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Ok, HUD Cleanup Time

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Categorical Customization + Much Needed Stats, ala

  1. Ability Stats (why can't we see these?)
  2. Ability Buffs (every icon-related thing our abilities are doing for us)
  3. Enemy Debuffs (actually pretty rare outside of eximus but they happen)
  4. Weapon Buffs (arcanes mostly)
  5. Resistances (total resistance plz [not just Adaptation])
  6. and total combined ARMOR (with DR% if possible) - (why can't we see this?)

These would be the categories (except for armor which would be under health & shields).

Then let us put these categories anywhere we like on the HUD (or nowhere if that's what we want). Like a movable box that autofills with icons.

That way we can have the resistance over here, the enemy debuffs over here, the weapon stuff over here, and the ability stats over there. It'd still not be ideal: ideally we'd want something more robust for resistances especially (not jumbling them, but having each as an active or inactive icon so they are always in the same place) and probably buffs and debuffs too (although that'd be much harder / impossible to generalize), but it'd be a solid start.

It's jumbled and cluttered and it'd be pleasant if it was efficient and clean instead.

Edited by CrownOfShadows
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It'd be nice if we could color types of buffs or sources of buffs differently. I have trouble picking out the important buffs from all of my weapon stacks and buffs from other players. It's very hard to read at a glance if all my Octavia buffs are up when there's two multishot buffs, two gunCO buffs, three weapon arcane buffs, warframe arcane buffs or cooldowns, etc. I don't need the UI to let me put my health bar wherever I want to use it but being able to minimize or recolor types of buffs I do or don't care about (separating ability buffs from mod and arcane buffs, f/x) would make that part of the UI much more accessible.

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