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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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Well. i'm in 9th grade with homework everyday -because of my **** math teacher- and i got to 100 on grineer and 54 on corpus, so you had enough time.


EDIT- i also had plans most of tuesday and i'm not allowed to play past 9

BHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA... wait wait wait.... BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! oh wait your in 9th grade dude? you think thats hard? i had midterms this week for 3 computer programming classes each using a different computer language. you think this was easy for me to get to even 90???? your inconsiderate and quite frankly seeing as young as you are "one of the dumb ones" i thought internet was making you kids more aware of how many different type of people in the world their are yet you think your 9th grade math class is considered daunting to the population.

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im seriously just so upset with DE right now :( i did not even check the end of time for this event because i was SURE!@!!!!!!!!!!  that it was ending at 5pm pacific time, the standard daily login reward time. i play alot of games. custom built pc. tournaments all of that. i have never seen a game not stick to their defined time and this.... im going to call it a "mistake" #*($%%@ me so hard with the definition of an end of day... im trying to give more credit to DE by calling it a "mistake"  rather than a conscious decision of actually CHOOSING this time. 


ive noticed im in no small way the only one getting screwed out of 50+ missions of hard work because of this very issue.

i highly suggest reopening the event. 

I believe it said 4 pm GMT, which is 8 am PST I think.

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The battle is over, finally.
Im so glad, however supporting the treacherous Corpus feels like it was the incorrect decision.
Hopefully the Lotus and her team will retrieve our tenno bretheren from the evil corpus.
Thank you to all my friends and my clanmates for the assistance.

This battle has been tough, yet the rewards should assist in battle against our ever growing enemy.

-Stealth Warrior xXma3xyXx

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I couldn't help notice the Grineer leader said "I will be beating Alad V with your (dead) metal Frame" ? Alad was saying welcome to our new partnership. How can we rectify the fact Grineer said we would be used as dead Melee Weapons and Corpus said welcome to our new partnership. I hope we that fought for the Tenno and not to give ultimate domination to the Grineer are rewarded with our (Corpus BP or Weapons?) I don't care if I have to build it but I defended Corpus in total 300 missions +. Please consider giving us the BP's of Corpus, thx...

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sigh... and I was literally 2 missions away from the tier 2 rewards...

is there any way to extend it even a little? It gets rather difficult to run 100+ missions while in school. I hope these tier 3 weapons won't be event exclusives. I wouldn't mind finding them on some random boss in a few weeks :)

I agree, i stayed up till 3am this morning trying to get 100 thanks to school

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Dev's I have tough of an idea for the next frame after the rumored Berserker warframe. I though that this one should be called SMOKE and it will be a female frame that uses both wind and invisibility. I think it should also be the fastest warframe in the game and should have 100 shield 100 heath and 150 energy max. It should have an invisibility move as well asa hurricane, a wind blast move, and a tornado or vortex like move. I hope this post will inspire you to make a warframe like this Thank you.

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Though this battle may have ended, I fear the war is far from over. I am certain that we will be called again to settle the occasional petty conflict; now that the Corpus and Grineer leadership know they can entice us to battle like common mercenaries, I am sure they will engineer some reason why we should help them again in the future.


But perhaps that is the price of balance; aiding those you despise to keep those you loathe in check.


- Grand Master Koren of Dawnfire

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Dev's I have tough of an idea for the next frame after the rumored Berserker warframe. I though that this one should be called SMOKE and it will be a female frame that uses both wind and invisibility. I think it should also be the fastest warframe in the game and should have 100 shield 100 heath and 150 energy max. It should have an invisibility move as well asa hurricane, a wind blast move, and a tornado or vortex like move. I hope this post will inspire you to make a warframe like this Thank you.

I like the whole wind concept, but there are already 2 warframes with an invisibility power.

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To think that such a conflict could erupt over one man's greed is unsettling. A suitable profit was made from this conflict, but while our sleeping comrades are no longer at risk of falling into the hands of the Corpus, the Grineer have only grown stronger as a result. I fought alongside the Grineer during this war, but now that I am no longer bound to them, I will not hesitate to show them the sharp end of my blade. Alad V... Sargas Ruk... My blade thirsts for your blood, and one day, I will come to collect upon it, as will many others.


See you soon.


~ChaosHybrid, Warlord and Public Representative of the Dragon's Fang.

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I couldn't help notice the Grineer leader said "I will be beating Alad V with your (dead) metal Frame" ? Alad was saying welcome to our new partnership. How can we rectify the fact Grineer said we would be used as dead Melee Weapons and Corpus said welcome to our new partnership. I hope we that fought for the Tenno and not to give ultimate domination to the Grineer are rewarded with our (Corpus BP or Weapons?) I don't care if I have to build it but I defended Corpus in total 300 missions +. Please consider giving us the BP's of Corpus, thx...

No, corpus lose, end of story.

the rules are clear....deal with it.

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And I'm away from home 14 hours a day (06:00 - 20:00) I have a commute of 1,5 hours (so 3 hours a day, car and train), and then I need to get started on my school projects and chores at home

I'm a stay at home dad with a 1 year old daughter and I managed to get the time to complete 100+ missions. 


On a more general note:

DE, I enjoyed the event (my first) a lot, regardless of the outcome.   I enjoyed the way the story line was presented in the days leading to the event as it evoked a reaction from my clanmates and me that left us no choice but so side with the Grineer (long before the first battle of the conflict).  As a newer player to the game, I was often tempted by Alad's offers for money over the "potatoes" and other goodies and am ashamed to say I may have flipped sides a few times for instant wealth over investments towards future clan weaponry.  Thanks to the event, I have increased my inventory significantly and have leveled up more than a couple frames and weapons.


Thank you DE.  I look forward to the next event.

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To think that such a conflict could erupt over one man's greed is unsettling. A suitable profit was made from this conflict, but while our sleeping comrades are no longer at risk of falling into the hands of the Corpus, the Grineer have only grown stronger as a result. I fought alongside the Grineer during this war, but now that I am no longer bound to them, I will not hesitate to show them the sharp end of my blade. Alad V... Sargas Ruk... My blade thirsts for your blood, and one day, I will come to collect upon it, as will many others.


See you soon.


~ChaosHybrid, Warlord and Public Representative of the Dragon's Fang.

As a fellow warlord, I agree.

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But the infested would EAT our brothers and sisters... we don't want that now, do we?


However, the Infested are in the best position to give us loot - unfettered access to Orokin ships for centuries and they don't bother using the technology...


Plus, Golem/Lephantis and Phorid have better communication skills than "RRaaahud greedy milk!" Ruk, and they're not as used car salesman sleezy as Alad.

Edited by Taranis49
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I have to admit, this snippet makes me feel real good, even though my side lost.


As it should. Your side fought valiantly. I remember the battles of Martialis and Spear and though I fought for Ruk, I respect my brethren who fought on the opposite side and made our victory hardfought and glorious.

The ones who spent all their time whining in the discussion conclaves about how the war was 'unfair' and how they deserve rewards for losing, on the other hand... Hard to feel respect for them.


i agree that there should be more to the losing side that only a BP of the gun you are supposed to grind


a lot of corpus supporters wont have a emblem to celebrate this event. altho im not sure why someone would use a badge of shame it could be part of the reason why someone picked corpus anyway


i wonder what symbol infested would use.

Eh? Everyone who did more corpus than grineer (above five missions in total) gets a corpus badge.

They just don't get the gun or the stunstick.

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