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Pin The Grineer Contest!


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Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Lord of the Dance performing live October 19-23.




and this one just for fun:



Alias: Bones226

Edited by Bones226
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So...I felt this screenshot deserved a little story.


Loki was wandering around a Grineer Galleon, being a sneaky creeper as he is wont to do, when he stumbled across the strangest sight: A Mag leading a pack of ravenous-looking Grineer like it was a game.




His curiosity piqued, he nestled himself away and watched as the Mag continued this for what seemed like hours.  Back and forth, back and forth.  At first he thought it was the Mag's attractive personality, but clearly there was something devious at work here.







Finally they stopped passing that door over and over...Loki snuck out to see what his fellow Tenno was up to, and stumbled across a...somewhat horrifying and definitely disturbing sight.




Loki could only imagine what had transpired here, but the aftermath told a chilling story, especially the trooper with his head jammed between his legs.


...and so, Loki learned to never question the proclivities of his fellow Tenno again.



Invisible Loki: Razor831

Mag: PsionNoir

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Posted · Hidden by [DE]Megan, October 21, 2013 - not a submission
Hidden by [DE]Megan, October 21, 2013 - not a submission

well I cant show you the pic because the creators of warframe never give enough info, but i can tell you that its cool just take my word for it will ya XD   

Knowing how to post a screenshot is not DE's job to teach. It's something you have to know.

I believe there is a magic finding device called internet, go and search for it.

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Amid the countless attempts at finding the right screenshot, I came across this.

Something about this screenshot made me look over it for awhile, studying it, until I found out why I was so captivated.

Then I figured it out. This screenshot captured the Rhino's natural essence as a Warframe, as I see him.


Alone amid an army of Grineer. Blood, smoke, and fire consume the area, yet the Rhino stands, calm and undaunted, over the corpse of only one of the hundreds, of the thousands, who dared to stand against his wrath.




Alias: Nightnine

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