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You Are One Of Us... Valkyr.


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Vendel came back gasping from lack of action threw three blueprints to Esran who grabbed them looked at them.


Esran: "Looks like brother prison have had fun on brawling with Zanuka"

Vendel: "A bit challenging... Sadly yes Shade got destroyed"

Esran: "No wonder on first time against something like this mission"

Vendel: "Yeap. You see anything new on them"


Argon grabs the blueprints from Esran.


Argon: "Obvious I have had seen these on the move already. Valkyr" Threw bps to Baije.

Baije: "So we construct this?"

Darul: "Of course. New troop to boot is always good"

Dalagan: "What kind of fight it was?"

Vendel: "Even with coolant leak that fight was seriously boring... Even if loosing a bit blood"

Baije: "Well I am putting these to be constructed. Darul come with me"

Darul: "Energy spikes?"

Baije: "Yeap. What would you wait for not covered electricity wires"

Darul: "So charging up the batteries. Well being careful is opposite from sin"


Baije and Darul heads to construction site where Darul sees what Baije has spent time on mostly.


Darul: "Damn do you know how many bangs you would be able to do with these babies?"

Baije: "A lot but they are not finished yet"

Darul: "My lady when will we have test run?"

Baije: "That will take a long time. I need several thousands of alloy plate, ferrite and ciphers. Unless you are wanting to hunt for those"

Darul: "Damn you are demanding. Very well but after this"

Baije: "Of course"


Baije and Darul putted on large production sequence as it was safe to leave alone both then to report Is'Gol who was meditating but hearing that Baije and Darul was coming he went to welcome them.


Baije: "Construction of Valkyr has started and it is nearly finished"

Is'Gol: "That is good news one more troop to boot for our team. Better yet. One more tenno kept away from Lotus"

Darul: "As the important thing yes"


*blast shake the HQ knocking everybody in the HQ on their backs or other positions*


Darul: "WTF was that?!"


Darul: "Reconstruction site! Nida here is Darul send Dalagan, Esran and Vendel. I am on my way!" *as Speed away running extremely fast*

Is'Gol: "I have something extremely dangerous and scary on my mind. And I don't like it"

Baije: "We will see. Come on Sage we got to defend places"

Is'Gol: "Of course. I am old. Not stupid" *as they run towards other side of the attack*


After repulsing the attack damage report was given. And extremely bad news were recovered. On a meeting at meeting room. Everybody sat down.


Is'Gol: "Ridan say the damage report. A loud"

Ridan: "Several stugan soldiers were wounded but not killed, tons of wall damage and twenty defending outposts were destroyed... And... Valkyr... Has been stolen"

Darul: "Damn... Is'Gol what is your plan? Will we get her out of there?"

Is'Gol: "I know *as turns around and looks to one of the moons of jupiter... Gasping extremely long time* Darul and Dalagan you two come with me to those fiends down and get Valkyr out of there. Rest stay fix up the places"


Darul, Dalagan and Is'Gol went to a mission to rescue Valkyr from Themisto as they saw other attacks was already dispatched to there. Lotus contacted to these three Tenno elders.


Lotus: "What are you three doing in here? This is our responsibility area"

Is'Gol: "We have our own business in here. One of us were captured on attack to our HQ now shut your pretty mouth and let us do our job. If we meet any Tenno who are raising fire against us. I will send their death screams like a music to my ears to be listened by you. Understood?"

Lotus: "Understood" *contact broke down and Tenno elders were left to Corpus HQ to mission*

Is'Gol: "You two extraction point to here. Secure it and don't leave anybody who enters there alive. While I go end this once and for all"

Darul: "Roger that"

Dalagan: "Sir, yes sir"


Is'Gol in fury and rage dispatched every last corpus who he saw to hell when he finally breached the main throne room of Alad V next to of him Zanuka preparing itself.


Is'Gol: "We meet again. Ally"

Alad V: "Do you have any idea how much damage you just caused to my beautiful... Home?"

Is'Gol: "That why I said Ally. We met like this once. And we meet now again like this. Now speak where... Is... Valkyr?"

Alad V: "More I will reconstruct you and weld in to Zanuka. Zanuka kill him"

Is'Gol: "Come here pussy raised son of a $#*(@. Let's see has those lessons what I gave you teach you at all"


Zanuka attacked to Is'Gol who put Zanuka to frozen solid raised it from ground threw high to air as Zanuka finally met ground Is'Gol prepared his Fragor pointed towards window. Zanuka landed hard on the ground Is'Gol swing the hammer like a golf club sending whole monster through the window. Is'Gol putted the hammer on his back froze Alad V from his hands and feet to ground created a frozen wall behind Alad V.


Is'Gol: "I can take insults *punches in to Alad's face* Like a man. I can take damage to my HQ *another punch to face even harder than last one* Like a man. I can take damage to my men *even harder punch to Alad's face* Like a man. But if you take one of those who I really care *starts to choke rips off left arm from Alad* There is nothing that can save you... From my RAGE!" *rips off the another arm letting go from throat of Alad who was screaming from pain*


Is'Gol let ice go from Alad kicked this on his stomach. Took good grip from Alad's head dropping the Fragor pulled the head off from Alad's body.


Is'Gol: "Ruk were right on you. And I have to say. I take my mistakes like a man" *throws the head to air kicks the Fragor from the ground took the Fragor from the air swing this on Alad's head smashing this to pieces leaving only blooded pieces and parts of brain lie on the ground*


Is'Gol went to rescue Valkyr who saw everything what Is'Gol did and heard everything what Is'Gol said. Is'Gol walked in front of Valkyr and looked on her armor...


Is'Gol: "I don't need to help you. Tear them off of you"

Valkyr: "I can't move"

Is'Gol: "I pity you then weak... Like you look like"


Is'Gol saw huge amount of energy stacking up on the armor Is'Gol saw through his and Valkyr's helmet that she was going to get angry what he said. Valkyr rip everything what was on her off took grip from Is'Gol's shoulder but then all the anger and rage went away. Valkyr collapsed on to floor looking on her hands and nearly start to cry. Is'Gol sit down and took Valkyr's upper body near of his head.


Is'Gol: "It is all over now. You are now one of us... Valkyr... Valendine"

Valendine: "One of who?" *as she raise her head to look on Is'Gol's Aurora helmet*

Is'Gol: "Tenno Mercenaries Corporation. Faction of free will Tenno who have broke out from era of darkness"

Valendine: "TMC... Who are you?"

Is'Gol: *raises up with Valendine* "I... I am Is'Gol... Leader and Founder of this corporation"

Valendine: "Get me out of here: I can't stand about my memories"

Is'Gol: "You are strong but not enough like me, Darul and Dalagan" *Is'Gol raises Valendine on his back carrying this to extraction point*


When they finally arrived to extraction point.


Dalagan: "Valkyr... Are you alright? Can you walk?"

Valendine: "I am okay. Thanks to him"

Darul: "*whistle* One more... *Dalagan turns to look on Darul* Power house for our stack"

Valendine: "Just say straight. I can't stand lies now"

Darul: "Well... Just look at her. So... Sexy with jail brake style"

Valendine: riplines on Darul's throat pulls this in front of her "Any beautiful like this?"

Darul: "After meeting like this... Mean lady best lady"

Dalagan: "Like you have said from everybody. Come on let's go home"


Everybody stepped on the board and the moon fighter dust off to TMC HQ. After arrival and Valendine had enough time to think will she accept to become one of the TMC Tenno mercenaries. She spent time with Is'Gol practicing use of her warframe's powers as they all were trained and Valendine had big day in front of her. The day of decision.

She stepped in to Is'Gol's meditation chamber.


Valendine: "Is'Gol"

Is'Gol: *raises up to his feet on ceremony syandana and colors* "Yes my lady?"

Valendine: "I am taking the place to be one of your kind"

Is'Gol: "I am glad to hear that Valendine. This ceremony color and syandana... Were just meant for this very day. Okay everybody come out to meet our new member"


All other members came out from their hiding places showing off their skills as Is'Gol read through mission log of best deeds and break through. First was Dalagan with bullet time and pull off show. Then came Darul running in throwing Despair to hope and Objection then was Baije with bass sound and jet fighter demonstration. Argon and Esran with capoera battle dance with every kind of blades. Vendel demonstrating tactics and strategies then he introduced himself.


Ridan with medical outbreak show and combat mastery. Nida with beautiful antimatter show and introducing himself. Then last was Is'Gol introducing his mastery on ice and channeling moisture on air in to magnificent sculptures and death wish mission code twelve battle. As it was all over everybody went in same line.


All ten Tenno Mercenaries: "Welcome to team Valendine!"


Right now every last mercenary is now preparing for missions and practicing much as they can for future fights were they going to torment... Or save the galaxy all of them step by step forward to free the solar system.


If somebodies are thinking where is Rhino and Nekros well...


Rhino got killed on invasion event when stalker appeared to fight against him (on side of Corpus at first days) well it ended up KIA.


While Nekros...


Nekon Nekros: "Shao. Back from the holiday"

Nida: "Neoda how went your holiday?"

Nekon: "Good went up to punching some faces like a boss"

Is'Gol: "Back to the brink captain"

Nekon: "Well seems like to be hell what I left behind for a while. Where's the new one?"

Valendine: riplane sneakly around throat pulls Nekon on her grasp "I am here"

Nekon: "Oh nice... Can you release me?" *while being choked a bit*

Valendine: "Of course" *releases Nekon who coughs a bit*

Is'Gol: "She is well trained and ready to go remember this boy" *pats on Nekon's helmet*

Nekon: *cough cough cough* "It can be felt and seen" *cough cough cough*

Darul: "She is... *Valendine looks on Darul* Perfect and looks good"

Nekon: "Looks like somebody is being bossed around a bit" *cough cough*

Darul: "Mm... Can't deny that fact. But hey mean lady best lady"

Valendine: "So where you were while I? You know"

Nekon: "Dealing with Darvo and his deals after those small holiday with him. Like dudes does"

Dalagan: "Back to our HQ. Ridan what's the status of Stugan Soldiers?"

Ridan: "Up and ready to go"

Dalagan: "Good and I see you have met Valendine already Nekon"

Nekon: *scolding neck* "A bit more polite meet up would have had been *Valendine looks on Nekon* Hmm... Worse"

Valendine: "Hey where is Vendel?"

Argon: "Sleeping on that chair as usual he recovered blueprints of you. Remember?"

Valendine: "Yes I do but we are on a meeting" *ripline and makes it sound like a whip next to of Vendel*

Vendel: "HYAAH!" *jumping with the chair and chair lands on him as he lands on the ground* "Why Valendine? I did this all for you!"

Valendine: "Because we have a meeting on going"

Vendel: "*GASP*!"

Esran: "Get up!"

Vendel: "Hold up a moment... *raises up and straights his back making some sounds* Man that feels painful" sits down to meeting chair.

Is'Gol: "How about the base anymore damage able to be seen?"

Argon: "Everything is like they used to be"

Valendine: "Who are Stugan soldiers?"

Is'Gol: "Small brother faction of us. They works on defending this place while we are away or in here. Highly durable, fast enough to out run a single Ogris rocket, enough strong to penetrate a warframe with bare handed power fist strike, men who knows nothing else pleasing them than dead opponent and best of all loyal to us with line"

Valendine: "When we will meet?"

Is'Gol: "Today you will be meeting them. Enough of talking now. Let us celebrate"


Dalagan teleports rapidly on three different places dropping the white blank cover and showing a great hall of resting and enjoyment. All of them used their time like they wanted. After few hours Valendine had sneaked out to go meet Stugan soldiers as she arrived to one of the barrack's hallways where some of the Stugan soldiers on their armors were talking as they raised their helmets and saw Valendine they stood up and took position.


Stugan soldier: "Stugan soldier TtO03 ready"

Stugan soldier: "Stugan soldier GOH91 ready"

Valendine: "Rest. What kind of persons you are?"

GOH91: "We have killed the hell, destroyed a battalion of grineers, corpus and infestation. We have had been scouting the void and cleansing the Derelicts"

Valendine: "You sure that you haven't been corrupted?"

TtO03: "That is impossible... We have a lot of defense for those things. Radiation shields, Anti Neuro sentry, Mind protection implant and few other things what I don't right now remember"

Valendine: "Is there only two of you?"

GOH91: "There is about hundred of us"

Valendine: "You two are the best?"

GOH91: "Not even close. Pretty much new ones"

Valendine: "Impress me"


Stugan soldiers looked on each other and asked Valendine to follow them to simulator room. Where was already one of the best soldiers on action. Jumping on huge distances and high same time firing odd kind of weapon sending out explosive projectiles as this landed reloaded weapon and switched to another one aimed on the enemy's head and blasted the enemy to pieces. Valendine loved the sight. Soldier reloaded his weapon and walked away from center of the room.


Stugan soldier: "Hey you t... Madame Valendine what are you doing in here?"

Valendine: "Waiting for impression. And I know somebody who is able to do it"

Stugan soldier: "Me? Those two? *waves head to left and right* Oh no. We haven't talked anything like this"

Valendine: "Your name is?"

Stugan soldier: "*gasp* TOPO4 nice to meet you ma'am"

Valendine: "You handle yourself pretty well. Can you show how to use this arena?"

TOPO4: "If you ask so" *shows how to use the arena* Any questions?"

Valendine: *presses some buttons bringing up some enemies to the field claps her hand* "Get 'em show me what you can do against this horde"

TOPO4: "Oh come on!" *runs towards the action reloading a personal auto cannon*


TOPO4 brought a hell kind of damage on enemies with his carried arsenal of weaponry as the battlefield was clean again he walked in front of Valendine who was amazed by the superior tactics, movement, power and knowledge. TOPO4 sat down in front of Valendine who just woke up from her sight.


TOPO4: "Lady Valendine. Don't say that I will have anything like that again *while gasping*"

Valendine: "Magnificent work. Get some rest" *TOPO4 went numb and lied on the ground in same time started sleeping* "I... A bit over killed?"

GOH91: "Totally. No exceptions"

Valendine: "This is a bit embarrassing. Well get your friend to living quarters I will return back to my kind"

TtO03: "As you command Valendine" *both raises sleeping TOPO4 from ground and carries this to living quarters and Valendine went back to TMC HQ.


Everybody was going through things and doing some execsizes to race who is better on knowledge it came down to Is'Gol and Vendel it was tight but Is'Gol came out victorious because of experience Valendine went to talk with Is'Gol face to face.


Valendine: "I went to meet Stugan soldiers"

Is'Gol: "Well had nice time on spectating the destruction what they can bring"

Valendine: "Oh it was beautiful. Except that I a bit over shot a challenge for one of them"

Is'Gol: "Did he die? Was he wounded after it?"

Valendine: "No collapse in front of me and fall asleep" *Is'Gol grins a bit*

Is'Gol: "How usual humans they are Valendine. We are Tenno. They are humans but harvesters of death. Come let me show thir weaponry"


Is'Gol shows the weaponry available for them and for the Stugan soldiers. Standard 36 round magazine machine gun with several barrels available, Assault pistol, Semi automatic shotgun with 14 shells on disposal to wreck havoc, 30 rounds Personal Auto cannon, Concussion plasma rifle with two different firing modes and magazine holding 80 shots to kill things, last but not least gauss cannon sniper rifle holding up to 5 shots and deals a lot of damage, armor comes with charge able power punch, combat knife, stamina system for jumping extremely high or run extremely fast also for quick evasion moves, Grenades able to thrown as what they are or charge them up to extremely HE grenade.


Valendine: "Oh so much good weapons!"

Is'Gol: "Sadly yes the Stugan armor holds 200 shields and 200 health but with that kind of mobility saving yourself with this armor will not a huge problem"

Valendine: "Can I try them?"

Is'Gol: "You will need to ask a permission from Stugan Soldiers. We have our own things and they has their own. Any questions?"

Valendine: "About of Nekon"

Is'Gol: "Aa... Him. What's wrong?"

Valendine: "Well he said that he was on holiday. You all do that some time?"

Is'Gol: "Yeap. There is no man or Tenno who wouldn't push aside a possible holiday"

Valendine: "When you will have holiday?"

Is'Gol: "After three months. Why do you ask?"

Valendine: "Who will be leading us while you are out on holiday?"

Is'Gol: "Dalagan and Darul. The volt and loki. They are one of the oldest persons on my memory"

Valendine: "I heard that Darul had survived an impale through his cheek and nearly touching his back but I don't see why Dalagan deserves to be a leader?"

Is'Gol: "He murdered twin sisters... Well we thought so bloody smart grineers had cloned them. Well at least that will tell that there is no messing around on our territory"

Valendine: "Territory?"

Is'Gol: "Lotus is handling the the current solar system while we work on keeping Corpus, Grineers and Infestation away from Origin system and keeping them inside the current solar system. That reminds me about that I should send you to mission *starts to look for good mission from datapad* Here you need to deliver this datamass located at Grineer territory to Lotus and to her Tennos. Our machinery is not enough good to get info out of it so I decided to hand it over to Lotus. I am really sure about that she will crack it open"

Valendine: "Lotus?"

Is'Gol: "Lotus is a AI or at least I think so. Who woke us Tenno up to defend the Orokin secrets same time creating an enemy. They are attempting to save the current solar system but we are still tie on it. That how I break out from her grip was pretty much accident. I had stored some of my data and memories on a Datamass what Lotus opened she displayed those causing flashbacks on my head also a lot of headache. I remembered what kind of person Lotus is that I swore to myself. That I wouldn't never serve her. Not because she is evil. She is just protecting something what shouldn't be protected"

Valendine: "What is your goal then?"

Is'Gol: "Build up this Corporation get Tenno away from Lotus and from her iron grip then expel her back to void what we have had been raiding, stealing, killing and diying for. I know myself too that Orokin secrets must not fall to our enemies also I know that they must not fall on hands of Lotus she would become too strong and dangerous. The powers of void are volatile and vicious. They are too much about these that why I want to keep them out of our solar system"

Valendine: "What about this guy the black and red colored?" *shows a picture*

Is'Gol: "Stalker... My brother... That is a long story *opens a video file and puts it on* He was originally known as Geroun he was just like us Tenno but he found some files about us Tenno and Orokin what actually are... Dark... Evil and extremely shameful past well... The war started from us the reason why were freeze away from everything Lotus 'gave us a chance to make it alright' but he uses totally wrong tools. Geroun hunts everybody else than us to punish and divide Tenno numbers because what we did. He does come to challenge us to show that he is good and should have a place between us but I am not sure what his goals are"

Valendine: "Can you tell more about him?"

Is'Gol: "Well the time when he became what he is right now happened in front of my very own eyes. I saw how painful it looked like, I saw how bad we were. He wanted me to leave I took him to here it was smaller back then I went through his memory and I tried to deny it but it all was right. He spoke me that everything what read, everything what I saw... Is correct it was time when I was under command of Lotus that wasn't enough to convince me to leave command of Lotus until I got my files back"

Valendine: "You mean that... Orokin froze you all to make sure that there wouldn't break out a civil war inside the Tenno"

Is'Gol: "Maybe, Maybe not. I don't know anybody of doesn't know we can only guess why they did this. Sure about one thing is that I am not going to start a war with Lotus and her Tenno... I do not want a war inside Tenno numbers... As my files were opened up Stalker appeared to that very situation whispered me that she is not the one who I want to work for my files convinced me I took the datamass with me and run out of the HQ where Lotus is Stalker with me"

Valendine: "Does it mean that if he is your brother you are working with him?"

Is'Gol: "No... It is just quiet accept what we are between us. I want him to be what he was once. My brother spreading terror and fear to Tenno numbers. I have seen what he became after few trainings with me. He became too strong he annihilated everything what he saw and he appeared to me kneel next to of me saying 'My training made his work too easy what I gave him made his work too easy' He loves challenge just like I"

Valendine: "You have a dark past. What about you how did you deserve leader ship in TMC?"

Is'Gol: "There is a lot of things what has made me a hero between Tenno every tenno in this solar system knows my name. Spreads that knowledge what I have done what bad things what good things. As they sees me they salutes and says my name"

Edited by Revel72
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(gonna actually read it though)


Go ahead -.-


clicks thread.

you swear im going to read that.

wait for negative replies.


I don't give a S#&$ -.- you have right to write your opinion -.-


My eyes...I cannot read this, it's some kind of elvish.


Yes the grammar sucks. I know -.-


Pretty good story and connecting Valkyr :)


Key word frighten (if that was correctly announced) With few comedy clips -.- (What Darul said [Volt])

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