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What's The Deal With The Aklex?


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I would say, don't be so sure until you use it.


The dual Vasto sounds and looks good on the paper, but me and a few in the forum actually prefer the single one.


Not to forget they removed the V polarity on the duals. Which is totally.............

Edited by Krysis_V
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Mmm, I sympathise with the OP's argument. Just having increased fire rate and magazine size is enough of an advantage to make the Aklex worthwhile compared to the Lex. Why change crit and status chance too? If there wasn't this additional difference, there'd be a good reason to choose between the Lex and Aklex; playstyle. I prefer Dual Vastos because I like firing out tons of bullets, because I'm not a great shot; some people will prefer the Vasto because it's an accurate semi-auto sniper.


I agree, either buff the Lex, or remove the Aklex's crit and status chance advantage. People would still use the Aklex even without that.

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Guess what? A more powerful weapon doesn't suddenly make yours obsolete. You said it before, you like the lex. Use the lex. Nothing, other than mastery points, is forcing you at all to use the Aklex. And don't you dare use better stats as an excuse, i used the Kogake for an extremely long time. Were there better Melee weapons? Hell yah there were. Did I care? No. Why? It was a FUN WEAPON TO USE.

probably because Lex could have used a buff a long time ago and only Alex got it. Unless of course, you believe that old weapons shouldn't be buffed at all

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I agree with the OP.  The Aklex shouldn't have better stats per shot than the regular Lex.  It makes absolutely no sense why putting two together would make the gun stronger.  Some "wonder twin powers activate" nonsense.

The-the-the spirit energy from each gun are able to reach each other as they are held in close proximity, the Orokin Cell acts as a amplifier for the soul energy of each Lex so they can radiate strongly enough from their guns and the zone at which the auras of these two energies meet fuse and resonate, releasing a pulse of sheer Tenno power that will change the shape of the bullets increasing the likelihood of scoring a critical hit!!!!

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So by its definition, the Aklex being more powerful does in fact make the Lex obsolete. It's irresponsible to make direct upgrades to weapons like they just have with the Lex, when players have to sink real money into the weapon to bring it to its full potential. Not to mention how power creep is a problem all of its own, they fixed a lot of that with the rebalancing of weapons that came with Damage 2.0, there's no reason for them to start that up again.

I see what the OP had in mind.

DE gave you the option to spend real money, but they never told you to. Right now, you should already realize that whatever weapon you are using,

there might probably be a dual version of it. Even if it doesn't make sense. DE wants you to spend, but they never directly told you to. 

(in my mind, the only justifiable and safe things to buy are slots and cosmetics.)


Who knows what the devs are thinking? maybe we'd get dual ballisticas. Or dual kunai, or hikou,even though you are already holding one in each hand, maybe you can put the extras between your fingers. 

What i agree on is the crit chance and status chance. In theory, the chances of that proccing are increased since you have an increased clip. No need to increase it more. Just don't make the same "they are irresponsible blah blah" argument again. You're not gonna get what you want that way.

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The-the-the spirit energy from each gun are able to reach each other as they are held in close proximity, the Orokin Cell acts as a amplifier for the soul energy of each Lex so they can radiate strongly enough from their guns and the zone at which the auras of these two energies meet fuse and resonate, releasing a pulse of sheer Tenno power that will change the shape of the bullets increasing the likelihood of scoring a critical hit!!!!

HA! Soul Eater.


Anywho, I agree with the OP. Like it or not, the fact that each pistol has better stats simply because you are holding two of them is redonkulous. It's powercreep, more visible than previous iterations due to having a mirror. The trade-off should always be Accuracy and Reload speed vs. Capacity and Fire Rate. And even then, the Ak-variants win out most the time.

most *cuddles insta-reload Vasto*


I would like to see the Lex get this crit and reload speed buff soon. 

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Interesting choice with the buff. I wonder if DE's trying to say something with it.


It'd make a little more sense if it has a mastery rank attached to it.


This is the opposite of what happened to the Vasto - dual version ended up being a little worse with the missing polarity slot.

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I always thought the idea of wield akimbo Lex was nothing but a funny imagining. It's essentially a future-Desert Eagle, which has much too much recoil for most people to even fire a single version of.


However, DE, you clearly went for it. The Aklex, like any other akimbo weapon, trading fire rate and magazine size for accuracy and reload speed.


Except, in this case, the Aklex is a direct upgrade.


The Lex has a 15% Critical Chance, and a 10% Status Chance. With the weakness of the pistol critical mods, it already makes a crit build on the Lex tricky, but doable. And the Lex wasn't really designed for status proccing, though in this day and age, every viable weapon needs to have some kind of chance for it.


Now, the Aklex has a 20% Critical Chance, and a 15% Status Chance. A DE-rekt (DE wrecked the Lex) upgrade. Aklex has, in addition to the tradition akimbo fire rate and magazine size, a complete upgrade in certain stats that will make the Aklex ALWAYS a stronger weapon than the Lex.


This is completely #*($%%@. Either buff the Lex to meet the Aklex' stats, or nerf the Aklex' crit and status chance to the Lex' level, please. This is power creep that can be fixed so easily, there's no reason for this, please.


I love the Lex and am looking forward to the Aklex (lol that name...) but I have to agree - even with dropping accuracy and reload time for fire rate, it was already verrrrrry close to a direct upgrade (because fire rate with that beast...), increased crit and status means it's even more nuts. Obviously I'd rather see the Lex brought up than the Aklex down, but either way...



logically, it makes sense, you're using 2 guns so you are more likely to hit crits and proc status - common sense is lacking here


Haha, no, think about it a bit harder.

Why are you more likely to get crits and procs with two guns?

Because you're firing twice as many bullets.


But each bullet is individual. So there is absolutely no logical or common sense reason why the crit or prc rate would be higher. You are going to get more procs and crits because of the increased fire rate. Really you need to think about this harder. This is basic logic.

Edited by Eurhetemec
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The point of a sniper, pocket-sized or otherwise, is to deal high amounts of damage in individual shots at long range. Even akimbo, the Aklex will still be accurate enough to use at range, I'm sure of that, and with the higher critical and status chance, it'll out-damage the Lex in pretty much every situation, except MAYBE at ranges that almost nobody fights at.

Have you made and used the aklex? if no then you have no viable experince to say theyre a straight upgrade, cuase stats dont always translate to how they work out in game. Plus you have to use an orokin cell which in game should give it some sort of upgrade, They do make reactors, catalysts, and prime weapons and frames. so It would make sense if it gave some boost to what its used in. The boost it gives them isnt too great either, it boosts up something purely based on chance. If it upped damage then yes call power creep all day, 5% is nothing special though. But as I first said if you havent used them dont cry out power creep.


If something were to be done about it Id ratherthe lex be boosted to the same level as ak lex

Edited by Adamant_Pariah
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logically, it makes sense, you're using 2 guns so you are more likely to hit crits and proc status - common sense is lacking here

logically, it doesn't make sense. 2 identical guns proc more likely than 1 gun in the same period of time because they're firing more shots, not because holding an extra gun magically increases the luckiness of each bullet - common sense is lacking here

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logically, it doesn't make sense. 2 identical guns proc more likely than 1 gun in the same period of time because they're firing more shots, not because holding an extra gun magically increases the luckiness of each bullet - common sense is lacking here


the way the engine works however, means that each (ak)lex dosen't have an individual crit chance though, so im sure the extra % is there to represent this - i mean really, does it even matter? this far into the game the old lex is pretty much medieval stuff anyway, and even if its total bullS#&$, if you don't like the weapon, don't use it - its not like its PvP or anything...

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the way the engine works however, means that each (ak)lex dosen't have an individual crit chance though, so im sure the extra % is there to represent this - i mean really, does it even matter? this far into the game the old lex is pretty much medieval stuff anyway, and even if its total bullS#&$, if you don't like the weapon, don't use it - its not like its PvP or anything...

Where and when did was it mentioned or hinted that I didn't like the Alex? Boosting Alex's critical chance alone isn't to represent the fact that they would be more likely to inflict more critical hits than the Lex within the same short period of time, the higher rate of fire will already reflect this. What's wrong with this is how DE finally remembered that Lex could use a buff, but only gave it to its dual-wielded counterpart. And yes it does matter, just because a weapon is old doesn't mean that it should be forgotten. Whether or not a game is PvP is irrelevant to this matter. No one's asking to nerf Alex. What we need is the critical chance buff to be given to Lex as well, so she isn't forgotten.

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Where and when did was it mentioned or hinted that I didn't like the Alex? Boosting Alex's critical chance alone isn't to represent the fact that they would be more likely to inflict more critical hits than the Lex within the same short period of time, the higher rate of fire will already reflect this. What's wrong with this is how DE finally remembered that Lex could use a buff, but only gave it to its dual-wielded counterpart. And yes it does matter, just because a weapon is old doesn't mean that it should be forgotten. Whether or not a game is PvP is irrelevant to this matter. No one's asking to nerf Alex. What we need is the critical chance buff to be given to Lex as well, so she isn't forgotten.


The not liking was more aimed at the OP then yourself (could be wrong with that too, or he's just pissed cause of forma/potato's - but who wouldn't be?) My mind is broken so I may just be totally wrong in thinking 2 guns being more likely to crit/proc makes sense (space logic, one confusing son of *@##$), even so not even that huge of a change, only 5%?

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Perhaps something that would make a bit more a sense regarding the higher proc rates and crit rates plus resolve the issue with the lex potentially becoming obsolete would be this:


Make the Aklex only useable by those who have mastered the single wield lex to level 30.


That way you could possibly say that the higher crit rates and proc rates are due to the frames past expertise in that weapon (of course it still doesn't explain why a lvl30 single lex has an inferior rate - but at least it may be a step in the right direction)

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Perhaps something that would make a bit more a sense regarding the higher proc rates and crit rates plus resolve the issue with the lex potentially becoming obsolete would be this:


Make the Aklex only useable by those who have mastered the single wield lex to level 30.


That way you could possibly say that the higher crit rates and proc rates are due to the frames past expertise in that weapon (of course it still doesn't explain why a lvl30 single lex has an inferior rate - but at least it may be a step in the right direction)


thats one of the most brilliant ideas i think ive seen recently, actually giving slight bonuses to a mastered weapon :3  gives more purpose to use and keep other than mastery :P

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Now, the Aklex has a 20% Critical Chance, and a 15% Status Chance. A DE-rekt (DE wrecked the Lex) upgrade. Aklex has, in addition to the tradition akimbo fire rate and magazine size, a complete upgrade in certain stats that will make the Aklex ALWAYS a stronger weapon than the Lex.


This is completely #*($%%@. Either buff the Lex to meet the Aklex' stats, or nerf the Aklex' crit and status chance to the Lex' level, please. This is power creep that can be fixed so easily, there's no reason for this, please.

are u joking? 2 lex´s have to be all the time better as only one

and the crit change the whole build of this gun , u can´t do the same number of elemental mods in like bevore cause u put crit in, it´s an balanced upgrade

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The not liking was more aimed at the OP then yourself (could be wrong with that too, or he's just &!$$ed cause of forma/potato's - but who wouldn't be?) My mind is broken so I may just be totally wrong in thinking 2 guns being more likely to crit/proc makes sense (space logic, one confusing son of $#*(@), even so not even that huge of a change, only 5%?

It's not the crit chance change alone, friend. With Damage 2.0, Lex was given a boost to critical damage. A mere 5% critical chance boost would be further boosted by Pistol Gambit and would have made a Lex critical build even more viable(especially since Damage 2.0 isn't all about rainbow builds anymore). Problem with the change was that only Alex got the critical chance buff, Lex didn't get it.


are u joking? 2 lex´s have to be all the time better as only one

and the crit change the whole build of this gun , u can´t do the same number of elemental mods in like bevore cause u put crit in, it´s an balanced upgrade

are u joking? Dual-wielding was never supposed to be a direct upgrade to performance as compared to a single pistol, holding the same gun in your other hand doesn't magically make your bullets stronger. And your second bit makes zero sense, Alex still wins in the sense that they benefit more from a critical mod loadout than a normal Lex does.

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It's not the crit chance change alone, friend. With Damage 2.0, Lex was given a boost to critical damage. A mere 5% critical chance boost would be further boosted by Pistol Gambit and would have made a Lex critical build even more viable(especially since Damage 2.0 isn't all about rainbow builds anymore). Problem with the change was that only Alex got the critical chance buff, Lex didn't get it.


are u joking? Dual-wielding was never supposed to be a direct upgrade to performance as compared to a single pistol, holding the same gun in your other hand doesn't magically make your bullets stronger. And your second bit makes zero sense, Alex still wins in the sense that they benefit more from a critical mod loadout than a normal Lex does.

i´m not joking dude

and if u looke better u will see that it isn´t the same weapon it´s a bit different model


and it makes sense

lex has less sense to play with crit mods, aklex has the sense

u have to spent elemental/dmg/ however-  mods to put the crit mods in the new gun which only have a chance to crit (dmg loose if u don´t crit)

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the way the engine works however, means that each (ak)lex dosen't have an individual crit chance though, so im sure the extra % is there to represent this - i mean really, does it even matter? this far into the game the old lex is pretty much medieval stuff anyway, and even if its total bullS#&$, if you don't like the weapon, don't use it - its not like its PvP or anything...


No, no, no. Think about it again. It does not make sense. It is not logical. It is not common sense. The engine has this covered with FIRE RATE.

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and it makes sense

lex has less sense to play with crit mods, aklex has the sense

u have to spent elemental/dmg/ however-  mods to put the crit mods in the new gun which only have a chance to crit (dmg loose if u don´t crit)

... What? Just because Alex has higher crit chance does NOT mean that it cannot do as well as the Lex with elemental damage build. Alex however, benefits from a crit mod loadout better than a Lex which should NOT be the case.

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