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The Stalker Is Getting Out Of Hand


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so, DE insist on continuously buffing the stalker and getting him new abilities. and i, as someone who's played for 700hrs, i reckon it's getting out of hand.


so as of update 11, he now spawns at lvl45 (so it should be about comparable to lvl90 from pre-U11), which means he does quite some damage. but he also have a few ability, it instantly teleport his victim to his melee range NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE. he previously gets a dispell aoe which disable every power we have, now he gets this? is this what DE want the stalker to be? a random event that steals revives from players for no good reason? the stalker isnt a exciting mini-boss to encounter and fight anymore, he's simply a nuisance when the light flickers, ill just let him kill me and get it over with. my max damage max crit Soma couldnt get him below 75% health (was in solo), granted i was using Ember, who has 703 shield and 300 health(effective health of 2003 with guardian).


at the end of the day, the stalker should be fun, and this isnt it.


EDIT: Look at the date this was posted, it was all the way back in U11.0.0, 2 months ago, stalker has changed much since then and this post barely applies anymore. in other words, LET THE THREAD DIE.

Edited by leonvision
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I'm pretty sure the Stalker is supposed to now be a real challenge, rather than dismissing him whenever the lights flicker. The whole reason DE buffed the Stalker in the first place was the make people uncomfortable, challenged, even potentially afraid of the Stalker, as he's not a figure to be trifled with.

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I met him during a capture void, it was an impossible battle. I had to rush to the targets so they didnt escape, meaning I couldnt take my time to kill stalker.


I love that he is getting so strong, he is much more intimidating now. However,it needs to scale so low levels doesnt have to deal with him like a high lvl does. Maybe scale him with someones conclave? Iunno

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I'm pretty sure the Stalker is supposed to now be a real challenge, rather than dismissing him whenever the lights flicker. The whole reason DE buffed the Stalker in the first place was the make people uncomfortable, challenged, even potentially afraid of the Stalker, as he's not a figure to be trifled with.


have you actually faced him since U11/.0.1 in solo?

Edited by leonvision
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I'm pretty sure the Stalker is supposed to now be a real challenge, rather than dismissing him whenever the lights flicker. The whole reason DE buffed the Stalker in the first place was the make people uncomfortable, challenged, even potentially afraid of the Stalker, as he's not a figure to be trifled with.

Excuse me, Stalker isn't a challenge at all, he's straight up unfair and borderline cheats. In the Dark Souls pvp Community, he'd be the type who uses Giant's + Daddy mask +Ring of FaP + DWGR while having near-infinite stamina (Grass Crest Shield + the stamina regen buff consumable) and ninja flips and uses a Chaoshander.

 This would be while everyone else is using a more thematic/cosplay build.

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Just learn how to fight him instead of complaining about it. You might be right. Did you get it once or more. How many times did you try and did others help or did they just die as well?  Just asking for info sakes so I can try to gather intell cause I have not yet delt with him as of U11.

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Just learn how to fight him instead of complaining about it. You might be right. Did you get it once or more. How many times did you try and did others help or did they just die as well?  Just asking for info sakes so I can try to gather intell cause I have not yet delt with him as of U11.

I've fought him twice already and the first time I got 1 shot with 700/300. Second time I kited pretty well but he still got me because his shields recharge instantly if you stop firing. So unless you Kill him with 1 clip it's impossible solo.


Edit: Trinity can probably solo because trinity.

Edited by Kolos1001
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Just learn how to fight him instead of complaining about it. You might be right. Did you get it once or more. How many times did you try and did others help or did they just die as well?  Just asking for info sakes so I can try to gather intell cause I have not yet delt with him as of U11.

Don't even talk. You wanna know how you fight him without his cheap-&#! bullS#&$? You climb on a @(*()$ crate so his AI takes a massive S#&$ as it cannot handle METAL BAWKSES of all things. If you fight him on the floor, he'll hit you with a 1.2k slash dash or insta-stagger you with his nullifying smokebomb if you have any buff power up and then he'll unload Despairs into you. So it's either fight the five year old with their magical shield of beating everything or beating up a child with special needs, neither feels very rewarding if you come out on top.

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Just learn how to fight him instead of complaining about it. You might be right. Did you get it once or more. How many times did you try and did others help or did they just die as well?  Just asking for info sakes so I can try to gather intell cause I have not yet delt with him as of U11.


3 times since update 11, never got him past 50% health. like i said, i was in solo. and dont tell me to "learn instead of complaining" when you havent seen how out of hand it is. complaining is fine when it's justified.



I've fought him twice already and the first time I got 1 shot with 700/300. Second time I kited pretty well but he still got me because his shields recharge instantly if you stop firing. So unless you Kill him with 1 clip it's impossible solo.


Edit: Trinity can probably solo because trinity.



nope, he can dispell.

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3 times since update 11, never got him past 50% health. like i said, i was in solo. and dont tell me to "learn instead of complaining" when you havent seen how out of hand it is. complaining is fine when it's justified.




nope, he can dispell.

Not just dispel, but he will instantly teleport next to a blessing-buffed trinity from anywhere, use his dispel that will stagger you long enough for him to tear through your health with Despair/Dread/Slash Dash/Hate (which staggers on hit, yay).

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I like the fact that Stalker is getting buffed and all, but these buffs make the fight hugely unfair against the player. It's no longer about "you need skill", it's the fact that Stalker can ignore what your Abilities are intended to do and use them to put you into inescapable traps for no discernible reason.


If you happen to have something like Teleport or Iron Skin enabled when he spawns, he just instantly teleports next to you and stunlocks you until you die. That's not how balancing should work. Stalker should be trying to find ways around your skills (e.g. not seeing you while you're invisible, but attacking in the direction of your sounds and bullets), not unavoidably turning them against you with no explanation as to why or how.


Buff-type abilities having nothing but negative effects for the user when Stalker is around does not make the fight fun. It does not make the fight exciting. It makes the fight frustrating and unfair.

Edited by SortaRandom
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