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Combine/improve Player List And Item Popup (Also, Usable While Moving?)


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Wouldn't it be more convenient to have a single informative popup for all of these things? Screen real estate should still be able to accomodate everything. I mean, even currently, none of the UI elements use the same bit of screen space for their respective popups.

Ideally for me, one button should popup your player list (which should also show their shields, by the way), your inventory, and your objective. In reference to another thread (https://forums.warfr...onus-objective/), bonus objective should be included as well.

It would also be nice if I could get some of this information while moving. I understand the current reason for stopping motion during item selection, as I need the mouse to make my choice, though perhaps the item popup could include all the information listed above while the player list popup would display pretty much as-is (plus shields and bonus objectives, please), but without the mouse pointer and without forcing me to stand still. I like being able to quickly get an overview of my team's health, especially in the heat of things when it really matters. I'd imagine this is even more beneficial to someone running with a support warframe such as Trinity.

Alternatively, we could still make it a one-button system with a tap showing all information without interrupting movement or combat, no mouse cursor, and then fade out after about five seconds. Holding the button for more than a half-second or so would cancel other controls and give you the mouse pointer to select items/etc.

On that note (the "etc." part), other things I would add into this popup:

--Clicking on the map to expand it.

--Clicking on another player produces a slide-out display of their current loadout, maybe also their bonus objective.

--Currency displayed somewhere (maybe top-center or bottom-center).

--The ability to "pin" certain elements so that they remain on, like team health or objectives.

What does everyone else think? How would you like to see it handled? Any further functionality you'd add in?

Edited by nullcore
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