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Confession Thread


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Well, let's see.


- I ragequit/got bored a week after they switched the old upgrade design to the card mods in closed beta


- I got back into the game ~3 weeks ago, just in time to pick up a founders pack. Which I did.


- In those three weeks I have ground out ~25 weapons as well as Banshee, Frost Prime, Ember, Volt, Trinity, Vauban, and just need Mag prime's systems. I have maxed out all but 5 of those weapons, half of the frames, and the Excalibur Prime that I got from the founders.


- I started with Loki way back when because I thought he looked cool. Never had a problem using him, and did rather well. Now I can't use him at all because everything feels like it's flying by at light speed when I play him.


- I use an xbox controller because F*** you that's why.


- Reading through this thread I laughed because somehow I had all the multishot mods for every weapon when I logged back in.


- I never have and never will equip bounce on my Vauban


- I spam the lightning bolt when I'm playing Volt because shocking corpus makes me laugh


- When I play Trinity I only equip her ult


- I make my energy color fuchsia every time I play Ember


- I was bored so I wandered onto the forums because I wanted to complain about the new helmets not affecting stats. I like the stat changes, it feels like it adds character to the frames.


- I don't get any of the game's meta. At all. I guess that's what happens when you leave for months.

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I have built every alert weapon, and refuse to sell them till I hit level 30 with them (only 4 more to go.....it hurts.....it hurts so much)


I use Excalibur prime almost exclusively because of Super Jump + Heavy Impact + any heavy weapon. I also like using dagger type weapons with max fury mod on them so I can slide dash across the maps.


I'm a sucker for Cosmetics, I buy them all.


Fragor is still one of my favorite melee weapons because of it's 6m knockdown jump attack (I spam this, a technique I call "Jump and Dunk")


I don't judge other players, but I will criticize them for dying often, especially when I am playing as Frost.


I don't have a favorite gun.


I feel obligated to use Prime anything when not leveling up something. (I also use the Seer Pistol for the same reason)


I have every Warframe and sentinel, and they all have unique color schemes.


I use an Xbox controller, and win.

Edited by Temphis
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- I hate frost and those who praise him


- I use the flamethrower when I'm too lazy to aim


- I get upset when everyone but me rushes towards the end, leaving me with hostage protection duty


- I respect bow users, but I hate using them and I hate people who use them on infested defense


- Elaborating further on Frost, I hate how weirdly proportioned he is. Damn tiny arms and giant and unnecessary knee spikes.

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- Whenever I play this game, I notice a new bug/issue that will invariably remain unaddressed, and it p!sses me off every time.


- I think I could lead Warframe's development team better than whoever currently is.


- I like to plug my thread.


- I laugh at people who think lore is important.


- I think the game will fail because Digital Extremes tried to build a city in a swamp (content built upon a poor gameplay foundation).


- I hate the Corpus Ship tileset.


- I hate the swear filter.


- I like to imagine myself as a community representative on one of the livestreams pointing out everything wrong with Warframe gameplay wise.


- I value wisdom over intelligence.


- I'm waiting for something in this game to be called Ragnarok.

Edited by Boatsniper
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- I sold Mag before she was 30

-Vauban is nothing without Steel Fiber installed

-I used to prefer Sobek over Hek

-I prefer Hek over Strun Wraith

-I don't like Despair that much















-I have a tiny crush on DEMegan 

is there a picture of her?

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- I just ranked Ember from 1 to 30 with only durability mods and Overheat. I hated her kit but I have to admit I love her looks, especially with the noble animation set. Still, my inner power gamer says she's not worth it so... sold!


- Every livestream the De guys remind me of South Park when they say the word "about". I'm sorry, Canadians, I actually like you, but the sound of "aboot" has been burned into my brain :(

Edited by The_Doc
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- I have the same color schemes for each warframe I have.


- I have sell Trinity before she hits the level 30, and now, I have to re-up her because I miss her abilities and gameplay ( love heal people ).


- My favourite warframe is mag, but I have begun with excalibur because I wanted a man warframes for roleplay even if I preferred her abilities.


- I will never up Rhino, Frost or Vauban.


- I hate to confess

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~I main Braton Vandal, despite it currently being weaker than stock Braton.

~I laugh at people who insist the Lato Prime is better, as I use the Lato Vandal.

~I use my Skana for my melee.

~I main my Excal Prime

~My Frost Prime sits at level 12, collecting dust

~My Soma collects dust, built on release day.

~I like super jumping and radial blind

~I like the tilde key

~I stand around on Mercury missions, watching the new players fight.

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-I will follow behind you and target the closest mob to you, and force you aim ahead to keep the mission moving.


-Carry a 5 formaed Dera rainbow build with people I know will wipe, rez them, then rush ahead and hide in invis and clear the room as they wildly shoot in, and let them feel like they made some progression.


-I also did this with a braton before formas and Deras.


-I will never tell anyone who these people are unless im quite drunk.


-Stand right outside of a snow globe in silent protest to easy mode cover, and wait for you to rez me if things go bad.


-Use stun mods on my weapons and leave a sliver of life to see if your even looking at the hp.


-Stand in bad spots as a support class in Xini and force you to move away from the pod to keep the game interesting.


-Formaed my Ash into a tank, and love teleport and melee channel.


-Will use only charged attacks to see if someone copies me, and slice my way into a large pile of infected and watch you try afterwards (even wait for you to go first), and snipe all the exploding infected the first time, then not ever again.


-Use charge attack to cut mobs in half, and aim the sailing corpse at you, and try to stay out of your FoV for as long as I can.


-Rush ahead as a nyx, chaos a large area and wait for you to get there, but not kill anything and see what you do.


-Go invis as an ash in Xini and stand next to the boxes by the pod and melee aoe large groups down so they never get to the pod when stasis is up.

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 - I like to using the Bo.


 - I prefer the Lato over the Vasto.


 - While fighting Lephantis, I like to play Zinogre's theme from Monster Hunter in the background.


 - Back when Team Heal items healed team members no matter how far they were, I always liked referring them as Life Powders.

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