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What I Want To Be In Game


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[PLEASE NOTE THAT I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING NOR(at the moement) INFLUENCE ANYTHING IN GAME THESE ARE IDEAS I WANT TO BE IN GAME NOT THINGS THAT WILL! also sorry for alcaps start it's here so poeple don't get the wrong idea so please don't ban me for alcaps start ,thank you for reading my disclaimer .]

Hello ,Oxin here,

Talking about thing

I wish they add a new weapon I came up with it does not have a name yet but nor do I think they add it in game but i can dream.

It is a melee weapon that is a Gear Sword Arm or as I like to call it G.S.A. : It's a guntlet for the left arm it has many gears and three blades to tear up your enemies ,The first blade is for stabing much like the daggers, the second blade is for slashing kinda like most of the swords you can find , the third and final blade is to crave though the enemies it has a longer reach then the other blades it also takes more energy to swing but does lots of damage making it a deadly weapon

for even the stongest of Grineer .

so what do you think reply and tell me what you think.

Edited by Oxin
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How about a sniper rifle that shoots around corners, and goes up like a nuke when it hits things. Also it has an electronic scrambling device that makes all Corpus enemies run right towards the explosion.

That is the gun I do not want in game :)

haha funny but i don't think my weapon's that over powered what you said now that's OP but i never said my weapon out right one hit everything.

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How about a sniper rifle that shoots around corners, and goes up like a nuke when it hits things. Also it has an electronic scrambling device that makes all Corpus enemies run right towards the explosion.

That is the gun I do not want in game :)

What if we had an artifact that scrambled the enemy's radar and comms so that it would be harder for them to detect us or send reinforcements?

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I don't see how it'd be OP, instead, make it as a sort of akimbo style weapon that is meant for a single target, but ramping damage (15->30->60 base).

First step in the combat cycle flow is a stab with the left wrist weapon, second is a slash from the other arm, third is an uppercut from the left. Charge - an overhead smash with both at once. It'd be unique, unique doesn't mean overpowered.

Not feeling the gear aspect, though.

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I don't see how it'd be OP, instead, make it as a sort of akimbo style weapon that is meant for a single target, but ramping damage (15->30->60 base).

First step in the combat cycle flow is a stab with the left wrist weapon, second is a slash from the other arm, third is an uppercut from the left. Charge - an overhead smash with both at once. It'd be unique, unique doesn't mean overpowered.

Not feeling the gear aspect, though.

also the gears are what move the blades and it's only for the left arm so now to feel too spamie ...

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