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Tolstoj Mission: Why Include A Super-Difficult Platforming Element?


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I've played the PC version of Warframe for several months & have completed the Tolstoj mission (Assassinate Captain Vor) multiple times & have never encountered the same very difficult platforming element that I encountered yesterday in the PS4 version.  In the PS4 version, I encountered a point in the mission where I had to wall-run vertically & jump backwards onto an elevated object & then I was supposed to jump toward the same wall & wall-run vertically to reach a tunnel that was quite high up.  Two of my fellow teammmates were able to accomplish this feat - but my friend & I were not - after multiple attempts & coaching from the aforementioned 2 teammates.


We ended up losing the mission because only 2 of my teammates were able to reach Vor & that's not enough people to defeat him.


My questions to DE are:  


1) Why add such a very difficult platforming element into this mission when the PC version lacks it?


2) Will you remove this ridiculously difficult platforming element in a future update to the PS4 version of Warframe?

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1. Ummm... just to inform you that that platform level area thing has existed for like since U5. Have no idea how you haven't encountered that yet though.

2. Isn't that taking away from the level design? Players should get used to and learn from difficult situations, not complain and cry at the slightest problem. Once you can get past that obstacle (and trust me it took me like 5 min to figure it out) you will be able to get past any other obstacle.

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I just played this mission yesterday twice and didn't have any difficult platforming section on the way to fighting Vor.  I'm going to guess there is just a random chance that it show up (or not) based on how the level randomly gets generated and your experiences on the PC version just rolled "lucky" for not having this platforming section.


I find the random generation of the levels to at times make me amazed and then other times makes me feel a bit bummed when you run through the same hallway the third time in a run of the same mission just because the randomizer decided to use that piece so many times.


That all being said - I'm actually glad to hear that I can expect to be challenged to use the platforming skills in this game because so far I've felt like they were just sort of a gimmick to make it feel more ninja-like.

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I agree that the wall running and such is sluggish in this version of Warframe... but to take it out would remove one of the things that makes the game unique.


on the upside, they made that sort of thing easier in U11, just read the patch notes, be happy, and await the update on the console.

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For the most part, those platforming elements have alternatives ways around them.  You might have to take an extremely long detour though.


In addition, a ninja game and you are complaining about platforms?  I'm more surprised that there aren't more platforms.   A lot of shortcuts can be found via tricks like walljumping or running or climbing.

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I felt the same way for the beginning. but that is only because the tutorial is very poor and does not discuss how to wall run and do special kinds of jumps. So when you first face the first one you have to do, there is a good chance you will not know what to do. Now that i have learnt how to do these things, it is not difficult, but I understand where he is coming from as the game never instructs you about this prior to getting into a level that has one of these parts

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Being new to all this, I had no idea there were platforming elements as I tend to be terrible at that type of play.   But it seems to me, each level had some way around the platforming or am I wrong about that?


Also had no idea that levels had random generators.   No wonder I've got so confused when playing a mission for the second time and feel lost trying to keep up to others that run through a level so fast.

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>super difficult


been playing 3 weeks and I can do any and all platforming/acrobatic areas, you just need to git gud... you're mad about one of the most basic moves too... you run up the wall, and then you jump backwards, rinse and repeat...it's really not that complex.  You're gonna be crying through the derelict missions if this is challenging to you....

witch3rDC52 I think it's only the rare case you can't go around, but in general you're right.  And yes the game uses tilesets so it can somewhat randomly generate maps, but clearly the room layouts are always the same, just different rooms get strung together

Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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>super difficult


been playing 3 weeks and I can do any and all platforming/acrobatic areas, you just need to git gud... you're mad about one of the most basic moves too... you run up the wall, and then you jump backwards, rinse and repeat...it's really not that complex.  You're gonna be crying through the derelict missions if this is challenging to you....

witch3rDC52 I think it's only the rare case you can't go around, but in general you're right.  And yes the game uses tilesets so it can somewhat randomly generate maps, but clearly the room layouts are always the same, just different rooms get strung together


I was stuck in a derelict because I couldn't do that move...


I know my friend did it easily with his higher speed and stamina.  Me...   *Runs out of stamina like right underneath the objective*  *can't seem to run as high*


Took me like fifty tries to finally barely make it (Friend made it clean, I ended up grabbing the edge).


Is wall running speed+distance based on your frame sprint speed and stamina supply?  I've noticed that Rush charged Volt Buff charged Loki seem to be able to go like anywhere.


I can't wait for our obstacle course to be finished.  


Then there was the move that neither of us could manage.  You have to like wall run sideways, then mid-run, wall run upwards then sideways and jump.  (and not overshoot).  I could managed a sideways then upwards about 10% of the time (somewhere between 5-25%), but I could never get enough stamina to do that final run ( I have like half the stamina of my friends @_@ ).


My friend managed to do it except he overshot.

Edited by (PS4)ariaandkia
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Go finish Mirror's Edge and Ninja Gaiden Sigma + then come back and realize that every bit of platforming in Warframe is child's play. Also, yeah, most of it is optional. I do believe the one you're talking about has no way around it, but since you can wall-run up to the first platform, then continue up the other wall with a second jump, I don't see how it's any harder than a single vertical wall run.

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I've played the PC version of Warframe for several months & have completed the Tolstoj mission (Assassinate Captain Vor) multiple times & have never encountered the same very difficult platforming element that I encountered yesterday in the PS4 version.  In the PS4 version, I encountered a point in the mission where I had to wall-run vertically & jump backwards onto an elevated object & then I was supposed to jump toward the same wall & wall-run vertically to reach a tunnel that was quite high up.  Two of my fellow teammmates were able to accomplish this feat - but my friend & I were not - after multiple attempts & coaching from the aforementioned 2 teammates.


We ended up losing the mission because only 2 of my teammates were able to reach Vor & that's not enough people to defeat him.


My questions to DE are:  


1) Why add such a very difficult platforming element into this mission when the PC version lacks it?


2) Will you remove this ridiculously difficult platforming element in a future update to the PS4 version of Warframe?

Once you get on top of the box...jump to the left of the wall that was giving you trouble and then you can do another simple wall run up to the tunnel. This will prevent you from having to do 3 things at once.  A lot of these maneuvers take time to master.  Just wait....before long you're going flying around the map like Tony Jaa destroying everything that threatens our Solar System!

Edited by (PS4)IxMAGxI
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