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(SWITCH) Veilbreaker: Revenant Prime: Hotfix #10

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(SWITCH) Veilbreaker: Revenant Prime: Hotfix #10 


  • Fixed incorrect Ducat selling prices for the following: 
    • Revenant Prime Chassis (and Blueprint)
      • Was 65, corrected to 15 
    • Revenant Prime Systems (and Blueprint) 
      • Was 15, corrected to 45 
    • Phantasma Prime Blueprint 
      • Was 15, corrected 45
    • Phantasma Prime Barrel 
      • Was 15, corrected to 100
    • Phantasma Prime Stock
      • Was 15, corrected to 100
    • Tatsu Prime Blueprint 
      • Was 45, corrected to 15
    • Tatsu Prime Handle
      • Was 15, corrected to 100
  • Fixed the prompt to expand the Dojo Legend using the Railjack input context. 
  • Fixed a rare case of never ending loading tunnel when join-in-progress in Railjack missions. 
  • Fixed the Vetala Prime Armor being overly rotated across multiple Warframes and skins (notably Voidshell skins). 
  • Fixed kickbot not responding to your DMs (never thought we’d get ghosted by a bot but here we are). 
  • Fixed a cosmetic planned for future release appearing in your Operator Appearance options. 

Missed Note: 

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