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Yareli- While riding Merulina under the effects of Radiation casting riptide will result in Map clipping, Player Desync and Model Issues

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As the title implies, Riding merulina while under the effects of radiation (Through any means, such as friendly fire in the simulacrum, Death orb lasers or Radiation Hazard Sorties), casting and nearing Yarelis Riptide will cause the player to be stuck in place for a few seconds followed by the player falling through the map until they are teleported back up. 

I discovered this glitch while playing through the (at the time of writing) daily sortie with my friends, which was a Radiation Hazard Extermination. I noted that, when yareli entered a radiation cloud, merulina would be marked as hostile. I then casted Riptide to see what effect it would have on Yareli. The result is the bug currently being reported.


When Yareli nears an Instance of Ripitde while afflicted by radiation, yareli and merulina will clip through the floor and fall into the void. When the player returns to game bounds the player and merulina will be desynced, with the player controlling merulina while yareli floats in the air. The player can move around as Merulina and “shoot”, although the bullets will originate from the unmoving and floating Yareli. Transferring to operator restores control to the frame but locks the camera in one direction and causes the player to float. Furthermore

cancelling Merulina will cause yareli to float in the air until; Merulina is Recasted, The player enters the operator and returns back or Yareli dies. 

This glitch is rather easy to perform, simply requiring the player to be riding merulina then being afflicted with radiation followed by the use of her 4. 

The glitch does not seem to be affected by settings as any tested changes had no effect on the outcome.

Here is a clip showcasing how to recreate the issue and it’s effects


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