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[PC][Clan][Closed] Rank 10 clan with all research looking for a new founding warlord


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I don't have any requirements for the leader, except the will to have the clan. Note that it's easy to change your clan's name, just go to PRIME ACCESS on this page and there your Account Details, then Clan Management, and you can change the name for 200 platinum. Currently clan is named NURTURERS and I will not give you the platinum to make the change, no way, you have to have that on your own if you want it to be named different.

The clan has all research except about half the pigments done, and is rank 10 currently. There is some decoration in the main room and a few others, and a color scheme on a lot of the rooms. The clan will exit its current alliance before I give the clan to you. The clan is purely a solo clan, I'm the only member.

So now's your chance. If you want to have a clan of your own but don't like the idea of farming all the stuff, this is a great opportunity for you. Know that I won't go back on this, I already got a good arrangement elsewhere.

If no one shows interest for the clan before this week's friday 4th of September, I'll just give the clan to whoever I can, or terminate it if I find no one to give it to.

You can contact me in-game to get a dojo tour to see the decoration, which you can of course do whatever you want with once the clan is yours.

/w SolitaryMan7 Hi! I'm interested in having your clan.

Feel free to copy that message and we'll get started.

Update: the clan has now been given away, thank you for your interest and have a good week. 🙂

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