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The Abysswalkers - The Chillest Clan In North America [Dojo Finished]


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"...And do not forget: The Darkwraiths reside in a dark void called the Abyss. But the Abyss is no place for ordinary mortals. Although, long ago, the knight Artorias traversed the Abyss."








"If you can find him, and learn from him, the Abyss may prove surmountable. But mark my words: the Darkwraiths are the enemies of man, and any living thing that has a soul. They were never meant to roam again..."



-You must be pretty damn good at speaking English
-You must live somewhere in North America

-Be active and reasonably social.

-Have Steam, so you can join the group. More organized and all that.
-Be relatively experienced/high level, have most or all planets unlocked and be knowledgeable in general. (Strictly a preference, no worries.

(Copy/pasted old thread, yellow text = new)


Looking for a small, friendly and helpful group of players to conquer the galaxy with? Interested in meeting some pretty chill guys to run defense missions with for hours on end? Would you like to dig into my endless supply of Void Keys for your own personal gain? Or perhaps you want in on those godly weapons only available from clan research?

Then look no further!



No, but seriously though,

We're a relatively small clan looking for mature, friendly players to have fun playing Warframe with. What I can guarantee is our willingness to help out with whatever needs you may have. Be it void runs, defense missions or material farming, we'll have your back. If you just started playing and you wanted me to then I would be willing to personally guide you through bosses and void runs until you had all the credits and blueprints you'd ever need. I mean hey, there's nothing I enjoy more than helping someone out.

Probably most importantly, we're not in this to get all the researchable weapons (nevermind, we did that), or find high-level players to do tower 3s and defense missions with, we're in this to have fun and make friends. Speaking of friends, you'll be treated like one upon joining. You've got nothing to prove, you don't have to earn our trust. Just join and have fun. Or don't, be a grumpy prick if you want, I don't care.

Another thing, "leadership"...

There are no "leaders" here. I'm not your boss. Think Valve. We're not looking for people to leech resources off of while we cackle maniacally in our big comfy chairs. We're looking for chill, like-minded individuals to have fun playing Warframe with. You'll respect me because I'm your friend, not because I'll kick you out if you call me a dumbass for saying something stupid. (I won't do that)

You'll also find that if you're fun to play with and talk to then you'll be moving up the ranks rather quickly. Not that it's that big of a deal, but hey, if you like being called a General then that's fine, I guess. You're allowed to feel more important than a Soldier as long as you don't act like it.


No microphone or voice communication or anything like that is required, you're free to stick to the in-game text chat. However a few of us do use Skype, so if you'd like to be more friendly/personal/get to know us better then feel free to ask. After all, I'd rather be a group of friends than a big community.

Some ground rules.

This is going to be a long list, but please make sure you've read and understood them before requesting an invite:

1. Be a pretty cool guy.
2. Be chill.
3. Relax!
4. Like the same music as me. Or don't. People have different tastes after all.
5. You must be under 81 years of age to join. Some clans like to enforce the whole "18+" thing. We decided to reverse it and flip the number, cause we thought it would be funny and age isn't an accurate method of determining maturity.
6. If we're on a Skype call, laugh at my jokes. Seriously embarassing when you don't, makes me feel like I'm geniunely unfunny when you guys just don't have a sense of humor.
7. pls dont type liek dis, or ill ban u. Nah but seriously that annoys me I'd rather you at least make a minimal effort to type intelligibly. Not super important but "u" is probs my biggest pet peeve.
8. Don't be all, arrogant or elitist or whatever. If the thought "wow he's a total noob for using that setup" crosses your mind at any point, you're in the wrong place. Refer to rules 1, 2 and 3.
9. They really need to implement some sort of unstuck feature, like seriously I get the whole "make sure the maps aren't bugged beforehand" but come on, you're only human DE, there are going to be mistakes and it would be swell if we had a surefire way of dealing with them. This isn't really a rule, just wanted to get that out there.
10. Finally, don't be like, offensive or anything. Again, rules 1, 2 and 3. But I don't mean like, no racial slurs or some bs like that. That's stupid. Racial slurs don't make you a racist. Sexist jokes don't make you a sexist. But if somehow your hatred for same-sex couples or Africans or females or whatever comes up in a conversation then I'll probably awkwardly kick you.

You may notice we have two Warlords.

If you consider me your "boss", which you shouldn't, then be sure to consider my good friend Fang0re DeathsGaze your boss as well. Hell, moreso even, he can be pretty bossy(naw not really <3) was our first member aside from Fang0re and I. And feel free to refer to us as Joves and Fang DeathsGaze respectively. Much easier. Or our real names if we're on a Skype call, that's preferable in that case.

And that about covers it!

If you're interested in joining, feel free to add me, message me in-game or post in this thread and I or another member will invite you ASAP.

Also, Steam group!

Join up, yo! http://steamcommunit...walkerswarframe


TL;DR (I prefer the term "summary", but this is the internet, so whatevs)

What we have to offer:
-Help with whatever you need help with
-Infinite Void runs, tiers 1 2 and 3
-Friendliness! We're more of a circle of friends than a big community.
-That being said, If you're looking to join a clan just to get the weapons and all that, then look somewhere else.

To join, add me, PM me or post in this thread. If you choose the latter option, feel free to tell us a bit about yourself! Where you're from, your favorite flavor of Kool-Aid, whatever you like man.



Not cool enough for you? Perhaps you'd rather ally yourself with this gentleman RIP:


Edited by MeetTheJoves
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MeetTheJoves, if you are still recruiting I would love to join.  I am a North American East player that's been playing since Update 5 and have been looking for a smaller relaxed clan.  Plus I am wearing the Covenant of Artorias, and enjoy long walks in the Abyss.


Edit: Steam Profile: CitizenGiD

Edited by CitizenGiD
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seems legit. I am still kind of "noobish" but this is probably the most understandable clan recruitment page I have seen so if you are still looking for members I could definitely use some company on all these missions I have been running solo. 

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seems legit. I am still kind of "noobish" but this is probably the most understandable clan recruitment page I have seen so if you are still looking for members I could definitely use some company on all these missions I have been running solo. 

Sounds good man! Invited!


Hey i'd like to join. You guys sound like my kind of ppl.

And you sound like our kind of member! Invited!

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Looking for more weaboos to join up.

I feel so lonely since Grey never @(*()$ logs in anymore. 

By the way i'm the clan's designated Soft-&amp;#&#33;. Come to me if you need help with a boss, farming, whatever. Or you can just talk about your waifu and I'll tell you how S#&$ she is. 

Edited by Ennokk
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Looking for more weaboos to join up.

I feel so lonely since Grey never @(*()$ logs in anymore. 

By the way i'm the clan's designated Soft-&amp;#&#33;. Come to me if you need help with a boss, farming, whatever. Or you can just talk about your waifu and I'll tell you how S#&$ she is. 

aren't you supposed to be making an emblem

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Why 33/60? Any particular reason? Just asking.

Two reasons, I'd like to leave room for friends of current members who start playing Warframe and may wish to join, as well as people we may meet in-game, and I don't want to have so many members that I start forgetting who people are, and people start feeling... Unimportant.

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Two reasons, I'd like to leave room for friends of current members who start playing Warframe and may wish to join, as well as people we may meet in-game, and I don't want to have so many members that I start forgetting who people are, and people start feeling... Unimportant.

I wish I would have enough members so I have to worry about that :D Right now half our "OG"s are ghosts and haven't been online for 50 days. But I can't complain, new members are accumulating and when we reach THAT number, I will start booting the cowards from our ranks :)


Pff, gotta liven up the mood! Now where did I leave my Ignis...

____________  _ _  ____________



Edited by K_Shiro
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I wish I would have enough members so I have to worry about that :D Right now half our "OG"s are ghosts and haven't been online for 50 days. But I can't complain, new members are accumulating and when we reach THAT number, I will start booting the cowards from our ranks :)


Pff, gotta liven up the mood! Now where did I leave my Ignis...

Heh, you'll get there man. Just takes time. More and more people are getting into Warframe nowadays so it'll be easy to pick up new players looking for clans to join. After that it's just up to you to raise 'em right. :P

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greetings! I've been looking for a relatively active clan with a cool name for a while, and I would be honored to join yours. I've been playing warframe since june, and I want to share my keys, resources, and knowledge with fellow tenno. I'm currently rank 11, but once mag prime is finished, I'll hit 12.


Unfortunately, I did fight for the corpus in 5 battles, but otherwise I'm at 35 or so for the grineer, and plan to stay true until the end of this event. as for my story, I have been part of a clan, but I was the only one ever on anymore, and they weren't the most social bunch. but at least I got to see what clans were about


so if you will accept my minor indiscretions in briefly siding with the corpus, I would much appreciate an invitation to your fine clan. oh, and I am in north america, for the record

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Quite the resume! Don't worry about those Corpus wins, as long as the Grineer wins outnumber them you'll only be helping us.


Activity has been, higher in the past, but that's partly due to a couple members leaving for a week. Things should pick up as they come back, and as we recruit more newcomers.


Invite sent, welcome aboard!

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