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An idea for two-team Empyrean missions


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We now have two types of Empyrean missions:
- Grineer missions are "light" two-team missions, in the sense there are actions to do inside and outside objective bases, alternatively
- Corpus missions are two-phase missions, in the sense that priority objectives outside the main enemy shipped are to be completed before the whole team assemble for the second, indoor objective

That got me thinking about what kind of mission could involve indoor and outdoor objectives at the same, yet still doable with solo players. I had the following idea.

The mission would consist on a main, time-based objective, to complete indoors. It could be Defense type (protect the target(s) for given amount of time), Sabotage type (prevent hack jamming until it is complete), etc.
The trick to also make it an outdoor objective is that enemy reinforcements would also come from Transport Ships boarding. Thus, having a Railjack team destroying those ships could accelerate the mission (reduce duration by 1min, prevent Jammer from boarding...). Solo players could make use of the Command Intrinsic to leave the outside part to the Crew or, in the worse case scenario, could still be able to complete the mission from inside, albeit taking more time. In that case, it would be nice to park the Railjack inside the main ship -- otherwise it would only take damage -- for instance by infiltrating the enemy dock and closing the doors.
The outdoor part could also involve enemy Fighters, defending the Transport Ship and attacking the main ship, and could provoke hazards inside if too many attack at once.
There may also be the possibility of a main objective outdoors, like the Away Crew provide support by disabling systems from inside.

What do you think?

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