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Mecha Set


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The Kubrow Mecha set has numerous bugs. 

1.) The mark will not always be correct. 

The mark shown above enemies will not always be on the correct enemy, an active enemy at all, or it will show above an enemy even after its duration has expired. This results in enemies with marks not having any of the effects unique to Mecha set, and providing no bonuses for you. 

2.) Mecha set bonus will not always spread status effects. 

Upon killing a marked enemy, not all status effects are spread, if any at all depending on how quickly the enemy was killed. Even if it takes four or five shots to kill the relevant enemy, and I can see that there are status effects present it will have died too quickly for status effects to spread to other enemies. How is this confirmed different from the above bug? Mecha Pulse will activate, increasing your armor. This does not happen with the above circumstances. 

3.) Mecha Pulse can be stolen by teammates. 

Mecha Pulse's bonus is 60% armor per enemy in 30 meters upon killing a marked target. This bonus can be taken by other players in the lobby even if they have no kubrow or Mecha Pulse equipped, as I can confirm from my own standpoint, using a Kavat on a build bare of Mecha mods yet receiving the Mecha Pulse unique buff. 

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