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Everything posted by (NSW)afterHours413

  1. DE is selling out to Tencent. We all should just prepare for Warframe to start bombing into hideously predatory microtransactions. Enjoy your fun while you can, because DE does NOT care about it's playerbase.
  2. I will preface by stating that I find it quite curious the idea of touching up Aegis Storm and Hildryn Prime never crossed the minds of the development team, especially with how outspoken the community can be. I will put this into a few bullet points and pray that my comments are at least seen by a few; Recently many people have pointed out the lackluster quality of several Prime Accesses, namely with Baruuk Prime's and Gara Prime's, and I'd argue we've reached a breaking point with the most recent one; Larkspur Prime has little use in Steel Path, Archguns have even smaller use in most game modes; Shade as a sentinel has some critical flaws which make it harsh to use, namely double-jumping breaking cloak; and the main event, Hildryn, has some critical points of failure which make her kit a tad jarring to use. My criticisms, whilst few, are the following: 1: Balefire lacks the status and/or critical chance and damage needed to compete with other weapons like Ivara's Artemis Bow, or any other weapon in our arsenal for that matter! 2: Aegis Storm disrupts gameplay in such a manner that it is almost never considered in a build, thus making it a nigh-required Helminth slot. In my opinion, the following can be done: Balefire can be buffed with critical chance or status chance, giving it a competing edge with other weapons, and Aegis Storm can have the following changes made to it: 1: Balefire's charge is removed, maxing out its strength and allowing it to auto-fire. 2: Pillage is allowed to be casted in Aegis Storm, with a 5 second cooldown between casts, starting from when the aura reaches it's maximum range. 3: Flight speed is increased, scaling off power strength. Now this isn't meant to be undue criticism towards the developers, but I do hope they put a bit more thought into touching up and reworking other Warframes and weapons by the time their prime comes around, I believe people would be very grateful if this occurs, and I look forward to the future if my ideas are to be adopted!
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