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[Mission Concept] Planet Assault (Very Unique Mission Type)


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Hey everyone,


Repost of a mission concept I had a while back.

I just made a thread for a stealth mission concept, so I thought I'd post this one alongside it.



Mission Assault

Ok, before I begin.

This originally started out as a random thought I had when I was editing my "9000 words of feedback" thread.

Here's the original text from that thread.


An idea I had

To me, I think each planet should have its own unique mission that is not randomly generated.


Let's think back to Unreal Tournament's Assault mode.


Team A attacks. Running through a series of objectives, each progresses the mission to its final point.

Team B defends. Doing all they can to prevent team A from completing their objectives.



One mission required Team A to:

Objective 1 - Make their way from one moving train car to a switch that activates a bridge to the enemy car.

Objective 2 - Plant explosives on the enemy train door to gain access.

Objective 3 - Activate another switch that opens up the door to the next section

Objective 4 - Make their way to a third car that is housing the missiles you are aiming to recover

Objective 5 - Drop down into the car, activate another switch to steal the train car. Thus, recovering the missiles.


Sounds like a lot of switch activation, but there were more, some were awesome.

Mothership - Team A starts in fighter crafts and has to make their way into the Skaarj mothership

(Forgot name) - Team A starts across a river, must activate the bridge, steal a vehicle and escort it to the end.


How would this work in Warframe?

Each planet has its own unique, assault-like mission.


These missions are much more difficult than your standard mission, and have pre-set maps (not procedurally generated).

Team A (the Tenno) must complete a series of objectives. (perhaps with a time limit, or better rewards the faster you do them).

Each objective will open up a completely new area of the map.


This could open up interesting co-op opportunities. Which, let's be honest, are non-existent in Warframe.

Perhaps the team would have to split up for one section. 2 players need to go into the ventilation systems to reach a room to complete one part of an objective, while 2 more have to defend a location from being overrun by enemies.


To me, there's infinitely more potential in a pre-determined map, rather than procedurally generated levels.

Seeing how there's dozens and dozens of missions, procedural maps are the way to go, otherwise we'd be playing the exact same map over and over.


However, for a single mission on each planet, a custom map would work wonders, and do great at reducing monotony.

I mean, who wouldn't want to play an objective based, Assault map with their mates??


This is turning into a fan concept, so I'll stop there. :P


So, this thread is going to be a refinement of that idea.

I'll probably end up repeating that quote quite a bit, but bear with me.


So, the idea is for a new mission type called "Planet Assault" or "Assault". Each planet would have one of these at the end of their mission track.

These missions are designed to be far more difficult than normal missions.


The main idea behind them is for them to be pre-determined, not procedurally generated.

Reason being, pre-made maps and objectives give far more depth than what we have at the moment.


These missions should be truly unique and offer real, challenging objectives, perhaps with some dynamic elements thrown in (in the future). Not rush to objective A, burn everything in sight (Dissidia reference), head to extraction.

No. These missions should be very similar to Unreal Tournament's Assault mode.



Corpus Outpost Example #1

Taking out an outpost

Here's an example. (Corpus Outpost)

The Tenno squad is flown in under the radar, they are dropped into a remote ice cavern.




Step one

The first objective requires you to be stealthy.

You have to make your way from the ice cavern into a Corpus Outpost tower to activate a signal to an attack ship.

This cavern runs underneath a section of the map. You have a device that allows you to melt the ice in a particular spot, this is right next to the tower.

There are very few guards in the cavern, but they are heavily armed. If they see you, they will activate an alarm. (I'll get to the dynamic sections in a bit)


Step two.

The signal is activated. Now you have to make your way to the actual outpost to disable the Corpus AA guns to allow your ship/The Lotus to begin its attack safely.

After x minutes, the Corpus will discover your signal and begin to send out reinforcements.


There are 2 AA turrets to disable. This requires the Tenno to place explosive charges on each one, after x amount of time, these charges will detonate.

You have the choice to split up and destroy both at the same time (at the risk of more difficulty), or stick together and take them out one at a time.





Step 3

You must place a targeting beacon to signal your attack ship exactly where to strike.

Make your way to the target area and place the beacon.

Now begins a sort of mini defense mission. But, not in waves, you just have a time limit.


Enemies are now fully aware of your position and are coming at you in full force.

This could also have some kind of boss (not in every assault mission, just in a few of them) or mini boss.


Once the time limit is up, enemies will be very scarce.

You make your way to a nearby mountain and are picked up by the lotus.

As you are flying away, you see your attack ship descend and unleash a massive rocket strike on the outpost, destroying it.


Corpus Ship Example #1

Take out a ship from the inside

Objective One

Disable power

The squad is inserted into the ship stealthily. Not from the usual vents, but from the underside of the ship.

For this mission, you actually begin on the ships surface, outside. (Mass Effect lowgrav-esque)


Kind of like that, but the surrounding metal isn't destroyed.

Also, more open (not full freedom, though)


You have to make your way across the ships surface, avoiding any enemy viewpoints/automatic turrets.

Your objective is to reach a certain point, and destroy the power supply to the ship. This will turn off all lights, cameras, laser doors, MOA lockers, and will leave the ship unable to move.


Once you have disabled the power, it's time for objective 2.


Objective Two

Make your way past a set of heavy doors

Once you have disabled the power, you make your way into the ship through some kind of hatch. Here's when you drop down the vents like a normal mission.


Now. The power is off.

There is no light.

You have flashlights, enemies have flashlights. This is a stealth mission through and through.


If enemies see your flashlights, they might detect you, so you must get used to turning it off and hiding.


This objective involves the squad making their way through some heavy doors on their way to the bridge.

There are plenty of stealth opportunities here. Ventilation shafts to hide in while Corpus pass you.

You can open up floor panels to hide under your enemies.


When you reach the doors, you must split up.

2 Tenno leap into the ventilation shafts, and make their way to a maintenance room. This room houses 2 hackable console that will open up the doors. These must be hacked simultaneously. (or not


Meanwhile, the 2 Tenno who are at the door are defending the area from Corpus who are attempting to weld the door shut to prevent you from opening them.

This takes x minutes.

If they are successful in welding the door shut, there's your perfect opportunity for a dynamically changing objective.


Objective Three

Prep the ship for destruction


Not your standard "place explosives, press detonate".

This requires a little more finesse.


Once you're at the bridge, you must re-route the ship.

Each Tenno has a role here.

One must place a generator to power up the bridge's console. (due to the lack of power)

One must use the console to change the course of the ship. This requires the Tenno to complete x amount of hacking mini-games. With the difficulty increasing with each one.


The other 2 Tenno must defend them from the incoming Corpus


Once you have placed the generator and changed the ship's course, it's time to disable the console again. Shoot the generator.

make your way to another escape hatch, this will bring you outside the ship again.

Remember, the power is off. The enemies have no way of tracking you, you can stealth your way through the majority of this mission.

Head to the power console, and re-activate the power for the ship.

This will activate the new coordinates, and propel the ship at full speed.


The Lotus picks you up, and you watch from the distance as the Corpus ship crashes into a nearby planet (or maybe another ship that is nearby)




Does that not sound infinitely better than the whole Run to A, destroy B, run to C?

Sure as hell does to me.


I'm actually going to add quite a few ideas to this thread. I'm getting really into it.

Even if it doesn't get implemented, it's fun to dream up wild concepts like this.


Moving on to the other 2 main parts.

Dynamics and rewards.



Mission Dynamics


The idea behind this section is to provide some kind of dynamically changing elements.

For example, the first section of my proposed mission required you to be stealthy.

What would happen if you are discovered?


The Corpus would discover your attack ship and would begin to prep countermeasures. (Fighter crafts, AA etc)

So, now the entire mission changes.

Instead of disabling the AA and signalling your attack ship, you must now take the outpost down from the inside without air support.

Objective 2 becomes a search for the Corpus storage facility, allowing you to get some kind of explosives.

Objective 3 is then a desperate fight for you to plant the explosives on the main outpost building.

Lastly, you have an intense race to the extraction point with all the remaining Corpus chasing you down.


These kinds of dynamics would bring a S#&$load of replayability to these missions, especially if there are 2 or more of them with each one.

Obviously this would take a very long time, but I think, in the long run, it'd definitely be worth it.



Lastly, how should rewards work?

I think some kind of mission rating % would work very nicely.


Say you do each objective perfectly, without error. You get a 100% mission rating, which grants you the highest reward. (NOT RNG)

Let's say you are discovered during a stealth objective. This reduces your mission rating by x%, giving you the next tier of reward.


Obviously it'd be more in-depth than that.


Now, what should the rewards be?

New weapon blueprints for a 100% rating? New Warframes could be released alongside these missions. A 100% mission rating would reward you with blueprints.

Or, maybe the 100% reward would just have some exclusive cosmetics (Like stated earlier, these missions should be difficult. A 100% rating should not be extremely easy to accomplish.


Here's a quick example.

Tier 1, 100% rating - Depending on the mission, you are rewarded with a weapon blueprint, Warframe blueprint or mission exclusive cosmetic blueprint.


Tier 2, 75-99% rating - Multiple rewards. The higher the rating, the higher the reward. Example. 2 mods + a Void Key.

Cannot get 2 void keys from this reward.


Tier 3, 50-74% rating - Void Key rewards. The closer to 74% you are, the higher tier of void key. 73-74% would net you a tier 3 void key.


Tier 4, 25-49% rating - Mod reward. The higher your rating, the higher the rarity. NO ABILITY MODS. If you get a 48-49 rating, you get a rare mod.


A refinement of this.

Each mission would have a small pool of mods (~3), or perhaps even give each mission its own exclusive.

if there was a mod pool, each one would have a 33% chance of a drop. And DE should release the info of which mission drops which mod.


If each mission had its exclusive. Mod rewards would give that mod, meaning you always know what you are getting.

If you get the multiple mod rewards. One would be the exclusive, the rest would be out of a pool.


Tier 5, 0-24% rating - Credit reward. The closer you are to 24%, the higher amount of credits.


You may think that people would just endlessly farm these for Void III keys. But, these missions are significantly longer than normal missions. They may end up being less efficient.


The end mission screen for these assault missions would be different.

It would give you a break down for your rating.

It would explain why you lost x% for x action, so you can better your strategy for next time.


Now, I know that there are more pressing issues in the game. This is more of a long term suggestion.


What do you guys reckon.

Does Warframe + Assault sound as awesome to you as it does to me?

Edited by Nugget_
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Eh, carpet bombing a planet doesn't seem like the sort of thing the space nijas Tenno would do, personally. So far they've been about tactical assaults and assassinations, and probably don't have the sort of heavy firepower it would take to nuke a planet inhabited by the likes of the Corpus or Grineer.

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Eh, carpet bombing a planet doesn't seem like the sort of thing the space nijas Tenno would do, personally. So far they've been about tactical assaults and assassinations, and probably don't have the sort of heavy firepower it would take to nuke a planet inhabited by the likes of the Corpus or Grineer.

Eh, doesn't have to be carpet bombing. That was just a random thought.


It could be dropping off a bunch of Tenno to the target location, deploying dozens of extractors etc.

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