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Exclusivity, Timed Exclusivity, And Events Exclusives...


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Well, game isn't life. I don't want to have everything, I want to have fun by collecting stuff in a game and achieve this collection. This means I don't like being deprived of something that have no cost behind an impenetrable wall.


"You should have played this game earlier than beta" in order to play 100% of the game is an interesting point of view but I disagree with it. Hence my post.


And I'm not waging an holy war, or at least, I don't think so, I try to be as constructive as I can without thinking of you as a child or something like that. Do I look like nervous ? Or did I say that I wanted to kill someone ?


You're not me and it's okay, people are different. Do you want to actively prevent me the access of some stuff or do you not care about it ? Because it seems to me that you're as entitled as I am but in the opposite  way (and also not much more logic than mine).

Holy S#&$ no offense but you are twisted - dude holy war is an expression in civilized countries and the context I used it in. It is in no way shape or form associated with murder 0___0


Anything you do is part of life, you don't stop aging bc you're playing a video game lmao the decisions a company makes are most certainly, part of life. 


Yeah, people who have been there longer, have supported the game longer, they get their due simple as that.  When you take that away it's no longer special but just another turd from the marketplace or from a boss or behind a couple missions.  It's soulless.  You see my point?  That exclusivity is part of that items character and what makes it what it is.  It's not entirely about this narcissistic view of "I was there first" can you see that?  If you give everything to everybody, it has zero soul, no value.  It's lame. I see people with an S-vandal or a B-vandal and I think it's cool, do I feel a compulsion that I need it?  No.  


As for the founder stuff, that's a whole other kettle of fish.  Most of us have been with the game for a goodly amount of time and plunked down cash on the barrel even though it's nowhere near complete.  We've taken a risk because we believe in this game and we believe in DE.  We've dealt with bugs, unfinished content, unpolished content, snafu's, and all the other crap that comes with early development and still we threw down cash.  So yeah, no the founder rewards belong to us end of story.  You can't just take the game in it's current (far FAR FAR more playable state than it was in Jan) or actually the state it'll be in come November and say well give us 250$ and you can have the same stuff as the people who put up with that crap for the same price - that's horsecrap. 

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Part of the problem is the super strong exclusives. For instance, the Strun Wraith is far and away the best shotgun in the game at the moment. New players who missed that event might be discouraged to learn that.

I know having the huge influx of players right after the Braton Vandal came out led to a lot of: why don't I have access to the best primary in the game? (which it was at the moment)

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Sorry if I misunderstand you, I'm not twisted, I'm just not english so I tend to not translate expressions well if I don't know it can be an expression.


Well let's try to explain. If you want, games are a part of a life. But they're not a representation of the life except simulations who actually want to be as close as possible but this is not the case here. Plus it's not really relevant to the problem I (and some players) perceive as a problem.

I get that you don't.


Players who are here longer well, enjoyed their time on the game as much, if not more than me. It's important to note that the game is in beta, and usually, even when they are true exclusives, it stays "cosmetic", and "one beta exclusive only" and sometimes "one Alpha exclusive" content.


You don't take them away their weapons, you don't even steal the exclusivity, you just smooth the conditions by giving regularly a chance to get them. Let say once in a year as it mostly happened like that. Sometimes, it's right after a new influx of player.


As an old player you are rewarded with weapons that cost less (kogake for example, costed less to craft), more rewards (remember the old credits rewardings missions), seeing the game evolves, participating in cool events (mostly), and getting stuff before anyone else. Getting stuff that no one else can doesn't seem to be that important.


Supporting a game doesn't mean "playing it earlier".

I played Bloodline Champions during the alpha and never touched the game again, because I was not interested. Do I need to be rewarded from having prior knowledge of it ? No. I prefer the newest players that stills plays the game to access the same content as I do if I begin to play again.


Supporting a game is more :

- advertising it ; the referral system with exclusives taken away is far better like this.

- providing feedback (and trying to stay constructive)

- helping new players

- actually playing the game


Now let's talk about Prime Stuff.


Founders pack are important. They are a way to show officially our support to the game. I know, I got one !

The fact that a founder pack is limited in time can be understood. The fact that the exclusives from a founder's pack should not come back can be important. But here's there is gameplay content.

A similarly priced pack with only Prime stuff, without any badge of support and name appearing on planet and maybe even less platinum, gives you less stuff for the same price. Which shouldn't be an issue but still allows players to get their hands on thoses prime when they'll have the money.


Now, the powers of thoses weapons. This is an issue that will probably be adressed at the same time than Armor 2.0, so it shouldn't stay an issue for long. We'll see.

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Did you really bring up GW2 as a game that defies the exclusive paradigm?

You do realize there are exclusive in game items that you cannot and will not ever be able to get again right? Despite them bringing back *holliday* event exclusives?

There are several exclusives, like ones given out at gamer conventions and I believe a beta tester reward that you're never going to be able to get short of buying someone's account.

In fact, of the recent F2P and B2P games to come out *nearly all of them have exclusive items*

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Did you really bring up GW2 as a game that defies the exclusive paradigm?

You do realize there are exclusive in game items that you cannot and will not ever be able to get again right? Despite them bringing back *holliday* event exclusives?

There are several exclusives, like ones given out at gamer conventions and I believe a beta tester reward that you're never going to be able to get short of buying someone's account.

In fact, of the recent F2P and B2P games to come out *nearly all of them have exclusive items*





Convention item (again, a cosmetic pet that doesn't do anything) was bring up on several conventions (and will be at futures conventions)

You can still get HoM rewards from playing Guild Wars 1, even right now.

And there's no reward except the headstart by playing Guild Wars 2 beta.


Hope it clears things up.

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Sorry if I misunderstand you, I'm not twisted, I'm just not english so I tend to not translate expressions well if I don't know it can be an expression.


Well let's try to explain. If you want, games are a part of a life. But they're not a representation of the life except simulations who actually want to be as close as possible but this is not the case here. Plus it's not really relevant to the problem I (and some players) perceive as a problem.

I get that you don't.


Players who are here longer well, enjoyed their time on the game as much, if not more than me. It's important to note that the game is in beta, and usually, even when they are true exclusives, it stays "cosmetic", and "one beta exclusive only" and sometimes "one Alpha exclusive" content.


You don't take them away their weapons, you don't even steal the exclusivity, you just smooth the conditions by giving regularly a chance to get them. Let say once in a year as it mostly happened like that. Sometimes, it's right after a new influx of player.


As an old player you are rewarded with weapons that cost less (kogake for example, costed less to craft), more rewards (remember the old credits rewardings missions), seeing the game evolves, participating in cool events (mostly), and getting stuff before anyone else. Getting stuff that no one else can doesn't seem to be that important.


Supporting a game doesn't mean "playing it earlier".

I played Bloodline Champions during the alpha and never touched the game again, because I was not interested. Do I need to be rewarded from having prior knowledge of it ? No. I prefer the newest players that stills plays the game to access the same content as I do if I begin to play again.


Supporting a game is more :

- advertising it ; the referral system with exclusives taken away is far better like this.

- providing feedback (and trying to stay constructive)

- helping new players

- actually playing the game


Now let's talk about Prime Stuff.


Founders pack are important. They are a way to show officially our support to the game. I know, I got one !

The fact that a founder pack is limited in time can be understood. The fact that the exclusives from a founder's pack should not come back can be important. But here's there is gameplay content.

A similarly priced pack with only Prime stuff, without any badge of support and name appearing on planet and maybe even less platinum, gives you less stuff for the same price. Which shouldn't be an issue but still allows players to get their hands on thoses prime when they'll have the money.


Now, the powers of thoses weapons. This is an issue that will probably be adressed at the same time than Armor 2.0, so it shouldn't stay an issue for long. We'll see.

Ah sorry, that explains it - your response really threw me off.


You say some weapons cost less but a lot more costed a crap ton more than they do now....do you remember Dojo's and Clantech?  Also again, if everybody has an S-Vandal, its nothing special at all - it's just a gun.  Isn't that super lame?  Why wouldn't you want special stuff in a game? 


Your "I played this game once should I get stuff" statement is invalid because you didn't stick with the game.  Also in case you haven't noticed from these forums but a lot of us HAVE been supporting this game since we started playing with feedback, advertising to our friends, on streams, buying plat/founders packs, ect.  A lot of us also have S#&$ tons of hours logged. 


No dude.  Absolutely not, badge?  People don't even see those tiny &#! things in game.  Excal/Skana/Lato Primes are reserved for founders only, some poncey flops shouldn't get to just roll up a year and half later plunk down the same amount of money and get those.  You would very much be taking something away from the people who backed DE and built this community actively helping create what we have today - and yes not everybody can afford founders pack but you know what?  They helped form this community and the feedback which has built up this game and those beta vandals are what they have for their efforts so no, you don't get to take that away from them by making it something that some random people who showed up late get to have.

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Convention item (again, a cosmetic pet that doesn't do anything) was bring up on several conventions (and will be at futures conventions)

You can still get HoM rewards from playing Guild Wars 1, even right now.

And there's no reward except the headstart by playing Guild Wars 2 beta.


Hope it clears things up.


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Cosmetic one. Ok. You got me. This item is not stated exclusive btw. It "could" come back.

"The Celebration Hat will only be available from August 25 (during Headstart) through September 12, so don’t wait!"

Yeah, not stated exclusive at all... you know, if you don't understand the meaning of the word "only"

It's not even a matter of being cosmetic; damn near every game offers timed exclusives.

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Ah sorry, that explains it - your response really threw me off.


You say some weapons cost less but a lot more costed a crap ton more than they do now....do you remember Dojo's and Clantech?  Also again, if everybody has an S-Vandal, its nothing special at all - it's just a gun.  Isn't that super lame?  Why wouldn't you want special stuff in a game? 


Your "I played this game once should I get stuff" statement is invalid because you didn't stick with the game.  Also in case you haven't noticed from these forums but a lot of us HAVE been supporting this game since we started playing with feedback, advertising to our friends, on streams, buying plat/founders packs, ect.  A lot of us also have S#&$ tons of hours logged. 


No dude.  Absolutely not, badge?  People don't even see those tiny &#! things in game.  Excal/Skana/Lato Primes are reserved for founders only, some poncey flops shouldn't get to just roll up a year and half later plunk down the same amount of money and get those.  You would very much be taking something away from the people who backed DE and built this community actively helping create what we have today - and yes not everybody can afford founders pack but you know what?  They helped form this community and the feedback which has built up this game and those beta vandals are what they have for their efforts so no, you don't get to take that away from them by making it something that some random people who showed up late get to have.


First, clan dojo were given refund (for the update 10 part), and could destroy rooms to grab up their resources (and rebuild them right away) (for the clan room costs part).


You should really stop saying that everybody will have a S-Wraith. I asked for stuff to come back regularly, not to be given as a present to all players at their first connection to the game. It stays special. It stayed link to events. It just come back. That's all.


I already answered about prime stuff. And I'm pretty sure a new player can help build the game as much as you did. That doesn't mean you did nothing.


My statement is not invalid, people get in the game and stop playing everyday. People that were lucky enough to jump during an event or before the end of the closed beta and are not playing anymore don't contribute that much to the game.


What about letting the players support the game financially when they want to ? Is this a matter if they're given the same gameplay content as you and less cosmetic stuff ? Result : It stays an incentive to pay. If other people than you, pay, it's a good thing for the game. That means more income to work on this.

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The problem with your reasoning: if they take back what they said and make all the exclusive stuff they've told us will be exclusive it will have a huge negative effect on what they say moving forward.

If they keep saying one thing and then doing another it encourages a loss of faith in what they say.

They have said some of the exclusives *may* come back in future events but some things, like founder rewards, are one offs. You miss the boat you miss them.

S-Wraith and Snipetron have both been clearly stated as possible to come back again down the line.

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First, clan dojo were given refund (for the update 10 part), and could destroy rooms to grab up their resources (and rebuild them right away) (for the clan room costs part).


You should really stop saying that everybody will have a S-Wraith. I asked for stuff to come back regularly, not to be given as a present to all players at their first connection to the game. It stays special. It stayed link to events. It just come back. That's all.


I already answered about prime stuff. And I'm pretty sure a new player can help build the game as much as you did. That doesn't mean you did nothing.


My statement is not invalid, people get in the game and stop playing everyday. People that were lucky enough to jump during an event or before the end of the closed beta and are not playing anymore don't contribute that much to the game.


What about letting the players support the game financially when they want to ? Is this a matter if they're given the same gameplay content as you and less cosmetic stuff ? Result : It stays an incentive to pay. If other people than you, pay, it's a good thing for the game. That means more income to work on this.

Ecal prime is cosmetic.  The Lato prime and Skana prime are both poop - they're not content.  Seriously, a new player may come and bring a bunch of players with them that's great, but without the people who made this game a success in the first place they would never get that opportunity.  They also are directly benefiting from our input.  Now it's great that drop rates have been increased!  But it the point still stands that most of us didn't have the luxury.  


Yeah I never said the straith I've been talking about the beta vandals and the founder primes.  The fact is, if you hand those out you diminish what they are and represent to those players and that's wrong.  None of this is about economics, none of this is about morality to you, this entire thread is literally nothing but your attempt to drum up support so you can pad out your collection for selfish reasons so please stop inventing crap you don't care about/believe in to back your crusade for a Strun Wraith. 

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S-Wraith and Snipetron have both been clearly stated as possible to come back again down the line.


Except it won't be as negative as it sounds, given the example that I linked a few time (League of legends) where they also were clearly indicated as exclusives.



Excal prime is cosmetic.  The Lato prime and Skana prime are both poop - they're not content.  Seriously, a new player may come and bring a bunch of players with them that's great, but without the people who made this game a success in the first place they would never get that opportunity.  They also are directly benefiting from our input.  Now it's great that drop rates have been increased!  But it the point still stands that most of us didn't have the luxury.  


Yeah I never said the straith I've been talking about the beta vandals and the founder primes.  The fact is, if you hand those out you diminish what they are and represent to those players and that's wrong.  None of this is about economics, none of this is about morality to you, this entire thread is literally nothing but your attempt to drum up support so you can pad out your collection for selfish reasons so please stop inventing crap you don't care about/believe in to back your crusade for a Strun Wraith. 


First, no, 2 weapons and a warframe are not cosmetic stuff. They have light differences, and they gives mastery. Skin is cosmetic. Weapon/Warframe is not.


Selfish reasons that I speak about in my very first post in order to be the most honest possible.

Note that I did the same for League of Legends where I don't miss one exclusive skin.

And that I could speak privately with devs via support and private messaging if I wanted that only for me. It would be faster. And it could be done behind your back without you knowing a thing.


Please stay constructive. I don't say "crap" because I disagree with you.


Exclusives should stay exclusive because they are exclusives.  They should stick to the terms of their exclusivity.  And yes I also want the Lato and Braton Vandal weapons, but that doesn't mean that I should get them.


An exclusive does not mean "it should stay that way" and a lot of examples proves that you're wrong about it. Quoted them in my first post.



Seriously... if you feel like not having an exclusive item somehow diminishes a game for you... you should stop playing games and go play more real life.

This is supposed to be a fun pass-time not an all consuming obsession.

Indeed it does diminish the game for me. Because you take away content from me (and newer players, I mean 11 weapons... 1 warframe).
I don't think I'm consumed since I've waited to actually finish the content I was given in order to ask for this stuff from day 1.


I won't answer any more "real life argument" since I've already did.

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An exclusive does not mean "it should stay that way" and a lot of examples proves that you're wrong about it. Quoted them in my first post.


It doesn't prove that I'm wrong, only that those developers are liars.  Are you saying DE should become liars?

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It doesn't prove that I'm wrong, only that those developers are liars.  Are you saying DE should become liars?


No it proves that you just misunderstand the use of "exclusive". Like in "exclusive preorder stuff" that became available after a few months.

And I prefer DE to become "liars" in a positive way if it means that the game become better after this.

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Indeed it does diminish the game for me. Because you take away content from me (and newer players, I mean 11 weapons... 1 warframe).
I don't think I'm consumed since I've waited to actually finish the content I was given in order to ask for this stuff from day 1.


I won't answer any more "real life argument" since I've already did.

If a handful of guns that most of which are obsolete and only one of which is actually worth using (which is also one explicitly stated as being able to come back later) diminish the game for you... then you really need to re-examine your priorities. It's not about a "real life argument" it's a "stop being OCD" argument. If 11 weapons (a chunk of which are essentially reskins) and 1 warframe (which is a carbon copy of a starter frame) is "taking away content from you" in your eyes you have crap priorities and unrealisitic expectations.

You sit here and try to act like people who want the exclusives to remain that way are greedy... but all I hear from you is "mememememememememememememememe mememe me me me me memememe"

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Except it won't be as negative as it sounds, given the example that I linked a few time (League of legends) where they also were clearly indicated as exclusives.




First, no, 2 weapons and a warframe are not cosmetic stuff. They have light differences, and they gives mastery. Skin is cosmetic. Weapon/Warframe is not.


Selfish reasons that I speak about in my very first post in order to be the most honest possible.

Note that I did the same for League of Legends where I don't miss one exclusive skin.

And that I could speak privately with devs via support and private messaging if I wanted that only for me. It would be faster. And it could be done behind your back without you knowing a thing.


Please stay constructive. I don't say "crap" because I disagree with you.



An exclusive does not mean "it should stay that way" and a lot of examples proves that you're wrong about it. Quoted them in my first post.


Indeed it does diminish the game for me. Because you take away content from me (and newer players, I mean 11 weapons... 1 warframe).
I don't think I'm consumed since I've waited to actually finish the content I was given in order to ask for this stuff from day 1.


I won't answer any more "real life argument" since I've already did.

Ok..first of all I understand you're bad at English as you've stated so please go look up the definition of exclusive before you try to tell anybody what you THINK it means. 


I am merely stating you should stop making arguments under false pretenses.  You are literally jumping on anything that you think will back your agenda regardless if you believe in it or not and that's pretty grimy in my book.  


Nothing has been taken from you, again with the English - you have to have possession of something before it can be taken from you. 



The fact of the matter is that you don't have a leg to stand on other than this:


'I don't have something and I want it so you should make it available to me and I will do anything in my power to achieve this even if it's PMing devs and getting them to go back on their word. '


(last I checked, that kind of behavior counts as obsession) 

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Ok..first of all I understand you're bad at English as you've stated so please go look up the definition of exclusive before you try to tell anybody what you THINK it means.

I am merely stating you should stop making arguments under false pretenses. You are literally jumping on anything that you think will back your point regardless if you believe in it or not and that's pretty grimy in my book.

Nothing has been taken from you, again with the English - you have to have possession of something before it can be taken from you.

The fact of the matter is that you don't have a leg to stand on other than this:

'I don't have something and I want it so you should make it available to me and I will do anything in my power to achieve this even if it's PMing devs and getting them to go back on their word. '

(last I checked, that kind of behavior counts as obsession)

Well I looked up and I didn't see anywhere that exclusives "have to stay that way". Even on the wiktionnary. But feel free to modify it if you want.

I clearly stated that I wanted them. So you can get on me because of this, and fail to understand me on purpose to prove a point (which is a little bit grimy in my book).

I backed numerous games, documents, links, stories, experience with new players to prove my point. If you fail to see them. Read again. I do not need to be better at english than that.

So you don't take content from me, you DEPRIVE me of the content. Is your play on words over now ?

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Well I looked up and I didn't see anywhere that exclusives "have to stay that way". Even on the wiktionnary. But feel free to modify it if you want.


I clearly stated that I wanted them. So you can get on me because of this, and fail to understand me on purpose to prove a point (which is a little bit grimy in my book).


I backed numerous games, documents, links, stories, experience with new players to prove my point. If you fail to see them. Read again. I do not need to be better at english than that.

My point, is that all you care about is getting the weapons you don't have.  That's it.  Everything else you post is bullS#&$ you could care less about unless it gets you what you want. 



restricted or limited to the person, group, or area concerned.


(as in, if you are not part of that group you don't get it end of story - if you remove that clause on an item it is no longer exclusive.  Doesn't take a PhD to figure that inference out)

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Indeed it does diminish the game for me. Because you take away content from me (and newer players, I mean 11 weapons... 1 warframe).
I don't think I'm consumed since I've waited to actually finish the content I was given in order to ask for this stuff from day 1.



This right here is in fact the exact unreasonable sense of entitlement i referenced earlier.  here it is in Black and white.


1. You aren't being denied anything, you have access to everything anyone else in the game at this time has access to.  Were you eligible for the "exclusive" items when they were offered?  If you were and you didn't get them then in that singular case are you being denied anything.   If you weren't eligible when they were offered (ie not playing or didn't participate) then you are being denied nothing, they simply aren't there.  In order for something to be "denied" you you have to have had the opportunity to get it, you didn't therefore you have no right to claim that you should get them.


2. Waiting until you have everything to say "I think I should get stuff that other people have because they have it an I don't is not a valid argument".  See point 1. for why.


3. If the something is diminished because you can't have everything that everyone has, then get used to disappointment.  Life is gonna kick you in the balls repeatedly.


4. Lastly you have claimed to speak for "others" that hold similar opinions, unless you can back that up with quotes or verfiable links you should back off on the "people agree with me because i said so rhetoric".  And by extension to that point unless you have evidence that people have in fact felt the way you have (in verifiable quotes/links/articles) and that has in fact had an impact on a similar game (i./e. caused it to be significantly less successful) you should probably just admit it's cause YOU want stuff you can't have.  Because personally i don't think offending the OCD of "collector" types is a reason to go back on things that were previously explicit exclusives to players for contributions, participation, or events.

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No it proves that you just misunderstand the use of "exclusive". Like in "exclusive preorder stuff" that became available after a few months.

And I prefer DE to become "liars" in a positive way if it means that the game become better after this.

Sorry to disappoint you but I understand quite well what exclusive means and it's different applications.  Lets take a look at some examples.


Lato Vandal - Closed Beta exclusive.  The key words there are Closed Beta, which only happens once.  Means it shouldn't be coming back.


Primed Chamber - Event exclusive.  Will be coming back as it is tied to events.


My argument is that exclusives should stick to the terms of their exclusivity.

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I backed numerous games, documents, links, stories, experience with new players to prove my point. If you fail to see them. Read again. I do not need to be better at english than that.

So you don't take content from me, you DEPRIVE me of the content. Is your play on words over now ?


P.S. You're not being "deprived" of anything. You don't own any part of your account, you don't actually possess anything and you were just as eligable as anyone else to get the exclusive items.

Event exclusives will most likely come back around sooner or later.

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My point, is that all you care about is getting the weapons you don't have.  That's it.  Everything else you post is bullS#&$ you could care less about unless it gets you what you want. 



restricted or limited to the person, group, or area concerned.


(as in, if you are not part of that group you don't get it end of story - if you remove that clause on an item it is no longer exclusive.  Doesn't take a PhD to figure that inference out)


Acting like a smartass won't help you. Restricting content NEVER HAVE MEANT >>>>FO-RE-VER <<<<

The rest is not bullS#&$, it's facts. League of Legends really did that. And yeah this is my main example.

Can read my thoughts ? No you can't.






Sorry to disappoint you but I understand quite well what exclusive means and it's different applications.  Lets take a look at some examples.


Lato Vandal - Closed Beta exclusive.  The key words there are Closed Beta, which only happens once.  Means it shouldn't be coming back.


Primed Chamber - Event exclusive.  Will be coming back as it is tied to events.


My argument is that exclusives should stick to the terms of their exclusivity.


I understand. And yep, they could have to come back on their words. They probably won't. Don't worry.


I think I can't discuss this anymore since I already brought up everything I needed to and that we're now kinda playing on words. Feel free to discuss this matter anyway.

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