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Keratinos Holstered State Not Working in Orbiter & Relays


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Keratinos has two "forms": "Holstered", with the tendrilclaws facing towards the base of the hand (up the arm and towards the shoulder), and "drawn", with the tendrils facing forwards (direction of the fingers, like all other drawn claws).

Keratinos assumes the "drawn" position when it should actually be in holstered state when the player does either of these:

- walking around the Orbiter

- walking around Relays

Side Notes:

- Keratinos has the correct behavior in the Arsenal and missions

- I'm pretty sure I've seen other playres in Relays with the Keratinos and those had the correct state

- after returning to the Nekralisk from an iso vault bounty, the claws assumes a third position: Perpendicular to the arm, facing towards the back of the frame okgxTJ1.png

- claw alignment was correct after returning to Orbiter from a mission (Uranus Steel Path)

- claw alignment correct after logging in and the Warframe standing up from the kneeling intro pose.

- not sure if intended but elemental effects affect the base of the claws instead of the ends. It's nice to see the tendrils without them being covered by flames etc tho.

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