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Including own Markers to set for your weapons and warframes


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Hey Warframe team and Forum members,

i wish already for a while that this would be included into the game.


4 small Markers ( Square, Triangle, Star and a Circle for example) to mark and sort your Weapons and Warframes by


I want to mark and keep track of:

- my favorite ones

- the ones that are finished for now

- the ones that i still want to improve at the moment or soon

-  and for example the new ones or ones that you want to sell


At the moment you can only sort by Name, Rank, Forma Count, Usage, Focus Lens.

- Name is not able to help me organize that

- Rank is also not helpful, because most of them are 30 or Kuva Weapons on their way to 40.

- Forma Count is also not a reliable option because there are weapons that need more forma to be finished than others.

- You think Usage could be an good option but playstyles change i for example don't use a lot of them most used weapons anymore

- Sorting by Focus Lenses also doesn't help


Yes, you could make Loadouts for everything, but i have 307 Weapons in my Inventory to choose from and i think whole loadouts have a different goal.


Devs and Forum, what do you think?


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+99999. Even something as simple as a "Favourites" category would already be fantastic, and being able to sort things within that category (e.g. through different markers) would make it so much better. The added feel of "personalization" of the arsenal would be super nice!

Until then, I guess our current workaround is to only apply Focus lenses to weapons that we really like, which will "sort" the lens'd weapons alphabetically based on the school name. It's... not great. Especially for folks who applied lenses onto weapons that are decidedly not their favourites, since there's currently no way of removing a lens right now. The only workaround is to banish it to the back of the list with a Zenurik lens, except that only works if you have no interest in passively gaining Zenurik focus.

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On 2022-09-19 at 1:23 AM, shut said:

+99999. Even something as simple as a "Favourites" category would already be fantastic, and being able to sort things within that category (e.g. through different markers) would make it so much better. The added feel of "personalization" of the arsenal would be super nice!

Until then, I guess our current workaround is to only apply Focus lenses to weapons that we really like, which will "sort" the lens'd weapons alphabetically based on the school name. It's... not great. Especially for folks who applied lenses onto weapons that are decidedly not their favourites, since there's currently no way of removing a lens right now. The only workaround is to banish it to the back of the list with a Zenurik lens, except that only works if you have no interest in passively gaining Zenurik focus.

Yeah, using Lenses to sort your weapons and warframes is insane. DE gets so much done and creates always new systems in warframe then implementing 4 markers shouldn't be a problem. a "Favourites" tab would also be a step in the right direction but 4 Markers could be used far more versitale. 

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