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This Event Made Me Sad...


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Is this excuse ever going to stop? Its the same thing people said with three day long events, this was a WEEK. 


If you didn't manage to complete it, too bad so sad. It sucks but thats the way things go, you're going to have to get over it. The world does not revolve around you and you are not entitled to anything. 


If you were legitimately busy, out of town, had urging matters to attend to or simply wanted to do something else with your time, etc you can not complain what so ever. This is a game, something made for entertainment and relaxation. If you're legitimately complaining about missing something on a game because you were on vacation or simply had to deal with more important issues then you need to get your priorities in check. Its as simple as that.



Yay for people who don't read the entire thread before posting?

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Yay for people who don't read the entire thread before posting?


I definitely read it, including all your responses. My initial comment after only reading your first post was going to be "well that sucks man, theres nothing anyone can do I'm afraid. Better luck next time".


But after reading the rest of your posts it warranted what I did actually respond with. 

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ok... well, i had wanted to walk away, but since i/me/"he" has been brought up in part of the continuing conversation, let me just clear a few things.


1. i was not insulting anyone.

2. i never called anyone a name

3. i was not hostile, any feeling of that is only from ones own perspective, not my own.

4. i speak/type in a manner as to convey the truth or opinions in the shortest amount of time, often times that can be seen as confrontational... i assure you it is not intended as such. if i wanted to be confrontational, i would tell you.

5. this thread is titled and was started as another QQ post, calling it something it is not is stupid. (dont pick up a rock and tell me that its a bird, it is not)

6. the idea that op has (longer events) is a bad idea. 1 week is long enough.

6a. had op given ideas about a new event and stated why more than a week would make it better, i would likely have joined in saying "plz DE?".

7. trying to use his (supposed) military enlistment as a soapbox to stand on and preach from is a childish and thoughtless thing. it belittles the military and the honor/pride they ingrain in you. to do such is a shameful action and no true soldier that knows that honor and burden whould have done that.

8. the idea that everyone is special and deserves a chance at something is a nice one, and i wish it could be true... however, this is life, its not fair. you miss out on something because you had other things going... too bad, better luck next time.

9. the more i read of what op said, the more he seems like a troll. forgive me if i am wrong, but given the general state of these boards, its more viable to guess troll than it is to call a fool.


in summation:

i am not a prick.

i am not confrontational.

your idea is bad op.

the event was ok.

this is (oh god i hope) my last post in this thread, and im sure much of what i said will make a mod very happy to ban me (i still love you guys though).

Edited by alchemistjkt
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I definitely read it, including all your responses. My initial comment after only reading your first post was going to be "well that sucks man, theres nothing anyone can do I'm afraid. Better luck next time".


But after reading the rest of your posts it warranted what I did actually respond with. 

Then you just fail to comprehend... how many times do I have to say, it's not a complaint, it's a recommendation.  A suggestion.  something I believe will improve future events. 

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ok... well, i had wanted to walk away, but since i/me/"he" hs been brought up in part of the continuing conversation, let me just clear a few things.


1. i was not insulting anyone.

2. i never called anyone a name

3. i was not hostile, any feeling of that is only from ones own perspective, not my own.

4. i speak/type in a manner as to convey the truth or opinions in the shortest amount of time, often times that can be seen as confrontational... i assure you it is not intended as such. if i wanted to be confrontational, i would tell you.

5. this thread is titled and was started as another QQ post, calling it something it is not is stupid. (dont pick up a rock and tell me that its a bird, it is not)

6. the idea that op has (longer events) is a bad idea. 1 week is long enough.

6a. had op given ideas about a new event and stated why more than a week would make it better, i would likely have joined in saying "plz DE?".

7. trying to use his (supposed) military enlistment as a soapbox to stand on and preach from is a childish and thoughtless thing. it belittles the military and the honor/pride they ingrain in you. to do such is a shameful action and no true soldier that knows that honor and burden whould have done that.

8. the idea that everyone is special and deserves a chance at something is a nice one, and i wish it could be true... however, this is life, its not fair. you miss out on something because you had other things going... too bad, better luck next time.

9. the more i read of what op said, the more he seems like a troll. forgive me if i am wrong, but given the general state of these boards, its more viable to guess troll than it is to call a fool.


in summation:

i am not a prick.

i am not confrontational.

your idea is bad op.

the event was ok.

this is (oh god i hope) my last post in this thread, and im sure much of what i said will make a mod very happy to ban me (i still love you guys though).

"7. trying to use his (supposed) military enlistment as a soapbox to stand on and preach from is a childish and thoughtless thing. it belittles the military and the honor/pride they ingrain in you. to do such is a shameful action and no true soldier that knows that honor and burden whould have done that."

Making poor assumptions like that just to support a selfish argument belittle the military.


"8. the idea that everyone is special and deserves a chance at something is a nice one, and i wish it could be true... however, this is life, its not fair. you miss out on something because you had other things going... too bad, better luck next time."


Except this is a game where DE could easily extend the time of events.  Had you simply stated "I think that is a bad idea, here's why."  I would of been like, okay, the community as a whole things it's a bad idea, guess I'm an idiot for suggesting it.  You come out of no where with low blows and insults.  You didn't just insult my opinion, you insulted ME.


"9. the more i read of what op said, the more he seems like a troll. forgive me if i am wrong, but given the general state of these boards, its more viable to guess troll than it is to call a fool."


You don't know what a troll is, do you?

Edited by DragonDance
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You come out of no where with low blows and insults.  You didn't just insult my opinion, you insulted ME.

(oh dear god why am i back here...)

show me where i insulted you...

was it after you called me a prick?

im not bothered enough to go back and look myself, but if i called you a name, im sorry.

my point(s) still stand(s) and are quite valid.

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If you had just made your point without being hostile and insulting, neither of us would still be here.  You've long since stopped even supporting your standpoint and have just proceeded to bash me.  All I did was state facts as to why someone would need longer then a week to participate in an event over a holiday, that's it. I didn't use it as a "soapbox" to stand on, I'm literally just expressing why I support my opinion. 

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Alchemistjkt has legitimate reasons (i missed multiple events in the past too) but the way he said them was flaming and in a selfish, self-centered way. Two week long events is a bit of a stretch, BUT this is still beta and there will still be plenty of events later. No doubt there would be an event that lasts two weeks long. Good luck.
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All I'm getting from this is that I would be a better person if I got myself discharged from the army so that I could leech off of unemployment and spend every possible second of every day keeping my internet video games up to date on every event, so that there is no possible way I'd ever miss anything, because having a job, or serving your country is a bad, bad thing, and you should never do it. Because why be in the infantry when you can just play warframe?

Seriously, I am @(*()$ apalled at all the negative comments in this thread. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves. Your selfish and uncaring, glad because you had the time to get something other people couldn't because hey, maybe they're taking a break from doing something like, I don't know, making sure people who live in their home country are actually free to enjoy things like MMO's and unemployment paychecks and just want to spend some time with family.

Just because people have less of the item you do DOES NOT make it any better of an item. And thats all I'm getting from you all. That you want the item to stay as exclusive as possible, just for your own selfish concerns.

This is the post that most people are probably going to get angry at you for, it's also what he is talking about when he said you used your military position to belittle the fact that people were disagreeing with your point.

If the roles were reversed and he was the one saying events need to work around everyone's schedule then he would get the exact same replies simply because that idea is an ideal but actually impossible, as there will always be people who miss out.

Edited by YourFriendlyNoggin
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Alchemistjkt has legitimate reasons (i missed multiple events in the past too) but the way he said them was flaming and in a selfish, self-centered way. Two week long events is a bit of a stretch, BUT this is still beta and there will still be plenty of events later. No doubt there would be an event that lasts two weeks long. Good luck.

See, this guy I can support, he believes I'm wrong, and thats okay, everyone is entitled to their opinion. He doesn't belittle or insult me, just states that he disagrees. 

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This is the post that most people are probably going to get angry at you for, it's also what he is talking about when he said you used your military position to belittle the fact that people were disagreeing with your point.

If the roles were reversed and he was the one saying events need to work around everyone's schedule then he would get the exact same replies.

Exactly, if the roles were reversed, he would get the exact same replies from other people I did.  Thats the point I'm trying to make.  I did not protray my opinion in a negative way, I did not belittle, troll, or insult anyone. I merely said what I think, and why.  And now I'm this big troll because of that. :/  Only because I have a diferent opinion.

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Exactly, if the roles were reversed, he would get the exact same replies from other people I did.  Thats the point I'm trying to make.  I did not protray my opinion in a negative way, I did not belittle, troll, or insult anyone. I merely said what I think, and why.  And now I'm this big troll because of that. :/  Only because I have a diferent opinion.

Sorry, had to edit my post to make my point clearer, I meant it was because the idea was just not feasible.

However I don't think you are a troll, I think the two of you made some inappropriate comments, but the army reply was completely out of the left field and insulted everyone who did finish the event.

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Sorry, had to edit my post to make my point clearer, I meant it was because the idea was just not feasible.
However I don't think you are a troll, I think the two of you made some inappropriate comments, but the army reply was completely out of the left field and insulted everyone who did finish the event.

Well, you just have to keep in mind that this entire giant argument and flame war wouldn't of even started if he hadn't started posting hostile comments. And which army reply, by who? There was like 4 or 5. Edited by DragonDance
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I did not belittle, troll, or insult anyone.



Well, alchemist clearly isn't anyone with insightful or worthwhile opinions or thoughts...


You're extremely narrow minded


All I'm getting from this is that I would be a better person if I got myself discharged from the army so that I could leech off of unemployment and spend every possible second of every day keeping my internet video games up to date on every event, so that there is no possible way I'd ever miss anything, because having a job, or serving your country is a bad, bad thing, and you should never do it.  Because why be in the infantry when you can just play warframe? 


Seriously, I am @(*()$ apalled at all the negative comments in this thread.  Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.  Your selfish and uncaring, glad because you had the time to get something other people couldn't because hey, maybe they're taking a break from doing something like, I don't know, making sure people who live in their home country are actually free to enjoy things like MMO's and unemployment paychecks and just want to spend some time with family. 


You stated your useless, unwarranted and unwanted opinion.  And tbh, it sounds like you're describing yourself and your own behaviour, further strengthening my own accurate opinion of you just being unsightful, ignorant, and selfish.


Going to bed now, don't bother replying.  I've all but given up on the warframe community anyway.  Seems anytime anyone at all has an opinion, it's quickly shut down with flaming/insults/trolling/etc.



Well, you just have to keep in mind that this entire giant argument and flame war wouldn't of even started if he hadn't started posting hostile comments.

any air of hostility is in your mind.

untill the stated "military soapbox" issue, no hostility was intended.


And which army reply, by who? There was like 4 or 5.

this one:

All I'm getting from this is that I would be a better person if I got myself discharged from the army so that I could leech off of unemployment and spend every possible second of every day keeping my internet video games up to date on every event, so that there is no possible way I'd ever miss anything, because having a job, or serving your country is a bad, bad thing, and you should never do it.  Because why be in the infantry when you can just play warframe? 


Seriously, I am @(*()$ apalled at all the negative comments in this thread.  Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.  Your selfish and uncaring, glad because you had the time to get something other people couldn't because hey, maybe they're taking a break from doing something like, I don't know, making sure people who live in their home country are actually free to enjoy things like MMO's and unemployment paychecks and just want to spend some time with family. 


Just because people have less of the item you do DOES NOT make it any better of an item.  And thats all I'm getting from you all.  That you want the item to stay as exclusive as possible, just for your own selfish concerns.

by you op.

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any air of hostility is in your mind.

untill the stated "military soapbox" issue, no hostility was intended.


this one:

by you op.

Do you see any names in that? Did I ever specifically insult or call out anyone? No, I did not. I called out the hostility, the insults, the trolling, and the negative behavior.  You however, have been insulting and trolling me specifically, pointing to  SINCE YOUR FIRST POST.   If you paid attention, anything negative I said to you, was a direct response of a personal, belittling insult of your own against me, that gave me that opinion of you.


If I say "some of you should be ashamed by your behaviour" And you think "oh, he must mean me!"  Then there you go,  apparently you've done or said something that makes you feel like you should be ashamed by your behaviour. But did I specifically say "you should be ashamed"? Nope.

Edited by DragonDance
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you are just a ball of fun and sunshine.

i wish you the best of luck op, i really really do.

Sigh, more proof.  Think of it like this, all the way back to before the american revolution.


Colonists come to America.  England taxes the S#&$ out of them, and represses them as a state under English law.  Colonists rise up, declare independance.  England just says "you're QQ'ing, sit back down."  So apparently the basis of the founding of our entire country is QQ'ing?


Someone making an opinion is NOT just whining and crying or complaining.  Think about why you have your opinion, and come up with facts to support it, don't just use petty, backhanded insults like "you're just QQ'ing" that isn't even an argument, that's nothing. 


Also, the /popcorn thing is getting old.  If you enjoy watching or causing strife between your fellow human being, why don't you go do something with your life and sign up under a recruiter, and look at it first hand?

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Wow, I never thought, that some video game event can be compared to America conquer!

My apologies Angius, all this time I thought you were just stupid, but it just seems you don't quite grasp the english language, and can't actually understand what I'm typing, nor formulate responses of your own.


Now that was trolling.

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past the military comment that did kind of rile me up, this has always been rather obvious "trolling".

sadly, its not been fun... better luck next time op.


Also, the /popcorn thing is getting old.  If you enjoy watching or causing strife between your fellow human being, why don't you go do something with your life and sign up under a recruiter, and look at it first hand?

fun fact, i tried that some time back... getting in a car accident kinda killed that idea though.

another fun fact, i live near and work at parris island as a civilian contractor.

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past the military comment that did kind of rile me up, this has always been rather obvious "trolling".

sadly, its not been fun... better luck next time op.


fun fact, i tried that some time back... getting in a car accident kinda killed that idea though.

another fun fact, i live near and work at parris island as a civilian contractor.

You apparently don't know what the definition of trolling is, Alchemist.  It derives from the definition of the word "troll", not the noun, but rather the verb, used in fishing,  wherein you use a bait dangled on a line of a moving boat in order to cause fish to follow your line until they bite.  When someone is "trolling" they are "letting out a line" in otherwords, intentionally stirring up hostile emotions in others in order to cause them to "bite" or rather to engage in an exchange of harsh words.  Now, looking at that definition, and going back to where are argument started.  Who is the one that was trolling?  Who set out the line?


And I'm honestly sorry about your accident. I'm actually getting med boarded out soon and barred from re-enlistment.  During my last deployment I suffered a brain aneurysm from an IED blast, and I had intended to make military a career thing, albeit I did not want to stay an infantryman, so I feel your pain.


Oh, thought I should add at the last minute.  That recruiter comment was aimed at Angius, not you. It's a pet peeve of mine when people go /popcorn or whatever while watching an argument or someone get trolled...as in they get off from something like that or something equally sick.

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Who is the one that was trolling?  Who set out the line?



I didn't realise it was ending on the 30th, I only got to participate for the first 3 days, was doing a family thing for halloween and got back today to find the event was over. I'm less then 25 battles away from getting the tier 3 reward...and I even supported the grineer. ._.



would also like to point out (for clarity) that the original post never said anything about extended events in the future.

only QQ (the bait).

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...that is not baiting for trolling.  I seriously think DE should make events longer.  And he community obviously disagrees, we've already established that.  To even think that is trolling is just going way out of your way just to try and convince yourself that you're right. :/  Admit you started it, and we can patch this up here and now, otherwise I'll be left with a negative impression of you forever. 


You saying I'm QQ'ing was the bait, if anything.  All you did was post literally the same sentence over and over, and you kept re-wording my comments... you know what.  You're relaly good.  You knew you were trolling me the entire time, didn't you?  I should of realised this sooner. -..- I'm done here.

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