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[Warframe Concept] Flamel - The Alchemy Warframe (Truly Unique Playstyle) *art Included*


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(Note: The above image serves no purpose other than to show my source of inspiration)


Art by Daidaiiro





Yet another of my Warframe concepts inspired by Final Fantasy / Dissidia.

Don't let that throw you off. I haven't just stolen FF abilities and slapped them onto a Warframe concept.

These are 95% my own ideas, I just used Final Fantasy for inspiration.


https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/125703-warframe-concept-yuna-the-totem-summoner-truly-unique-playstyle-long-read/'>Yuna - The Totem Summoner

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/129029-warframe-concept-aurora-the-fabled-champion-truly-unique-playstyle/'>Aurora - The Fabled Champion

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/121039-warframe-concept-jecht-the-brutal-berserker-truly-unique-playstyle/'>Jecht - The Brutal Berserker

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/124271-warframe-concept-nomad-the-peerless-blade-truly-unique-playstyle/'>Nomad - The Peerless Blade

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/122890-warframe-concept-magister-the-vengeful-soul-truly-unique-playstyle/'>Magister - The Vengeful Soul

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/124150-warframe-concept-janus-the-combat-specialist-truly-unique-playstyle/'>Janus - The Combat Specialist


The whole idea behind this concepts is to put forward some seriously unique playstyles.

I'm getting sick of the cookie cutter mold of 1 primary, 1 secondary, 1 melee and 4 powers.

So, I've decided to put out a bunch of concepts that have some serious uniqueness to them.


Let's begin.



This Warframe concept is based on Rikku from Final Fantasy X (Not her annoying X-2 version).

Mainly on her overdrive ability 'mix'.

Mix allowed you to combine several inventory items to create devastating effects. And so begins the creation of this Warframe.



AlchemistMute also had a post in a thread (That I actually made) about an alchemist Warframe.


A Frame brews potions and essences with it's skills. It's first two skills would be fire/water essence and they'd give a short passive effect. Using it's 3rd skill, brew, while both essences are active would make it an earth essence, which would have another passive effect. Combining that with a water essence using Brew would make another essence and so on.


And then, if you have the right essences up, use the fourth ability to see what kind of crazy effects you get. I guess having an Earth + Earth + Fire essence up and using the fourth skill would cause an eruption where the potion lands.


You get the idea. An alchemist Frame, that uses it's skills to create potions and passive effects.


While, both of our ideas are basically 180s from each other, they still have the same kind of idea. Mixing different things for effects.

Anyway, let's continue.


In Final Fantasy X, Rikku is a female. But, I've decided to make this concept a male. Mainly because I couldn't think of a suitable female name.


Stats and information

Name - Flamel

Gender - Male

Description - Flamel is a creative genius.

His knowledge of potions and chemicals is unparalleled. His use of chemical combinations can create extremely varied effects on the battlefield.


Health - 100 (300 at rank 30)

Shields - 100 (300 at rank 30)

Power - 200 (300 at rank 30)

Armour - 50

Speed - 1.0


As you can see, his stats are pretty average, apart from the power stat.


Flamel has almost complete reliance on powers, and the most powerful ones cost a lot.

I'll get to that in more detail later.


Basic concept

Alright. In a very, very condensed concept, depending on which order you mix your chemicals, will change the outcome of the end result.


Powers 1, 2 and 3 are the "ingredients" and 4 is used to mix the ingredients and create the end effects.


I need a lot of time to explain it fully, so check the advanced section for clarification.


Advanced concept


Here's the idea.

There are three "bases" to choose from. These are bound to your 1, 2 and 3.

1 = Explosive base

2 = Acidic base

3 = Medicinal base


Each base determines which main effect will take place.


This will take some explaining.


The effects that you get from the combination depends on which order you mix your chemicals.

Whatever base you start with will determine the main effect.


Starting with an explosive base will be primarily damage dealing.

Starting with an acidic base will be primarily support debuffing and DoT

Starting with a medicinal base will be primarily support buffing.


That's only the start though.


Depending on what you mix next, will change the outcome.

Mixing Explosive -> Medicinal -> Acidic, will result in a different effect to Explosive -> Acidic -> Medicinal.


As you can imagine, this gives a S#&$load of combinations.


Think of it like this.

First ingredient used = 100 points.

Second ingredient used = 50 points.

Third ingredient used = 25 points.


What does this mean?

The first ingredient is 100 points, so it's the most potent effect. Second is 50 points, which isn't as potent, third is 25 points which isn't potent at all.

So, if I switch the third and second ingredients, it swaps the potency values between the 2 bases.


Just a way of understanding that the order in which you use the bases will result in a very different effect.


I know you're probably thinking that this would result in DE having to create dozens of effects (27 individual effects if I am calculating it correctly).


There would only be a few different graphics for each effect. But increasing the potency would result in larger AoE, and flashier particle effects.



Explosive -> Explosive -> Explosive -> Mix would result in a very large AoE compared to Explosive -> Mix 


I'll have to explain the rest in the abilities section.


The point system and combinations.

Like I mentioned earlier, I had a kind of point system to determine the effects.

I'll build on that here.


The first 'ingredient' you add to your mix has a potency of 100 points

The second 'ingredient' you add to your mix has a potency of 50 points

The third 'ingredient' you add to your mix has a potency of 25 points


Instead of having effects for every single combination. The amount of 'potency points' of each of the bases will determine the effect.

There is a maximum of 175 potency for a single mix. (Using the same base 3 times)


Remember. Whatever ingredient you use first is the primary focus of whatever you are going to be mixing.


Below, I've added the various potency point combinations. Anything under 100 means that it is being used in the second or third step in the mix. That means that it is not going to be the primary focus. (hopefully this is making sense)


One other thing.

Explosive mixes are thrown at the targeted enemy when you press 4

Acidic mixes are thrown at the target enemy when you press 4

Medicinal mixes are thrown at a targeted ally. If you have no ally targeted, you throw it at your feet.


Explosive Base

175 potency points = Massive AoE blast. Deals massive damage in a very large area. Sends enemies flying (like Soul Punch)

Deals Blast damage


150 potency points = Large AoE blast. Deals heavy damage in a large AoE. Knocks down enemies.

Deals Blast damage


125 potency points = Moderate AoE. Deals medium damage in an average sized area. Stuns enemies.

Deals Heat damage


100 potency points = Moderate AoE. Deals light damage in an average sized area. 

Deals Heat damage


50 potency points = Adds a larger AoE to whatever is being used as the primary base.

This adds Impact damage to the ending mix


25 potency points = Slightly increases the potency of any additional effects being added by other ingredients.

No additional damage type.


Acidic Base

175 potency points = Huge acidic blast in a large area. Disintegrates armour and shields and deals heavy DoT.

Deals both Viral and Corrosive damage. Making it devastating on both armour, shields and flesh.


150 potency points = Large ankle high caustic blast that eats away at enemies legs. Deals moderate DoT and cripples enemies. (Very effective slow)

Deals Corrosive damage.


125 potency points = Acid shower. Initial blast sends acid into the air, and it comes raining down on enemies from above. Deals moderate DoT and reduces enemy accuracy.

Deals Viral damage


100 potency points = Acid pool. Creates a large, area denying pool of acid. Enemies who pass through are dealt DoT, and have their armour reduced by a certain %

Deals Toxin damage


50 potency points = Adds small AoE blasts to the current mix, in addition to whatever other AoE. These blasts are just miniature versions of the current mix (healing mix will gain healing blasts etc)

No additional damage type is added


25 potency points Staggers enemies caught in the AoE for a short duration. Applies a very light DoT as well.

DoT deals Gas damage


Medicinal Base

175 potency points = Healing wave. Restores ally HP and shields. Increases armour by a certain % for a limited time. Also gives a HoT effect.


150 potency points = Support wave that increases ally accuracy, fire rate and damage by a certain % for a limited time.


125 potency points = Support wave that increases ally run speed, stamina and melee attack speed.


100 potency points = Healing wave. Provides allies with a HoT effect for x seconds.


50 potency points = Adds a flat healing amount to whatever other effects the mix provides. (So, an Explosive base also has the potential to heal allies in the blast if using this in the mix)


25 potency points = Adds a flat shield recharge amount to whatever other effects the mix provides.




Due to the sheer amount of ability potential this Warframe has, each ability has 5 levels rather than 3.

This does't mean that the powers are ridiculously more powerful than other Warframes, it just means that the player will need to spend a little more to reach maximum potential.


(A level 3 power from another Warframe would be the equivalent of a level 5 power on Flamel)


Power 1

Explosive Base

Energy cost - 25


Add an explosive base to your mixture.

If used first, this will become the primary effect of the end results.


Leveling up this skill will increase the effects of any Explosive base that is present in a mix.


Power 2

Acidic Base

Energy cost - 25


Adds an acidic base to your mixture.

If used first, this will become the primary effect of the end results.


Leveling up this skill will increase the effects of any Acidic base that is present in a mix.


Power 3

Medicinal Base

Energy cost - 25


Adds a medicinal base to your mixture.

If used first, this will become the primary effect of the end results.


Leveling up this skill will increase the effects of any Medicinal base that is present in a mix.


Power 4


Energy cost - 50


Mix your chosen ingredients together and throw them to create unique effects.


Other notes

Alrighty. There's a few things that probably need clarification.


How do effects work?

Alright, let's use this as an example.


Explosive base -> Acidic base -> Medicinal Base -> Mix


100 potency points of Explosive Base = Moderate AoE. Deals light damage in an average sized area

50 potency points of Acidic Base = Adds small AoE blasts to the current mix, in addition to whatever other AoE. These blasts are just miniature versions of the current mix (healing mix will gain healing blasts etc)

25 potency points of Medicinal Base = Adds a shield recharge amount to allies who are in the AoE


What does this mean?

There will be a moderate AoE from the explosive base.

There will also be several smaller AoE blasts from the effect of the acidic blast. These are just mini versions of the main ingredient (Explosive). This means there will be several extra damaging blasts.

The AoE of these blasts will provide a flat number of shield recharge to allies who are in the area.


Another example


Acidic Base -> Acidic Base -> Explosive Base


150 potency points of Acidic Base = Large ankle high caustic blast that eats away at enemies legs. Deals moderate DoT and cripples enemies.

25 potency points of Explosive Base = Slightly increases the potency of any additional effects being added by other ingredients.


This means that the Acidic blast has its potency increased by the explosive base.

This will increase any effects and damage.


So, it will have higher damage, higher DoT, and a longer/more effective cripple.




There we have it.

This concept was awesome to write.


It's actually very complex, and has some serious potential.


Huge thanks to anyone that actually read the concept. I'd love to hear any feedback.

Edited by Nugget_
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Why did I guess it was going to be related to anime? I should totally play in the lottery from now on.


I thought Final Fantasy was a game. 



Not to mention that the image in the OP isn't even anime.

None of my concepts are related to anime at all.

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Final Fantasy is a series of games, animes, books and movies.

May be true. First and foremost, they are games. (I try not to mention FF: Unlimited. I thought it was awful).


Anyway. This concept isn't related to anime at all. I didn't even mention it in the OP.


Shall we agree to leave it at that? I don't want this to get too off-topic, too fast.

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May be true. First and foremost, they are games. (I try not to mention FF: Unlimited. I thought it was awful).


Anyway. This concept isn't related to anime at all. I didn't even mention it in the OP.


Shall we agree to leave it at that? I don't want this to get too off-topic, too fast.


Alright, alright. Can't blame me for trying to add some humor sometimes.

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Great concept and i love all the abilities but watch out with the healing base and try not to make the 175 one like trinity's blessing.

Also try and get some concept art for this!

Yeah. I tried to differentiate  it from Blessing in a couple of ways.
It restores HP, shields, increases armour and gives a HoT.
But, the main drive behind using Blessing is for the invincibility duration, which I purposely left out of this concept.

This vaguely resembles my dream Warframe. Have an upvote, I'll read in detail rather than skim sometime today.

Ah, I'd remembered you posting something like that.

I couldn't find the post/remember what thread it was in!.


Will add to the OP.

Thanks for reminding me.

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sounds much like utility, which is awesome to have and use to add a bit more tactic to the game and not so much press 4 and STFU enemies

Yeah, that's exactly what I was aiming for. More tactics.

With this one, you'd have to eventually memorize the various combinations.


While randomly pressing numbers to create combinations could work, it'd be more effective to try to create something for your current situation.


At the moment (especially with Nova) it's basically press 4 and win. Which, to me, is pretty boring.


Hmmm, this sounds really interesting, be great to find all the dif combinations. You mind if i take a crack at concept art? Decent at drawing but that's pretty much it :/

Go for it!


It'd be great to get some custom art for the idea.


Seems that concepts with art get 10x more views than those without. :P


Bravo bravo i love you man this needs to happen!!!

Thankyou, thankyou! :D

Here's hoping.

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Should have the completed work on some time tomorrow, need to scan and upload :P


Love how it turned out, only problem is that I'm unsure whether or not the look fits an Alchemical Warframe :/


PS this is only drawn, no color. I'm not good enough at photoshop to do good color art

Edited by Daidaiiro
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Should have the completed work on some time tomorrow, need to scan and upload :P


Love how it turned out, only problem is that I'm unsure whether or not the look fits an Alchemical Warframe :/

Ah man, the excitement is too much! :D


Can't wait to see how it looks.


Don't worry if you're unsure whether it fits the theme, I'm sure it's great. :)

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How do i upload images to forums?




Thanks! This is what I came up with.

Not bad!


I love the whole...I guess, cloth/robe look?


The robe looks great, and I love the gloves/gauntlets as well! :)

I actually really like the look that you did for the hands.

1 has that metal, armoured look, while the other has that cloth wrapped look. At least, that's what I'm seeing :P


Thanks for taking the time to draw it up.


Added to OP.

Much appreciated!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to Nekros the thread. 


Since damage 2.0 is out, I've added some stuff to the concept, mainly damage types to the various skills.


It's not final, I still need to tweak it a bit. 


What does this mean? 

Basically, to solidify this is a Warframe that takes a lot more skill/memory/finesse, each of the damaging skills will deal a particular damage type or add a damage type to the mix.

So, if I come up against heavily armoured units, one skill would be the better option, meaning I would need to memorize which one that is.




150 Explosive potency points = Large AoE blast. Deals heavy damage in a large AoE. Knocks down enemies.

Deals Blast damage


25 Acidic potency points Staggers enemies caught in the AoE for a short duration. Applies a very light DoT as well.

DoT deals Gas damage


This means I would create a large AoE blast that knocks down enemies. This AoE would also create a light Gas cloud with a DoT.

The original AoE will deal heavy Blast damage, while the DoT will then apply Gas damage.


I need to refine it a bit, so I'll continue to edit it over the days

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This, I like this. I like the variety and the technical aspects of it. however, i do wonder what the purpose to upgrading the abilities would be.

Thankyou. :)


Upgrading the abilities would increase the effects of the combinations.



100 Medicinal potency points = Healing wave. Provides allies with a HoT effect for x seconds.


50 Acidic potency points = Adds small AoE blasts to the current mix, in addition to whatever other AoE. These blasts are just miniature versions of the current mix (healing mix will gain healing blasts etc)

No additional damage type is added


25 Explosive potency points = Slightly increases the potency of any additional effects being added by other ingredients.

No additional damage type.


This is a combination of all 3 bases.

This means that it takes all the skill levels into account.


If you have level 3 explosive and acidic, but only level 1 medicinal, what does that mean?

Because this ability is mainly a Medicinal combination, the effect of the healing is going to be less than a level 3 mod.




This would probably mean a lot of balance/stuff required to do, because there's so many combinations. But, it has the potential to be awesome!

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