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[XB1][INTL] Arbiters of Chaos is open for new Citizens to join!


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Are you tired of clan hopping? Perhaps looking for a community of peers that will value your presence and help you when you need it? Look no further, we have your back!

Here are a few things about us as a clan:

  • We have a Discord available to join (the code to join is listed in the clan Message of the Day)
  • We endorse a safe mindset and keep our community clean from homophobia, racism etc.
  • There is a ranking system in the clan that allows members to grow with their contributions to the clan.
    • An officer track is available upon reaching certain specifications listed in the Discord
  • We have all the research completed for members to replicate upon reaching the rank of Sergeant
    • To rank up, we ask that you donate specified materials and amounts based upon your current MR. Once a rank is obtained, you do not need to donate more to retain that rank however, it is appreciated so we can continue to insta-complete research/content as it releases.
  • There is an inactivity limit of 30 days.
    • Activity is based on the roster list, all we ask is that you login regularly.

If you have questions or are interested in joining, feel free to contact me using my handles below:

Discord: TNT#9476
Xbox: MasterTNT98


~ TNT 

Arbiters of Chaos Founder

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