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Master Chief Vs. Warframe


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I think of it like this, chief out of his suit vs tenno out of theirs, chief wins. Chief in a warframe vs a tenno in a warframe, chief wins. Chief vs a tenno in a sparan suit, chief wins. After carefully going over everything, chief wins.

Need I point out bosses are immune to CC, so the chief would be as well?

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I think of it like this, chief out of his suit vs tenno out of theirs, chief wins. Chief in a warframe vs a tenno in a warframe, chief wins. Chief vs a tenno in a sparan suit, chief wins. After carefully going over everything, chief wins.

Need I point out bosses are immune to CC, so the chief would be as well?


No. The Tenno are arrogant of their senseless powers. They would just Punch his Soul out, disrupt time with a stomp, coat him with anti-particles, and will try to kill him with a projectile so heavy that it can impale him to the nearest wall or would rip him in half

Yes, bullets can now rip you in half.. 


Everything in Warframe screws Logic. 

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You clearly haven't read much of this thread then.


The "tenno supporters" as you say didn't just ignore the arguments made, they made counter arguments and figured out a fair amount of discernible benchmarks for the warframes.  And this whole thing is moot when you throw in the abilities anyways.


Rhino can stomp so hard that he disrupts time and space.  Nova literally hurls around ANTIMATTER.  It doesn't matter how tough your armor is vs that, it's just gone.  Unless it's made of quasi-matter, but that's a different story and Master-cheif's armor is most definitely NOT quasi-matter.  Nekros can EJECT HIS SOUL.  Hell, Valkyr conjures up an impenetrable barrier powered by pure uncontrollable RAGE when she gets cranky enough. 

They are powerful, but what have we been facing? Pretty much every enemy we've faced in Warframe is generally technologically inferior to the Tenno warframes, hence why they wish to harness their powers-- for instance Alad V.


Master Chief I think, and Halo Spartans in general, are physically stronger than any Tenno-- Rhino is probably a match.


This argument can go on and on but I think it depends enitrely on circumstance. Like if Master Chief say, was clinging on the ceiling and dropped down on a warframe, pinning their arms down, I dont think the tenno can win. Evidenced by the animations in the actual game its obvious you need to be able to move your hand or do some kind of motion to perform any kind of ability.


In terms of gameplay, if the same situation were to happen, Master Chief could just hide behind a corner and wait for a Tenno, then just hold RB to lock them in assassination, resulting in instant Tenno death. In addition, Tenno don't have enemy radar unless they equip the mod. And if it isn't, well Master Chief always has a motion sensor going on. I think Master Chief knows better fighting techniques than the Tenno. I really haven't seen much skill of the Tenno or how they are trained aside from the animations and cinematics. The rest of knowledge of Tenno skill is just assumed or evidenced from the gameplay, like a Nova sitting there pressing 4 all the time.


However, I do think that in a technological viewpoint the Tenno are superior to Master Chief. But when it all comes down to it it's who fights smarter. In an empty room facing one on one I think most of the Tenno warframes would win. But master chief has some high reflex and may or may not dodge some projectile skills of the tenno. And if the tenno have energy-- or if they run out-- is also a factor.

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No. The Tenno are arrogant of their senseless powers. They would just Punch his Soul out, disrupt time with a stomp, coat him with anti-particles, and will try to kill him with a projectile so heavy that it can impale him to the nearest wall or would rip him in half

Yes, bullets can now rip you in half.. 


Everything in Warframe screws Logic. 

He said when Master Chief and the Tenno are out of their suit. Remember that all of that power you see in the game comes from the Warframe, not the Tenno. Master Chief is physically augmented, and he's already crazy strong having to haul around that heavy metal suit all the time. Without suits, Master Chief is just better.

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The warframe itself must have some mass to it if even the smallest warframe can kick down a 1-ton cyborg with a kick.


Their Suits (Warframe) enables them to exert a force of hundred Kilo-joules (as of stated by a Tenno Supporter) that they could send a Cyborg as heavy as a Ton sky high (UnModded) through their modified Legs (with or without Knockdown-Resistant Modifications) yet they cannot carry the weight of a Single Shield Bump whose force is exerted only a Two and a Half Feet (Length of the Arm Fully Stretched during the said motion) away. 


Dodging the fact that if equipped with said KO-resistant Modifications(Full), it will rely on a dice:

80% Max Success Rate.

20% Max Failure Rate


Let's wait for that Tenno supporter for the said conversion.

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Honestly, you guys seem to not realize the sheer power the Spartans held. They could slow time and react fast enough to dodge rockets, bullets, and plasma bursts. Their shields were powerful enough to drop from orbit and survive, and their armor was able to handle being crushed under a 4 ton tank, and come out smiling. Tenno, to the best of our knowledge, are nothing more than highly trained human/human like beings. Their suits are what gives them most of the advantage, and they don't seem to be able to move that fast, with the exception of Loki.



Excalibur can Slash Dash at a Spartan, but the Spartan can grab his arm in mid slash and flip him sideways without being touched. A Rhino can charge them, but the Spartan can just lock their armor (Which takes about a quarter second according to the books and Halsey's notes,) and stop him dead. Mag could pull or crush them, but their armor would automatically lock from the pressure, and withstand up to 8 tons of force per square inch. Ash can Shuriken., but how useful is that when they could dodge them, or even catch them?



The games HIGHLY underplayed the Spartan's strength, and it's only mentioned in the books a few times. In addition, they wouldn't be fighting alone. If even two Spartans are together, their strength is nearly tripled, because they can literally communicate and work together at the speed of thought. And who says they'd use only UNSC weapons? They pick up and use any weapon found on the battlefield, what's to keep them from ambushing an Eviscerator and stealing their Miter? Or robbing Captain Vor for his pistol? Spartans are adaptable, whereas Tenno are strict and inflexible.

No? Nyx uses Mind Control and force the Spartan to kill himself.

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No? Nyx uses Mind Control and force the Spartan to kill himself.


Nyx's 1st Skill does not work on Bosses. MC is from a different Universe, therefore, he is considered a Boss. 


And Mind Control does not initiate Suicide. Play Nyx to find that out.

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Loki uses his ultimate. Master Chief is fxxked. Loki makes a decoy. Master Chief punches the decoy. Loki jumps off a ship and uses switch teleport.


PVE: Loki releases a pulse of manipulative energy, depleting/jamming the ranged weapons of enemies within a 10 / 13 / 17 / 20 meter radius. Affected enemies are permanently unable to use their ranged weapons.



  • Tenno in Conclave duels are affected as follows:
    • Drains all energy from the target.
    • If the target has shields remaining then all shields are drained. If the target has no shields remaining then they take 200 / 200 / 350 / 500 Magnetic damage.
    • Temporarily applies Ancient Disruptor's visual effect on the HUD.
    • Prevents the target from firing any ranged weapon for 1–2 seconds. (unknown if this affects Glaive/Kestrel charge attack)


Since it is Duel, all said effects is applied. MC has his shields drained if successfully captures him in-range (20 Meter Radius is not that big/half of an Official Basketball Court) and disables his weapons in 1-2 secs, Immobilized decoys are utterly useless on both sides, and Switch Teleport has a Maximum Range of 50 Meters. If he does Jumps off a Ship, his initial speed is reduced significantly on the vacuum of space, making him vulnerable to open Fire, and if he fails to switch instantly, he is left open in Space.


MC could just leave him out of there. Loki gasping for Air, leaving the Master Race crying that he challenged a Legendary Veteran.

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almost all of the tennos ultimate's would leave cheif an utter mess, hate to break it to you, radial javelin:good luck dealing with giant magical spears impaling your body, bladestorm: hes just screwed, absorb: screwed if he attacks, berserk: he'll just be a bloody pulp, molecular prime:boom, vortex: crushes his atoms into tiny specs of matter, miasma: disintegrates him and his armor, overload: his suit and cortana will be ruined, avalanche: freezes, and crushes him causing him to shatter, crush: self explanatory especially because hes a 1 ton chunk of metal, rhino stomp: disrupts time leaving him 100% vulnerable to anything the tenno felt like doing


and those are just the ultimate's not to mention that almost every frame has at least 1 non ultra ability that will utterly destroy him, what half of you people on the mc side are leaving out is these, it doesn't matter if chief is stronger physically or faster or what ever hes completely screwed by these hate to break it to you, good luck surviving having your body crushed at an atomic level or having your body crumple into dust, or having your soul ripped out of your body, or mind control and have him kill himself

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almost all of the tennos ultimate's would leave cheif an utter mess, hate to break it to you, radial javelin:good luck dealing with giant magical spears impaling your body, bladestorm: hes just screwed, absorb: screwed if he attacks, berserk: he'll just be a bloody pulp, molecular prime:boom, vortex: crushes his atoms into tiny specs of matter, miasma: disintegrates him and his armor, overload: his suit and cortana will be ruined, avalanche: freezes, and crushes him causing him to shatter, crush: self explanatory especially because hes a 1 ton chunk of metal, rhino stomp: disrupts time leaving him 100% vulnerable to anything the tenno felt like doing

and those are just the ultimate's not to mention that almost every frame has at least 1 non ultra ability that will utterly destroy him, what half of you people on the mc side are leaving out is these, it doesn't matter if chief is stronger physically or faster or what ever hes completely screwed by these hate to break it to you, good luck surviving having your body crushed at an atomic level or having your body crumple into dust, or having your soul ripped out of your body, or mind control and have him kill himself

NOTE: Since Warframe relies on its ridiculous senseless Skills that is bounded in Science Fantasy: Anti-Particle, Time, Soul Manipulation and Object Selection (Vortex and few other skills targets specifically and neglects outside forces). 


I will intensively rely on Spartan II's Reaction Time: 20 ms (Milliseconds) and can virtually see in the Dark. (SRT)


And the Location is conditioned, negates desired advantage over the other. Therefore, the Tenno will rely on their Energy Siphon Mods. If they fail to equip one, then the said Ultimate Skills are disabled or can only be cast ONCE!


There are 7 possible Ultimate Skills that can Kill Master Chief:

Radial Javelin, BladeStorm, Absorb, Vortex, Miasma, Avalanche and Rhino Stomp.


-Radial Javelin

Maxed Proximity: 58.7 meters (Max: 6 Javelins /400dmg/)

Punch through? No (MC spectates before Rushing In and he will always try to find a cover); Cast Time: 1 Sec; Post-Cast: 2.5 Sec.

Open Space: Tenno Win

Close Space: MC Win (Time Intervals between Animations is a flaw for the Tenno. He has 1 sec to Hide and 2.5 extra Seconds to pound post animation and since Luck favours MC, all those Javelins prolly will just pass through him)


Proximity: 20 meters (Half-Court); Maxed: 47 Meters

Cast Animation: Cortana detects Ash's Signature increasing significantly. MC's SRT reacts

Rear/Above: Either

-Ult Succeeds striking MC: Tenno Win

Front: MC Win (SRT enables MC to dodge and counter)

-Ult Fails striking MC: MC Win (Memory Enhanced. Hence, Ash's Ultimate is directly memorized: Casting Location lock-down)


Proximity: 10 meters (Quarter of a Court); Maxed: 23.5 meters (Half-Court)

Absorbed damage is visible as particles of light traveling into Nyx from roughly around an attack's impact point. Enemies which attack other targets instead of Nyx from inside the Absorb bubble will produce particles but will not contribute damage.

Hit: Tenno Win

Fails: MC Win (Re-enactment of Ability will not fool MC)


-Hysteria (There's no Berserk Skill)

Duration: 30 secs; Maxed: 1 min and 17.1 secs


MC Win (SRT over Stagnant Speed; MC wears out Valkyr on its invulnerability state)


-Molecular Prime

Proximity: 25 meters (Half-Court); Maxed: 58.75 meters

Duration: 60 secs

Effects: Affected enemies slows at 50% both Walking/Sprint Speed and Attack Speed


Average Spartan Sprint Speed: 55 km/h (W/ M.Prime: 27.5)

MC's Maximum Sprint Speed: 105 km/h (W/ M. Prime: 52.5)



Proximity: Unknown (5-10 meters?) 

Initial Pull Strength? Violent (Wiki) yet limited 

Duration: 12 secs; Maxed: 30.84 secs


Successfully pulls Chief: Tenno Win

Fails to Pull Chief: MC Win (Re-enactment of Ability will not Fool MC



Proximity: 15 meters; Maxed: 35.25 meters

Maxed Dmg: 6k Corrosive but reduces Range to 5.1 meters


MC in Range: Tenno Win

MC out of Range: MC Win (Seriously, MC is not a Fool to Rush things like what the Tenno does)

Saryn: Slow as hell



Proximity: 20 meters; Maxed: 38 meters

Duration: 60 secs

Cast Time: 1 Sec

Vulnerable during Animation? Yes


MC Win. (Obviously)



Proximity: 15 meters; Maxed: 35.25 meters

Duration: 1 sec

Cast Time: 2.4 secs

Cast Delay: 0.75 seconds


MC Frozen: Tenno Win

Other instances during the Animation: MC Win. SRT (TIme Intervals between Animation is essential)

Frost: Slow as Hell



Proximity: 18 meters; Maxed: 46.8 meters

Duration: Unknown yet virtually consumes Time

Cast Time: 2.7 secs


Crush Magnetizes Bone instead of Metal. 

Spartan Carbide Ceramic Ossification: Advanced material grafting onto skeletal structures to make bones virtually unbreakable.


MC Win.


-Rhino Stomp

The most WTH Skill of Warframe. Screws Logic, screws Physics, Screws Science, and Screws the Whole Science Fiction genre.



-Mind Control

Masterchief is from another Universe.Therefore, he is labeled Unique, a Boss.

Mind Control does not work on bosses.


MC Win


-Soul Punch

Warframe is Science Fantasy. Therefore, all of its Science Fantasy-based Skills only affects their own Universe.

Halo is Science Fiction and neglects the existence of Souls and Divinity. Therefore, the Halo Universe, the Spartans especially the Master Chief does not hold a Soul.


MC Win.




Please. The MASTERCHIEF* is the ultimately Space Ninja. 


edit: *I wrote Tenno instead of MC T.T

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NOTE: Since Warframe relies on its ridiculous senseless Skills that is bounded in Science Fantasy: Anti-Particle, Time, Soul Manipulation and Object Selection (Vortex and few other skills targets specifically and neglects outside forces). 


I will intensively rely on Spartan II's Reaction Time: 20 ms (Milliseconds) and can virtually see in the Dark. (SRT)


And the Location is conditioned, negates desired advantage over the other. Therefore, the Tenno will rely on their Energy Siphon Mods. If they fail to equip one, then the said Ultimate Skills are disabled or can only be cast ONCE!


-Radial Javelin

Maxed Proximity: 58.7 meters (Max: 6 Javelins /400dmg/)

Punch through? No (MC spectates before Rushing In and he will always try to find a cover); Cast Time: 1 Sec; Post-Cast: 2.5 Sec.

Open Space: Tenno Win

Close Space: MC Win (Time Intervals between Animations is a flaw for the Tenno. He has 1 sec to Hide and 2.5 extra Seconds to pound post animation and since Luck favours MC, all those Javelins prolly will just pass through him)


Proximity: 20 meters (Half-Court); Maxed: 47 Meters

Cast Animation: Cortana detects Ash's Signature increasing significantly. MC's SRT reacts

Rear/Above: Either

-Ult Succeeds striking MC: Tenno Win

Front: MC Win (SRT enables MC to dodge and counter)

-Ult Fails striking MC: MC Win (Memory Enhanced. Hence, Ash's Ultimate is directly memorized: Casting Location lock-down)


Proximity: 10 meters (Quarter of a Court); Maxed: 23.5 meters (Half-Court)

Absorbed damage is visible as particles of light traveling into Nyx from roughly around an attack's impact point. Enemies which attack other targets instead of Nyx from inside the Absorb bubble will produce particles but will not contribute damage.

Hit: Tenno Win

Fails: MC Win (Re-enactment of Ability will not fool MC)


-Hysteria (There's no Berserk Skill)

Duration: 30 secs; Maxed: 1 min and 17.1 secs


MC Win (SR over Stagnant Speed)


-Molecular Prime

Proximity: 25 meters (Half-Court); Maxed: 58.75 meters

Duration: 60 secs

Effects: Affected enemies slows at 50% both Walking/Sprint Speed and Attack Speed


Average Spartan Sprint Speed: 55 km/h (W/ M.Prime: 27.5)

MC's Maximum Sprint Speed: 105 km/h (W/ M. Prime: 52.5)



Proximity: Unknown (5-10 meters?) 

Initial Pull Strength? Violent (Wiki) yet limited 

Duration: 12 secs; Maxed: 30.84 secs


Successfully pulls Chief: Tenno Win

Fails to Pull Chief: MC Win (Re-enactment of Ability will not Fool MC



Proximity: 15 meters; Maxed: 35.25 meters

Maxed Dmg: 6k Corrosive but reduces Range to 5.1 meters


MC in Range: Tenno Win

MC out of Range: MC Win (Seriously, MC is not a Fool to Rush things like what the Tenno does)

Saryn: Slow as hell



Proximity: 20 meters; Maxed: 38 meters

Duration: 60 secs

Cast Time: 1 Sec

Vulnerable during Animation? Yes


MC Win. (Obviously)



Proximity: 15 meters; Maxed: 35.25 meters

Duration: 1 sec

Cast Time: 2.4 secs

Cast Delay: 0.75 seconds


MC Frozen: Tenno Win

Other instances during the Animation: MC Win. SRT (TIme Intervals between Animation is essential)

Frost: Slow as Hell



Proximity: 18 meters; Maxed: 46.8 meters

Duration: Unknown yet virtually consumes Time

Cast Time: 2.7 secs


Crush Magnetizes Bone instead of Metal. 

Spartan Carbide Ceramic Ossification: Advanced material grafting onto skeletal structures to make bones virtually unbreakable.


MC Win.


-Rhino Stomp

The most WTH Skill of Warframe. Screws Logic, screws Physics, Screws Science, and Screws the Whole Science Fiction genre.


So you're removing their fire-arms as well?


If you don't know how it works,don't say it won't work.

Stop trying to cripple the other side and stop making the logical part of the forum baffled by your total disregard of evidence,reason and desperation to the point of making overly specific scenarios for chief to win.


Same goes for the asshats trying to say that outside the suits,MC wins(even though at this point,the Tenno are pretty much Warp-I mean Void mutated/affected abominations beyond recognition,besides the humanoid shape,with some arguing that the suits are made to contain them rather than empower them)

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So you're removing their fire-arms as well?


If you don't know how it works,don't say it won't work.

Stop trying to cripple the other side and stop making the logical part of the forum baffled by your total disregard of evidence reason and desperation to the point of making overly specific scenarios for chief to win.


I never stated it wont work. I only succumb to the idea it has failures and loopholes. Deal with it.


Then Provide something to prove me wrong. If I dont know how it works then you tell me how it works. 

Since you claim I have disregarded Evidence and reasoning. Please feel free to enlighten us how Warframe Skills works.



Sirwarriant12 argued that the Ultimates will end the said Duel. We are not talking about their Arsenal. 




Stop crying and protect your beloved Tenno.

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Then Provide something to prove me wrong. If I dont know how it works then you tell me how it works. 

Since you claim I have disregarded Evidence and reasoning. Please feel free to enlighten us how Warframe Skills works.


I never stated it wont work. I only succumb to the idea it has failures and loopholes. Deal with it.

Sirwarriant12 argued that the Ultimates will end the said Duel. We are not talking about their Arsenal. 


You are free to counter those scenarios. If you can.

You said that MC wins if the ultimates fail.


You also say somehow Chief will somehow resist effects of overload,mind control(with the most commonly said bullS#&$ resistence to mind contol I heard) and being punched in the soul(or atleast directly attacked to the soul) or know their abilities and know how to avoid them...somehow

Nevermind the arguments you said on why they won't work


Also,as for the Evidence and Reason:


You also said that MC is winning in this forum due to the WF fans being illogical fanboys with no working arguments,even though more than a majority of players are saying that Tenno win,due to far too many reasons posted in this 30 page zombie of a thread.

Try to read atleast 20 pages of this forum without bias,you'll be surprised how some posted how the Tenno can be just as Fast or faster,strong or stronger and how and why the abilities will work.

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Nevermind the arguments you said



Nevermind the Arguments I stated? Then Why did you bother to propose yours and assumes it will be accepted?


Why would I bother reading your senseless posts? Enough with your senseless Loops. 

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Nevermind the Arguments I stated? Then Why did you bother to propose yours and assumes it will be accepted?


Why would I bother reading your senseless posts? Enough with your senseless Loops. 

You somehow said that soul punch won't work,because it doesn't make sense and MC is from another universe.


You consider it acceptable to cripple abilities,through not even informed abilities or gameplay elemnts,but through Other universe bullS#&$ and "it's impossible LLLOLOLLLOLOLOLOLLLLOLOL" even though it works and it works fine.

So let's put Professor X against unarmed MC,then say that his psychic powers won't work on MC because he's from another unvierse,even though it's stated he's Human and should have (biologically) similair brain to every other man.


Enough has been stated.

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You somehow said that soul punch won't work,because it doesn't make sense and MC is from another universe.

Enough has been stated.


Let me state it again.


-Soul Punch Warframe is Science Fantasy. Therefore, all of its Science Fantasy-based Skills only affects their own Universe.

Halo is Science Fiction and neglects the existence of Souls and Divinity. Therefore, the Halo Universe, the Spartans especially the Master Chief does not hold a Soul.


That's a Logical Argument that can be considered. If you can somehow find something wrong in that, please do so. I had enough with your senseless posts and flames.

(In this case, YOU CANT because youre just basically pointing it out and provided nothing but posting Flames on this thread)


Enough has been stated? You cant even provide a single point in a single post. 

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Let me state it again.


-Soul Punch Warframe is Science Fantasy. Therefore, all of its Science Fantasy-based Skills only affects their own Universe.

Halo is Science Fiction and neglects the existence of Souls and Divinity. Therefore, the Halo Universe, the Spartans especially the Master Chief does not hold a Soul.


That's a Logical Argument that can be considered. If you can somehow find something wrong in that, please do so. I had enough with your senseless posts and flames.

(In this case, YOU CANT because youre just basically pointing it out and provided nothing but posting Flames on this thread)


Enough has been stated? You cant even provide a single point in a single post. 

Three birds in one stone,cripple the abilities with a VERY lazy other universe logic.(Rhino stomp,Mind control,Soul punch)


So say that the Force won't affect MC because it's Science fantasy,so the most threatening power of Darth Vader is crippled.

(Though it won't stop him from throwing the biggest thing he can find at him XD)


See my point?

You cripple the other side not through science or theory but through Universal-"Rules"

So Psykers also won't affect MC in any way then,or that Screw-attack won't do S#&$ because "it can't be explained" and "Other universe"

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Objectively speaking, it's a bit murky to tell master chief's durability. He''s been able to survive reentry into an atmosphere(albeit, a large portion of the heat was dissipated by forerunner hull material) and he was nearly dead after that. Nobody quite knows how he survived that "nuke to the face" from what I've gathered, it's simply speculation as to whether cortana teleported or somehow shielded him. And then there's the whole deal that his power armor is threatened by his own 1960's guns. Seriously, his standard issue weapons are inferior to ones WE ALREADY HAVE. Meanwhile, the basic grineer gun, the grataka, fires essentially 15mm(I think, I may need to double-check the post where someone broke down how they figured that out) anti-tank rounds. A warframe could have a person behind them shooting that while they picked up groceries, went home, cooked it, ate, then went back to the battle ground and have only just worn away their shields.

Even WITHOUT powers, the warframes are quite durable beings.

I'll give you that he can talk. Definite plus. Well... valkyr can scream at least, lol.

Let me state it again.

-Soul Punch Warframe is Science Fantasy. Therefore, all of its Science Fantasy-based Skills only affects their own Universe.
Halo is Science Fiction and neglects the existence of Souls and Divinity. Therefore, the Halo Universe, the Spartans especially the Master Chief does not hold a Soul.

That's a Logical Argument that can be considered. If you can somehow find something wrong in that, please do so. I had enough with your senseless posts and flames.
(In this case, YOU CANT because youre just basically pointing it out and provided nothing but posting Flames on this thread)

Enough has been stated? You cant even provide a single point in a single post.

Firstly, the issue is that you're trying to have it both ways. You state that soul-punch wouldn't work because it's a different genre(which is asinine in my opinion, but whatever), but then turn around and say that CC abilities would have no effect because they don't work(and even that isn't entirely true) on bosses. So is he joining as part of the warframe universe or not? He can't be immune to abilities because he's not part of the universe but then also gain bonuses like those which are exclusively from the universe.

I'll avoid mentioning powers for now and break the rest of this down into a short run-through of comparative stats that we have been able to discern.

speed and agility:

While Master-chief's sprinting ability was roughly twice that of the warframes, they are exponentially more agile than MC. No medium has ever displayed MC with anything remotely close to what the Tenno display in-game. If they were having a race or a battle in an open field, yeah, master-chief would have the advantage there. until you start including the other mobility tools tenno use. "zoren-coptering" as it is put can exponentially increase their speed, covering massive cliffs in seconds. I personally haven't done the calculations, but just eyeballing it and based off of the speed-benchmarks shown by other posters here, I think it is feasible to say that the Tenno can achieve speeds nearly equivalent to MC while still retaining much more vertical mobility. And again, this isn't even considering powers yet.


There isn't even any contest here. Master-chief's most notable event in this regard is slapping away a rocket. Even in doing that, he had to turn control of his suit over to an A.I. to do so properly. Both in-game and in cut scenes, the tenno are fast enough to cut and even punch fully-automatic gun fire. And secondly, have you seen how fast the hikou can be thrown? It's outright silly with the right mods on. Speaking of which the argument that mods are about the weapon not the user - well that much is unclear. We don't know if that is more of a technological thing, a matter of the tenno simply getting more "accustomed" to a weapon and working their void-magic on it, or perhaps like changing out parts on a bike.


The strength benchmark for MC is very clear here. Around 2-ish tons. The tenno... well that's a bit different. Rhino, in the Alad V trailer is shown throwing several punches in a single second capable of crumpling Zanuka before outright tearing it in half with his bare hands, no kogake or obex or furax or anything else. And wearing protective gear on their hands? They can hurl marines weighing in at well over a ton meters away. This may not even be the full potential when you look a bit further outside game-play limitations. If even mag can punt a 1ton(that isn't even including heavies) marine like that - who probably weighs around as much as MC does in his spartan armor, realistically think of what Rhino could do. You know, the guy who can stomp so hard he warps time, basically trampling on logic itself. The guy probably has to actively restrain his strength to keep from damaging the fabric of space and time. I think it would be safe to say that the tenno are, on average, at least as strong as Master Chief.

Martial/Tactical Skill:

The whole thing is moot. It would be impossible to gauge this with warframes as their observable skill is equivalent of that to the player's which is far to variable to be honestly considered in an intellectually honest discussion. Saying that MC is default simply more skilled than them is as asinine as saying that "well obviously the warframes because space ninja/wizard!" Either consider them roughly equal in skill or throw this out as a factor in the argument. And as far as MC picking up whatever weapon he can find... We've already gone over how his guns are essentially equal to the ones used around the vietnam war. Of course he'd pick up that alien gun that is degrees better than his own in nearly every conceivable way. For warframes, its generally the exact opposite. Picking up an enemy gun would more often than not be a direct down-grade. not to mention the whole issue of their bodies, gear, and weapon disintegrating after a short while, leaving behind a few ammo clips if the tenno is lucky.

Close Quarter Combat:

While it is very true that MC's radar is generally superior to a warframe, I don't think that ammounts to much given the other specs. IF the Tenno did not have enemy sense on, he could theoretically sneak up on them(Or snipe at them, which could be quite dangerous if he picked up a snipertron, lanka, or hell even a soma). In the case of sniping, that would most likely result in a victory for him. But that doesn't really say much - most people could win if they have sufficient aim, a sniper rifle with outright obese damage-outputs and an enemy that doesn't know you're there. If he were to try to sneak up on them and melee, that is a different story. If we are to consider their strength and skill equal(i'd personally say that the tenno are generally stronger actually, but for the sake of argument lets say they aren't), the Tenno's degree of dexterity outstrips MC's to the point of being laughable. Once he started his assault, I feel he may be hard-pressed to keep up with them. Even if his reaction time is 20 miliseconds, that doesn't mean he will be able to appropriately defend himself in 20 miliseconds. Reaction time is only a measure of how long it takes for your body to process information to formulate a reaction, not to carry out said reaction. Considering skill and strength equal what we have left is a guy who needs an A.I. to deflect a missile vs someone who can cut/punch anti-tank shells fired at full auto out of the air.

However, these are not either of their main utilities. MC's most valuable asset is his stupendous amounts of luck(I.E. - plot armor). The warframes most valuable tool is their absolutely absurd psychically targeted(Note how rhino stomp, vortex, miasma, etc only target enemies and do nothing to allies) eldritch abomination level abilities that disregard science as we know it in its entirety. Even if you gave them the same weapons and considered their tactical/martial skill equal, I'd still put my money on the guy whose resume list "can take anti-tank rounds to the face, punch them out of the air, and use space magic" rather than the guy whose simply "Really lucky" in comparison.

Edited by Satsaru
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