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what are players referring to when mentioning steel path SP?



I read things like im doing a 2 hour sp. or finish the nodes get in sp. etc etc.

does it mean just steel path nodes in general? do ppl use sp to refer to a specific sp mission like void casscade? if someone says there is good loot in sp. it means just in general running the nodes again to farm? this is what i thought at first but it seems like people are just speed running nodes just like regular path. resulting in pretty short reward screens. or do ppl just use it as a general term that can mean many things. ty

oh also is there any other way to buy formas? just asking since it takes forever to build em 1 by 1 

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2 answers to this question

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2 hours ago, 7bigpete said:

does it mean just steel path nodes in general? do ppl use sp to refer to a specific sp mission like void casscade?

Depends on the context, but in general it means the endless missions. Sometimes the Void Fissures (there are SP versions).

2 hours ago, 7bigpete said:

if someone says there is good loot in sp. it means just in general running the nodes again to farm?

SP has modifier to drops and much better enemies spawn than normal missions, so If you plan to drop stuff from enemies this is much better choice to farm this. If your items drop from rotation prizes instead, there is no reason to do SP.

2 hours ago, 7bigpete said:

this is what i thought at first but it seems like people are just speed running nodes just like regular path

There are 5 challenges daily that provide you with 5 Steel Essence upon completion, so you rather run them fast.

2 hours ago, 7bigpete said:

oh also is there any other way to buy formas? just asking since it takes forever to build em 1 by 1 

There is Forma bundle on the market (3 built forma) for plat. There are some granted for Nightwave progress sometimes. Here are all the sources on WIki:

Forma | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom

As for the building, it is like first rule of Warframe: Always Have a Forma Building in the Foundry.

You will have plenty in no time.

Edited by Zakkhar
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