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Soloing Missions! Need Your Wisdom



As the title says, what can you advice a lonely tenno doing solo runs for farming resources?

I, together with some other readers that are also having trouble, would really appreciate your contribution.

What do I do when fighting Infested? Grineer? Corpus?

How about doing bosses that are at your level or even significanlty higher than your level?

(Please do add more situations)

Domo Arigatou Minna!

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10 answers to this question

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Im gonna give you a run down of how to handle faction specfic missions, bosses, and the best way to farm material/mods in that order.

First taking on the different Factions

Grinner: I suggest placing armor pierceing mods in your weapons. This will obvipously help, because grinner wear armor. So yeah, get that armor pent. Freeze also helps from time to time. For Main guns, I suggest Braton vandal if you got it durning the open week, if not then Boltor, Gorgon or Strun. For pistols, I suggest Aklato, lex, krakken, or akbolto. Boltor and Bolto's already come with armor peirce makign them the ideal guns for fighting grinner. For melee weapons, get either Scindo/Fragor, Bo staff/Amphis, or a dagger. The staffs and daggers come with amor pent as well making them good for the grinner.

Corpus: So long as you have Elec mods in it, pretty much any gun is good. I also suggest Freeze or straight damage mods. No real specfic guns to go agaisnt them, pretty much anything will do. Same for melee.

Infected: Same deal with Corpus, expect with Fire mods. Also freeze mods can help big time by slowing down their running speeds. I also suggest you go with a heavy melee weapon so you can hit multiple enemies when they gang up on you, and they will gang up on you.

Bosses in order of weak to strong

Mercury: First boss, easy as hell. No real strat needed, jsut shoot his face in.

Saturn: A step up, pretty annoying. Play duck and cover this time, make sure you don't waste to many bullets before getting to him and you should be alright, since ge is grinner, pack some armor pent mods. Watch out for his Bullet attractor skill

Mars: Pretty easy boss. He has a sniper, and a invisible skills, but nothing else making him simple. Just get a elec mod, shoot his face in, and you'll be good. Watch out though, his sniper shots knock down.

Venus: A large step up. This guy has 3 moves you need to know. He shoots. He stomps. And he can shoot mines which pretty much insta kills. His stomps knock down, so bewary of that as well. He is a robot, so packing elec mods will help big time. Also, you'll want a S#&$ ton of bullets. Seriosuly dude, get as many ammo mods as you can without losing on elec mod damage, other wise you'll end up with no ammo before he is even close to dead. Meleeing him to death is also quite hard so all the more reason to not waste bullets. He doesn't take damage untl he is knocked down, which you do by targeting a leg and shooting it till he falls. If you run low on energy, shoot the ospreys that are flying around.

Jupiter: First infected boss. He has three moves, a normal melee attack, a posion toss (only used when you arn't close to him) and a pull move. Packing some fire mods will help alot, also some straight damage mods. Make sure you don't get hit by his poision tosses, they go straight for hp, ignoring your shields. His pulls will be used alot sine you're solo, he'll simply pull all the time, so look for a way to minimize damage from him.

Earth: Alot like the Jupiter boss, but with a shotgun. He also has a bullet attactor which can be annoying as usual. Duck and cover and armor pent mods will end him.

Uranus: Like the mercury boss, he only melees, but they hurt, so simply keep ahead of him, and run back and forth while shooting back and you'll be fine.

Ceres: Same as the other grinner bosses, but tougher as usual.

Neptune: he has four moves, Shoot ya, melee, shield, and a insta/near insta kill missile move. His first 3 moves aren't that bad, the gun can rack up some damage though (obviously). It's the missiles you gotta watch for. he shoots 2, and they home, so running from them is dammed near impossible, so get behind large cover or use a shield move. other than that, get some elec mods and you'll do good.

Eris: No idea on this guy, haven;t fought him yet XD

Pluto: Final boss, so ofc he is annoying as F***. He has 4 moves, the standard shoot ya move, a melee kick, a pull, and a ring of fire move.

His gun isn't all that bad, but his melee kick is bs-ed to hell. The range on that is quite confounding, so don't be suprised when you get knocked down, even though he is 20 meters away. His pull does no damage, but he always uses his ring of fire right after, and that does alot of damage so run away as fast as you can. Elc mods will help to do more damage.

Materials/mods grinding:

When ever you need high level mods, simple go to Xini on Eris, or Outer Terminus on Pluto, they are both 7 wave defense missions. They are boh great for grinding mods because 1, the missions are high level, and 2 the enemies come to you, and there are alot of them. Thats the downside though, there is a S#&$ ton of enemies, so surviving and protecting the pod will be tough on you. Make sure you are properly equiped, but overall I suggest simply going with a team on these when ever you can. If you can't handel it solo, pretty much any other mission that has the mod levels you need will do.

For materials, infected missions are always the best. The infected come to you, are pretty easy to mow down, and there are alot of them, so more chances of material to drop.

here is an added bit. My suggest Frames for soloing

in no specific order: Volt, Frost, Mag, Excaliber, Loki, Ash, and Rhino. I sugges these guys all for a reason.

Volt, frost and mag have shields which pretty much protects them from all damage when used right. Makes them great for taking on bosses alone. Volt is of course, great facing Corpus bosses being electric based. Frost can freeze bosses with his level 1 and 4 (his levle 4 skill freezes thm longer ofc) and can slow them with his shield if they are close enough. Mag can simply use bullet attractor making the bosses shoot themeselves or use shield polarize on herself.

Exacliber can knock down bosses, and blind them making him good for soloing.

Loki can distract them, and go invisible allowing for better duck and cover.

Ash can go invisible/teleport allowing for quick escapes.

finally Rhino is @(*()$ Rhino. He is a beast, can buff up his defense, and can knock down bosses.

While im not saying Ember, Nyx, and Trinity can't solo, I suggest against it. It will be tougher for them because they are all pretty squishy unless you mod them up, Trin has heals but wont do good against insta kills, and Nyx has her level 4, but that is alot of energy compared to others shields. While it does do damage, that won't do much against bosses. And also, they don't have stuns/staggers/knock downs. Nyx is also prone to glitches atm so that is another reason to not do so.

So, how sure am I of this guide? I've Soloed the entire game so far, only going on team missions to quickly farm up some materials/mods. I've taken on all the bosses (save Eris) alone, and by doing so, know they can be beaten alone.

Edited by FallenKingErzon
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I've been doing a lot of solo resource runs. So far, I have noticed that certain levels within the planets only drop certain resources so you will have to experiment to find your farming planet. Next, since you are going to be looking everywhere, the game will take longer than usual; having a fast frame like Loki or Ash helps.

Loot Radar is a must, greater the strength the better.

Enemies are just annoyances, but they can drop resources in rare instances too. Kill as many as you can.

Open every locker, destroy every container.

Grineer Defense missions generally offer a greater amount of rooms and possible loot, as well as plenty of enemies to fight and rank up against. Same goes for infested missions, for the most part.

Edited by G3rman
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I've been doing a lot of solo resource runs. So far, I have noticed that certain planets only drop certain resources so you will have to experiment to find your farming planet. Next, since you are going to be looking everywhere, the game will take longer than usual; having a fast frame like Loki or Ash helps.

Loot Radar is a must, greater the strength the better.

Enemies are just annoyances, but they can drop resources in rare instances too. Kill as many as you can.

Open every locker, destroy every container.

Grineer Defense missions generally offer a greater amount of rooms and possible loot, as well as plenty of enemies to fight and rank up against. Same goes for infested missions, for the most part.

You can tell what planets drop what resources when you select the planet (upper right cornner) you seem to have played for a while, yet with the way you replied, it seemed you did not know of that, so I'm unsure, but posting this as an in case you didn't know. No offense meant!
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You can tell what planets drop what resources when you select the planet (upper right cornner) you seem to have played for a while, yet with the way you replied, it seemed you did not know of that, so I'm unsure, but posting this as an in case you didn't know. No offense meant!

What I mean is the levels within a certain planet. For example Earth, Lua might drop polymer bundles but Pacific only drops Rubedo.

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I don't know... the game isn't as fun solo. Even just playing with a single person makes the game so much more fun. I get the challenge/desire to play out the whole game but I don't have/won't spend that much time on a single mission. I want a quick 30 mins or hour of solid play.

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Best advice... Ice for grineer, fire for infested, elec for corpus. Also Excalibur just seems the best all around for solo HOWEVER. Loki does best in the corpus ship since the hallways are tight and theres nothing unexpected or weird going on like in the mines. He is fast, and athletic but he doesnt do so well in open rooms with thousands of infested coming down upon him. Infact he is terrible to use going solo unless you max out invis and always gather energy. Always break, or open things to get more energy, health, and ammo. Also buy ammo packs, and health with credits, and equip them. Being over prepared and cautious is always a good thing. However I would suggest when playing a corpus level that isnt defense, or exterminate to just rush the whole level because Moas will constantly come out of the walls.

Edited by Arlayn
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