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Trophies For Warframe On Ps4


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I admit I actually redownloaded Warframe from Steam because I thought it might have trophies for me to earn, since I was going to play the game anyway.  It didn't, and I wasn't heart broken about it.  I'm still not heart broken about it now that it's on the PS4!  



Grineer skulls and Corpus circuitry are your trophies and your warframes are the tools you use to get them!  What function would PS4/Steam trophies add to the game?  I would assume that once the game is out of Beta and is "completed" they will have trophies just to give us something else to try to get.

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What does a trophy do? I play a game because I enjoy it.


It satisfies certain people when they unlock them. No need to show your ignorance so early on in the game.

OP: Play the game for a while, you'll like it. I dig trophy hunting also, but Warframe has been a blast so far and I've pretty much forgotten about trophies.

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Can someone add trophies for the ps4. I like the game and everything but I don't feel like playing it since it doesn't have trophies. I think a lot of people like me would be more interested if the game would have trophies. Thanks for your consideration.

by a lot of people do you mean you and a few people because I don't know anyone nor have I chatted with anyone who would back up your claim.

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The PC version just got Update 11 which DOES add ingame achievements (and if playing through Steam, Steam Achievements). Logged in after it went live and both my Steam and Warframe started popping them like crazy (got about 78% of them completed at once).


So I'm guessing once Update 11 comes to Warframe PS4, Trophies will be added as well. That, along with Damage 2.0 and all the changes that update brings.


Warframe is still a Beta, therefore cannot have any trophies. I'm sure they will all be unlocked eventually.


J'vas y aller avec mon oeil de lynx... mais je pense que peut-être, possiblement, ya une chance qu'il soit probable que tu sois québécois. :)

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I'm also looking forward to them adding trophies.  I believe by Sony policy, all ps3 and ps4 games are required to have trophies. 

Someone mentioned earlier that, this game is still in beta technically, thats most likely your reason for not being able to get them.


And what does a trophy do?  It gives you fun things to accomplish that many times you'd have no way to track or make fun with.


i.e. "Run, 100 miles worth"   Kill 50 enemies without shield breaking.   Stuff like that.  Its fun try and do challenging things

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Can someone add trophies for the ps4. I like the game and everything but I don't feel like playing it since it doesn't have trophies. I think a lot of people like me would be more interested if the game would have trophies. Thanks for your consideration.

It's been confirmed that they will be adding trophies in the close Updates. (And when I say close I don't mean they will be released soon, but rather that it will be in one of the next patches.)

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Trophies are fun but not a game breaker.  Where they are useful is actually advertising the game when someone looks at what trophies you've earned.  I've looked at games because a) I didn't have trophies in it and b) the trophies sounded fun.  Play the game for the fun of it, enjoy the trophies when they come!

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I don't play a game because it has trophies, I play because its fun. That being said, trophies want to make me dig deeper in the game and try to achieve the challenges set by them (like "obtain this" or "finish a dungeon in less than ... minutes") . It's not for a score or anything, its just self satisfaction. You get the feeling "I achieved this" from them.

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by a lot of people do you mean you and a few people because I don't know anyone nor have I chatted with anyone who would back up your claim.

Lol. Achievements/Trophies are one of the most wildly popular mechanics ever thrown into games. Individual devs put them in their games first, then MS saw the potential and standardized it in their games. Sony soon followed suit. And now most every game will have achievements in one way or another, including mobile games. That alone tells you how many people enjoy getting them. As do I.

That said, I don't really care if they are in this game or not.

Edited by (PS4)Chaos__Shadow
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I for one, would love trophy support in the game. It does add a layer of accomplishment and shows other players what you have done in game. Some players who havent yet tried the game can see it on my profile and be reminded of it. Its basically free advertising for the developer as well. Its a win/win.

Edited by (PS4)harrymcdowell
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I'm going to second this notion.  I know the only reason it doesn't currently have them is because Sony and their policy on Beta games, but I do think once Warframe is "complete" and out of Beta that the will maybe, hopefully be patched in.  As sad as it is, I have many friends who only play games for trophies, it's become an addiction... and though they express interest in the game, they don't want to bother, they see it as a waste of trophy hunting time... so I can vouche to say they WOULD play if there was trophies.

I personally am also a trophy hunter, but plan to max everything in this game if I can regardless, however Trophies would be a nice incentive and would give me more "goals" to work towards...

For one encouraging people to use their acrobatics more would be cool, I seem to be the only player I ever see taking advantage of the crazy maneuvers you can pull.... or encourage more "dead" game modes to be played via trophies would add alot of longevity to this game, as well as attract many more players in general...  one trophy alone to obtain all non-Prime Warframes will keep many trophy hunters in your game for several hundred hours.

A simple .png of a trophy and a *ding* noise 51 times = 500+ hours of gameplay to some people lmao

I personally think it's a great idea, there's no reason not to other than the current beta status :)

Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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by a lot of people do you mean you and a few people because I don't know anyone nor have I chatted with anyone who would back up your claim.

I honestly, would love them to add trophies, it is something that every game should have. While it has been satisfying unlocking my new weapons and such, Trophies will give you another thing to work for, which I dont know why anyone wouldn't want? Its not like they would be difficult to add, nor take away from the other elements of the game. 

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I don't get the appeal of trophies but if it makes some people happy and it's easy to do, why not? I have trophy notifications turned off on PS4 so I don't have to be bothered by them.


The only good trophy I've ever seen is the one you get for The Part Where He Kills You in Portal 2. That's a good trophy and you don't do anything for it.

Edited by (PS4)Qatsmasher
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