are found the Balderian Microworld can be traced (fulfilling mission Key build requirement). Using the trace will reveal the Balderian Microworld, or Treasure Planet, on one of the Railjack nodes. The difficulty of the node will be raised and the  nodes faction with be in conflict with Balderian Units. Once the enemy fighters and ships are cleared it’s possible to approach the Microworld. The long dock entrance and gate will hide the loading into Microworld Railjack map inside the Balderian Microworld space. Once inside players can raid ships, bases and other objects until they are forced to flee or die. 

Aside from enemy loot drops, there are special Balderian Corpus caches, and containers.  


Some of the potential loot include, refined Relics, Forma, Ducets, Riven Shards.


The Kuva Crusade

The Grineer Queen/s imbue select champions with a Kuva infused armor, making them immune to Tenno powers. A crusade is declared and the Knights set out to exterminate the Tenno. 


Kuva Knights can invade any normal mission, and will attempt to kill any Tenno.

Their armor makes them immune to power as three Kuva chalices remains intact. Breaking all three will render the Kuva Knight vulnerable to Tenno powers again. 


Kuva Knights are modified and mixed version of Grineer bosses with the Kuva trooper motif.


Abilities among their kit are:

Spawn Kuva Grineer troops

Inspire (buff) Grineer troops

Pull Operator out of Warframe toward them with a vacuum like effect

More agile and tactical in combat


Killing a Kuva Knight rewards an amount of Kuva. And a Kuva version of the isotope used to trace Balor Fomorians. 


Kuva Crusader Fomorian

With enough Kuva Isotopes the Kuva Knight base can be traced. It with appear in a Railjack node as a Fomorian Dreadnaught. Players will have to fight their way to the Fomorian, and then can board with their Archwings. Inside the Kuva Fomorian is a custom mix of the Galleon and Kuva Fortress tile sets. Populated with the Kuva Guard, and Kuva Knights. There are Kuva Siphon Chambers that operate exactly like Kuva siphon missions. Unique Kuva Crusade caches, and containers.


Loot rewards:


Refined Relics

Refined Requiem Relics


Riven Shards


Baro Ki’Teer OpLink

Baro, in exchange for Ducets will provide Treasure or Kuva OpLinks. 

A player purchases the appropriate OpLink and goes on a Railjack Mission. 

Deploy OpLink and a notification. With go out to players in the appropriate Landspace. So, Plains of Eidolon for Kuva OpLink and Orb Valis for Treasure OpLink.

The OpLinks will summon the appropriate enemy to the Squad on the planet, to attempt to destroy the OpLink. Likewise, the appropriate enemy will attack the Railjack squad in an attempt to destroy the OpLink on their side. While both OpLink sides operating is optimal, it does t prevent either side from completing their objective as long as they keep the OpLinks alive. The OpLinks reward a certain number of the appropriate isotopes to trace the enemy base. With full completion on both squads essentially Guaranteeing a successful trace. Each Player with an appropriate OpLink can deploy to improve speed and chance of completion. 

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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Added second section:


The Kuva Crusade


The Grineer Queen/s imbue select champions with a Kuva infused armor, making them immune to Tenno powers. A crusade is declared and the Knights set out to exterminate the Tenno. 


Kuva Knights can invade any normal mission, and will attempt to kill any Tenno.

Their armor makes them immune to power as three Kuva chalices remains intact. Breaking all three will render the Kuva Knight vulnerable to Tenno powers again. 


Kuva Knights are modified and mixed version of Grineer bosses with the Kuva trooper motif.


Abilities among their kit are:

Spawn Kuva Grineer troops

Inspire (buff) Grineer troops

Pull Operator out of Warframe toward them with a vacuum like effect

More agile and tactical in combat


Killing a Kuva Knight rewards an amount of Kuva. And a Kuva version of the isotope used to trace Balor Fomorians. 


Kuva Crusader Fomorian


With enough Kuva Isotopes the Kuva Knight base can be traced. It with appear in a Railjack node as a Fomorian Dreadnaught. Players will have to fight their way to the Fomorian, and then can board with their Archwings. Inside the Kuva Fomorian is a custom mix of the Galleon and Kuva Fortress tile sets. Populated with the Kuva Guard, and Kuva Knights. There are Kuva Siphon Chambers that operate exactly like Kuva siphon missions. Unique Kuva Crusade caches, and containers.


Loot rewards:


Refined Relics

Refined Requiem Relics


Riven Shards

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Added Baro OpLink section:


Baro Ki’Teer OpLink


Baro, in exchange for Ducets will provide Treasure or Kuva OpLinks. 


A player purchases the appropriate OpLink and goes on a Railjack Mission. 

Deploy OpLink and a notification. With go out to players in the appropriate Landspace. So, Plains of Eidolon for Kuva OpLink and Orb Valis for Treasure OpLink.

The OpLinks will summon the appropriate enemy to the Squad on the planet, to attempt to destroy the OpLink. Likewise, the appropriate enemy will attack the Railjack squad in an attempt to destroy the OpLink on their side. While both OpLink sides operating is optimal, it does t prevent either side from completing their objective as long as they keep the OpLinks alive. The OpLinks reward a certain number of the appropriate isotopes to trace the enemy base. With full completion on both squads essentially Guaranteeing a successful trace. Each Player with an appropriate OpLink can deploy to improve speed and chance of completion. 

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