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Idea For Lore And Background On Stalker And Future Incounters With Them


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Well My idea might both be simple and complex..

In short..

THE STALKER... is wrong.. its Staker's.. more... they are Actually a Faction or Clan .. Ghost clan maybe?? maybe even Bigger.. 

they are Tenno's .. Not like the Player Tenno's but close to...
They have bin either Corruptet by Power - Greed - infestation or Even The Grineer and Corpus tech .
that would Explain WHY they are after us..
But i still not Tells 100% who they are ... my idea there is : They are / where like us Protecting a system like our's or actually the Former guardians . they disapered and never seen again , and then we woke up and step up into there former place of Guardian of this Sector / system ..

And yet? who is coordinating them? 
well as we are being given info By lotus Ofcourse they had one them self,,
and in my idea SHE or HE could have bin the Source of the Corruption..
the first to fall...


Buttom line.. 

this could open Up to Total new lore and Background behind the "STALKER" and even new event's and / or mission types and Yada Yada Yada So on XD ... 

but most of all it could give all player a look into the Secret of the stalker.. Like why did he or they do this and who Could Corrupt something as Strong As a tenno...

I hope ya People Like this idea and would forward it so it might Get seen ^^

if not that i just hope some people will like it ^^

Found some of the Material i wrote down before this ^^
here it is :


well there has bin "thinking" going around within my clan about a "twist" there could be done in the historie of the Tenno's and a litle Background about the "stalker" that actually they are Corruptet tenno's .. either By a higher Power Like the other Corruptet in the void .. or Corruptet by greed or other Factions like Infestation grineer or Corpus . and that the Stalker is not 1 but Actually a Rouge faction by them self.. like a clan... and had the Thought they could have bin "guardians" for Another System and are now Expanding for a Reason Unknown to either the tenno OR the Lotus.. but another kind of "informant" like Lotus are working with this Rouge Groupe and Rouge Tenno's ( / Corruptet Tenno )

my thought was this could be some kind of "twist" to the Storie About the Stalker And Maybe Introduces New Possibility's for Enemy types . Or simply Bosses..

( Was Send Via e-mail to them Because i dit not know where to post it )


Mantalore Of the Danish Shinobi ^^

Edited by Mantalore
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This reminded me of the light and dark side of the Force (Star Wars).

Yeah, Stalkers are the dark side and they *might* know more than Tennos do about their origin since they don't know where they come from (if Sralkers are bad Tennos) and they might know even more about their abilities and weapons.

And yes, the idea of background stories, not just for stalkers, is amazing :D

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I think a good reason they decided to keep information of the Stalker in store is because of the game's current lore progression, which hasn't moved much until recently (and even then).


Currently we're in the middle of a huge conflict and power balance in the system, while the mysterious infestation runs rampant around the place. The Lotus and Tenno seem to be more concerned on these aspects, and since they are seen as the main antagonists, events/lore additions are currently focused on them.


The Stalker is most likely a Tenno like us, and therefore, if DE made further lore development on him on a grander scale, it would bring us to the lore in a much too personal level too soon in my opinion. We're still figuring out why we were in cryostasis for so long, our origins in a sense too. The Stalker (s) may be our first step in discovering more about ourselves and what happened to us, which is a huge undertaking and could easily stray a bit from the current conflicts and underdeveloped lore. Personal things will certainly attract attention more than the big "saving the world" things, which is why we should keep the "best" for later.


Therefore, in terms of story pacing, the Stalker should not have too much emphasis in the lore yet, not until we at least get the friggin' "Vor's Prize" story lore. However, I do agree that we can have further implied/suggested information along the way as a build up, but preferably slow for now. Implied information allows us to speculate further while never reaching a definite answer.


Like you said, the Lotus could say a few things about the Stalker when he attacks during a mission, it could be as simple as "Tenno, can you still hear my voice? Communication is being jammed," little things like that showing the Lotus' confusion about the Stalker as well, whether she knows about him or not).


As an additional note, if they want to do that, it would be better to do so after the PS4 release, so more audience are mostly in the same place storywise as opposed to having one of the game's biggest mysteries already being unfolded directly.

Edited by Casardis
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Casardis.. i Totaly Agree on you with the part on FULLY releasing it..

BUT i had the Thought about Leaving Small Clues Not the hole ting.. like its ehm.. TRESURE HUNT! XD

You know?? that the Stalker Is leaving a trail to Follow...a word? a weapon ( allready out ) or EVEN parts for a key Unknown .

so that i would take A LOT of Effort to find out and find out WHY HOW AND WHEN things turned "wrong" or they Turned there Attention towards maybe there own Perspective of justice and Balance...

that was kinda my thought on it .. but still if ya think in well FREE that MAYBE that this Project Alad V is on and Vor's PRICE might Actually be something that could hint to the stalker's power and / or The stalker Itself i mean not the tenno/warframe BUT to use them get them on there side.. If ya understand me??

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Agreed on that one.. to think that a Simple SCAN would be enough to uncover who or what he is .. NAHHHH....

I would return to the Idea again that A row of Different WELL alerts or other kinds of event might Grant a piece of a clue that could UNLOCK several missions maybe to uncover the Truth About WHo what where and why about THE STALKER or THEM .. ^^

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Casardis.. i Totaly Agree on you with the part on FULLY releasing it..

BUT i had the Thought about Leaving Small Clues Not the hole ting.. like its ehm.. TRESURE HUNT! XD

You know?? that the Stalker Is leaving a trail to Follow...a word? a weapon ( allready out ) or EVEN parts for a key Unknown .

so that i would take A LOT of Effort to find out and find out WHY HOW AND WHEN things turned "wrong" or they Turned there Attention towards maybe there own Perspective of justice and Balance...

that was kinda my thought on it .. but still if ya think in well FREE that MAYBE that this Project Alad V is on and Vor's PRICE might Actually be something that could hint to the stalker's power and / or The stalker Itself i mean not the tenno/warframe BUT to use them get them on there side.. If ya understand me??


I agree with the little hints that he could leave behind. That's a bit what I meant by implied information, which are usually "hidden" in some ways, or at least not in your direct path (Dark Souls do that really well with its lore).


I've seen Ced's Corpus datapad fan topic which is really interesting, and it could add certain immersion if it was somehow brought into the game (like you can find some datapads in control rooms tiles, certain corpses that are lootable, etc). Something can be done like that and maybe we can get hints of the Stalker though it, like a Grineer/Corpus witness of a Tenno killing another Tenno before disappearing.


If you don't know about the datapads, this is the topic: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/126187-messages-from-home-what-have-we-done/ -- That could go with the "treasure hunt" comparison you made.



Once the codex is in game we'll found out more about him since he'll be in there with all the other enemies.


That`s a good point. But I'm almost inclined to think that the Stalker will say this when you use the scanner:


Your TENNO gadgets are USELESS!Stalker-1.png

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Interesting.. gonna look that up ^^ well Deffently Gonna Update my as i FInd well More ideas and make my own ofc ( all Creators of the Ideas will be named  ofc ) but i think to FIND the Clues / whereabouts of the STALKER.... it should for all reasons be a HARD SHELL to crack because in my eye's the stalker / Stalker's are one of the MAJOR Mystories in game.. same as the Fact Why wake up from cryo now.. the stalker could EASYLY have a Play in on that sceme ( if there is a sceme XD ) if ya understand me... And for Further Notice and Apoligize for my English.. i'm not Native to it and have some spelling problems ^^

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Your English is understandable enough. If I need clarifications on certain things you say, I'll let you know. ^^



Agreed on that one.. to think that a Simple SCAN would be enough to uncover who or what he is .. NAHHHH....

I would return to the Idea again that A row of Different WELL alerts or other kinds of event might Grant a piece of a clue that could UNLOCK several missions maybe to uncover the Truth About WHo what where and why about THE STALKER or THEM .. ^^


Lumi made a post about an alert mission overhaul: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/127210-maybe-a-bit-of-an-overhaul-is-due-for-the-alert-system . I'll bring your attention specifically on this part:



Locating individuals, for example, might involve playing a bit of a scavenger hunt across multiple nodes, with people in Region sharing the location of the target once they've been found. (When the individual you're locating is in the node you've selected, you would have a hidden capture objective. Promoting exploration and junk.)


I think that your idea can be implemented in it somehow. Like a "Distress signal located" which is a rescue mission. However, as soon as you capture the target, the lights will flash and the signature Stalker taunts/entrance will happen. The Stalker will be a MUCH harder version (more buffed in terms of stats, etc), and if you die against him and then disconnect to restart the alert mission, in order to fight him again, he won't reappear. However, if you defeat him, you will get a special lore puzzle from him along with a chance to get a BP of his weapons of course.


What those "puzzle pieces" are is up to your imagination and people's suggestion.

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Ok cool.. Black-Foxx actually havent Noticed  that post.. actually kinda sad about that.. but nice to know there is more then 1 thinking about the idea's behind the Stalker and its lore.. and if we are more to Contribute towards the goal the better ^^

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Ok cool.. Black-Foxx actually havent Noticed  that post.. actually kinda sad about that.. but nice to know there is more then 1 thinking about the idea's behind the Stalker and its lore.. and if we are more to Contribute towards the goal the better ^^

Yeah I hope that there are many many more that think like us because Stalker has lost his ability to a viable threat.  He definitely need help and hopefully something comes out of this.

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