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Protea temporal anchor bug


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Hey all, i wanted to know if y'all had a problem regarding protea's temporal anchor.
after the time limit for temporal anchor runs out, it automatically drains my shields or health while taking me back to the set anchor point.
i tested it while i was in a mission, and it only seems to do this after i have been hit by an enemy.
was temporal anchor nerfed to do this or something? because if it was, then protea isn't worth using outside of helminth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Temporal Anchor will reset your health, shields, ammo, and energy to their exact levels they were at when cast. If you cast it while you had 0 shields, you will return to 0 shields when coming out of it.

As for her utility, her other three abilities are some of the best in game. Slap Empower on her 4 for a free boost to her turrets.

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