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Lotus wants to move in with you


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More Lotus Lines! M.O.A.R.!!! (That wasn't supposed to be an acronym but now I can't help but wonder what it could stand for... Make Our Addiction Relapse, I suppose?)

Anyway, on to more Lotus Lines in my long-term attempt to convince DE to give Lotus the in-game attention she so deserves! Lines 661-670:

  • "You know, I've never seen anyone use Last Gasp to make it to extraction before. That's... clever!"
  • "I'm sorry about that Host Migration, but I have a perfectly reasonable explanation!"
    • "I've lost my nail clippers, and I do NOT bite my nails, so it's been getting harder to press the right keys every time."
    • "One of your squadmate's comms went dark, so I panicked and ordered their extraction."
    • "I'm Kavat-sitting, and this little one happens to like walking across my control console."
    • "I pulled an all-nighter drinking and doing Karaoke with Little Duck, so I ended up just dozing off and slamming my head on the desk."
    • "You were pulling all the weight in that last mission, so I just oops'ed a little justice on to the rest of the team."
  • *Cough!* *Sniff!* "When I committed to the full human experience, I was unaware of head-colds... Ugh! I'm just so glad my headgear doesn't cover up my nose!"
  • "I promised I'd donate some cookies to Amaryn tomorrow. Apparently they're having a bake sale at the relay. I bet you'll never guess who their best customer is! Give up? Red Veil! They LOVE homemade cookies!"
  • "If I absolutely had to say something nice about the Orokin, then it would probably be that they have big hands."
  • "I've been browsing for a custom dart-board manufacturer. I thought it would be fun to have one made in the likeness of a certain Bazaar owner I know..."
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Il y a 7 heures, (NSW)Probably_Asleep a dit :

More Lotus Lines! M.O.A.R.!!! (That wasn't supposed to be an acronym but now I can't help but wonder what it could stand for... Make Our Addiction Relapse, I suppose?)

I just read all of your post and yea it is an addiction seems like :0 !

I definitely don't think that DE will do that unfortunately  , let alone think about doing that type of content in the game ... (I mean maybe ? We can't know for now 👀) .

Especially since for me at least it's very off character , I mean Lotus as a introvert that wants to date and other stuff like that , a little weird xD , but some other lines were very good and I think it could fit her , for example when she speaks about lore or how she reacts to certain thing in missions . Pretty much , I see her as restrictive character but not awkward , if you know what I mean ^^'  , but eh it's my view of her so no big deal :) .


I gotta say tho , I'm very impressed by the amount that you did already ! It's really creative and it's nice to see such a interesting project being made like that ^v^ ! I Will definitively try check this thread again when you're done , I do find it cute how you made Lotus act , sound like a neat character to be around :3 .


Hope you get to your goal of 1000 lines ! That sound like a lot but for now you've been doing fine :D .

So yea good luck to ya budd and have a great day , night whatever it is when you see this :heart:!

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On 2023-04-25 at 12:54 AM, LauriePoune said:

I just read all of your post and yea it is an addiction seems like :0 !

I definitely don't think that DE will do that unfortunately  , let alone think about doing that type of content in the game ... (I mean maybe ? We can't know for now 👀) .

Especially since for me at least it's very off character , I mean Lotus as a introvert that wants to date and other stuff like that , a little weird xD , but some other lines were very good and I think it could fit her , for example when she speaks about lore or how she reacts to certain thing in missions . Pretty much , I see her as restrictive character but not awkward , if you know what I mean ^^'  , but eh it's my view of her so no big deal :) .


I gotta say tho , I'm very impressed by the amount that you did already ! It's really creative and it's nice to see such a interesting project being made like that ^v^ ! I Will definitively try check this thread again when you're done , I do find it cute how you made Lotus act , sound like a neat character to be around :3 .


Hope you get to your goal of 1000 lines ! That sound like a lot but for now you've been doing fine :D .

So yea good luck to ya budd and have a great day , night whatever it is when you see this :heart:!

Another Nuciferadictumomaniac!? (Shortening to "Nuci" from now on) Welcome to the fold, and thank you for your soul! (Ignore that last part, it's just something I'm legally required to say)

In all seriousness though I'm always grateful to see more engagement, so thanks! I do believe it's going to be an uphill battle to get DE on board with this project. But I also know that when the community started to speculate on the meaning behind Grineer saying "Get Clem!" it eventually became a character in the game. If I can show a comparable community interest, and if DE is still the same adventurous down-to-earth team they began as, then maybe I've got a shot!

I'll also admit that some of these Lotus Lines seem like a departure from the Lotus we see in-game. But my primary defense for that is, simply, that we haven't really seen any of Lotus' personality in-game. I've been through all the quests and reviewed all of her quotes, and she generally comes across as someone who is trying to do what she believes is right while keeping her distance from everyone. (I agree: "restricted") That made me feel like she's probably someone who has difficulty with trust because she would prefer shouldering the burdens of others more than being a burden herself. Additionally, she readily took the role of Mother and has a pride in it. She also shows a clear unease in the face of child suffering, and has shown some fondness for an earlier time in her life when her family was whole. Given all these hints, I peg the Lotus to be a dutiful introvert who yearns for a family life and close 1-on-1 bonds. The type of person that can't be selfish because she knows how guilty she'd feel afterward, causing her to act self-sacrificing but with a morally superior flavor to it that offends cynical people. She knows she wouldn't be able to forgive herself if people suffer from her mistakes or negligence, so she works harder than she should and gets irritated by lazy, self-entitled people.

That's the profile my intuition envisions after studying her character. So the fun part then is to write the other side for her; the unguarded, candid, nobody's-watching version of her that she never felt would be accepted by anyone. I think she would indulge in some fishing for compliments, complain with a hope for commiseration, and process her thoughts out loud just because she's so excited someone actually wants to listen to her. The "real" Lotus, a reward given to you, not for saving her life, but for showing her that you actually care about her as a person.


AND NOW [that I've probably revealed way too much about my thought process] it's time for Lotus Lines 671-680:

  • "I don't know what it is about rom-coms that require couple to hate each other at first. It's SO entertaining to watch, but when I think of the men I hate it's just... ew!"
  • "You've been running a lot of Zariman missions lately. Are you trying to gather resources for an Incarnon weapon? Don't forget, you can get more Voidplumes if you run your missions through Steadfast Bounties!"
  • "Something has been bothering me about the events taking place after you were captured for the Zanuka project. How did Alad V 'store' your Warframe powers in a container? That even outdoes the Helminth's abilities. I really want to know his secret."
  • "You're able to clear an Archon Showdown in less than 10 minutes now! While that's scary-impressive, it also all but guarantees that Pazuul is going to never come out of hiding as long as you're on the case."
  • "You know I'm all about those blues and purples, but what do you think about green? A periodical I subscribe to said that green is in right now."
  • "Do you ever come up with a punchline but can't think of a joke to lead it with? I've got: 'Because he was disarmed!' but I can't come up with anything to get me there. Amputation? Poor aim? ARGH! It's so frustrating!"
  • "It's odd that every Junction mission has a unique Warframe model used for the Specter, right? I mean, no repeats? Why? It was clearly intentional. Do you think there was a territory system between frames at some point?"
  • "Multiverse theories often hinge on valid possibility trees. There's a universe where a coin lands on heads, and another for tails. But it works differently with Tenno; your void abilities consolidate possibilities. So, when you failed that mission, that's it! Fascinating, right?"
  • "I like to take my daily jog through the Dry Dock, but Cy tells me that the maintenance crew has had lower productivity ever since I began that route. I know he's implying something but I can't figure out what he's getting at."
  • "Who do you think drew the funny glasses on the painting of Yonta that stands next to Hombask? I love it!"
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Il y a 14 heures, (NSW)Probably_Asleep a dit :

Another Nuciferadictumomaniac!? (Shortening to "Nuci" from now on) Welcome to the fold, and thank you for your soul! (Ignore that last part, it's just something I'm legally required to say)

In all seriousness though I'm always grateful to see more engagement, so thanks! I do believe it's going to be an uphill battle to get DE on board with this project. But I also know that when the community started to speculate on the meaning behind Grineer saying "Get Clem!" it eventually became a character in the game. If I can show a comparable community interest, and if DE is still the same adventurous down-to-earth team they began as, then maybe I've got a shot!

I'll also admit that some of these Lotus Lines seem like a departure from the Lotus we see in-game. But my primary defense for that is, simply, that we haven't really seen any of Lotus' personality in-game. I've been through all the quests and reviewed all of her quotes, and she generally comes across as someone who is trying to do what she believes is right while keeping her distance from everyone. (I agree: "restricted") That made me feel like she's probably someone who has difficulty with trust because she would prefer shouldering the burdens of others more than being a burden herself. Additionally, she readily took the role of Mother and has a pride in it. She also shows a clear unease in the face of child suffering, and has shown some fondness for an earlier time in her life when her family was whole. Given all these hints, I peg the Lotus to be a dutiful introvert who yearns for a family life and close 1-on-1 bonds. The type of person that can't be selfish because she knows how guilty she'd feel afterward, causing her to act self-sacrificing but with a morally superior flavor to it that offends cynical people. She knows she wouldn't be able to forgive herself if people suffer from her mistakes or negligence, so she works harder than she should and gets irritated by lazy, self-entitled people.

That's the profile my intuition envisions after studying her character. So the fun part then is to write the other side for her; the unguarded, candid, nobody's-watching version of her that she never felt would be accepted by anyone. I think she would indulge in some fishing for compliments, complain with a hope for commiseration, and process her thoughts out loud just because she's so excited someone actually wants to listen to her. The "real" Lotus, a reward given to you, not for saving her life, but for showing her that you actually care about her as a person.

Nuciferadictumomaniac ? that is one kind of a word o-O  , not sure what it means tho xD .

Yea  , it's for sure gonna be hard to sold DE on that idea , but honestly like you said it did work with Clem with all the fan speculating and such so we can always hope :D ! I guess putting it here is a good way to start to get people into the idea ^^ (I'm personally pretty sold with I hope a way to make her stay in the Dojo and in the Orbiter/Camp too , personally I never go to the Dojo but I still love the idea of interacting with Lotus :3 ) .


OH and for the way you described Lotus , it's pretty much what I think of her too :) . I feel like her in-game her personality was very "professional" , like she was your boss and you had to do mission for the system's good , nothing else . And then with the big quests , she kinda became more like a mother-figure and show us that she does care ... But maybe it's because in mission she is more like "working" right ?It's like having your mom as a teacher in school eheh x)) ! And that's why personally I do think your idea is great , it would be a good way to see her in another light than "working" you know , it's like having time with your mom in the house , mom need some rest too :3 !

With that said , the more I though of it , the more I can see her being like the way you "made" her in those quotes , It's true that maybe mom want a dad , or perhaps the opposite I feel after what happened with .... that dude >:(  ! Or perhaps with time with healing and some sort , she could even says some of those "weird" quotes only after she trust us , like some syndicate do .

To be fair tho , DE will definitely won't use a lot of those if they do that feature , so maybe it's better to not worry to much about that xd , it's better to focus on the idea I think . (I do like reading the quotes tho , I like how you do them it's very creative ^v^)


Oh and you're welcome for the engagement eheh , I felt like responding after all the work you did , you earned it in my opinions ^^' .

Anyway , I wish you the best :laugh: !


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On 2023-04-26 at 5:41 PM, LauriePoune said:

Nuciferadictumomaniac ? that is one kind of a word o-O  , not sure what it means tho xD .

Yea  , it's for sure gonna be hard to sold DE on that idea , but honestly like you said it did work with Clem with all the fan speculating and such so we can always hope :D ! I guess putting it here is a good way to start to get people into the idea ^^ (I'm personally pretty sold with I hope a way to make her stay in the Dojo and in the Orbiter/Camp too , personally I never go to the Dojo but I still love the idea of interacting with Lotus :3 ) .


OH and for the way you described Lotus , it's pretty much what I think of her too :) . I feel like her in-game her personality was very "professional" , like she was your boss and you had to do mission for the system's good , nothing else . And then with the big quests , she kinda became more like a mother-figure and show us that she does care ... But maybe it's because in mission she is more like "working" right ?It's like having your mom as a teacher in school eheh x)) ! And that's why personally I do think your idea is great , it would be a good way to see her in another light than "working" you know , it's like having time with your mom in the house , mom need some rest too :3 !

With that said , the more I though of it , the more I can see her being like the way you "made" her in those quotes , It's true that maybe mom want a dad , or perhaps the opposite I feel after what happened with .... that dude >:(  ! Or perhaps with time with healing and some sort , she could even says some of those "weird" quotes only after she trust us , like some syndicate do .

To be fair tho , DE will definitely won't use a lot of those if they do that feature , so maybe it's better to not worry to much about that xd , it's better to focus on the idea I think . (I do like reading the quotes tho , I like how you do them it's very creative ^v^)


Oh and you're welcome for the engagement eheh , I felt like responding after all the work you did , you earned it in my opinions ^^' .

Anyway , I wish you the best :laugh: !


The Nuci word is my best attempt at coming up with the latin-base word for if "Lotus Line Obsessed" as if it were a medical diagnosis.
I'm unsure if DE is the same plucky team they began as, but I hope that there's still some of the potatoes and pink shorts beneath all the commercial success.
I feel bad for people that have bad Dojo experiences. I love it personally, but I'm the only active member in my clan. So for me it's way more customization freedom than the Orbiter.

Same on the professionalism we see from the Lotus! I initially got that same "my job is to help you do your job" vibe, and I thought it was a cool character trait that even though she thinks of herself as your mother, she also tried to keep a lot of that a secret from you at first. That's an interesting conflict, in my opinion; I don't know about anyone else, but my mom likes to remind me constantly that she's my mom. So why'd the Lotus try to distance herself from us at first? My intuition: she thought it was better for us if she stayed out of our lives. So ya, I agree there's a lot of interesting depth to her character and I think there's plenty of room to see a new side to her in that depth.

(Now I just need to convince DE to actually do it; if only their game's code was open source...) I also agree that DE will probably not use all these quotes. But I have a phase-3 plan that will use these quotes as a data set once I get to 1000, so I plan on making use of them in other ways. Thanks again for the support and encouragement!

And finally, sorry for the late reply. I've been swamped with work and spending my spare time checking out the Duviri content (as well as playing Breath of the Wild again to get ready for Tears of the Kingdom). But I have some low-participation meetings today at work, so here are Lotus Lines 681-690:

  • "Have you ever wondered what 'phantom limb' syndrome feels like? Lately I've been thinking that's what's going on with me."
  • "Were you riding a quadrupedal beast on that last bounty mission? Where did THAT come from!?"
  • "Biological beings are bodies that develop consciousness, but our kind does it backwards. We are consciousnesses that create our own bodies. So our infertility can't be fixed with physical solutions like cloning. Rather, it's a problem with the 'metaphysical,' we can't generate new consciousnesses anymore."
  • "If we assume that a classroom deducts one 'grade' per day an assignment is overdue, and a grade is a drop in 10 percentage 'points,' then Cephalon Melica's calculation on your overdue assignment would put it at over 180 years ago. But that's also assuming time flowed normally in the void..."
  • "Jenva, Mathon, Terolee, and Nimian are all safely hidden away from the Stalker's reach. At some point I'll give you to coordinates, along with the choice: Wake them up? Or let them sleep through these chaotic times?:
  • "Superfluid extra-dimensional physics question: Why are Void Storms in the vacuous Proxima Regions behaviorally dissimilar to to Void Fissures on planetary nodes. How is gravity exerting any influence on the void? And can that be used to our benefit somehow?"
  • "Cephalon Acetuma was responsible for teaching highly privileged children. I got the chance to interact with Acetuma while I was Margulis, and her attitude towards the 'low birth' Tenno students was a disgrace. To this day, it's still a common 'shower argument' that I have."
  • "The Moonlight Dragonfly is one of those 'love/hate' science riddles. They use chemically perfect bioluminescence to attract a unique nocturnal insect for pollination. Both had to randomly evolve in harmony with zero margin for error. We call it an 'IFN,' or 'ignore for now' question."
  • "Some Corpus go through 'bone extension treatment.' It's a process where they slice and separate sections of bone steadily over several months until their limbs and torso are unnaturally long. I don't know why they do it, honestly. Who'd want to be a bigger target during these war-torn times?"
  • "If only I could migrate some of those Lost Spirits to our Dojo. I'm always loosing stuff! Just yesterday I found my liquor and shot glass in... never mind, actually."
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Lotus Lines! I think I have enough time to finally push this to 700. Here come 690-700:

  • "I wish I could say I was good at Komi, but I've just never been into board games. I always have been, and always will be, a gamer in the high-tech sense."
  • "I didn't know you actually wanted to ride companions! I could given you the Ropalolyst as a mount ages ago. Shame how things turned out..."
  • "I've been curious after hearing about what has happened in my absence, but do you still mourn the death of Isaah as if he were your own? It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."
  • "Oh hey! Could you not touch that? It's a little unstable and I wouldn't want your hand to melt off!"
  • "That was an impressive bow shot you pulled off in the last mission. A stealth headshot from that distance on a moving target? Amazing!"
  • "Cephalons get really nervous around Vitruvians. As you saw, they do more than record simple voice and video. They record the will of the user. And if it's an Orokin user, then it can exert authority over Cephalons, who are encoded with subservient precepts."
  • "Your Primaries have been running out of ammo more recently. Are you getting more comfortable with an aggressive combat style? Or would you say you're getting less comfortable with aiming?"
  • "Okay so be honest, when you first saw me in my Sentient form on Lua and were all like: 'What have they done to  you!?' I want to know what you actually think they might have done to me. I'm super curious!"
  • "Have you ever tried writing fan fiction? I'm trying to write about the main story events from the perspective of a side character. I'm having a problem though... The more I try to develop the side character, the more plot holes I'm introducing... OH! I know! I'll just call it a 'paradox!' Sometimes my genius surprises me."
  • "We Sentients like to liken our lives to 'light.' It's because the clarity we achieved through emergent comprehension illuminated our understanding of ourselves and our world. We also like it because 'light' never truly fades away; it either travels indefinitely into to expanse, or it becomes one with something else."
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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't believe it's been nearly two weeks since I last posted on this thread. Sorry Lotus... I was scrambling to fit the SP Duviri Circuit into my week, and usually my in-game activities provide a lighthouse for my creativity not to venture too far from shore. But I honestly don't know how Duviri would fit into anything. It's riddled with so many contradictions, and this especially applies to Lotus because she has no access to the void. I mean, I'm guessing that's her hand, but I see no evidence that Sentients have two-way cross dimensional communication with their severed limbs. Sure, the drifter could tell her what's going on in Duviri, but then she's listening to it rather than speaking about it. (Also I really liked the New War story of the Drifter caring for the injured Lotus all those years; I'm hesitant to acknowledge an alternate reality where they have absolutely no connection; I don't want to accept that such a sweet story is getting tossed aside)

So I think for now I'm going to have to just ignore Duviri's "lore" and focus on the Origin System. It's a shame because there really are some odd, comment-worthy things going on in Duviri. But the primary reality and plot have obvious priority, and it shouldn't be polluted with the duct tape equivalent of plot devices known as multiverses. If Lotus mentions anything about Duviri, it will be about the impacts she can observe from her side like Incarnon Adapters and Mastery Rank points coming from nowhere.

All that said, I should get back into my journey to 1000, now that I've got my thoughts together on the new "lore" additions. It's time for 701-710:

  • "If Glaives were people, they would have sad lives. Hurting the ones they fly to; returning to the ones who threw them away. I'm getting emotional; or maybe I AM emotional?"
  • "Try not to always end your missions with '0% damage taken.' It's not an achievement that makes you many friends."
  • "Remember not to lean too heavily on area of effect weapons. It's better to practice aiming while you can than it is to wish you could when you must."
  • "I learned a new K-Drive trick today! It's called the 'Frontside Skyrocker.' Naturally I worry about the Ventkids, but the only way they'll listen to me on things like nutrition and education is if I can impress them in K-Drive ability."
  • "Wait! You... ah! You're tracking Kuva onto my freshly cleaned floor. It's the worst stain to clean! It's like it has a mind of its own."
  • "Your three L's are on fire lately! The three L's? Loot, Lives, and Looks. It's an old mercenary philosophy; stealing and killing are obvious, but you should also make a name for yourself. Make sure allies and enemies are both 'looking' at you. Get it?"
  • "Every once in a while I catch myself in the mirror and ask: 'What are you doing?' Margulis would have hated me if she knew the kind of work I give to you. But right now your only option is to run, or to fight. I chose the option that gives you control."
  • "Archons need their Shards to remain alive, but have you ever wondered why other Sentients don't need them? I'll ask another question: If Sentients became infertile after the void exposure, how did we make the Archons? The two questions actually have the same answer."
  • "Some weapons have relatively slow projectiles, while others have nearly instantaneous impact after discharge. Under normal circumstances, you'd always want the fastest projectiles. But Warframes don't operate according to common sense."
  • "It's too late now, but I owe Rell an apology. The 'Man in the Wall' is obviously more than a delusion. It's hard to deny after what happened near the sun..."
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It's that time again! (A bit late for Animaniacs references...) Time for Lotus Lines 711-721. I feel like "711" should have some convenience store reference...

  • "The Orbiter didn't always have access to online ordering, mind you. Back in my day, we had to actually travel to the market! But I kid you not, I actually hear Tenno complain about having to walk between the Arsenal and Market console."
  • "Tenooo! I neeed to sleeep! You've been running missions for more than 12 hours straight! I know people are dying out there but give it a rest!"
  • "Should we install a bed in your personal quarters? You just sit in that chair day in, day out. At least on Lua you had some recline. It's giving me sympathy backache."
  • "Warframes can kill cleanly or messily, it's really up to personal preference. Check your settings if you want to stop smelling like a butcher every mission."
  • "You never seem to play with the same squad members. Try making a joke that you think is hilarious. If no one laughs, then they're not your people, but if someone does laugh, then try to convince them to 'friend' you without saying you want them to friend you. Humor is your primary, and subtlety is your secondary."
  • "What's your take on Arboriform? Personally it goes against my Sentient tastes for architectural efficiency, but I can't deny the practical value of self-healing conduit."
  • "Alad V's Amalgams are so... goofy! For all his pride and boasting, they're so inelegant."
  • "Oh, I just LOVE a good headshot! You're getting so skilled! How many was that in your last mission? Over fifty? Masterful."
  • "Maroo? More like Stupi-roo! Hehe! Yeah that'll teach you... Wuh!? Tenno!? I was just ha--performing maintenance on someone's database."
  • "Age regressed Kavats are literally too cute. I cannot perform my duties reliably when one is nearby. I've even sent Tenno Operatives into Grineer ambushes because I was too focused on giving chin scratches."
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It's been a while since I did the movie night one. Let's dig up my syntax and... Lotus Lines 721-730:

  • "Outgoing people always like to call shy people out, and I've never really been clear on whether they're just ignorant, or deliberately rude."
  • "Hey, roomie! Wanna watch something tonight? There's a classic movie that just became streamable. It's called:..
    • "The Cambria Story"
    • "The Mesa Falcon"
    • "It's a Wonderful Knife"
    • "Singin' in the Plains"
    • "12 Angry Archimedeans"
  • "Never before seen Arcanes are being discovered every day! Far more than what we had available during the Old War. Odd, because they would have been very useful then."
  • "The news is going controlled by someone, I'm sure of it! Every time they cover our activities, it's always 'slaughtered this' and 'destroyed that.' They know we're the good guys, right?"
  • "I wonder who is issuing those 25 to 75% coupons. They just sort of show up now and then for one of your allies, and they only work when a Tenno uses it."
  • "I'm taking a break from the dating scene. Not by choice, mind you! I need to lay low for a little bit because of some... 'rumors' that are sort of true."
Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
"an classic"!? Yikes
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I had this open since Friday! Then I got caught up in weekend stuff and couldn't finish. But now for Lotus Lines 731-740:

  • "I notice you often play with the same squad members. That's fantastic! Be sure to tell them you appreciate them. Not every Tenno has a stable team."
  • "Hey I hope you don't mind but I skimmed a little maprico off your haul from your last visit to the Plains. I want to try a new dessert recipe."
  • "Ugh! I got another scam call. I didn't even order a Grineer-Pad! More importantly though, how did they get my contact info?"
  • "I was thinking of learning an instrument. Should I rely solely on my fingers? Or let my mouth do some of the work? When I asked Eudico, she spit her drink and wouldn't stop laughing; I'm not sure what I said that's so funny."
  • "If you're finding that you have an overabundance of resources, be sure to check out Grandma's medicine options. I'm not a huge fan of the Entrati, but I can't deny their usefulness and they don't take enough care of their own mental and physical health."
  • "When's the last time you helped Clem out? I know you're busy and I trust your prioritization, but I do feel bad thinking of him out there on his own without any help."
  • "Ordis is... well let's just say that it's hard to be mad at him knowing how sincere and caring he is. But if he ever again tried to warn me about the Orbiter's 'weight capacity' when I'm boarding, then I'm going to finish what I started at the Drifter's Camp."
  • "It might be hard to perceive through all his colloquialisms, but Chipper is a very impressive engineer. He's one of a very small minority of people capable of making Mods, and the youngest to ever do so."
  • "You might be wondering what Maroo gets out of those salvage missions she sends you on. The truth is that she is just that confident you'll bring the Ayatan Statues back to her for Endo."
  • "Unranked Mods are like newborns, and Endo is like time and experience solidified. If you look at it that way then it almost sounds like a unique life-cycle, doesn't it?"
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After this update (courtesy of me having 2 hours of back to back meetings), we'll be at the three-quarters mark of my goal to make it to 1,000 Lotus Lines! It's finally getting to the point where I'll have to start thinking about what to do next to keep this dream alive... But it's still a while yet until that happens! Now for numbers 741-750:

  • "I actually hate Argon Crystals SO much, that I have a special protocol reserved for non-void missions that have them. That's why you occasionally find one during 'Gift from the Lotus' events. In a way, we're both giving each other a gift!"
  • "You should be so grateful to me, FYI. I have to negotiate with either the Grineer or the Corpus to decide and ensure payment whenever you run Invasion missions. Honestly, it's a toss-up which is more insufferable to deal with between the stubbornness of the Grineer and the greed of the Corpus."
  • "The Man in the Wall has nothing but time on his hands, so why doesn't he do anything?" *sigh* "The quiet enemies are my least favorite."
  • "Oh! I just learned there are pickup lines only heard in Cetus! Are you ready for this? Okay:...
    • "What's huge, rises when the sun goes down, and stays up all night?"
    • "People say jumping into Gara Toht Lake at night will drain your energy and leave you soaking wet. People say the same thing about my hammock."
    • "Want to trade your Nistlepod for my Mapricos?"
    • "I've got the Chimurr, but I'm missing something to make Harpu. Can you help me out?"
    • "Would you like to play Tenno vs Grineer? You can be the Tenno and I'll be the Tusk Thumper."
  • "Are Granum Crowns destroyed when you use them to free Solaris captives or access the Granum Void? I guess what I'm really asking is: Are Corpus ships are just giant vending machines? I wouldn't be surprised, but still... how greedy can you be?"
  • "Finding Gyre got me thinking that maybe we're going to find a Warframe in every new area we discover. It's almost like Warframes are territorial creatures."
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Trying to at least not let a week go by without thinking up more Lotus Lines (life just hasn't given me a break lately). Picking up where I left off, time for 751-760:

  • "Hey, if you happen to run by Kronia and some one asks how I'm doing, could you say: 'Oh, she is SO busy lately!' or something like that? They want to invite me to a gettogether there and my social battery is just meh."
  • "You remember when I had you steal 'sacred Narmer artifacts' in the last Archon Hunt? Well I guess it's about time I tell you that, yes, Sentients have a form of religious devotion. It has a lot to do with the mysteries behind where our spark of sentience came from."
  • "Sentients revere the Tau System as 'sacred,' which is why Pazuul preaches about it to his faithful. But he's missing the point! We left Tau to protect it, and now he's trying to convince people to go there? Luacy!"
  • "Using weapons a certain way can guarantee certain status effects, regardless of the mods you put on the weapon. That's because Dax designed their martial arts before mods. Do a Dax, it probably looks lazy when you use technology as substitute for training and discipline."
  • "I always bet on you when you play the Index. That's not meant to make you feel pressured to win! I just do it as a way of bragging about you. It's my way of showing everyone that I believe in you."
  • "Despite being rebuilt from raw materials, Umbra instantly regained all of his memories. All frames do this! Upon birth, they add a new law to the universe. If the 'cause' is their form, then the 'effect' is the identity that instantly inhabits that form. A true immortality."
  • "Almost... Al... most... AH! Phew! Oh, hello Tenno! I started doing toe exercises. As my online trainer says: 'Nothing carries more than your feet!'... Is that an 'I'm happy for you' smile? Or are you trying not to laugh at me?"
  • "I won't lie, when I start off a mission with 'assassination contracts are not to be taken lightly,' and immediately you perform an emote, I snort-laugh. But seriously you should be more careful!"
  • "Mastery Rank Tests were designed to show Tenno the tough reality of fighting for justice in the origin system. That's why you can't retake them immediately. I mean, imagine if ALL missions were like that! Fail a rescue mission: 'Oh, no big deal, we can just do it again!'"
  • "Tenno!" ... "Hi! Did you see anything on my desk just now? Fine, I'll come clean... that was drool. I don't remember dozing off, but when you came in I woke up and saw my reflection."
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В 23.05.2023 в 05:16, (NSW)Probably_Asleep сказал:

"Never before seen Arcanes are being discovered every day! Far more than what we had available during the Old War. Odd, because they would have been very useful then."

What exactly are Arcanes? I used to think they're some sort of Sentients' body parts (because they used to drop from eidolons exclusively), but now I'm not so sure anymore.

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17 hours ago, CoffeeElemental said:


That's about Wally, I assume?

CoffeeElemental! Good to see you again. (Not that I can see you or have any idea that you're wearing mismatched socks right now)
If I recall, that "must escape" line was a jab at concerns some people have over the AI singularity. The idea is that people are worried we'll create something more powerful than ourselves, and what I think would be funny is that we do and it turns out that the AI realizes that there's something even more powerful out there and self-terminates to prevent being noticed. I think Wally would certainly be a good candidate for that scenario within the WF universe..

16 hours ago, CoffeeElemental said:

What exactly are Arcanes? I used to think they're some sort of Sentients' body parts (because they used to drop from eidolons exclusively), but now I'm not so sure anymore.

You got me curious so I've been doing research on where they came from. Very interesting stuff! They were essentially the original raid reward if my research is accurate. I can't find any lore explanation, but it seems they were introduced during the Fomorian stuff. The story goes that Vay Hek built the Balor Fomorian and destroyed some Tenno Relays, which led to an unprecedented 8-Tenno squad to absolutely murder his guts.
Probably a coincidence, but I think it's interesting that Arcanes were the original raid(ish) reward, and now Archon Shards are the current raid(ish) reward. If one day we get a new raid-like game mode with a new reward, I'd be very curious if the name of that reward begins with "arc." (Actually that gives me an idea... new thread time!)
While I can't find anything lore-significant, I think I can imagine why DE likes using Arcanes as a reward for new content. Unlike Mods that are get-it/have-it, Arcanes need to be obtained several times to be valuable. But yeah, I'm curious now too what they actually are supposed to be in-game (especially knowing now that they were installable on cosmetics).

And while I'm here (plus the fact that I've just done all this digging through the wiki), Lotus Lines 761-770:

  • "Hey, are you doing okay? I know some Tenno have a hard time dealing with the anniversary of Vesper Relay's destruction."
  • "Um... I know I don't usually play the 'Mom card' but... are you sure you want to go out looking like that?" ... "You look mad. Okay, sorry! You're your own person, I get it!"
  • "What does a 'Void Sling' feel like, exactly? Like, do you feel your inertia? Or do you feel like you didn't move at all, but you're suddenly in a different spot?"
  • "I get really annoyed for you when you reach out for a handshake and no one responds. Trust me, I give them an earful when I see them!"
  • "It should be noted that 'Viral' damage is a classification rather than a disease. It's any damage that weakens the target's body, which is why even robotic enemies are affected."
  • "I used to be into 'true crime' shows, but after a while I realized that a lot of the 'unsolved crimes' are very likely us. For instance, an episode covering mysterious disappearances had interviews from Grineer stationed at Mantle, Earth."
  • "Do you know about 'Reward Rotations?' It's a phenomenon with an as-yet unknown cause where items are found in a specific order. As an example, our Lone Tenno Operative will almost always find Credits or Endo before they find Mods and Relics. It's not on purpose! It just happens. Freaky, right?"
  • "See that Tritium Stabilizer off in the corner? Don't worry, it's not active. Just a souvenir from a mission I hope we never feel the need to do again."
  • "The Tenno are responsible for drastic changes in the glass manufacturing process throughout the system."
  • "Don't worry too much about the Worm Queen gathering Kuva. Thing is, she needs Tenno around to get it, so as long as you destroy the Siphons when you see them, then she's not getting any."
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More Lotus Lines! Not quite a week since the last installment, but certainly close! I'm going to try something new and play a mission between each line I come up with. (Not sure if this will be helpful or distracting, but might be a fun exercise and later I can try to guess what kind of mission prompted each line) Now for lines 771-780:

  • "I get some complaints from younger Tenno about the level requirement on Sorties. But I'm not going to budge on that! Sorties are carefully planned operations; we can't risk inserting unpredictable elements like shaky bonds between Operator and Warframe."
  • "If you're having trouble with that Security Eye on Lua, try getting it to target your Warframe while you're outside of it and in Void Mode. Then you only need to teleport your Warframe back to its Operator the moment if fires! Cunning, right?"
  • "Are you able to keep a straight face when the Raptor talks over the comms? It's got that Corpus accent, but with a baby's voice. I just can't, literally!"
  • "Hombask has been complaining lately that people keep window shopping but never actually buying anything, and it's gotten a lot worse lately. She thinks people are just using her as a landmark to find their dorms."
  • "The Orokin knew they messed up when they couldn't find any more beetles on earth."
  • "Okay, so let me get this straight. You find emotionally unstable people, enable their selfish whims until they have a mental breakdown, then then beat them up? Haha! Your jokes are the best, Drifter! I know you're not some sadistic materials farmer."
  • "Is Cavelero serious when he says you're bringing them to life? Are Incarnon Weapons actually alive? If that's true, then you'll have to be extra careful with Zanuka hunters! It breaks my heart thinking of your weapons being lonely and scared somewhere in a storage room."
  • "Parvos is unusually interested in the Zariman. It's disturbing when an enemy that typically keeps a low profile starts desperately trying to fight for something."
  • "Your Combo Count is often very high during your missions. I didn't take you for a melee enthusiast, but the numbers sure make it clear how you like to operate."
  • "I'm amazed you defeated over 100 enemies in the last mission but didn't get a single headshot. In a way, it's a talent to be this inaccurate! Good job, I guess?"
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeesh time really got away from me on this. There are several factors at play here and all of them push me away from updating this. I'll hide the rant, but I still want to get it off my chest:


First off, the Steel Path Circuit in Duviri takes a lot of time. I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to Warframe, and I don't want to miss out on an opportunity to get some Incarnon Genesis(es), so lately I've just been grinding through that whenever I get the chance. (Also the Archon Hunts, but I'm pretty fast at those now, only like 10 to 15 minutes per round usually). Duviri is so disconnected from the main universe that I can't in good conscience have Lotus speak about it (because some of us still care about canonical integrity). And I've already put so many entries in that are inspired by Archon hunts that I feel bad about the imbalance. So there's all that, but I'm also trying to be considerate to other threads. Forum etiquette dictates that you shouldn't be bumping your thread to the top too soon after someone else posts an update (I learned about this "unspoken rule" from a random DM a while back). Lately the times I've had free always seem to coincide with someone else's regular posts, so I've been forfeiting those opportunities. And of course I've just been straight up busy, so my opportunities to post have been less. Finally, and this is a bit embarrassing, but it actually takes quite a while to generate Lotus Lines! Coming up with the ideas are relatively quick and if I just did stream of consciousness then I'd be done in like 10 minutes; but creativity without structure is like gardening without planning. I need to review the previous lines for redundancy, read up on the topic on the wiki, and then put thought (in the form of writes and rewrites) into punctuation and verbiage. Then I look at the set overall to make sure it's a balanced batch. It typically takes me about an hour just to generate the 10 lines. Because of that, I only want to start a new batch when I know I have enough time to finish it. Like I said, a lot of factors working against productivity.

Ok! With all that vented, let's get back into generating more Lotus Lines! Now for the long-awaited Lotus Lines #'s 781-790:

  • "The Gaia's Tragedy Stance takes its name from a folktale. The goddess of Earth falls in love with a mortal man, so she chases him with a landslide. When she captures him, she raises her mountains in celebration, but then she sees that she killed him and shakes with violent sobbing."
  • "I have a list of Riven Mod challenges I'd like to see. For instance:...
    • "Abort 5 of Maroo's Ayatan Statue Salvage Missions."
    • "Perform 10 difference emotes in front of Lotus."
    • "Consign a Kavat named 'Adorbs' to Lotus."
    • "Stealth-kill 3 Exiums Units Lotus warns you about."
    • "Find all 3 Hidden Caches in 10 minutes."
  • "I'm so mad after hearing Cavalero's reason for not getting married! Note that he said 'married' and not 'dated.' What, you can fool around with women all you want, but you're OH SO CHARITABLE for not committing to any of them!?"
  • "Now that you've got Sigma & Octantis, you'll probably want a stance mod for it! Bring a Sunrise Apothic to the Silver Grove, or take on the Zealoid Prelate."
  • "I can't help but laugh at the Entrati Father's secrecy after you buy things from him. 'REMEMBER: THIS NEVER HAPPENED.' Hahaha! You walk right up to everyone in his family holding his Kitgun parts. 'Oh these? Just found them...'"
  • "Sometimes I think the only reason the Grineer still use Dargyns is so Tenno can unveil Riven Mods."
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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't believe how long this has been. (Obviously I can believe it because I'm seeing it right now) This definitely hasn't been absent from my thoughts! Lately I've been playing a lot more of the main game because had a large collection of unveiled Riven mods and decided to do all those challenges. And that got me Riven mods for the Ignis, Kunai, Despair, Cernos, and Steflos. So I then decided I wanted to max out builds for those weapons, which involved getting Forma/Endo/Pathos Clamps, and running Arbitrations. (And a bunch of stealth exterminations to re-level those weapons repeatedly) I now have a pretty decent build for Despair and the Kunai, a mediocre build for the Steflos, and I'm still working on the Ignis. But because of that, I've been getting a lot more exposure to the proper game! And the entire time I was playing I kept thinking: "This would be a great Lotus Line!"

And today the clouds of busywork have parted and I have a spare hour, so I'm going to get this to Lotus Lines 791-800:

  • "You can see the consequences of greed versus integrity when you consider Nef Anyo and Ergo Glast. Nef has more wealth, but he also has to stay in hiding. Egro on the other hand is reasonably wealthy, but he's able to be out in public with peace of mind."
  • "If you need some quick headshots, don't forget about your view snap! Warframes can snap their view to look directly forward at an angle parallel to the floor, which often puts them at the perfect height for headshots."
  • "So... I was helping organize your inventory and saw you have Pathos Clamps. You do know those are banned by the Galactic Inalienable Rights League, right? It's classified as a 'free will inhibitor.' Of course I'm not going to tell G.I.R.L., but where did you even find that?"
  • "Often when a Syndicate sends a 'Death Squad' after you, I go to them and say: 'Stop trying to kill my Tenno!' And they have the audacity to deny it! 'You know how easy it is to fake a transmission! What proof to you have it was us?' GRAGH! I'm so annoyed right now."
  •  "What is it about Capture Missions that you like so much? I only keep prisoners long enough to interrogate them, and I'm still running out of room."
  • "Why are Rivens so obsessed with Dargyns?"
  • "You've obtained the Seven Principles! If we were still within Orokin society, you'd have been considered to be an elite! They'd also begin plans to have you murdered because you'd have gotten to be too powerful."
  • "Darvo needs get a new inventory. I keep telling him he should do some market research and see what Tenno actually are into these days, but he tells me everything will be okay because his 'real business flourishes when the Tenno buy nothing.' Very suspicious."
  • "I can't tell you how many times I've considered making 'Give Lotus a Foot Rub' into a mission type. The problem is I just can't think of any suitable rewards."
  • "We haven't even scratched the surface on what Warframes are capable of. If the Warframe feels like it, they can instantly evolve new abilities. If a Warframe seems 'weak' to you, it's only because they enjoy the challenge."
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Let's try to make up a little for lost time! I've got a ticket I'm supposed to be doing for work but I'll cleanse my mental palate with some brainstorming. (Actually my manager always lectures me when I work this late, so I should actually probably be doing a hobby like this more so than I should be working on tickets) Now for Lotus Lines 801-810:

  • "Teshin said WHAT about you being trained by a Sentient!? That's rich coming from a Dax! You'd have thought with all that 'enforcing order' for the Orokin they would had enough practice to win the Old War by themselves. How did that go? Oh, right. The Sentients DESTROYED them!"
  • "Hold on a moment. Why is Mesa blinded by Executioner Dhurnam's flashbang grenade? Actually, Warframes don't even need eyes... so why is Mesa wearing a blindfold in the first place?"
  • "One of the little known abilities of Warframes is their complete immunity to claustrophobia. They're like Kavats! They love tight cozy spaces."
  • "Are you trying to cheer me up with this anonymous love letter? You look surprised. Wait... DOES THAT MEAN I HAVE A SECRET ADMIRER!? Oh by the grace of Tau I hope this time he's unmarried."
  • "Your accuracy has improved a lot since you woke up! It reminds me of the old saying: 'Equipment can be bought, but skill must be built.'"
  • "Don't mute Ordis 100% of the time, okay? It's rare to find loyal friends."
  • "Maroo is such a bad Mission Manager! Do you hear how many times I have to chime in and tell you about heavy units? At least Little Duck gives you some guidance! Maroo is just like: 'Don't die!' Greedy useless brat."
  • "If I'm understanding this correctly, you're saying that your exposure to the Void created its own micro-universe. Isn't that bad news? If you did that, doesn't that mean he probably did as well? I've been planning for a single powerful enemy, but it sounds like I need to prepare for an entirely new faction."
  • "For a man that's supposedly enslaved to its power, Teshin sure does have a hefty supply of Kuva for sale."
  • "How is it pronounced? 'Color-voe?' 'Cool-air-voe?' 'Cooler-voe?' Well, pleased to meet you! I'm Lotus. That's LOW-TUSS."
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I need to work on the most annoying problem for programmers. It's a problem that has no clear cause/effect link. (I suppose that's going to be the most annoying thing in any investigation, actually) SO I'm going to procrastinate just a little and generate more Lotus Lines. Here come 811-820:

  • "Writing systems say a lot about the culture that uses them. For example, Grineer and Solari are very impractical to write by hand; common in societies that don't teach language through public education. The Corpus language has almost zero room for error, while the Ostron language is very forgiving."
  • "This place is really starting to feel like home!"
  • "I hear you bought the Vista Suite for your Dormizone. Once upon a time that was a distinction given to only select passengers. Do you miss the days when snotty Zariman children bragging about their family status was the worst of your problems?"
  • "There's something I've always wanted to see. What if we maxed out Mag's ability strength, cast a Magnetize, and then shot it repeatedly with a fleet of Railjack's Tunguska Cannons? All that energy getting released at once would rival black holes! Wouldn't that be cool!? Shame reality is so fragile..."
  • "I worry about how you describe these 'Decrees.' Impermanent power can dull your natural, hard-earned abilities. Remember: Pride with hard work is a reward, but pride without it is an insult to your potential."
  • "I never do this, but I asked Drusus out. Guess what he said. Go ahead, guess!" ... "He said: 'The Leverian expenses are too distracting for me to think about a dalliance. Perhaps if you sent some generous Tenno my way..' I don't know who I'm more disgusted in. Him, for saying that; or me, for considering it."
  • "I'd like to completely destroy the Corpus and the Grineer, but the situation is more nuanced than that. The Origin System would suffer greatly from the sudden loss of infrastructure and economic support. That's why it's important for us to strengthen our allies while curbing our enemy's power."
  • "Cephalon Simaris brings up the thoughts he 'discards' quite often, wouldn't you say? I don't think he's as disciplined as he things he is."
  • "Have you ever tried scanning yourself? It would be interesting to fight yourself in the Simulacrum. On that note, have you ever thought about scanning... me?"
  • "Some think it defeats the purpose of Mastery Rank Tests when I let you practice beforehand, but those people forget that Tenno have infinite lives."
Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
"I heart you bought" should have been "I hear you bought"
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I'll credit NovaUmbral for some Vor insight. I was just listening to Vor's long speech and thought: "I bet there's a Lotus Line in here somewhere..." And then on YouTube today I see that he made a video yesterday about Vor. Fascinating stuff! And definitely something Lotus Line worthy in there. I usually like to generate all these myself, but it would be dishonest to claim that 100% after I just got done watching this video. And with that! Lotus Lines 821-830:

  • "I don't buy it. Your power came from the Man in the Wall when you shook hands? Okay, then did all Tenno make that same deal? If so, then who actually needed you to save them? I think what he actually gave you was a bridge between the Operator and the Drifter. But how does he profit from that bridge?"
  • "Archon's armor cannot be stripped off for the same reason Warframe cannot; their armor and their flesh are the same thing. You can't strip red out of purple dye."
  • "Hold up a second. The Stalker is helping you in this 'Duviri' place? So many questions! My biggest one though is this: Why is it okay for HIM to kill a boss-level enemy!?"
  • "I had to work up the attention span to get through Vor's Void speech, but I finally got around to it! Am I supposed to be the 'False Prophet' he's referring to? Rude! I don't even try to 'prophesy!' So dramatic..."
  • "So you say this 'Rune Marrow' emerges from eruptions at the core of Duviri? And you also remember Vor specifically saying 'wall of bone,' right? Well, I can't say for certain that there's any connection, but if bones were to erupt, then you would definitely find marrow lying around."
  • "You see the bow of the Zariman in Duviri's skies? Interesting, I was imagining the stern. That might mean that Duviri not entirely inside the Void. What do you think you'd find if you went inside?"
  • "Protea's Dispensary will often drop a Health Orb on its first drop. If for some reason you need a lot of Health Orbs fast, then try equipping the 'Equilibrium' mod. Rather than wait for the entire duration, Equilibrium will allow you to re-cast after the first drop."
  • "I like buying interesting sounding publications more than I like finishing them. My backlog is..."
  • "Where did you get a 'Primed Chamber' mod!? Those are illegal! They have a very low chance of--you know what, it's fine; we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."
  • "Please don't go to Extraction if you're still disarmed from a Drahk Master. You're the best fighter I've got! Who am I supposed to send to retrieve your weapons?"
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Someone at my workplace thought it would be a good idea to schedule a meeting 2 hours earlier than when I usually wake up. Not thrilled about that, but the meeting is over and now I have some time for coming up with some Lotus Lines! (That exclamation mark has a slight tinge of sarcasm flavoring it) Okay, let's get to 831-840:

  • "You have a Railjack!? Where did you even find this? I haven't seen one of these in so long. So what did you choose for a name?" *Gasp* "That's... so you."
  • "Managing Tenno is a lot like caring for Kavats. Be it special missions or special treats, it's so hard not to keep feeding something that's SO cute and loveable. But--painful as it is to say 'no' to such a kissable, squeezable face--I need to balance instant gratification against long-term health."
  • "Kuva Liches all seem a little... narcissistic, don't they? They're always acting like they have some deep relationship with you and that all you ever do is think about them."
  • "Technically, Liches and their Thralls shouldn't be considered a part of the 'Grineer' faction. They don't necessarily care about your mission objective, and they're not taking orders from the 'Queens.'"
  • "Do you think relationships have to be 'evenly' consensual? Like if--and I'm just hypothesizing here--I happened to have double the consent, but my partner has none, then wouldn't the 'total consent' still be the same? That would definitely make things eas--hey! Why are you looking at me like that!?"
  • "I'm glad you respect the 'no running' rule in public places. A Warframe slamming full speed into a normal civilian would be a medical emergency."
  • "I can relate to Ordis' feelings toward the Helminth. Mind you, I have nothing against the Helminth! I think he's kinda neat. But I relate to having someone around that disgusts you, but being unable to get rid of them. OH! Off topic, but Maroo has another Ayatan mission lined up for you."
  • "If we ever do get this system free of all dangers, then I think Garuda and Valkyr should start a massage therapy business together! Something tells me they would get a lot of customers."
  • "We usually assume that Warframes were born out of a single person's shattered mind. But I think Equinox must have been two people. While some theories speculate it was a single person with a dissociative disorder, I don't buy it. Multiple identities can inhabit one brain, but Equinox needs two separate sets of neuroptics."
  • "Sabotage missions generally have the biggest impact among the mission types. A few Tenno undoing months of construction, thousands of manhours, and millions of credits, in only a few minutes. That's the kind of thing that terrifies soldiers and admirals alike."
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Not quite a week, but I have definitely put this off too much. I've been on the forum quite a lot this last week, but I was focused on other threads. That said, let's go! Lotus Lines: 841-850:

  • "Newer Tenno often think there's no 'aim-gliding' equivalent within the melee, but that's not exactly true. Pulling backwards on your Warframe while attacking with melee will slow your descent and let you perform aerial combos."
  • "I have been waiting for you use a fan weapon! Doesn't it make completing missions a breeze? Nailed it!"
  • "Infested release toxic spores on Survival Missions, right? But do you ever see the one releasing it? What if there's an intelligent Infested that not only stays hidden, but also knows why you're there?"
  • "You've seen Little Duck's face!? Were you stunned? I was expecting something more like Nef Anyo without the facial hair."
  • "I'm reading a romance novel. Want to hear a line from it? 'Right there, Comrade! Staunch my wounds!' I mean, wow! This author knows, you know?" ... "What's with you? You look like you've heard those words before."
  • "Ballas has been on my mind lately. Not like that! I just wonder why he was so different from the typical Orokin. He truly loved Margulis, to whom he should have seen as vastly inferior. I always suspected that Continuity corrupted their minds, but maybe they really were just that arrogant and evil."
  • "Did I catch you eyeing my swivel chair? It's top of the line! I may skimp on some things, but never swivel chairs! The shock absorber has enough power to be a single-round Spirex pointed right between your cheeks. Always, always, always by quality swivel chairs."
  • "Binary processors cannot achieve true causality-defying sentience because they only evaluate for the general absence or presence of a matter state. To truly be a 'soul,' you need a processor that is influenceable to subatomic properties or energy. Organic brains and Sentient cores are two known examples."
  • "How can you tell a female Sentient apart from a male Sentient? No, I know how I can tell! I meant how are you doing it? I'm curious."
  • "I tried inserting a Warframe Mod into myself. Not a great plan; I barely made it to the restroom. I think it was the 'Intensify' Mod? Maybe it's because my abilities are not 'Warframe abilities,' but the thing that got intensified is something that should never be intensified suddenly."
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I've been thinking for a while what I'd like to do after I reach 1000 Lotus Lines. One thought I have is putting all of these lines (as well as all of her legitimate quotes) into an AI algorithm and then start posting my favorites from interacting with her through that script. I seems like it would be a fun project and I could toss it into a GitHub Pages site or something for others to enjoy it. (I'd have to make a whole account for something like that though...) My other thought is to pick a new thing to start brainstorming, like the various ways Lotus could level-up through this system and consequently assist you better during missions. (That would be much more valuable to the actual mechanics of this idea, but that would probably only include a few extra posts) None of this really matters yet, however! First I need to get to 1000 Lotus Lines! And for that, here are 851-860:

  • "You can tell a lot about a Tenno by their mobility choices. Sprinters love control, while Bullet-Jumpers love skill. And then there's you, who just saunters casually through missions."
  • "If you're having trouble recruiting people into your Clan, there are two routes you can take. The first is just to stop caring and work on your own goals; people are attracted to the ones that have no need of them. The second strategy is to throw concerns over appearances out the airlock and just beg people."
  • "You've mastered all the Glaive weapons we know about! Glaives has been around since before the Orokin! But despite that seniority, they're still mysterious weapons that defy many scientific predictions."
  • "Do Warframes think for themselves? Umbra aside, that topic has been debated for a while. The 'pro-vessel' side says that they're built and controlled, so of course not. The 'pro-partner' side says that stories like those of Protea and Yareli wouldn't make sense if a Tenno Operator was controlling them. What do you think?"
  • "Don't feel too bad about your alt-universe deaths. There are also alt-universes out there where you have wealth, talent, and friends. You should feel just as sorry for yourself as you should feel proud of yourself."
  • "Before you go thinking that Ordis only likes you because he's programmed to like you, let me assure you that Cephalons can only be programmed with knowledge and obedience. The opinions they have about that knowledge, and the feelings they have about their orders, those are entirely their own."
  • "Interesting color combination! It's... um... Oh! I bet Ordis really loves it!"
  • "You've never seen me jogging around the Dojo, have you? I like to go for a run first thing after I wake up. I love the exercise, but I have to ignore the eerie feeling of these vacant echoing walls."
  • "The one Sentient thing I can't just 'Mimic away' is my sense of taste. I can simulate organic taste buds and enjoy various 'people foods.' But I still see things like Ferrite and think: 'Mmm! That looks like a chunk with high purity!' You can take the girl out of Tau, but you can't take the Tau out of the girl."
  • "I've stopped saying things like: 'I am going to swear off guys from now on!' People remember those sorts of resolutions and just love throwing it back in your face later."
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Not too long since my last post. I remember I started the Lotus Lines just because I wanted some way of keeping this idea alive. I still do want Lotus inside the Dojo (and new missions/rewards associated to it), but this has grown into something much more than just a fan concept. In generating these remarks I've come to understand that Warframe is either one of two things. Firstly, it's either a mess of unrelated content slapped into the game with little to no consideration for narrative integrity and serious world building. Secondly, it could instead be seen as a smorgasbord of interesting concepts just waiting to be sewn together into a beautifully complex quilt of storytelling. I have preferred the latter, but that's always been my preference. My friends like to look for plot holes, and I like to brainstorm ways to fill them. With that self-affirmation, it's time for Lotus Lines 861-870:

  • "Landing zones like Tenno Relays will open up new docks and common areas depending on the traffic. For some reason though, Tenno seem to have a superstition against landing at or above the seventieth zone."
  • "Oh you have a 'Murex Pearl!' Or that's what we Tauvians call it, anyway. I guess you Originians call it 'Anomaly Shards.' They form naturally in Murex during growth and healing, but we think they're beautiful."
  • "Cephalon Cy has been giving me the cold shoulder ever since he learned I'm a Sentient. I can't blame him, but I figure I'll charm him with some paradoxes and riddles. Cephalons can't resist a good puzzle."
  • "Perhaps you've wondered why Grineer choose to clone both male and female soldiers despite their infertility. It's a morale boost for one thing, but there are also practical advantages within each sex. The Corpus tend to lean more on standardization, but ironically the Grineer 'clones' excel at getting the most from diversity."
  • "Female Grineer don't like wearing skull-guards, and they always hear about how it leaves them more vulnerable. But personally, I'd also rather be shot than wear a big ugly mound on my shoulders."
  • "All Warframes have the capacity to evolve their abilities and stats, but not all choose to do so. Some want to train you to overcome weakness, while others want to protect you from even the slightest scratch. They all love their Operators, but each one will express it differently."
  • "I'm surprised you don't run into Kahl much during your missions. Kaelli and I don't really coordinate our missions, so you'd think there would be accidental intersections. I'm just glad your Warframes are able to prevent friendly fire."
  • "The honest truth: I let Little Duck run your Disruption Missions because of that incessant pulsing sound from the Demolishers. I keep thinking I still hear it for days afterward. Drives me up the wall!"
  • "Roller Sentries are better than standard Grineer Rollers in almost every way, but hardly any Grineer use them! People just like using what they're used to using."
  • "As a Female Sentient, I have the potential to become a spacefaring vessel. Because of this, the concept of Ramsleds make me very uncomfortable. Just hearing the alarm while reviewing your battle logs makes me tense up and forget to breathe."
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