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Melee Weapons In Hysteria


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So I've been playing with Valkyr for a bit and actually really enjoy hysteria. My only issue with it is that she only has that one single claw combo to attack wtih and not even a charged attack, which will probably get rather dull after a while.


What I'd like to see would be being able to use your equipped melee weapon as usual during hysteria while the claw attack replaces your firing button since that isn't used for anything anyway. This would add a nice bit of variety to the ability and equipping a glaive would even let you deal with flyers properly. Of course you could also block the glaive throw if you want to keep her melee range only.


I'd honestly just love to slice my enemies to pieces with a sword during hysteria.

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Well I know why they are there and I don't want to get rid of them. All I want is being able to also use your normal melee in addition to them so you can have some variety.


Also I'm not so fond of the punching weapons and generally prefer blades.


Valkyr is basically the melee frame I always wanted but I can't use all my beloved melee weapons with her.

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Well I know why they are there and I don't want to get rid of them. All I want is being able to also use your normal melee in addition to them so you can have some variety.


Also I'm not so fond of the punching weapons and generally prefer blades.


Valkyr is basically the melee frame I always wanted but I can't use all my beloved melee weapons with her.

Wrong. Rhino or loki (and even saryn) do the melee WEAPON bit better than Valkyr does. She is a melee attacking warframe, not a melee weapons based warframe. I like the fact that she has it innately.

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Wrong. Rhino or loki (and even saryn) do the melee WEAPON bit better than Valkyr does. She is a melee attacking warframe, not a melee weapons based warframe. I like the fact that she has it innately.


No it's not wrong. Hysteria boosts melee weapon damage. I had it glitch once so I was actually using my dual ichor and they hit like trucks while hysteria was active.


Also I said it's the melee-focused Warframe that I want, not the "best". I don't like playing the male frames so Rhino and Loki won't do and Saryn is too slow to be fun imho.

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