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2 hours ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Genshin literally released several updates in a row that tried to kill one character gameplay type just so that they could sell another character type.


When did this happen? To my knowledge Ayaka, Ganyu, Hu tao, Raiden Shogun, Nahida, and more are all super good literal years after release, not to mention characters like Xiao or Arataki itto that are still plenty strong despite not being overly "meta." In fact, characters like Kokomi, Nilou, Yae Miko, Fischl, and others literally became better with time, not worse.


Unless you're saying that Neuvillette is so op nobody else will ever get close... Which is kinda wrong considering most teams in genshin revolve around your support party members, not the dps, to actually be really good. 

The only hard content in genshin is spiral abyss. You can literally play the entire game with only your starter characters, let alone 4 star characters.

Edited by (XBOX)Upl0rdYT
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43 minutes ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Genshin is one of the few games (besides Fortnite) that constantly releases updates. 

You already admitted other gacha games do it (which aren't exactly "a few")
There are also MMOs, Dota-likes, hero shooters, looter shooters (Warframe is here), Militarywank, and many other genres that use the F2P system. Is not "a few". They release updates all the time because that is how they keep player retention and whales throwing money to quick access to the new stuff.
Genshin isn't even OLD for the F2P standards! F/GO, Warframe, Star Trek Online, Granblue Fantasy, Warthunder, and even Honkai from Mihoyo are older and still get multiple updates every year.
I don't see the need to praise a cat for acting like a cat, is a cat, is what a cat does.

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59 minutes ago, Alguien said:

You already admitted other gacha games do it (which aren't exactly "a few")
There are also MMOs, Dota-likes, hero shooters, looter shooters (Warframe is here), Militarywank, and many other genres that use the F2P system. Is not "a few". They release updates all the time because that is how they keep player retention and whales throwing money to quick access to the new stuff.

Warframe does an update every few months yes, but I was saying about how genshin has more frequent compared to other games. 

Yes gacha games have fast updates but gacha games vary in quality other than a few like pgr or honkai games. There are some upcoming high quality gachas so that's changing soon.

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9 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

I agree with almost everything you said, except this. I'm sick of seeing this.
They weren't doing us a favor by increasing the platinum in these packs. I'm fairly certain they launched the packs with less than the amount of plat they intended to include with it, and planned to raise it to elicit exactly this sort of response from people. They've valued platinum way lower in every other pack like this, even accounting for the regal aya, and this was suppose to be a 10 year celebration pack. You'd think it would've been bursting at the seams with value. But it wasn't, it was undervalued, and they sure as hell didn't do that on accident.
They knew it would be hated. They have a history of getting extreme backlash for time limited and cash only items. They planned that pr move in advance. They may have just severely underestimated how bad the backlash would be.
But even if they didn't plan to do that the entire time, a PR move is still all that it was. Don't act like they were doing us all a huge favor by changing a few digits on an infinitely replicatable bit of code so that people that paid more than the price of a triple A game to get it, could get an extra couple character models or bypass a few extra crafting timers that shouldn't even exist.

It cost them pennies, and did nothing but reward the people that already emptied their wallets, with stuff they should've gotten way more of for paying that much to begin with, and reinforced the shills with a little example of "look, they care!" to blindly throw around. When at best it was an empty gesture, and at worst it was premeditated psychological manipulation.

It didn't make what they did better. It didn't do anything to appease the vast majority of the people that had a problem with it. If anything it was a middle finger to them. I would've preferred just an apology, and we didn't even get that. just "wow that really pissed people off, guess we won't do that again". Not the first time they've said this on the subject of timed exclusives.

Stop using that action as a shield for them. There's a ton of other good they've done. A lot to praise them for. But not that. They don't deserve it for that.

Yeah, fair enough. You've made a good point and changed my mind on this.

It is very scummy and thinking on this, it really wasn't a change to be praised at all.

Guess their PR move worked on me which is a bit embarrassing to say.

Also sucks that those skins put a massive damper on my tennocon experience. I remember sitting there at the end feeling angry even after seeing something that should make me ecstatic. Really not a thing i should be feeling at the end of the big event because of the "10th year celebration".

Also knowing that to this day i can't buy them separately really sucks. Especially as they are going to be gone by end of December.

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