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Khora Venari does not follow in heal mode


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Hello :) in the heal mode venari follows me if i walk normally. Once I bulletjump venari stops. Sure I can switch modes to attack and then back to heal for venari to follow me again but that's now how it was intended surely otherwise venari would not follow me at  all in heal mode. This should seem like a reallly easy fix because any kavat and kubrow follows you or gets teleported do you if you just bulletjump alot for fly through the map which frames like wukong etc. . So can you fix this please?

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you are correct, the same happens to me. (i tested this only once)

On 2022-09-23 at 11:29 PM, MisterNick23 said:

Once I bulletjump venari stops.

and sometimes changing rooms. but yes mostly bullet jumps makes him stop.


On 2022-09-23 at 11:29 PM, MisterNick23 said:

switch modes to attack and then back to heal for venari to follow me again

yes it is temporary fix.

DE please fixM36j0pW.jpgKBYgRrG.jpg

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