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Raine: The Mad Aquamancer (Water Frame With A Twist) (Now With Sketches)


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Hello there, before I begin pitching my idea for a water frame, I would like to say that, yes, this is in fact an idea for a water oriented frame. Some of my ideas have probably been pitched before, but I would like you to focus on this frame's overall feel before you make any criticisms on how "new" my ideas are or are not.


Secondly, this frame will seem unbalanced in many aspects. That is my intent. This frame is not meant to be balance. The frame instead is meant to maintain a semblance of balanced game-play by including some extremely severe drawbacks, as well as, err, watered down mechanics. Individual aspects may be completely OP, but ideally are going to be countered by some severe negatives. Please keep that in mind when voicing your opinions on these ideas. If something does not seem to have a fair counter to it, please voice what you think would be fair.


Thirdly, yes, this is quite a bit of text. I wanted to make sure I expressed these ideas clearly and not leave anyone trying to fill in blanks.


Now onto the ideas:


Raine - Female Water Oriented Frame

Base HP: 200

Base Shields: 50 

Base Energy: 100

Base Armor: 25

Sprint Speed: 1.00 


Ability 1: Drowning Mist

Energy: 25

Description: Spreads a choking mist which begins to fill the lungs of affected enemies with water.


Does 1/2/3/4 Damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds to each target in range. Range is a 3/3/4/6 meter long, 45 degree cone. The cone loses some of its form over time allowing the mist to spread out a bit further than this initial range.

Each enemy caught in the initial effect, and every two seconds spent within the mist, applies the damage again. Thus, an enemy within the mist from start to finish will take damage 6 times. An enemy affected by the last "stack" of the ability will take damage until 20 seconds after the end of the ability, because each "stack" has its own duration. 

Additionally, enemies under the effects of this ability panic and attempt to stop the suffocation. This generally means that they will try to escape the mist and will be distracted if they attempt to attack anything while still affected after leaving the mist. Sadly, this means that most enemies are unlikely to be affected by all of the "stacks" possible.

These effects of the ability do not function on non-living enemies such as MOA or Drones.

Lastly, this mist conducts electricity. If one enemy is affected by any form of damaging electricity while in this mist, so will all other enemies.

Mod Effects:

Ability Duration affects the duration of the mist and each "tick." (i.e. +20% duration results in 7 "stacks" each with 7 ticks.)

Ability Range affects the initial cone of mist.

Ability Strength affects the damage of each individual tick of damage.


This ability resembles Sayrn's Venom from a mechanical standpoint, but is nowhere near as potent by itself. This ability, at rank 3, can do 120 damage to affected enemies. Venom can do 6 spores x 10 damage x 15 seconds = 900 damage to the target of the ability.


Ability 2: Cascade (a.k.a Wall of Water)

Energy: 50

Description: Raine raises up a thin sheet of water to protect those behind from energy weapons.

Mechanics: Creates a 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 meter long, 0.5/1/1.5/2 meter high wall of water in front of Rayne for 10 seconds. The wall of water stops all energy based projectiles (laser, flamethrower, etc) and reduces the accuracy of non-energy projectiles (bullet, arrow, throwing star, etc) by 2.5/5/7.5/10%. 

This ability does affect those on Raine's side of the wall, but only non-energy weapons, and only then by half as much.

Additionally, this ability's duration does not start being used if it is in a body of water such as a fountain in the Void, pools of water in Derelicts, and Raine's 1st and 3rd abilitys. Thus, if placed in her Drowning Mist ability, the duration of this ability is equal to the remaining duration of Drowning Mist + Cascade duration.

Lastly, this ability conducts electricity, so enemies who plow through may be in for a bit of a shock.

Mod Effects:

Ability duration affects the duration of the wall itself.

Ability Range affects the length and height of the wall.


This ability is mechanically similar to Volt and Frost's Electric Shield and Snowglobe abilitys. This ability does not block all projectiles as those two do, and has a significantly shorter duration. This ability does not imbue projectiles fired through with electrical damage, nor does it slow enemies down, either. 


Ability 3: Typhoon

Energy: 75

Description: Raine calls up a localized rainstorm causing a ferocious downpour that reduces accuracy and rejuvenates her Tenno allies.

Mechanics: This ability calls up a rainstorm for 20/20/30/40 seconds over a 7.5/15/22.5/30 meter radius. The rain reduces the accuracy of any weapon whose path is through this area. Enemies suffer an accuracy reduction of 30% for ranged weapons, and 15% for melee. Tenno only receive a 5% reduction of accuracy to their ranged attacks and no impediment to their melee attacks. Additionally, enemies within the rain are less likely to notice Tenno and Tenno within the rain are less likely to be noticed by enemies, potentially allowing for alert enemies to be stealth killed.

Furthermore, this ability grants a small amount of health regeneration to Raine and her allies. The regeneration scales with base HP at 0.5/1/1.5/2% per 2 seconds.

Lastly, the entire rainstorm conducts electrical attacks that enter the storm, damaging all enemies within.


Mod Effects:

Ability Range affects the size of this ability.

Ability Duration affects how long the storm lasts.

Ability Strength does not affect this ability.


This ability uses a number of aspects that occur in other Tenno abilities and even some mods. However, this ability does not outdo those. This ability can perform healing, like Trinity or even Rejuvenation. This ability is expensive, however, and is only temporary. Since the healing scales with base HP, more fragile frames get far less benefit than from Trinity's abilities. This ability does increase stealth capabilities, but it is not invisibility, nor is it silence. Walking up in front of an enemy will get you shot, you just won't be seen until you are 2 feet away. If you make a loud noise, you can still be heard, it's just less likely that you will be targeted by anyone other than those enemies extraordinarily close to you. Furthermore, this ability isn't quiet.



Ability 4: Desiccate 

Energy: 100

Description: With this ability, Raine removes all moisture from the subject, leaving a dry husk of a corpse behind.

Mechanics: When Raine activates this ability, for 5 seconds, she is capable of grasping her target and draining the water in their body. To activate this, you use melee on a target within 1 meter of Raine. 

Desiccate does 2000/4000/6000/8000 damage to the target of this ability, ignoring armor in the process, over the course of 2/3/4/5 seconds. Shields are not effective against this ability, only blocking 50/40/30/20% of the damage.

Desiccate has a secondary effect. Raine gains 5/20/40/50% of the damage dealt as health, and the amount absorbed in excess of her maximum health translates to increased damage, range, and duration of her other abilities for a short period of time.

Raine may also use Desiccate on any body of water, including those generated from her own abilities, to regain health in this manner, though greatly reduced. Those bodies of water that are features of the level will dry up when affected by this ability, preventing abuse, but also allowing the removal of certain obstacles.

This ability is not affected by any multipliers. Regardless of elemental weakness or resistances or body part resistances, the damage of this ability is unaffected.

Naturally, this ability does not work on enemies that lack flesh, such as MOA or Ospreys.

The user is not invincible at any time while using this ability and may not benefit from any invincibility granted by other abilitys.

Mod Effects:

Ability Strength affects the damage dealt, but it is calculated separately and does not affect the healing directly or indirectly.

Ability Duration has no effect on this ability.

Ability Range has no effect on this ability.

This ability cannot have increased Ability Efficiency, but may have decreased efficiency. 


This ability is extraordinarily strong, but has several major downsides. First of all, it costs 100 energy, period. Second, it has a tiny range. Third, it only affects a single target. Fourth, none of this ability's secondary effects affect anyone besides the user. This means that the ability can obliterate one enemy, but the user must go into the heart of combat to do so, with the possibility that they will not get to use the ability before they are struck down. Raine is not a sturdy frame by any means, having low armor and shields, nor is she extraordinarily fast, like Loki or Nova. 




Okay, that's all.


I would love to hear feedback on this idea! What do you like about it? What don't you like? Why do you like or dislike those things? Should I get some drawings together of Raine? Are there any numbers that need tweaking? 




o.O I just realized I spent two hours typing this up. Once again, sorry for the wall of text.


Edit: I'm not much of an artist, but my sister and I are working on come rough concept art. For now, here are some descriptions of Raine and her abilities.


Raine is a sleek looking Warframe at first glance, however, a second look will reveal what appears to be minor, but extensive, damage all over her body. Small chunks of the Warframe appear to be missing and those pieces of armor that are not rigid appear to be in tatters. The original look of sleekness, upon closer inspection, is also far from truth, as Raine, were she a living being autonomous of her Tenno pilot, seems to be emaciated and frail. Raine holds herself oddly, as well, seeming to be nervous or perhaps a bit hyper, more likely both. 


When Raine activates Drowning Mist, she cups her hands together and exhales sharply into them. Despite the fact that there is no liquid within, water sprays out and forms the dangerous mist for which her ability is named. 


When she activates Cascade, Raine appears as though she is attempting to grab something small from in front of her. She then "pulls" this something upwards and opens her hand and continues to raise it until her arm is fully extended above her. As soon as she opens her hand, water begins to froth up from in front of her, rising swiftly, so as to reach its peak when her hand does.


The activation of Raine's Typhoon is a thing of elegance. She kneels down, seeming to scoop something up front in front of her. Then, as she stands up, she casts out her hands above her head and gazes upwards, looking as though she is exalting the sky itself. As she gazes, the rain begins to fall.


Dessicate is a subtle activation, compared to her other abilities. Raine simply holds her partially extended hands like claws. When she manages to grab an enemy, however, Raine does something unusual, and, to many Tenno, disturbing. Raine laughs.


Edit: Artwork!



Edited by druindo
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dude put up some artwork or at least describe how u think it should look


Thanks for the suggestion, I've put up a description for Raine and her abilities. I will hopefully have some artwork for her by Sunday. I'd get it done sooner, but I'm going to be busy the next few days.


Edit: Sorry I haven't gotten the pics up yet. I got busier than I thought. I will add these before Wednesday.


2nd Edit: Life has really caught up with me, and finishing up the Gravidus Dilemma also took quite a bit of time. The artwork is done on paper, I just need to clean it up and add a bit of color. I have all day tomorrow to work on it, so keep your fingers crossed.

Edited by druindo
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Like this warframe a lot, one of the few concepts that I can actually see being fun to play


I'm glad to hear that! I thought on this Warframe for a while, trying to achieve a semblance of balance with the abilities and stats, but figuring out what players consider to be fun is tricky, so thank you very much for the input!

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I've got some artwork done, finally!


I'm not much of an artist, so my technique is quite bad. For that reason I did not draw the head, hands, or feet, because those parts of anatomy I tend to butcher horrifically. 


I'm working on getting color into the image now, as well, to help better show the concept.


I'm posting the artwork in the primary post so it does not get lost, but I felt that this update post would clutter the main space too much.


Edit: I'm also doing some touch ups to the pictures in addition to adding color.


If any of you out there are artists and have some suggestions, I would appreciate the feedback quite a bit!


Edit #2: Hi all, I'm still working on Raine. I've gotten busy with school and some other real-life things and haven't been able to constantly work on her. I thought I'd let everyone who was reading this know, but I am not going to post another reply, therefore bump the thread, until I've made more progress and am sharing.

Edited by druindo
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