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Warrior's Rest is garbage

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I get: a bugged exilus mod that sometimes doesn't work, a band aid fix for Excalibur Umbra's badly designed and terribly performing Passive, a meager +15% strength (now that is just an insult to injury)

I lose: a whole mod slot, which can be used for Primed Surefooted (literally one of the best mods in the game) or one of the Drift mods, one of which provides the same +15% strength bonus AND other benefits.

Does it seem like a good trade to you, DE? Because from my perspective I'm being put between a rock and a hard place of either having to never use Operator mode with Umbra so that I could still use PSF, or remove his passive with this mod and never take him to the level of content where he might die in less than a second of staying still.

Either give us an Augment slot already, which is something the community has been asking for years now cause plently of warframes are TERRIBLE without their augments. Or just let us disable it in some other way, for example through in-game menu.

Or give him a different passive that doesn't suck by interfering with the gameplay. My suggestion: change his passive to a mix of Dagath's 3rd ability and Sevagoth's passive - you automatically revive after killing several enemies, HAVE to use Exalted Blade to kill, and have to wait 2-3 minutes of cooldown before you could do that again.

Edited by Darkbring
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I agree with everything you said, Umbra is the best available version of excalibur and we are punished for playing him.

The sentience passive doesn't have any uses, it's just a nerf to excalibur.

Please DE, either remove the passive entirely and forget it existed or remove it from the base kit and LATER add it as an augment and not vice versa.

We shouldn't be forced to waste a mod slot (which mind you, excalibur desperately needs) to play without bugs and btw this situation can't be compared to nezha and zephyr because their passives while might not appeal to everyone they aren't bugged on the other hand umbra's passive has GAME BREAKING bugs 

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