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Zanukite Warframe (Heavily Based Off Ps4 "profit" Trailer)


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Everyone's making their own Warframe concepts so I thought 'Why the hell not?'
I've always been a fan of Corpus Technology and Design, so when I saw 'Zanuka' in the trailer, All I could say was "ME GUSTA."
So here's a Warframe Concept: Zanukite
NOTE: it is both a Warframe and a Sentinel idea meshed in one, so I put it in Spoilers to stop 'Wall of Text Syndrome.'
Warframe desc.

1) On one of your missions you came across the master plans for the zanuka program.
Using Tenno and Corpus technology alike you build a synergy with Corpus robotics.
With two guns firing as one, nothing will stop you.
2) The Corpus never wanted the Tenno. They wanted the Warframes. In return for a few choice Warframe components, the Corpus 
give you a prototype of their mysterious Zanuka robotics line.
Synchronized with the Warframe technology, the Zanukite grants tactical expertise a powerful weapon.

Warframe Stats

HP: 100/300
Shield:  100/300
armor: 50
speed: 1.1
Energy Cap: 150/225
Default Polarities:
v Aura
4 = slots
2 - slots

Warframe Abilities:

1) Agro/Defend
Actively Toggle between Zanuka behaviors
10 energy
Agro and Defend will appear on the hud, a blade and a shield respectively. 
Agro: Zanuka Will behave much like Hyena, actively weaving in and out of combat, occasionally activating it's abilities.
Defend: Zanuka will stay besides the warframe, like any other Senintel.
It will not actively fire at enemies
However, it will fire at enemies the player has fired at, or fire at
enemies that has fired on the player or itself.
2) Shield
Deploy a shield for cover.
Initial drop: 50 energy
Consumes 15/13/11/9 energy per second per respective level
This is a toggle shield. It works very much like Volt's shield in that it blocks bullets.
Duration is controled by the player. It can be picked up manually or will stop automatically when the warframes
energy runs out.
Warframe CANNOT use other abilities while this ability is active.
3) Guard/Harass
Command Zanuka to guard an Ally or attack a specific target
Cast cost: 50 energy
Toggle for friendly. can be uncast without energy consumption or a secondary target.
Lasts 30/40/50/60 seconds for enemy targets.
The Zanuka will accompany a chosen Ally until the warframe uncasts this ability.
The Zanuka will attack a specific enemy and will stop once the target dies, the time frame expires, or the skill is cast again.
4) Spawn/Control
Revive a fallen Zanuka or take manual control
Revive: 100 energy
manual control: 16/14/12/10 energy per second per respective level
Revive takes 10 seconds. Warframe is vulnerable to damage but not to stagger or knockdown during this time.
Manual control: Camera and controls will shift onto the Zanuka Sentinel
Warframe summons a shield around himself and becomes stationary.
Every bullet absorbed by the shield will take another 5 energy off the warframe.
DoT such as poison clouds and fire will be directed to the shield for 2 energy per damage tick.

Now we come to the Zanuka Sentinel
You can probably tell from the Warframe Abilities that it will be very active in combat, so it will have higher stats than average.
Zanuka desc.

1) Stolen technology built in a Tenno foundry, 'Zanuka' is the game changer for the Tenno.
Offering it's diverse abilities such as 'Staggering pierce' and 'Power Stomp', it will save lives and destroy the opposition.
2) Lotus does not approve of your 'private investment', but even she cannot complain. 
With a full load of abilities such as 'Staggering Pierce' and 'Power Stomp', Zanuka levels the battleground for the Tenno.

Zanuka Stats:

HP: 100/300
Shield: 150/450
speed: 1.15
armor: 25
Zanuka polarities
5 Y slots
It has these 5 slots for a reason, you'll see later

Zanuka Abilities:
It has a large array of its own abilities, but it can't accept existing sentinel abilities i.e. Regen and Guardian

1) Tactical Strike
Essential to the Warframe ability counterpart 'Agro/Defend.'
Allows for such a communication to begin with.
Does not have/need fusion levels for this mod.
2) Power stomp
60% activation
Shockwave Moas ability.
Upgrade for travel speed and distance, as well as windup redution
3) staggering pierce
30% activation
Railgun Moas ability 
Upgrade for base damage and charge reduction
4) Missile Bombard
10% activation
Fires a barrage of missiles
upgrade for number of missiles and base damage
5) Spawn Shield Osprey
20% activation
Spawns a friendly shield osprey much like a corpus tech would.
The osprey will range from 45-65
6) spawn Mine Osprey
20% activation
Spawns a friendly Mine osprey
The osprey will range from 55-75
7) spawn Leech Osprey
25% activation
Spawns a friendly leech osprey
The osprey will range from 35-55
8) spawn drone
12% activation
Spawns a friendly Fusion MoA's drone
The drone will have levels between 45-65
9) Excessive plasma grenades
7% activation
fires an excessive amount of overpowered plasma grenades in a small cone
upgrade to increase cone size and number of grenades
10) vanish
20% activation
Removes Zanuka from enemy view entirely
Upgrade for duration

Zanuka Weaponry:
(relatively short, no spoilers here)
Twin Vandals:
Same stats as Braton Vandal, but 1.5x fire rate.
It can accept other sentinel weapons, but Twin Vandals specific to the Zanuka, and cannot be equipped by any other sentinel.
Now this is a fairly Unique Warframe, So I have devised one potential method of acquisition:

An item named "Zanuka Build" will drop from a Spy or Survival missions on Pluto, a corpus controlled planet.
Alad V will contact you and give you an option:
A) return the plans in exchange for a rare BP i.e. Forma, Catalyst Reactor or various TIII keys
B) refuse to return the plans, ushering a brief message from lotus, encouraging you to search for more plans
Run Capture missions until you find "Zanuka Intel"
Alad V will contact you again with three options:
A) return the both plans in exchange for 3 random rare items. again Forma Catalyst or Reactor
B) give the plans to lotus, who will give you an item of your choosing.
weapons will have a catalyst and weapon slot included, while items choosen comes in stacks of three.
C) announce your interest in the Zanuka program to Alad V
If you pick C, Alad V will inform you that the council has agreed to your decision. You will recieve a great reward.
In return for  some much needed items.
You will be required to obtain 5 different warframe components. Not from Jackal, Hyena, Sgt Nef Anyo, Raptor or Ambulas (corpus robotics).
Each item will be asked for on weekly intervals, and your progression will not continue until
Alad recieves that part. Once you hand in the 5th component, Alad V will contact you. Your contributions have been useful.
In a 3 days, you will recieve the Zanuka BP. It will take three days to build, like a warframe.
The message will state that it is useless on its own, and the Corpus have prepared a Warframe synchronized with it. 
On daily intervals, the Zanukite pieces bp and the Zanukite bp itself will be sent to you.
However, the Zanuka program still requires the vital information you have stolen.
If you so choose to send it back to the Corpus, they will give you the full array of the Zanuka arsenal, Corpus robotics abilities, as compatible mods to be applied to Zanuka.
If not, the Lotus will receive them for 100,000 credits a piece, after discovering your private investment.
The abilities will drop from corpus robotics and personnel, with a greater chance on Pluto.


TL;DR text:


I made a two-part Warframe based on the PS4 trailer "The Profit."



I think it'll add some interesting gameplay changes.

But what do my fellow Tenno think?


Also I might add concept art.



EDIT: In light of the end of the 'Hunt for Alad V,' the Zanuka can apparently holster warframe abilities, one of such I've seen is the Radial Blind of Excalibur. I will revise the Zanuka Sentinel abilities if the situation requires it.

Edited by P1NK13P13
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Isn't Valkyr supposed to have been a Zanuka prototype/test subject?

Well my inspiration was in light of the Gravidus Dilema/Decision.

I just created a Warframe and Sentinel based off a potential consensus between Alad and the Tenno.

I also wanted something unique, with a balance between player and npc alike.


Valkyr had nothing to do with this :I


so... meh

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Well my inspiration was in light of the Gravidus Dilema/Decision.

I just created a Warframe and Sentinel based off a potential consensus between Alad and the Tenno.

I also wanted something unique, with a balance between player and npc alike.


Valkyr had nothing to do with this :I


so... meh

Ah. Yeah, flavor text-wise the idea of Alad V and the Tenno actually cooperating would probably never happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Tenno manage to steal back parts and plans from the Zanuka project and reverse-engineer it back into a Warframe. Or perhaps like Valkyr they find another, more "complete" test subject that still retains its own will but bears a design closer to the final product.

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the only problem is: what happens if you do not have Zanuka as your sentinal? the frame's powers will be useless. other than that you may not even have to go through Alad, as lets face it: even if the corpus help us take him down, they probably want to secretly steal and continue his work. However I disagree with:

Ah. Yeah, flavor text-wise the idea of Alad V and the Tenno actually cooperating would probably never happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Tenno manage to steal back parts and plans from the Zanuka project and reverse-engineer it back into a Warframe. Or perhaps like Valkyr they find another, more "complete" test subject that still retains its own will but bears a design closer to the final product.

because in the last event you could choose Ruk or Alad. At that time you could still got to Saturn and KILL Ruk. soon we will be able to kill Alad, so its reasonable that we could still have the event involve him.

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the only problem is: what happens if you do not have Zanuka as your sentinal? the frame's powers will be useless.

I should have clarified, clumsy me :P


The Warframe abilities will not function without the Zanuka as the sentinel, yes.

My intent was to have the Warframe and Sentinel specific to each other, as in you cannot equip the one without the other.

I think in the case the Zanuka is equipped independently, it will act as like a sentinel without its attack mod. I.e. Revenge, Warrior etc. as in not attacking at all.

And given the skill set, the Warframe would be useless without it's counterpart sentinel, so no knowledgable player would equip it independently.


In regards with the latest "Hunt for Alad V," I would presume that yes, either a new Corpus commands the Zanuka Project or Alad continues in a hidden base as a rogue of the Corpus faction.

Edited by P1NK13P13
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