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Master Chief Vs. Warframe


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Yeomanry- reading your posts has filled me with such joy that I have coughed blood.


Senteth said what I'm about to, and he did it so much more eloquently. But since you seem to have the Reading Comprehension skills of a Turnip, I'll sum it up for you in the simplest way I think I can.


The MA5B Assault rifle fires a 7.62mm FMJ round. It's a good bullet, to be sure (Great for Large Game Hunting, but I'd trust my .303 Lee-Enfield over a Dragunov any day of the week), but it's been shown to be quite effective against the MC. Otherwise the flood that use it would pose zero threat.


I compare Grineer weapons to the Imperium of Man's "Bolt" Weapons, based on the visual damage they can do. That means the Grakata spits out .75 Caliber (Hey, .50 cal BMG called, he's disappointeed that he isn't top-dog anymore) Armour Piercing, Self-Propelled, Mass-Reactive rockets at a rate comparable to modern machine guns (780 rpm, I believe?). Let's not forget that those bullets can be: Incendiary, Electrical, and Frozen AT THE SAME TIME.


Now... correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a standard 14.5mm APFSDS munition enough to turn a SPARTAN-II's head into jam? In, like, a single shot? Now imagine the S2-AM, but automatic, and firing rockets. That's the stuff of SPARTAN-II nightmares, bro.

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Going to start out a new box here since the site's formatting hates me.


-You have a Point. But, Mag's ability is telekinetic and specifies its Targets. But when activated, it only effects the Target and negates all other Matter with a Magnetic Value and does not affect the Ship's Artificial Gravity. 


Why would the fact that it doesn't affect the ship's gravity matter? It's a targeted magnetic skill with enough force to crush 1-ton carbon steel armored cyborgs into little balls.


-If all Equipment is bein held by Magnets, as you say, Mag does not only Pull MC from his Spot but all other things that are capable to be crushed into balls of scraps. Thus, the Entire Ship will collapse bringing Mag down to her knees. 


You were the one that said his equipment was being held on by magnets, not me. Second, her ability is targeted. It doesn't randomly affect everything around her, only things she classifies as enemies. Inert landscape features and friendlies aren't included. This targeting seems to be borderline psychic, since she doesn't require line of sight and can pick off foes without harming allies even from behind half a dozen walls.


-The Decoy is a shredded Skin, noticeable and does not move. MC cannot be compared to Tenno's common Enemies who cant distinguish a Tenno's Standpoint a few milliseconds after it cloaks himself. In Conclaves, you are not drawn to Saryn's Most unless you're a total Idiot.


From the Tenno's point of view it looks like that, but you have no idea what it looks like to the enemy. It's a common trope in games to have decoys and invisibilty being completely obvious to the allied side, but indistinguishable from the real thing/completely invisisble to the other side. Halo also has extremely obvious decoys that are nonetheless effective in the field.


In conclaves, most powers work completely differently than they do normally for balance reasons. You can take it as game mechanics, you can rationalize it away as Tenno doing non-lethal sparring with each other and not going all-out, or you can theorize that Tenno are resistant to other frame's powers because of their link to the void. (speculated by Vor to be the source of their powers)


-The Didact-Ur Powers similar to Saryn's Miasma was unable to incinerate MC which was capable of passing through Organic and Synthetics alike.


The two work on completely different principles. One is a magic ray that digitizes organics and uploads them into computers, the other is either some sort of nanotech poison or pure void magic. (depending on which in-universe school of thought is correct about the source of the Tenno's powers) Furthermore, Chief didn't survive the Composer because he was epically tough or had super armor, it ignored him because his DNA had been altered by the Librarian. If it had been a different Spartan there in identical armor they would have suffered the same fate as everyone else on the ship. Saryn's miasma will only ignore you if you happen to be friendly to her.


-Tennos are able to slaughter thousands of illogical Hostiles in Defense Missions. Why illogical? If they were led by someone who has an authority, it would not take a handful of thousand lives to attempt such a suicide Mission. Hence, the Grineers, Corpus and Infested Alike works on their own without Coordination (As seen on how they act in an Open Fire)


Most of the time the Tenno attack the enemy on their home turf, they aren't being sent out on suicide missions. As well, numbers are seemingly meaningless to the Grineer and Infested, who either clone more or infest more as needed. I'm also not sure what you mean by uncoordinated. Back before the Grineer's speech was changed, they were clearly coordinating their efforts with each other. They also like to use actual combined arms tactics, like hiding behind Shield Lancers or running toward a shield osprey, or using their buddies to distract you while they take up flanking maneuvers using cover effectively.



-The Warframe Cinematic consists of a Cell (Four Tennos) working against a formidable, lone fore. Halo on the other hand projects Masterchief alone against all odds. Its gameplay, especially Halo 4, projects MasterChief alone with Cortana in all of his Extermination Missions. 
We also see them working individually to slaughter hordes of 7-foot tall cyborgs that weigh at least 1 metric ton, most of it carbon steel armor. (they may or may not have been shielded too, but shields in warframe are invisible most of the time, even when getting hit) In the cinematics we see Loki headshotting dozens of Grineer as they all try to charge him, or Excaliber clearing out an entire room of enemies with Radial Javelin. When they team up against a lone boss, that boss goes down in mere seconds. 
-Yes, strength does is comparable. So does speed and Tenno's undefined, inaccurate reflexes. You mentioned Loki to reach 55.6kph with a Rush Mod while MasterChief is capable of reaching 62 kph, roughly 38 meters per hour. Masterchief was able to run 105kph at some point.
I don't know what you mean by innacurate reflexes. If you're still going on about the in-game animations on blocking, that's pre-scripted game mechanics. I also acknowledged that with novel running speed (though I can't recall a cutscene where he ever moves remotely near that fast) Chief beats the Tenno's ordinary sprinting, but I also recall mentioning that acrobatics and zorencoptering could drastically increase speed over the ordinary limit. (I've crossed hundred-meter rooms before in moments doing that) 

-I'm am very sorry bout the Anti-Matter contraversy. I was drawn to Parallel Universes/Place by a certain game before I made that post. 
It does exist in our Universe, though it is still not proven if our Anti-Matter/Negative Energy has the exact components/standards on other Anti-Matter that was not produced by Humans. 
No problem, there's always areas where we make mistakes becuase of unfamiliarity. I'd probably totally bork any calculations involving how much force the air escaping from a cabin into space would impart on the people in the same room, (related to a question asked earlier in the thread) so I'm waiting off on that until I can ask someone more knowledgeable on a sci-fi or physics forum.
-And as you have stated, we have no Idea what kind of containment Nova utilizes because DE never planned to. She conjures Anti-Matter because she can. Nothing else, no facts nor Lore Drama. 
You do realize the Power of Anti-Matter if it made contact with its Sister, dont you?
Extremely aware of how much energy is released. (1 kilogram of antimatter would produce an explosion equal to a 43 megaton nuke) However, we have no idea how much antimatter she actually uses. Depending on the amount, the energy released could result in anything from a barely noticable fizz, a firecracker, a block of C4, a fuel-air bomb, or even a nuke.



Halo is not one of them because Halo is Unique. It offers every explanation of what you're are doing. It's a close call to Reality and not to fantasy. So your Argument is Invalid.


Ah yes, close to reality. So this isn't the universe where indestructable Star Roads made of pure thought move at relativistic speeds and carve up entire star systems, or where the Flood are somehow able to infect spacetime itself and can conjure matter from nowhere, or where a wave of FTL super-massive neutrinos can somehow selectively target the nervous systems of every creature in the galaxy and destroy them. There's a lot of magic in Halo. The UNSC just has a thin veneer of reality about it that the other factions in the setting lack.


-Peesh Posh. Explain yourself. But I do vote for Rhino, he pars with Masterchief due to his utility Skills. 


Excaliber has roughly equal strength, superior reflexes to what chief normally displays, nevermind his theoretical max or one-off feats such as slapping the missile away (which he didn't even do himself and had to rely on Cortana for) arm speed way above what the Spartan's can pull off, (it's nice that they can run over twice as fast as a tenno, it really is, but once they've reached melee range running ceases to be as much of a factor. And a Tenno's arms can move at insane rates, far outstripping what their legs can do. Once in melee they can dictate the terms of engagement with their lightning speed and reflexes) he usually has melee weapons on hand that are incredibly powerful and are able to bisect 7-foot tall cyborgs with energy shields and roughly a ton of armor in a single blow, and finally, he has his powers. (slash dash cuts anything that gets within a certain distance of Excaliber, blind is effective enough to work even on robots, jump is... more utility than anything else, and radial javelin spells murder for anyone close to Excaliber when it goes off) 


Durability is harder to judge. Master Chief tanks falls from orbit, yet is threatened by his own 1960's-era arsenal. Tenno on the other hand survive getting hit by the pointy end of a scythe that's, what, 30 feet or more long and wielded by an utterly massive nanotech infested monstrosity. (Lephantis)


The only thing Chief may be better at is experience and training, but we know nothing of what Tenno go through. Their training may be worse than Chiefs, or far superior. As well, experience has sharply diminishing returns. Real life isn't some RPG where you can level up infinitely with more experience. There's a reason modern militaries don't do lifelong training regimens, and it's because the results aren't worth the effort compared to a soldier that's just gone through a few months/years of training. He'll be somewhat better than the average soldier sure, but it won't be the game-changing advantage like so many people like to imagine it would be. (doesn't just apply to Halo, lots of franchises have fans that think X and their ultra-training or centuries of experience will be the defining factor that allows them to beat Y)



Banshee may dull perception but does not affect a Spartan's Mini-Map and Cortana hacking through every system she wants. 
And Masterchief, again, is a highly trained, engineered Space Version of Kratos and Batman. 
The minimap might still be there, but Chief wouldn't be paying attention to it. The perception-dulling effect applies to AIs just as effectively as it does organics, so Cortana wouldn't notice anything out of the ordinary either and warn Chief. (stuff like this is why I'm inclined to side with Vor's hunch that Tenno powers come from the void, and are basically psionics/magic/unknown forces) 



-If Ember's ablities were thousand degrees as you would say, it would melt its surroundings and everyone losses their foothold. 

MC survived a Forerunner's Miasma and a force of gigaton Gravity of Planet Reqieum and most especially, Spartans are able to survive outside-in an Open Space and does not losses their Shields upon loosing Oxygen.
Again, Tenno powers are extemely targeted and seem to be confined to things that they consider enemies. The surroundings and any friendly units nearby are completely unaffected. They aren't indiscriminate bombs or anything. (nanotech superscience or void powers, either one could hold answers to why that is) And Requiem's gravity is 0.987 G's, marginally lower than earth's. (Halo 4, the essential visual guide) Yes, MC's suit is vacuum-hardened. That bears no relevance to the fight unless he ambushes them during a Survival mission.
If a Highly Advanced Miasma from a Fore-Runner and our own version of Miasma which are both capable of incinerating Organic, Synthetic, Metallic substances to smithereens are unable to harm Masterchief. How much more Electricity?
As explained earlier, the Composer isn't similar to Miasma. It's a magic superscience ray that somehow converts organics into digital data. And Chief didn't survive it by being tough, he survived because his modified DNA caused it to ignore him completely and not target him. As for Volt's electricity, in the Halo series strong electrical fields are commonly used to disable shields on infantry and vehicles.
-Vauban's Utility is Impressive but he is a Tenno. Again, like Nova. We have no idea what kind of utility Vauban projects on his respective Floating Balls of Electricity and Gravity. Like Mag, Vauban's Vortex is specific, not general. If it does draws all Corpses and Matter with Magnetic Value, it would affect the Whole Ship, the Metallic Crates, Storages and Space Barrels.
Again, Tenno powers seem to be incredibly targeted. (the intelligent nature of their whole targeting can easily be explained by sufficiently-advanced nanotech intelligently targeting things, or by Void space magic doing the same thing) Vauban's Bastille is described as a stasis field.
-In Conclaves, Link is almost as Ineffective as Saryn's Decoy. Trinity is rare on conclaves for a particular reason. She dies fast.
See Saryn's reply above. Game mechanics for fairness, Tenno just sparring against each other and not going all-out, or resistance to it based on their mutual connection to the void. On everything else it works as advertised.
-You're making things up to justify your statements. Halo neither its Fans had uncovered Requiem's Gravitational Pull. Nice Try :)
See above. (0.987 G's for Requiem.) And I'm not making things up, that's the way orbits work. The strength of the planet's gravity has nothing to do with it. (well, it'll increase the speed needed for a satellite or spaceship to maintain a stable orbit, but other than that there's no difference) A ship that's just hovering above a planet and not in true orbit will fall towards the planet if its propulsion system goes offline. If the ship is in true orbit and not just using its engines to fight the planet's gravity well, then it requires no energy to maintain that orbit and will stay orbiting even if the engines go offline. (for an imperfect orbit, small course corrections would be needed over time to keep it from slowly spiralling away from the planet or crashing into it over time, but you get what I mean)

-MasterChief was able to Kill Covenant Elites with Skull Breaking Punches during the Event of the Flood.
-Fred-104 killed a Brute barehand and was able to block an Elite Chieftain's Gravity Hammer (Similar to our Brokk from Kril) in a single Hand and was able to wound that Elite Chieftain with his bare hands. No Kogakes, no knuckles, no weapons. Just his Hands covered Titanium Nanocomposite Bodysuit whose only use is to protect the wearer from heat weapons dispersed by Plasma Rounds and ballistics attacks.
If a Tenno can oppose the Weight of these weapons. Why do Tennos are vulnerable to Staggers and Shield Busts of Shield Lancers? Huh?
See previous post detailing strength feats for Tenno. (and remember that not only do they apply to the 1-ton Grineer marines, but also to the Heavy Gunners twice their size and presumably twice as heavy) Regardless of something's strength, (unless you operate on comic book physics) if their mass isn't high enough to keep them rooted in one spot or if they don't have a way to leverage themselves against a solid object, then they will be tossed around by a heavy strike, simple as that. All that shows is that Tenno aren't that heavy for the most part, or that Grineer are very strong and Rollers very dense.
Tenno may need knuckle protection like the Kogake to go all-out with their punches, but when they do they can make enemies literally explode. (just a wee bit higher than anything I've ever heard of Spartans doing)
To whoever it was earlier that said the Acrid would be ineffective since it wouldn't penetrate, I must ask how you came to that conclusion. They work just fine on incredibly thick armor plating, and even full-metal robots. (with energy shields no less!) They dissolve the entire enemy into a puddle of goop.

I compare Grineer weapons to the Imperium of Man's "Bolt" Weapons, based on the visual damage they can do. That means the Grakata spits out .75 Caliber (Hey, .50 cal BMG called, he's disappointeed that he isn't top-dog anymore) Armour Piercing, Self-Propelled, Mass-Reactive rockets at a rate comparable to modern machine guns (780 rpm, I believe?). Let's not forget that those bullets can be: Incendiary, Electrical, and Frozen AT THE SAME TIME.


Now... correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a standard 14.5mm APFSDS munition enough to turn a SPARTAN-II's head into jam? In, like, a single shot? Now imagine the S2-AM, but automatic, and firing rockets. That's the stuff of SPARTAN-II nightmares, bro.

Just for reference, scaling off the Grakata's (AKA the Grineer's most basic gun) barrel indicates it fires ~15mm. rounds, not 19.05mm (.75 cal) like WH40k bolters.
Edited by Senteth
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Going to start out a new box here since the site's formatting hates me.


-You have a Point. But, Mag's ability is telekinetic and specifies its Targets. But when activated, it only effects the Target and negates all other Matter with a Magnetic Value and does not affect the Ship's Artificial Gravity. 


Why would the fact that it doesn't affect the ship's gravity matter? It's a targeted magnetic skill with enough force to crush 1-ton carbon steel armored cyborgs into little balls.


-If all Equipment is bein held by Magnets, as you say, Mag does not only Pull MC from his Spot but all other things that are capable to be crushed into balls of scraps. Thus, the Entire Ship will collapse bringing Mag down to her knees. 


You were the one that said his equipment was being held on by magnets, not me. Second, her ability is targeted. It doesn't randomly affect everything around her, only things she classifies as enemies. Inert landscape features and friendlies aren't included. This targeting seems to be borderline psychic, since she doesn't require line of sight and can pick off foes without harming allies even from behind half a dozen walls.


-The Decoy is a shredded Skin, noticeable and does not move. MC cannot be compared to Tenno's common Enemies who cant distinguish a Tenno's Standpoint a few milliseconds after it cloaks himself. In Conclaves, you are not drawn to Saryn's Most unless you're a total Idiot.


From the Tenno's point of view it looks like that, but you have no idea what it looks like to the enemy. It's a common trope in games to have decoys and invisibilty being completely obvious to the allied side, but indistinguishable from the real thing/completely invisisble to the other side. Halo also has extremely obvious decoys that are nonetheless effective in the field. In conclaves, most powers work completely differently than they do normally for balance reasons. You can take it as game mechanics, you can rationalize it away as Tenno dong non-lethal sparring with each other and not going all-out, or you can theorize that Tenno are resistant to other frame's powers because of their link to the void. (speculated by Vor to be the source of their powers)


-The Didact-Ur Powers similar to Saryn's Miasma was unable to incinerate MC which was capable of passing through Organic and Synthetics alike.


The two work on completely different principles. One is a ray that digitizes organics and uploads them into computers, the other is either some sort of nanotech poison or pure void magic. (depending on which in-universe school of thought is correct about the source fo the Tenno's powers) Furthermore, Chief didn't survive the Composer because he was epically tough or had super armor, it ignored him because his DNA had been altered by the Librarian. If it had been a different Spartan there in identical armor they would have suffered the same fate as everyone else on the ship. Saryn's miasma will only ignore you if you happen to be friendly to her.


-Tennos are able to slaughter thousands of illogical Hostiles in Defense Missions. Why illogical? If they were led by someone who has an authority, it would not take a handful of thousand lives to attempt such a suicide Mission. Hence, the Grineers, Corpus and Infested Alike works on their own without Coordination (As seen on how they act in an Open Fire)


Most of the time the Tenno attack the enemy on their home turf, they aren't being sent out on suicide missions. As well, numbers are seemingly meaningless to the Grineer and Infested, who either clone more or infest more as needed. I'm also not sure what you mean by uncoordinated. Back before the Grineer's speech was changed, they were clearly coordinating their efforts with each other. They also like to use actual combined arms tactics, like hiding behind Shield Lancers or running toward a shield osprey, or using their buddies to distract you while they take up flanking maneuvers using cover effectively.



-The Warframe Cinematic consists of a Cell (Four Tennos) working against a formidable, lone fore. Halo on the other hand projects Masterchief alone against all odds. Its gameplay, especially Halo 4, projects MasterChief alone with Cortana in all of his Extermination Missions. 
We also see them working individually to slaughter hordes of 7-foot tall cyborgs that weigh at least 1 metric ton, most of it carbon steel armor. (they may or may not have been shielded too, but shields in warframe are invisible most of the time, even when getting hit) In the cinematics we see Loki headshotting dozens of Grineer as they all try to charge him, or Excaliber clearing out an entire room of enemies with Radial Javelin. When they team up against a lone boss, that boss goes down in mere seconds. 
-Yes, strength does is comparable. So does speed and Tenno's undefined, inaccurate reflexes. You mentioned Loki to reach 55.6kph with a Rush Mod while MasterChief is capable of reaching 62 kph, roughly 38 meters per hour. Masterchief was able to run 105kph at some point.
I don't know what you mean by innacurate reflexes. If you're still going on about the in-game animations on blocking, that's pre-scripted game mechanics. I also acknowledged that with novel running speed (though I can't recall a cutscene where he ever moves remotely near that fast) Chief beats the Tenno's ordinary sprinting, but I also recall mentioning that acrobatics and zorencoptering could drastically increase speed over the ordinary limit. (I've crossed hundred-meter rooms before in moments doing that) 

-I'm am very sorry bout the Anti-Matter contraversy. I was drawn to Parallel Universes/Place by a certain game before I made that post. 
It does exist in our Universe, though it is still not proven if our Anti-Matter/Negative Energy has the exact components/standards on other Anti-Matter that was not produced by Humans. 
NP, there's always areas where we make mistakes becuase of unfamiliarity. I'd probably totally bork any calculations involving how much force the air escaping from a cabin into space would impart on the people in the same room, (related to a question asked earlier in the thread) so I'm waiting off on that until I can ask someone more knowledgeable on a sci-fi or physics forum.
-And as you have stated, we have no Idea what kind of containment Nova utilizes because DE never planned to. She conjures Anti-Matter because she can. Nothing else, no facts nor Lore Drama. 
You do realize the Power of Anti-Matter if it made contact with its Sister, dont you?
Extremely aware of how much energy is released. (1 kilogram of antimatter would produce an explosion equal to a 43 megaton nuke) However, we have no idea how much antimatter she actually uses. Depending on the amount, the energy released could result in anything from a barely noticable fizz, a firecracker, a block of C4, a fuel-air bomb, or even a nuke.



Halo is not one of them because Halo is Unique. It offers every explanation of what you're are doing. It's a close call to Reality and not to fantasy. So your Argument is Invalid.


Ah yes, close to reality. So this isn't the universe where indestructable Star Roads made of pure thought move at relativistic speeds and carve up entire star systems, or where the Flood are somehow able to infect spacetime itself and can conjure matter from nowhere, or where a wave of FTL super-massive neutrinos can somehow selectively target the nervous systems of every creature in the galaxy and destroy them. There's a lot of magic in Halo. The UNSC just has a thin veneer of reality about it that the other factions in the setting lack.


-Peesh Posh. Explain yourself. But I do vote for Rhino, he pars with Masterchief due to his utility Skills. 


Excaliber has roughly equal strength, superior reflexes to what chief normally displays, nevermind his theoretical max or one-off feats such as slapping the missile away (which he didn't even do himself and had to rely on Cortana for) arm speed way above what the Spartan's can pull off, (it's nice that they can run over twice as fast as a tenno, it really is, but once they've reached melee range running ceases to be as much of a factor. And a Tenno's arms can move at insane rates, far outstripping what their legs can do. Once in melee they can dictate the terms of engagement with their lightning speed and reflexes) he usually has melee weapons on hand that are incredibly powerful and are able to bisect 7-foot tall cyborgs with energy shields and roughly a ton of armor in a single blow, and finally, he has his powers. (slash dash cuts anything that gets within a certain distance of Excaliber, blind is effective enough to work even on robots, jump is... more utility than anything else, and radial javelin spells murder for anyone close to Excaliber when it goes off) 


Durability is harder to judge. Master Chief tanks falls from orbit, yet is threatened by his own 1960's-era arsenal. Tenno on the other hand survive getting hit by the pointy end of a scythe that's, what, 30 feet or more long and wielded by an utterly massive nanotech infested monstrosity. (Lephantis)


The only thing Chief may be better at is experience and training, but we know nothing of what Tenno go through. They may be worse than Chief, or far superior. As well, experience has sharply diminishing returns. Real life isn't some RPG where you can level up infinitely with more experience. There's a reason modern militaries don't do lifelong training regimens, and it's because the results aren't worth the effort compared to a soldier that's just gone through a few months/years of training. He'll be better than the average soldier sure, but it won't be some game-changing advantage like so many people like to imagine it is. (doesn't just apply to Halo, lots of franchises have fans that think X and their ultra-training will be the defining factor that allows them to beat Y)



Banshee may dull perception but does not affect a Spartan's Mini-Map and Cortana hacking through every system she wants. 
And Masterchief, again, is a highly trained, engineered Space Version of Kratos and Batman. 
The minimap might still be there, but Chief wouldn't be paying attention to it. The perception-dulling effect applies to AIs just as effectively as it does organics, so Cortana wouldn't notice anything out of the ordinary either and warn Chief. (stuff like this is why I'm inclined to side with Vor's hunch that Tenno powers come from the void, and are basically psionics/magic/unknown forces) 



-If Ember's ablities were thousand degrees as you would say, it would melt its surroundings and everyone losses their foothold. 

MC survived a Forerunner's Miasma and a force of gigaton Gravity of Planet Reqieum and most especially, Spartans are able to survive outside-in an Open Space and does not losses their Shields upon loosing Oxygen.
Again, Tenno powers are extemely targeted and seem to be confined to things that they consider enemies. The surroundings and any friendly units nearby are completely unaffected. They aren't indiscriminate bombs or anything. (nanotech superscience or void powers, either one could hold answers to why that is) And Requiem's gravity is 0.987 G's, marginally lower than earth's. (Halo 4, the essential visual guide) Yes, MC's suit is vacuum-hardened. That bears no relevance to the fight unless he ambushes them during a Survival mission.
If a Highly Advanced Miasma from a Fore-Runner and our own version of Miasma which are both capable of incinerating Organic, Synthetic, Metallic substances to smithereens are unable to harm Masterchief. How much more Electricity?
As explained earlier, the Composer isn't similar to Miasma. It's a magic superscience ray that somehow converts organics into digital data. And Chief didn't survive it by being tough, he survived because his modified DNA caused it to ignore him completely and not target him. As for Volt's electricity, in the Halo series strong electrical fields are commonly used to disable shields on infantry and vehicles.
-Vauban's Utility is Impressive but he is a Tenno. Again, like Nova. We have no idea what kind of utility Vauban projects on his respective Floating Balls of Electricity and Gravity. Like Mag, Vauban's Vortex is specific, not general. If it does draws all Corpses and Matter with Magnetic Value, it would affect the Whole Ship, the Metallic Crates, Storages and Space Barrels.
Again, Tenno powers seem to be incredibly targeted. (the intelligent nature of their whole targeting can easily be explained by sufficiently-advanced nanotech intelligently targeting things, or by Void space magic doing the same thing)
-In Conclaves, Link is almost as Ineffective as Saryn's Decoy. Trinity is rare on conclaves for a particular reason. She dies fast.
See Saryn's reply above. Game mechanics for fairness, Tenno just sparring against each other and not going all-out, or resistance to it based on their mutual connection to the void. On everything else it works as advertised.
-You're making things up to justify your statements. Halo neither its Fans had uncovered Requiem's Gravitational Pull. Nice Try :)
See above. (0.987 G's for Requiem.) And I'm not making things up, that's the way orbits work. The strength of the planet's gravity has nothing to do with it. (well, it'll increase the speed needed for a satellite or spaceship to maintain a stable orbit, but other than that there's no difference) A ship that's not in true orbit will fall towards the planet if its propulsion system goes offline. If the ship is in true orbit and not just using its engines to fight the planet's gravity well, then it requires no energy to maintain that orbit and will stay orbiting even if the engines go offline. (for an imperfect orbit, small course corrections would be needed over time to keep it from slowly spiralling away from the planet or crashing into it over time, but you get what I mean)

-MasterChief was able to Kill Covenant Elites with Skull Breaking Punches during the Event of the Flood.
-Fred-104 killed a Brute barehand and was able to block an Elite Chieftain's Gravity Hammer (Similar to our Brokk from Kril) in a single Hand and was able to wound that Elite Chieftain with his bare hands. No Kogakes, no knuckles, no weapons. Just his Hands covered Titanium Nanocomposite Bodysuit whose only use is to protect the wearer from heat weapons dispersed by Plasma Rounds and ballistics attacks.
If a Tenno can oppose the Weight of these weapons. Why do Tennos are vulnerable to Staggers and Shield Busts of Shield Lancers? Huh?
See previous post detailing strength feats for Tenno. (and remember that not only do they apply to the 1-ton Grineer marines, but also to the Heavy Gunners twice their size and presumably twice as heavy) Regardless of something's strength, (unless you operate on comic book physics) if their mass isn't high enough to keep them rooted in one spot or if they don't have a way to leverage themselves against a solid object, then they will be tossed around by a heavy strike, simple as that. All that shows is that Tenno aren't that heavy for the most part, or that Grineer are very strong and Rollers very dense.
Tenno may need knuckle protection like the Kogake to go all-out with their punches, but when they do they can make enemies literally explode. (just a wee bit higher than anything I've ever heard of Spartans doing)
To whoever it was earlier that said the Acrid would be ineffective since it wouldn't penetrate, I must ask how you came to that conclusion. They work just fine on incredibly thick armor plating, and even full-metal robots. (with energy shields no less!) They dissolve the entire enemy into a puddle of goop.
Just for reference, scaling off the Grakata's (AKA the Grineer's most basic gun) barrel indicates it fires ~15mm. rounds.


Everything about the tenno seems to magically be based on well magic... Why don't we just call them space wizards and be done with it. So far there's no explanation but magic and an excuse as to how they can completely ignore reality and "target" specific targets as you have pointed out even though they're not supported by an ai or anything that could do that for them. Of course everything about warframe is still unwritten and could easily be written in their favor. So to summarize this whole thread is nothing but speculation on one side and references and lore based facts from the other side. Winner: Mario

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Last time I checked, the laws of physics were still cited as "Facts". Tenno only use "Magic" to affect reality around them. Everything you see the Tenno do is a result of that.


Kinda like how some people rely on their "Magical Luck". eh'?

Edited by Teqnologyque
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And even if the Tenno's powers are genuinely magical in nature and not based on sufficiently-advanced technology, it'd make no difference to the debate than if you were trying to determine whether MC would win against a World of Warcraft wizard. They're still able to do the impossible things that they do.

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Last time I checked, the laws of physics were still cited as "Facts". Tenno only use "Magic" to affect reality around them. Everything you see the Tenno do is a result of that.


Kinda like how some people rely on their "Magical Luck". eh'?

Except it's a game and they can totally ignore the laws of physics. Those laws don't define imagination and plus tenno are in a different universe and could totally have different laws than us

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It's still about .59 cal though. This is their most basic weapon.

That is not true. You have no way of knowing that. You can guesstimate all you want but this argument can never be solved. The Tenno have little to no definite info about thier powers, shields, armor, abilities, guns, ect. For this reason, a fair argument cannot be had because there are no facts.

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Except it's a game and they can totally ignore the laws of physics. Those laws don't define imagination and plus tenno are in a different universe and could totally have different laws than us

Except that there are still laws that govern reality and our perception of it. Willing suspension of disbelief is easier to achieve in the brainless masses when S#&$ makes sense in terms of what they perceive to be reality.


SatansCheese- I'm not good at math either, and scaling always pissed me off. But just because it doesn't make sense to you, doesn't mean it doesn't make sense to someone with a higher IQ and the knowledge to actually up-scale something.


With the right calculations and full 3-dimensional turn-arounds it is, believe it or not, possible to know exactly how big of a bullet the Grakata fires, or how fast Loki can sprint.


Also, we do have some solid facts. Try paying attention to some of the S#&$ in the game, bro :P

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With the right calculations and full 3-dimensional turn-arounds it is, believe it or not, possible to know exactly how big of a bullet the Grakata fires, or how fast Loki can sprint.

Assuming the Tenno are average human hight at least. They could be 9 ft tall, making the Grakata an autocannon :P

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Or they might all be 5 inches tall, and their 'mighty' weapons would plink harmlessly off of MC's armor! XD


But seriously, I think it's fairly safe to assume that they're human-sized. :D

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I just looked those things up and I can't say I'm very impressed. In the cutscenes they go down to one pistol shot, shotgun blast or burst of AR fire. Hek in Spartan Ops 7, a regular human kicks one over.

Halo 4 was handed over to Microsoft/ 343 industries. Enough said.

Halo 3 was its peak.

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Meh. for me Halo 1 was the peak. I only played 2 and 3 because of it and was dissapointed both times. I abandoned ship halfway through 3.

Even then I only really liked the first half and last level of 1. Once the Flood showed up it got lame.

Sure as hell doesn't sound like a .59 as you say it is.

And you know what a futuretech .59 sounds like I take it? It sounds like however the sound designer wants, same as Halo. I could easily say the same for MC's entire arsenal.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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In all honesty, it'd happen something like this : (on second thought, before I proceed, I'm going to debunk the entire weapon argument. It's a weapon. You can be disarmed by either party. for the sake of this mind numbingly stupid argument (hurr durr acrid = hurr durr nukes) both parties have full access to the weaponry from both universes.


Master Chief Vs Nova Chief wins more often than not.You've got a trickster with dangerous anti matter tech to deal with. Her abilities demand close quarters and/or line of sight, her personal endurance, shields, and health are minimal. The chief will seek to exploit this by staying at range and striking from the shadows. Nova doesn't stand a chance if she loses the chief and the chief is allowed to slink into stealth. Through clever use of Wormhole, nova can prolong the time she gets to live or even just ultimately run. Her wormhole could also be used as a last ditch effort to throw the chief into a trap. EDIT: As an afterthought, It dawned on me that Nova could simply wormhole into null star range of the chief. The chief might be able to take 2 or 3, or even a full "clip" of null stars at most. He'd be hard pressed to win if Nova were ever able to effectively corner him for long enough.


Master Chief Vs Saryn Chief wins long range, Saryn stands a chance in a battle of fisticuffs. Saryn is a master of poison sturdy enough to exchange blows with the master chief. She is sturdy enough that she could withstand to use sacrificial blows against the chief to mortally wound the chief while barely holding onto life herself. Through use of Molt as a meatshield, saryn has equal potential to win in a brawl. At long range, her comparatively snail like movement makes her a sitting duck. Use of her ult is not advised. The time it takes for her to cast it is all the time it would take for someone with the speed and agility of the chief to cover the short distance that constitutes it's maximum range and destroy saryn before the swan song of poison finishes it's serenade leading to a draw. Venom is inconsequential against a single target, she could attempt to pull a rocky balboa with her molts however her energy supply would run long dry before the fairly non lethal singular poison would kill the chief.


Master Chief Vs Volt Chief wins every time Volt brings nothing to the field the chief hasn't dispatched millions of times before. Sorry volt, but you are a good deal underpowered. Electricity is near completely ineffectual on MJOLNIR armor.


Master Chief Vs Vauban Chief wins most of the time on open terrain, vauban wins everytime in enclosed spaces. Vauban has clever tricks that amount to little more than mere tricks. Tesla is rendered useless, bounce isn't helping anything, vortex could be argued to be all it takes, but it actually catching the chief is far less possible than vauban catching MC with Bastille. Vaubans only win condition is bastille. If the chief is ever outplayed to be caught in a bastille, chief loses.


Master Chief Vs Loki Loki wins most of the time if it's a quick battle. MC wins if Loki fails to kill him quickly and exposes himself too much. Switch Teleport and Decoy is all loki has to win, and it's all he needs. With the ability to add focal point the chief simply will not be able to keep effective track of, loki has the ability to place himself in any position favorable to him. If it ever came to fisticuffs, Loki has the ability to immediately negate and slink back into stealth well beyond what the Master Chief can cope with. A punch that should have connected catches nothing but air as they switch places. Loki's demise could only come as a result of a clever trap, MC intending to be switch teleported (primes a grenade that blows up in lokis face. :P), catching loki offguard with a singular lethal attack, basically, the longer the fight goes on the more loki runs out of tricks and the more tricks Master chief can come up with. Loki's immediate large advantage makes this an unlikely scenario.


Master Chief Vs Trinity It's a draw. Despite you thinking link is the end all be all here, there are many ways to inflict great harm that would do little to nothing to yourself. Applying appropriate pressure to the slender exposed neck of trinity for instance. The amount of requisite force to break her dainty neck is quite insignificant to what it would take to break the reinforced and muscled one of the chiefs. Or Chief simply outranges it and kills her from afar. Trinity has limited vulnerability, chief would recognize this and skirt her attacks until it wears off. Trinity only needs to land a single vampiric embrace though. It stuns and lifts it's victim helplessly into the air making it a simple feat to finish him off.


Master Chief Vs Ash Chief wins every single time.  Ash brings nothing to the battle the chief hasn't dispatched many times before. Canonically, the chief fights tougher enemies regularly.


Master Chief Vs Ember Chief wins every single time. Fire does nothing to the Mjolnir armor, Ember is as flimsy as nova.


Master Chief Vs Banshee Banshee wins most of the time. Banshee has superior radar, the ability to deafen the chief, a method of keeping him at bay, however if she foolishly ults banshee dies. Chiefs only win condition is killing her from afar.


Master Chief Vs Nekros Chief wins most of the time. Nekros' only win condition is if chief doesn't succumb to Howl of Terror. Not likely given Chiefs' History. Soul Punch is debatable on effectiveness and difficult to land. Unreliable.


Master Chief Vs Excalibur Chief wins again. Excalibur doesn't bring anything the chief hasn't seen/defeated a hundred times before.


I'm sure I'm missing somebody, but that's my take on it given the facts presented throughout the discussion. Chief's superior mobility, speed, strength, and armor puts him at a considerable advantage despite his armor rarely playing a role in his win conditions. As someone said earlier, Master Chief is pretty much Batman in power armor.


Master Chief Vs Frost Chief wins most of the time. Even slowed by 30%, the chief is still significantly faster than frost. Frosts snowglobe is borderline a disadvantage. Frost would have to use his snowglobe to bait the chief into a trap. Frost's "Freeze" is not instantaneous like someone in this thread mentioned, it's actually a fairly slow moving projectile. Avalanche is fairly irrelevant here. Don't believe me? Go load up a heavily infested survival and tell me just how much breathing room avalanche is really giving you. Protip: none whatsoever. You gotta cast it for every bit it slow down your enemy.


Master Chief Vs Mag A draw with favor to mag Crush has the same argument as avalanche, although slightly superior. Chief is accustomed to being thrown around and is more or less a 2 ton cat so pull doesn't prove to be much of an advantage on mag's end. In fact, mag would die if she pulled chief to her. Bullet attractor is her main method of blowing the spartan out of the water. it allows her to shoot around corners and even shoot blindly rendering chiefs superior agility rather moot. She just has to kill him before he gets in range to snap her pretty little neck.


Chief vs Nyx Nyx wins every single time. Probably would be the saddest battle to watch. Chaos is more or less forced PTSD. The ultimate downfall of any great warrior. Chief doesn't stand a chance thanks to chaos alone.


Chief Vs Rhino  The universe implodes because these two battle hardened mountains of men would never do battle.

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It depends on which universe they would fight in.


I the Haloverse, there is no upgrading, and your armor can only have one power/device on it at any given time.

Tenno might have superior agility, but without their fancy powers and a wide selection of mods they are still just amnesiac ninjas taking orders from a sexy voice.

Master Chief is a cut above your average amnesiac ninja who dosen't know how to use grenades.

Stalker might have a better chance, since he's a cut above an amnesiac ninja in terms of free thinking and fighting without upgrades(poor bastard gets outscaled by the players really fast).


In the Warframeverse(it's a thing now), Master Chief gets to enjoy the full suite of upgrades any Tenno dose, but it's still a fair fight, because he'll be only allowed to fight enemies within his Conclave rating, regardless of how high or low it'll be.

lol he would be lie rank 120 XD

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Everything about the tenno seems to magically be based on well magic... Why don't we just call them space wizards and be done with it. So far there's no explanation but magic and an excuse as to how they can completely ignore reality and "target" specific targets as you have pointed out even though they're not supported by an ai or anything that could do that for them. Of course everything about warframe is still unwritten and could easily be written in their favor. So to summarize this whole thread is nothing but speculation on one side and references and lore based facts from the other side. Winner: Mario


All I'm reading from this, and most other arguments by hardcore Halo supporters, is one big bawl about how Tenno can't use what they've been demonstrated to have because it doesn't operate on the same principles as Halo.

Edited by Scowlface2
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I tried to make a new box but bgcolor went white. F12 hates me. And how do I coat my sentences Red?


Italic is mine. Spoilers are of Senteth.


Going to start out a new box here since the site's formatting hates me.


Here. Here. Hey, how do you paint your words red? I'm no good in formatting either. F12 hates me.


Why would the fact that it doesn't affect the ship's gravity matter? It's a targeted magnetic skill with enough force to crush 1-ton carbon steel armored cyborgs into little balls.

You were the one that said his equipment was being held on by magnets, not me. Second, her ability is targeted. It doesn't randomly affect everything around her, only things she classifies as enemies. Inert landscape features and friendlies aren't included. This targeting seems to be borderline psychic, since she doesn't require line of sight and can pick off foes without harming allies even from behind half a dozen walls.


-Low Level Cyborgs yes. But Mag's SS is unable to fully crush Captain Vor neither all other Bosses. (Let's put it in a way that MC belongs to another category since he's from another Universe)  And on the fact that the Target returns to its previous State upon recovering.


Mag's SS Crush Facts:

(a) Mag also takes 2.7 seconds on this skill.

(b)  Wiki States that Mag targets the bones of her enemies, and damaged is reduced depending on the Target's Armor.

  • Magnetizes the bones of enemies within 8 / 10 / 13 / 18 meters, collapsing their skeletons into their bodies to cause 1000 damage. Affected by armor.

Masterchief wears a Titanium Alloy Outer Shell and a Titanium Nanocomposite Bodysuit. His Armor weighs half a Ton, rougly 1k lbs when in use.

The Carbide Ceramic Ossification granted a Spartan's Skeletal System virtually unbreakable though risks states that Growth Spurts causes irreparable bone pulverization. 

This states, that Mag's 2.7 second SS only puts MC into Stasis.



From the Tenno's point of view it looks like that (Saryn's Decoy), but you have no idea what it looks like to the enemy. It's a common trope in games to have decoys and invisibilty being completely obvious to the allied side, but indistinguishable from the real thing/completely invisisble to the other side. Halo also has extremely obvious decoys that are nonetheless effective in the field.


-Let's say Saryn's Molt does mirror her post-cast image and position whether its suspended in Air or on the Ground. 


Saryn's Molt is pretty similar to a Spartan's Decoy:


Both would not end up being fooled by their own skills.


In conclaves, most powers work completely differently than they do normally for balance reasons. You can take it as game mechanics, you can rationalize it away as Tenno doing non-lethal sparring with each other and not going all-out, or you can theorize that Tenno are resistant to other frame's powers because of their link to the void. (speculated by Vor to be the source of their powers)


-Point. Tennos may not fully exert their respective powers to avoid killing their fellow Tenno or rather resistant to mirrored powers due to similar sources. Either theory is possible but this hinders the entire possibility of Tenno's powers which are only fully used on their Hostiles. 

This concludes that Tenno's powers arent fully understood unless they are tested without limitations.


Unless you add Energy Siphon, Rage and Quick Thinking that Masterchief's a Toast. No one messes a Space Version of San Goku. 



But if we exclude the God Mode Combo, comparing Tenno's magical powers over Spartan's abilities never ebbs.



The two work on completely different principles. One is a magic ray that digitizes organics and uploads them into computers, the other is either some sort of nanotech poison or pure void magic. (depending on which in-universe school of thought is correct about the source of the Tenno's powers) Furthermore, Chief didn't survive the Composer because he was epically tough or had super armor, it ignored him because his DNA had been altered by the Librarian. If it had been a different Spartan there in identical armor they would have suffered the same fate as everyone else on the ship. Saryn's miasma will only ignore you if you happen to be friendly to her.


-Didact Ur's did affect synthetic material-cloth or godknowswhat those scientists are wearing and the Entire City of New Phoenix on Earth but did ignored MC. S#&$ you're right. It did Ignore Master Chief because he transcended from being a Human to Promethean but with altered DNA in his Gene Song preventing its crossing to the Digital World.


-Saryn's Miasma penetrates through Health, ignores Armor . However, 


A Spartan's Armor has a Automatic Biofoam Injectors: 

Biofoam injectors is an integral part of the systems ability to keep a SPARTAN-II functioning in battle. Biofoam is a medical gel that is used to fill and seal any open wound automatically, it is also used to treat any infection that could occur as a result of the wound. The process of injecting, or applying the gel to a wound,however it is extremely painful and is only a temporary solution; medical attention must be sought soon after to ensure survivability. 


Masterchief will survive Saryn's Miasma on her first Cast and will probably die if she overlaps it with another. But since they are conforming in a Duel where Masterchief does not drop an Energy Orb, Saryn will rely on Energy Siphon (If she's slotted) for a second chance giving MasterChief enough time to calculate the impending radius, power and casting animation of Saryn's Miasma.



Most of the time the Tenno attack the enemy on their home turf, they aren't being sent out on suicide missions. As well, numbers are seemingly meaningless to the Grineer and Infested, who either clone more or infest more as needed. I'm also not sure what you mean by uncoordinated. Back before the Grineer's speech was changed, they were clearly coordinating their efforts with each other. They also like to use actual combined arms tactics, like hiding behind Shield Lancers or running toward a shield osprey, or using their buddies to distract you while they take up flanking maneuvers using cover effectively.


-The Grineer and Corpus are akin to our Airsoft Team back in High School. Obvious yet seemingly coordinated to the opposing faction but ineffective due to...Hell, we dont know. It maybe because we're not in a game. Real Life Actions are tough as hell. 

-The Grineer and Corpus Home stations are still yet to be found. The Tenno's are raiding Salvage and Military Ships. This Fact is provided by the Ship's loads. No Civilians. Everyone in the Ship are Military Personnel. 



We also see them working individually to slaughter hordes of 7-foot tall cyborgs that weigh at least 1 metric ton, most of it carbon steel armor. (they may or may not have been shielded too, but shields in warframe are invisible most of the time, even when getting hit) In the cinematics we see Loki headshotting dozens of Grineer as they all try to charge him, or Excaliber clearing out an entire room of enemies with Radial Javelin. When they team up against a lone boss, that boss goes down in mere seconds.

-In Comparison to Grineer's Military Strategy to Covenants, the Grineers are dumb as Covenant Unggoys or Grunts. 
In Warframe Trailers, if you are to evaluate every Actions of the opposing Faction, you can conclude that they dont FREAKING SHOOT!
They just stood their ground and watch the Tennos pose for a picture while their comrades die, they would rush to melee instead of Shooting them from afar and Ltl. Kril and Captain Vor does not Die in mere seconds on Missions. 

It does take few minutes on killing level 46 Captain Vor before he was toned down.

I don't know what you mean by innacurate reflexes. If you're still going on about the in-game animations on blocking, that's pre-scripted game mechanics. I also acknowledged that with novel running speed (though I can't recall a cutscene where he ever moves remotely near that fast) Chief beats the Tenno's ordinary sprinting, but I also recall mentioning that acrobatics and zorencoptering could drastically increase speed over the ordinary limit. (I've crossed hundred-meter rooms before in moments doing that)

-The Unscripted Acrobatic Skills may aid the Tenno which shifts your attention-you lose your field of depth, half of your concentration are drawn on keeping your gyro animations. In Sports, once you are distracted, you lose a point. In a conflict, once you're distracted-you're either dead or down.

No problem, there's always areas where we make mistakes becuase of unfamiliarity. I'd probably totally bork any calculations involving how much force the air escaping from a cabin into space would impart on the people in the same room, (related to a question asked earlier in the thread) so I'm waiting off on that until I can ask someone more knowledgeable on a sci-fi or physics forum.

Extremely aware of how much energy is released. (1 kilogram of antimatter would produce an explosion equal to a 43 megaton nuke) However, we have no idea how much antimatter she actually uses. Depending on the amount, the energy released could result in anything from a barely noticable fizz, a firecracker, a block of C4, a fuel-air bomb, or even a nuke.

-We need a Nerd. Wikipedia only provides what the Media Needs. We need someone to hack Pentagon.

Ah yes, close to reality. So this isn't the universe where indestructable Star Roads made of pure thought move at relativistic speeds and carve up entire star systems, or where the Flood are somehow able to infect spacetime itself and can conjure matter from nowhere, or where a wave of FTL super-massive neutrinos can somehow selectively target the nervous systems of every creature in the galaxy and destroy them. There's a lot of magic in Halo. The UNSC just has a thin veneer of reality about it that the other factions in the setting lack.


-I meant about Humanity's Achievements, not Halo's Origin or its conflict between Aliens. If AIs, 3D Printing, wireless techs, focused energy researches, bio-synthetic prosthetics are once fiction. Tearing Space are on our reach.



The minimap might still be there, but Chief wouldn't be paying attention to it. The perception-dulling effect applies to AIs just as effectively as it does organics, so Cortana wouldn't notice anything out of the ordinary either and warn Chief. (stuff like this is why I'm inclined to side with Vor's hunch that Tenno powers come from the void, and are basically psionics/magic/unknown forces)

-Silence dumbs perception and receptive field in Sentients and AIs. MasterChief who excels amongst all Spartan II Units are bred for combat, augmented with increase visual perception (Occipital Cappillary Reversal) and the 300% increase of in subject reflexes: Intelligence, memory and creativity (Superconducting Fibrication of Neural Dendrites)
Thus, MasterChief is no Ordinary Hostile, unknown to Tenno's experiences in Combat.
And in Response to your Excalibur's Superior Reflexes. A Spartan II's reaction time is estimated to be twenty miliseconds. 
Before Excalibur poses for Slash Dash, its already being anticipated by Master Chief. He does not need to brace on the impending obvious influx.


[spoilerEmber-World on Fire. ]Again, Tenno powers are extemely targeted and seem to be confined to things that they consider enemies. The surroundings and any friendly units nearby are completely unaffected. They aren't indiscriminate bombs or anything. (nanotech superscience or void powers, either one could hold answers to why that is) And Requiem's gravity is 0.987 G's, marginally lower than earth's. (Halo 4, the essential visual guide) Yes, MC's suit is vacuum-hardened. That bears no relevance to the fight unless he ambushes them during a Survival mission.

-Titanium's Metling point is at 1,668 degrees Celsius. Ember needs to cast another World on Fire to devour Master Chief.
-Titanium has a low thermal Conductivity
With MasterChief's Superior Reaction Time with Cortana calculating every Information: Radii, duration and temperature of Ember's Abilities.
Ember is battling someone who knows all of her.  

As explained earlier, the Composer isn't similar to Miasma. It's a magic superscience ray that somehow converts organics into digital data. And Chief didn't survive it by being tough, he survived because his modified DNA caused it to ignore him completely and not target him. As for Volt's electricity, in the Halo series strong electrical fields are commonly used to disable shields on infantry and vehicles.

-Titanium has low electrical conductivity. Therefore, the sensation of searing pain is much more like of a Tickle for a 46 Year Old Spartan whose been in combat since he was 6 years old.

See Saryn's reply above. Game mechanics for fairness, Tenno just sparring against each other and not going all-out, or resistance to it based on their mutual connection to the void. On everything else it works as advertised.

-There were no nerfs nor any changes to Link in Conclaves. Therefore, Link deals the same attributes both in Duels and on other factions.
-Albeit there are certain skills that are changed to limit its effectiveness. Eg. Radial Blind to avoid glitches. Link is not one of them.

See above. (0.987 G's for Requiem.) And I'm not making things up, that's the way orbits work. The strength of the planet's gravity has nothing to do with it. (well, it'll increase the speed needed for a satellite or spaceship to maintain a stable orbit, but other than that there's no difference) A ship that's just hovering above a planet and not in true orbit will fall towards the planet if its propulsion system goes offline. If the ship is in true orbit and not just using its engines to fight the planet's gravity well, then it requires no energy to maintain that orbit and will stay orbiting even if the engines go offline. (for an imperfect orbit, small course corrections would be needed over time to keep it from slowly spiralling away from the planet or crashing into it over time, but you get what I mean)

-Ah, I suck at calculations. You won this field.
But according to the cutscene. When Didact Ur discovered  living Sentients outside his HomeWorld. Requiem's Gravitational Pull exerted in such force that it pulled everything outside its Shielded Atmosphere in mere seconds, ripping every Ships in half and disrupting every signals.
Thus, if Requiem has less than of Earth's Gravitational Pull. Multiplying it by tens will cancel out your stable orbital theory.

See previous post detailing strength feats for Tenno. (and remember that not only do they apply to the 1-ton Grineer marines, but also to the Heavy Gunners twice their size and presumably twice as heavy) Regardless of something's strength, (unless you operate on comic book physics) if their mass isn't high enough to keep them rooted in one spot or if they don't have a way to leverage themselves against a solid object, then they will be tossed around by a heavy strike, simple as that. All that shows is that Tenno aren't that heavy for the most part, or that Grineer are very strong and Rollers very dense

Tenno may need knuckle protection like the Kogake to go all-out with their punches, but when they do they can make enemies literally explode. (just a wee bit higher than anything I've ever heard of Spartans doing)

-Kogake emits Forcefield Damage. It is the Kogake that makes enemies Fly, not the Tenno.
-Tennos needs Melee to channel their strength while there were no evidence on how capable they truly are. Spartans have shown their feats both equipped and bare. 
-Physical Strength is determined by muscle fibers which is determined by muscle biopsy. Strength is also predicted based on muscle Mass/posture and formation. 


For further debate. A Spartan II unit has an estimated reaction time of twenty miliseconds.

Edited by yeomanry
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All I'm reading from this, and most other arguments by hardcore Halo supporters, is one big bawl about how Tenno can't use what they've been demonstrated to have because it doesn't operate on the same principles as Halo.


These are Warframe Forums. Dont falter out by an opposing game. Defend your Game.

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In all honesty, it'd happen something like this : (on second thought, before I proceed, I'm going to debunk the entire weapon argument. It's a weapon. You can be disarmed by either party. for the sake of this mind numbingly stupid argument (hurr durr acrid = hurr durr nukes) both parties have full access to the weaponry from both universes.


Master Chief Vs Nova Chief wins more often than not.You've got a trickster with dangerous anti matter tech to deal with. Her abilities demand close quarters and/or line of sight, her personal endurance, shields, and health are minimal. The chief will seek to exploit this by staying at range and striking from the shadows. Nova doesn't stand a chance if she loses the chief and the chief is allowed to slink into stealth. Through clever use of Wormhole, nova can prolong the time she gets to live or even just ultimately run. Her wormhole could also be used as a last ditch effort to throw the chief into a trap. EDIT: As an afterthought, It dawned on me that Nova could simply wormhole into null star range of the chief. The chief might be able to take 2 or 3, or even a full "clip" of null stars at most. He'd be hard pressed to win if Nova were ever able to effectively corner him for long enough.


Master Chief Vs Saryn Chief wins long range, Saryn stands a chance in a battle of fisticuffs. Saryn is a master of poison sturdy enough to exchange blows with the master chief. She is sturdy enough that she could withstand to use sacrificial blows against the chief to mortally wound the chief while barely holding onto life herself. Through use of Molt as a meatshield, saryn has equal potential to win in a brawl. At long range, her comparatively snail like movement makes her a sitting duck. Use of her ult is not advised. The time it takes for her to cast it is all the time it would take for someone with the speed and agility of the chief to cover the short distance that constitutes it's maximum range and destroy saryn before the swan song of poison finishes it's serenade leading to a draw. Venom is inconsequential against a single target, she could attempt to pull a rocky balboa with her molts however her energy supply would run long dry before the fairly non lethal singular poison would kill the chief.


Master Chief Vs Volt Chief wins every time Volt brings nothing to the field the chief hasn't dispatched millions of times before. Sorry volt, but you are a good deal underpowered. Electricity is near completely ineffectual on MJOLNIR armor.


Master Chief Vs Vauban Chief wins most of the time on open terrain, vauban wins everytime in enclosed spaces. Vauban has clever tricks that amount to little more than mere tricks. Tesla is rendered useless, bounce isn't helping anything, vortex could be argued to be all it takes, but it actually catching the chief is far less possible than vauban catching MC with Bastille. Vaubans only win condition is bastille. If the chief is ever outplayed to be caught in a bastille, chief loses.


Master Chief Vs Loki Loki wins most of the time if it's a quick battle. MC wins if Loki fails to kill him quickly and exposes himself too much. Switch Teleport and Decoy is all loki has to win, and it's all he needs. With the ability to add focal point the chief simply will not be able to keep effective track of, loki has the ability to place himself in any position favorable to him. If it ever came to fisticuffs, Loki has the ability to immediately negate and slink back into stealth well beyond what the Master Chief can cope with. A punch that should have connected catches nothing but air as they switch places. Loki's demise could only come as a result of a clever trap, MC intending to be switch teleported (primes a grenade that blows up in lokis face. :P), catching loki offguard with a singular lethal attack, basically, the longer the fight goes on the more loki runs out of tricks and the more tricks Master chief can come up with. Loki's immediate large advantage makes this an unlikely scenario.


Master Chief Vs Trinity It's a draw. Despite you thinking link is the end all be all here, there are many ways to inflict great harm that would do little to nothing to yourself. Applying appropriate pressure to the slender exposed neck of trinity for instance. The amount of requisite force to break her dainty neck is quite insignificant to what it would take to break the reinforced and muscled one of the chiefs. Or Chief simply outranges it and kills her from afar. Trinity has limited vulnerability, chief would recognize this and skirt her attacks until it wears off. Trinity only needs to land a single vampiric embrace though. It stuns and lifts it's victim helplessly into the air making it a simple feat to finish him off.


Master Chief Vs Ash Chief wins every single time.  Ash brings nothing to the battle the chief hasn't dispatched many times before. Canonically, the chief fights tougher enemies regularly.


Master Chief Vs Ember Chief wins every single time. Fire does nothing to the Mjolnir armor, Ember is as flimsy as nova.


Master Chief Vs Banshee Banshee wins most of the time. Banshee has superior radar, the ability to deafen the chief, a method of keeping him at bay, however if she foolishly ults banshee dies. Chiefs only win condition is killing her from afar.


Master Chief Vs Nekros Chief wins most of the time. Nekros' only win condition is if chief doesn't succumb to Howl of Terror. Not likely given Chiefs' History. Soul Punch is debatable on effectiveness and difficult to land. Unreliable.


Master Chief Vs Excalibur Chief wins again. Excalibur doesn't bring anything the chief hasn't seen/defeated a hundred times before.


I'm sure I'm missing somebody, but that's my take on it given the facts presented throughout the discussion. Chief's superior mobility, speed, strength, and armor puts him at a considerable advantage despite his armor rarely playing a role in his win conditions. As someone said earlier, Master Chief is pretty much Batman in power armor.


Master Chief Vs Frost Chief wins most of the time. Even slowed by 30%, the chief is still significantly faster than frost. Frosts snowglobe is borderline a disadvantage. Frost would have to use his snowglobe to bait the chief into a trap. Frost's "Freeze" is not instantaneous like someone in this thread mentioned, it's actually a fairly slow moving projectile. Avalanche is fairly irrelevant here. Don't believe me? Go load up a heavily infested survival and tell me just how much breathing room avalanche is really giving you. Protip: none whatsoever. You gotta cast it for every bit it slow down your enemy.


Master Chief Vs Mag A draw with favor to mag Crush has the same argument as avalanche, although slightly superior. Chief is accustomed to being thrown around and is more or less a 2 ton cat so pull doesn't prove to be much of an advantage on mag's end. In fact, mag would die if she pulled chief to her. Bullet attractor is her main method of blowing the spartan out of the water. it allows her to shoot around corners and even shoot blindly rendering chiefs superior agility rather moot. She just has to kill him before he gets in range to snap her pretty little neck.


Chief vs Nyx Nyx wins every single time. Probably would be the saddest battle to watch. Chaos is more or less forced PTSD. The ultimate downfall of any great warrior. Chief doesn't stand a chance thanks to chaos alone.


Chief Vs Rhino  The universe implodes because these two battle hardened mountains of men would never do battle.

Upvoted. Good job mate.

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Meh. for me Halo 1 was the peak. I only played 2 and 3 because of it and was dissapointed both times. I abandoned ship halfway through 3.

Even then I only really liked the first half and last level of 1. Once the Flood showed up it got lame.

And you know what a futuretech .59 sounds like I take it? It sounds like however the sound designer wants, same as Halo. I could easily say the same for MC's entire arsenal.

Halo 4 used real weapon soundFX(Slap me for referring to such a screwup, but still. Real guns)

And yes a .50 sniper has been fired by me. Makes me happy for not standing infront of it. The .50 cal is like a bombshell going off infront fo you.

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