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Nanitz, the Swarm


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Stats                                                    Unranked (Lvl. 0)                              Max (Lvl. 30)













Sprint Speed



Passive: The more nanites you have the better the boost: 5% boost for health, armor, and speed, 5 nanites each for 5% boost:




1.      Consume

Summon a swarm of nanites that consumes anything for energy and health

Energy cost – 25

Energy gain – 20

Health gain – 50

Damage – 25 per second

 (note: this ability is like harrow's condemn, but different)


2.      Rebuild

Tap: Turn your consumed enemies into nanites for extra damage and health for alies

Hold: Consume your enemies, become one with the nanites, the nanites turn into a buff for you giving you extra health and damage

Energy – 50

Damage boost – 20%

Health boost – 15%


3.      Glitch in the program

"Your nanites have glitched they have gone against the program they are consuming each other"

Every time a nanite is consumed a wave of energy is unleashed destroying enemy armor and shield

(Note when a wave of energy is unleashed you give yourself and alies a health regeneration)

Energy - 75

Health regeneration - 100

Armor & shield damage - 50%

Health Regen Duration - 6s



4.      Steel Shot

Summon a ally , if you are killed you respawn near your ally killing it, during this you are tired out taking away half your health, shield, and armor meaning you are given a weaker form but a second chance

Energy – 100 energy

Ally health – 500

Ally Damage - 50 Slash

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Had a look at it

First base is not using the standard scaling and there is no particular reason to deviate from them on this concept. Armor and movement speed do not scale with level. Given the stats at level 0 the stats should be at 30 health 360, shields 300 and 187,5 energy.

First skill

8 hours ago, (PS4)Toni-ZVer7 said:

1.      Consume

Target an enemy and summon a swarm of nanites that consumes anything for energy and health

Neat but a bit to weak , it compares to a conbined Version of nergy Vampire and well of life but it is way weaker than bot. You should make it like condem so it can affect more than  1 target but it requires a bit of player skill 

Second skill

8 hours ago, (PS4)Toni-ZVer7 said:

2.      Rebuild

Tap: Turn your consumed enemies into nanites for extra damage and health

Hold: Reprogram the nanites to serve as armor for your alies

Energy – 50

Armor – 5 armor for 1 nanite

Damage boost – 20%

Health boost – 15%

Would make more sense to always give the same buff tap taget allies , hold target self

Third skill

Weid name , core meltdown is usually used for stuff related to nuclear energy. Also there is not much ´point into making a damage skill if it does not scale.

8 hours ago, (PS4)Toni-ZVer7 said:

4.      Steel Shot

Summon a pillar, if you are killed you respawn with half your health, shield, and armor meaning you are given a weaker form but a second chance

Forth , sound like worse temporal anchor because you can destroy the “anchor” on your version. I would sugest to change the pilar for a strong unit. If you die you get a second chance and the unit dies. Something like a unit from the "goo" factoion 


Overall a few neat ideas a good first try. Have my own version of nanomachines frame , if you want to check it out, here is the link  Prima

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