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Duality Equinox. In deeps review part II


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Hello again. 

After 7 years of maintaning the previous thread, it was locked due to being old. Fair enough I guess?  

You can find the previous info with this link 

So here I gonna consolidate all the useful info into a new thread as well as add new stuff.


Recent CC rework - killed most of the good subsumes, added few interesting abilties.

New guns tests, bugged and amazing ones. 

Showcases of end game content recorded.

Global weapon spreadsheet added



This is Steel Path build focused around Duality augment to make the most of the clone in end game content such as: regular mission types, Disruption, Void cascade, Archon hunts, level cap.

Duality build is not so much an equinox build in itself, more so a weapon build. So it will be focused around guns and other synergies you can get to yourself and your clone.

This is not particularly strong build, but rather something I deeply enjoy tinkering with.



Duality is a rather convoluted (and largely bugged) ability. Here is a short list of core mechanics

Specter use weapon mods, but not all of them work. Mods that provide buffs on timer – such as Galvanized mods – do not work. Mods that provide raw stats do work – such as Rivens. Mods that provide special effects – 50/50 – may work, may not work.

Specter use warframe mods – the rule above apply to that. To put it simple Life, Shield, Armor, Damage reduction will apply to specter.

Almost all Arcanes do not work on specter (there are few powerful exceptions, however)

Almost all Archon shards do not work on specter (there are few powerful exceptions, however)

Specter will always deal 300% dmg regardless of your power strength. This is Mirage type buff. Not Rhino. Doesn’t double dip from status effects.

Specter will lock on and fire at anything in 200m radius in a line of sight prioritizing flying units


Why even play Duality?

Generally – there is no reason to do it. It can be strong, doing millions of damage on its own, but other gun-focused frames can do more.

That being said – its pretty fun to set up and customize loadout in a way that would cause you clone to delete enemies for you, while you stay aside, buffing it or debuffing enemies and charging up your 4 of clone kills.

Overall – you’d want to paly it if you like customizing your guns, build up a synergy between weapons abilities and companions and like the fantasy of summoning a singular powerful minion to your side. Its kinda fun to see warframe AI one-vs-one an Archon.

All that while charging your 4 to nuke the rooms of enemies.



Decide what weapon you want to spawn clone with and use your 1 to change forms.

Activate your 4 and start collecting damage if you wish to. You generally not gonna need it. But its nice, especially if you have full energy anyway.

Relocate your Duality clone and/or change its weapons depending on situation. Some guns are better when Acolyte spawns. Some are better against crowd of enemies.

Group up and CC enemies with subsumed ability for your clone to kill many at once as well as for enemies not kill your clone

Try to stay in the Mend form to not slow enemy movements as well as gathering overshields for yourself, team and clone. Its perfectly fine to switch forms twice to just avoid staying in Maim.

When you feel that you collected enough damage MAKE SURE you are in a Maim form before releasing it to delete rooms of enemies.


Build specifics

To achieve a comfy playstyle of keeping yourself and clone alive so both of you can delete enemies, there are few things that needs to be combined.

  • Survivability

Vazarin focus school – make yourself and clone  invulnerable, healing both.

Helminth Ability – disable enemies

Shield gating – Fast deflection works amazingly well combined with CC, letting both you and clone gain shield back up faster and thus get shield gate frames.

  • Enemy Armor removal

Emerald shards – work on Duality. Duality guns as well as your own can full strip.

Helminth Ability – while generally better to use as CC, Terrify and Hydroid subsume is a valid armor strip + cc option.

Shattering impact – for enemies that are corrosive immune.

  • Energy sustain

Equilibrium with Synth deconstruct solves it energy problems once and for all.

  • Shards

2x Green – for armor strip. 2x Red - for extra duration. 1 Yellow – for parkour speed. Can use 2 yellow instead of red if not using Praedos.

  • Companions

Are very important. They are a huge chunk of your and your clone survivability

Best companion will surprisingly be Hound. IF it was able to stay live… Huge AOE disarm and spark that instantly primes everything feels so good, but hound has suicidal tendencies and is dead most of the time

So Diriga has to take the top spot. Artax provides room wide freeze procs with new mod – Shivering contagnation, while Arc Coil primes everything with viral and radiation.



Now this is the most important thing. Depending on the weapon Duality can range from feeling great to be garbage. There are huge amount of interactions, bugs and perks Duality can have with most unexpected weapons.

Things that works most of the time: Hitscan, Heat stacking, Incarnon Attrition, Crits, Battery (infinite ammo) weapons.

On top of that weapons you WANT to have must serve at least several purposes so you and duality can make use of all the properties at the same time.

I haven’t tested all of the weapons, but here is a


of most weapon interactions and evaluations

My recommendations – 2 weapons sets

Phantasma Prime + Sporelacer

Felarx + Tennet Cycrone


Subsume abilities

Can be found in the same SPREAD SHEET

My recomendation -  Chyrinka Pillar or  Resonator


SHOWCASE with builds

Extra showcases

Duality vs Necramechs

Duality vs Archon

Duality vs Netracells



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Very nice! I've been running Duality exclusively for years, nice to see another Tenno explore the limits 😊

Mirage total Eclipse(with the new changes) can help with the specters survivalbility and damage. I'm mainly melee though, so most of my builds are around that and my Vasca. 

On my next day off I'd love to share some builds on this thread. I'm gonna go look at that old thread, can't believe I've never seen that lol. 

Edit: Saw the spread sheet for the Eclipse, it's been working ok for me so far, then again I know we all play differently. That spread sheet is amazing. 

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6 hours ago, Clisthertia said:

Very nice! I've been running Duality exclusively for years, nice to see another Tenno explore the limits 😊

Mirage total Eclipse(with the new changes) can help with the specters survivalbility and damage. I'm mainly melee though, so most of my builds are around that and my Vasca. 

On my next day off I'd love to share some builds on this thread. I'm gonna go look at that old thread, can't believe I've never seen that lol. 

Edit: Saw the spread sheet for the Eclipse, it's been working ok for me so far, then again I know we all play differently. That spread sheet is amazing. 

In the content I was testing in eclipse hardly made any difference. Enemies still oneshot the clone regardless unless clone constantly shieldates to block all the damage. And it does just that if you have a little bit of CC in form of radiation. And even if it doesn't - its not like its a problem to resummon it over and over. So it feels a bit like a waste to invest into power strength that does not benefit any other ability all that much to get Eclipse value up AND have to use a slot for augment. 

If you like melee - here is a cool interaction - clone has no limit on how many times it can perform ground finisher. Players can only do it once. If you have a good melee with some speciall effect on ground finisher (for example guaranteed bleed proc on Galatine) it can dish out abysmal damage like that. For that purpose - you can try out Nidus Larva that not only drops enemy to the ground but also groups them up for said finisher. 

That being said AI is pretty bad when it comes to using melee and its much oeffective to just give it AOE primer instead. Still some fun to be had there.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

A bit of an update. 2 new weapons tests, added 2 more subsume abilities and wanna talk about upcoming changes and revisit some old stuff.


Kuva hind - bad - basically reskin of tiberon in terms of functionality. Specter will only burst fire, shots fly in 3 random directions, its really not worth using it for duality unless you just want to use it just yourself.

Tenet Detron - good - very decent gun with corrosive+heat crit build. Great accuracy, good damage, good status. But its not better then best guns out there. And there is no room for augments really (even though they work on specter). There might be a case of using it with upcoming changes though. Additionaly - it has funni synergy with Scourge-Mag bubble, creating blades of bullets for some extra AOE. Although I never felt they do any significant damage. 

Subsume abilities

Well of life - bad - gives status imunity and heals. It can be useful, but target will agro your clone to attack it so its pretty bad. Certainly can be used it some cases, but I do not recomend.

Blood altar - niche - unlike well of life - makes enemy target untargetable. So no agro issues there. Heals a lot more too and scales massively with power strength. Heals clone. Still not enough to keep clone alive, but if you build into ubra forma with vitality and fiber - can be something. I think its too much investement. 


All added to the sheet.


Revisited stuff

Scourge - having too much fun with the gun lately. Its worth noticing that some time ago this change was made - "Increased the base damage multiplier on headshots from 2x to 3x". So letting Duality ocasionaly score headshots is pretty nice. It feels like about 20-30% more damage output from the clone (because it still mostly body shots)

Another part of Scourge throw ability is that bubbles it creats block enemy fire rather well. So not only you get more head shots, you also MASIVELY reduce enemy fire and keep your clone alive longer.

And on top of that - Scoure prime is not even a terrible gun to use. It can strip decently well and has multiplicative gun CO so the damage is not awful either. Its not good, but its not bad enough to fully discard a gun. 

Zymos - considering Zymos funny interactions with both Headshots (Scourge) and invulnerable enemies (Well of life/Blood altar) - I gave it another look. Long story short - still bad. Blood altar makes enemies immune to the Zymos passive and Scourge bubble. Well of life makes enemy really hard to  target for a clone. On top of that - overguard enemies are immune to Zymos passive too. AND Zymos require some sort of crit buff to function. Something Duality cant get.  

Secondary Cucumber and Pax Chage - both fully work on Duality. One makes A LOT of 300% boosted statuses to apply to the enemy, another removes ammo isses from kitguns. Make sure to use those. Its more combined damage then say Cascadia Flare that only works on yourself.


Upcoming changes

Frost buffs/changes - finally make it more Duality friendly. No longer clone will bump its head against the bubble, trying to shot through it. Good change.

Enemy Armor rework - supposingly enemies will now cap at 90% damage reduction from armour with armour value being 2700-3000. This is very interesting because it can potentionally free at least 1 shard slot, maybe more. Hard to say how this will turn out to be just yet

Enemy HP changes - to compensate the armor loss emenies will have more HP. And thats actually good news for a frame that scales of enemy HP. Your 4 will gather all that jucy HP damage and blow stuff up as before. Except better - because enemies will have less armor.

Status buffs - blast, frost and magnetic getting some love. Hard to say if blast will actually be good or bad, but Duality sure can apply a lot of blast procs if needed. And if those will scale of 300% damage boost it has we can see soem blasting. Same goes to magnectic but to lesser value. It will trigger damage on shield break. Frost is mostly nice for sentinel purposes. And maybe Tenet Glaxion. That gun is pretty good in duality hands. Either way - more valuable statues = better use of Cucumber. 


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Hey there @Chatv71e thx for the update and the sheets but can you please freeze the first row? I can't freeze the first row even when I tried make new views to sort your sheets. Thank you.


EDIT: Man I just saw Loki's subsume and his new augment. How does that work for priming/survivability? it's more active gameplay but that seems interesting. Will try it later on while running event. Just remembered that new event is crawling with eximuses. Well Pillar at least works

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Posted (edited)
53 minutes ago, lumine99 said:

Hey there @Chatv71e thx for the update and the sheets but can you please freeze the first row? I can't freeze the first row even when I tried make new views to sort your sheets. Thank you.


EDIT: Man I just saw Loki's subsume and his new augment. How does that work for priming/survivability? it's more active gameplay but that seems interesting. Will try it later on while running event. Just remembered that new event is crawling with eximuses. Well Pillar at least works

Sheet frozen.

Loki decoy is not very great with augment. Better if casted on its own, but even then not amazing. For elevator mission specifically I recommend Banshee Silence subsume and sporelacer as a weapon of choice. Pillars sadly can not stand on elevator.

Arcane Fortifier does not steal overguard to clone sadly, but may be doing extra damage (needs more testing)

Cant wait to try out new weapons since they all have speciall support effects - my bet is on Jade's secondary being amazing. 

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43 minutes ago, Chatv71e said:

Loki decoy is not very great with augment. Better if casted on its own, but even then not amazing. For elevator mission specifically I recommend Banshee Silence subsume and sporelacer as a weapon of choice. Pillars sadly can not stand on elevator

Cant wait to try out new weapons since they all have speciall support effects - my bet is on Jade's secondary being amazing. 

Oh yeah the secondary is indeed interesting. Also it is a shame that loki's augment didn't work well

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Posted (edited)

Aight. There are.... lot of things to test and it will take a while, so quick glance over the things I interacted with for a bit.

New status damage (Elementalis) mods - do not work on specters. Big sad, but kinda expected... That kind of things don't usually work on summons, still posted a bug report, cuz its literally entire mod with singular effect. Like I get it, gun CO doesn't work, but at least it gives clone some status chance so not entirely usless. This however...

New throwing weapon - Cantare - bugged in hands of specter. It runs out of ammo and specter stops attacking. The buff that says 'allies' doesn't apply to specters. That being said - projectiles do return on reload. So that is working as instended. But even AI with pin point accuracy struggles to hit anything with return. Could be insteresting though in a real mission when/if bugs are fixed. Also I can not confirm if specter does 300% crit damage in return. It feels like it does, but weapon is still unleveled. Needs more testing on that.

Arcane Fortifier does not work on a clone - already mentioned.

Enemy armor and HP rework - is very interesting and a bit weird. It seems like some enemies now a lot stronger than before, while others are a lot weaker. For example Deimos Jugulus - now feels a lot tankier. Makes me think that HP scaling + pure damage reduction will be huge problem. On other hand - Demolist Necros fall over even faster than before on a base level SP. 

As for the rest of the enemies - most of my weapons seem to perform better as electric+viral combo instead of corrosive. So there will be a shift in the weapon builds for sure. Viral is extreamly strong in a worl where enemy HP got massively bumped. 

Green shards needs to be adressed. Corrosive with new armor cap goes from 65% damage reduction with no shards, to 15% damage reduction with one shard, to 0% with 2 shards. Is one extra shard worth 15% extra damage? Most likely not, especially considering you gonna need viral procs and a lot of them. So your gun will not be corrosive to begin with. 

Honestly not sure where this will go just yet. Will experiment more with 1-2-0 shards.

What is important to mention - Violet shards that provide extra electric damage to primary weapon fully works on Duality. So you could do a nice electric phantasma like that. If only Elementalist mods would work....


Status rework...

Well cold feel nice, but not mind blowing. Sentinel pretty much freezes everything. Glaxion on tenno-specter feels funny too. So you could build some utility weapons to just freeze everything that is not status immune.

On other hand - Ice wave impedance still sucks. It basically does what your sentinel do and nothing else. Limit of 4 cold procs on overguard enemies make it pointless.

Magnetic feels kinda weird - as in - it makes enemy take more damage to overguard and shields (and works with specter), but... you kinda... already do enough damage for it to matter. When you kill overguard in 2 shots, it won't even make a difference. 

Blast feels weird also. I don't have brain big enough to figure it out, but I assume you need to ether group for it, kill for it and/or do big hit damage AND proc for it. Its very complex and conditional and I don't think it will work for Duality even though 300% damage boost.


Waiting for the rest to finish building and test it and for someone with big brain figure out how we build guns now.



Evensong - bugged - passive doesn't apply 7 stacks of puncture to enemies, does not grant buff if specter scores a kill, doesnt buff specter if you score a kill. That being said - decent looking bow with AOE attack. I think it can be at least a good weapon just for base damage alone.

Harmony - is very interesting. The way it works - if it has 100% status and a bit of heat damage, heavy attack will FIRST APPLY HEAT and THEN consumes all heat stacks. That means you can massively abuse it with heat inherit mechanics. Its not tied to Duality, but Duality can follow you around with a heat-inherit primer and cover everthing in heat procs for you to consume and abuse. Might experiment with that later. 



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Alright, so I've spent entire day theorycrafting and adjusting weapon builds to the new reality. And its a bit messed up

What it boild down to is - Before you could solve the game with 2 green shards and full stripping the enemy. Now you need to full strip the enemy while ALSO having 10 stacks of viral on them. This is rather hard to acheive.


Main points.


Stack of viral in 90% of cases is better than stack of corrosive. 

Therefore your priority should be 10 stacks of viral. Then heat proc, then 10+ corrosive stacks.

Assuming full viral stacks and heat proc, going from 10 to 13 corrosive stacks grants you 63% more damage. 

Going from 13 to full strip grants you 29% more damage. 

There are several problems in regards to Duality with that.



Using primer
The easy solution would be using a primer with corrovie and viral. Duality doesn't like that. Clone doesn't know you are using gun as a primer and will just use out all the ammo trying to kill enemies with it. So summoning Duality holding a primer feels terrible.
Its also just slow to summon duality, swap weapon, prime enemy, swap back to damage.

Using companion
There are 2 problems with this.
Like I said at the start - viral procs are more important than corrosive. So its much more reliable to proc viral yourself and let companion take care of corrosive.
Problem is - in that case your emerald shards become usless since they do not affect companion status effects in any way. 
Option 2 would be using Panzer instead of a sentinel, but that is a huge loss of utility. You lose room wide cold procs, radiation procs and shield gate from guardian. And Panzer will run around till it eventually dies and lose usability of half of its mods in dead state. Its a huge tradeoff in my opinion - but it can work.

Using Shattering impact
Instead of shards and corrosive companion - can always opt to just swing melee few times. The problem with that is that its single target only pretty much. 

Using subsume ability
You can go with both armor stripping one or nourish to add viral to your weapons. The problem with this option is that you are losing life saving subsumes like Pillar or Resonator. Id explain why Pillar is so important but DE will ban me if I do. 

Ive decided to take an L on full strip and just take a middle ground

Viral weapons, corrosive sentinel, 10/10 viral corro stacks. If something survives that - shattering impact to full strip. This seems to work nice so far.

Doing that makes my green shard usless, but Im still hesitant to remove them just yet. 

There are few reasons for that. 
Secondary Encumber - lets you and clone proc corrosive over the 10 limit of your sentinel. Its VERY unreliable for it to proc but it can happen.
Scourge and Bubonico are two guns that CAN proc viral and corrosive at the same time and BOTH are great for Duality. 


To other news

Elementalist mods are fixed and fully work on Duality now. That being said - they are a bit underwhleming. The damage is nice, but they are a bit hard to fit in and damage they provide often does not outvalue the loss of utility or even the lost of status procs you could get from statusus chance/fire rate. Still prolly ato include in like 80% of cases. Phantasma, Cycrone being those cases.

Purple shard for electric damage is not that good because of reasons listed at the start. You want heat - and it messes up elemental priorities. There are few guns that benefit from it, but only few. And slotting it in to ruin the rest of my guns is not a great idea.

Purple shard for 30% equilibrium - is a good idea - if you are getting rid of green shards. 30% is about enough to sustain your energy needs, letting you free a mod slot. What would you put in a mod slot?... Well...

Vigilante Vigor works amazing well reducing shield recharge delay from 0.6 to 0.1 Making Duality and yourself shield gate a lot more easier. On top of that you get 5% to upgrade crit (does not work on Duality sadly)

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Would like to share stuff I've been using since the status rework.


Nautilus + verglass + shivering contagion. The rise of status has made this combo amazing when it comes to survivability and mob control. Converted the old heat viral verglas to cold corrosive to accommodate the new freeze status. Duplex bond help in sharing the aoe freezes.

Hound + magnetic pulse + electric pulses. My mini loki volt hound. Modded with radiation + viral + heat/blast. Usually I used heat for the semi cc but the new melee afflictions sometimes doesn't trigger during heat proc animation. Momentous bond helps in ressing the companion and adding more elements.


Been using red duration shards with 1 green tauforged for the extra corrosive proc. Might reuse  2yellow tauforged for the parkour velocity since harmony is a really good weapon when you have primers.



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Revisited some of the subsumes tested out new weapon

Tennet Ferox - is mechanicaly amazing and the damage it provides is a bit low compared to best guns, but still packs a punch. Its ensnare ability is also pretty great for duality even though it doesnt work on most of enemies. Still 100% can recomend buying maxing and using that gun on duality. Hitscan pin point accuracy, aoe attack, good damage, good ammo, no bugs AND it looks badass.

Also it on sale RIGHT NOW wit 50% heat progentior. That's pretty good!

Overal I rate this gun as GOOD. Borderline amazing.



Jade eyes - okay - suprisinly not that good of a bility despite oh insane power it provides and good synergy with a buid. There are several things that put it down tho. It has 2 parts. Slow and Armor strip.
Slow would be good, but 1) It doesn't work on overguard, 2) It expires the moment you look away.
So it's not very consistent as a CC ability.
On top of that with Shivering contagnation on Verglass - everything is frozen solid and you don't need that slow to begin with.

As for armor strip bit - this one is also... not that amazing. Since we run low power strength it takes 20-10 second to full strip. You could adjust the build to have more, but even then its too long. Its very much similar to just prime with 10 corro procs and heat and be okay with it. After armor changes strip lost value and so did this ability. I'd say its pretty great for shield stripping though. But terrify just does that, better, faster, without LoS restrictions.

And then there is the downside that turns this ability from good to just okay. Heat procs. It applies heat procs.
For those of you who don't know - heat procs applies by abilities hold 0% elemental mods values and reduce your weapon heat proc damage drastically.


Fire Blast - bad. Sadly still bad. New augment that grants overguard does not work if subsumed. Heat procs bad - read above. Its still has bugs with LoS and if casted twice quickly - not removing armor of some enemies. You will have to cast it twice for full strip. Its just a worse terrify. 

Thermal Sunder - bad. I was so excited to try it again. Adding blast to my status weapons for free while buffling clone. And you don't need strength for it because blast doesnt care how much blast damage you do, it takes base damage of the weapon.  Doesn't work like that because of viral meta, 2 elements meta and HCET. If you have viral - it will combine cold into viral leaving you with just heat. If you have corrosive + element - it will first combine heat with element. If you have just corrosive - they your build sucks for not having free damage from DoT element. Its pretty bad.  

Nourish - bad. Nourish on other hand adds viral to your weapons. That is very good if you combine it with corrosive weapons. The 2 problems with that - if you are applying both viral and corrosive yourself - whats your companion doing?  The second problem is - that's all nourish does. It doesn't add that much extra damage, it doesn't help with survivability, its energy boots is not relevant because its both small, and because you don't need energy to begin with. And if you wanna squeeze a bit of extra damage for the sake of damage - breach surge does it better. 

Desiccation - Pocket sand - Inaros - niche. Too many downsides on the ability. You can spawn 5 cats with it, but to do that you need to perform a finisher. No one will wait for that, in party play allies will kill whoever you try to finish. In solo play - Duality will kill whoever you try to finish.
That being said - if you do manage to spawn a cat - it will replicate itself easilty and duality kills will spawn/refresh cats till you run out of enemies.

Cat are amazing. They hit like a truck, they apply full stacks of corrosive (works with emerald shards), they are programmed to tag as many enemies with Scarab swarm. They are invulnerable BUT STILL draw enemy fire, so work as a great decoy. 

Problem is - they have very short teather range and will not traget enemeis that are like 20m away from you. And because of that, and because duality kills anything in 200m range, they expire rather fast and then we back to point 1. Maintaining them is a pain in the ass.

Still. I like that abilitiy and can recommend trying it out, if not for utility - but for style points of having a cat army with duality.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tested out few new things, put the build through few level caps to see how it performs and got some funni results.

Tennet Plinx - rating it as Medium. While specter will land shots with good accuracy, the primary non-headshot hit doesn't do all that much. Slow fire rate and a low status makes it pretty meh weapon for specter, but it is not unusable by all means. So if you like using it yourself, clone can still benefit from it although not by a lot.

Arcane Ice Storm - sadly doesn't work. It would be nice to have 40/40 str/duration, but freezes caused by companion AND Duality, does not count towards this arcane. Big sad.

Secondary fortifier - turns out it works half way (instead of not working at all). It does not grant overguard to the specter, but oh boy does it multiply its damage. More about it in level cap. 


Adjustments to the build and level cap adventures


Im still struggling to find the perfect combo of free shard mod and arcane slot. But for now I just made a full circle.

Tried out with max rank Arcane Energize instead of Equilibrium but there is so much more HP orbs than energy orbs that Equilibrium comes on top.

Tried out 1 blue shard for energy instead of Flow. This seems somewhat doable, and energy pool is big enough to sustain my needs, but there were several moments when I was down to 20~ energy and that doesn't feel great. Plus - the bigger the energy pool, the more value you get from filling it up with Equilibrium until times of need. This is especially noticeable in level cap where you don't kill as fast. So back to using Flow.

Tried out yellow shard for parkour to free the melee weapon slot for something. This works but... I really didn't like it.

The problem with that is to use melee you now have to weapon swap through 3 weapons when spawning duality, maintain combo and perform long heavy attacks. Swapping around 2 weapons is already too hard, so I personally didn't like how it feels. Then again - if anyone knows some weapon that can be used for quick melee hits and/or utility - let me know.

For now back to Praedos. 

That leaves me with one archon shard open. Options are - 15% duration to put Duality to 20 seconds total. Or green shard for full strip - 20~% more damage, but nearly impossible to stack procs. Going with Duration shard for now. 


Level cap.

So from level cap (Void Cascade) runs I managed to bring couple of discoveries.

First of all Duality sadly can not scale the damage high enough to deal with level cap enemies (although there is one trick - read later).

And what if boils down to is that she becomes kinda a walking primer. Its not bad to be honest, but still a bit sad. Galvanized mods  that do not work on her are required and 300% damage does not cut it. It was still very nice to have her spread viral, corrosive and heat, but thats all it does. 

Surprisingly survivability of it was decent. I mean at level cap you also die in 1 hit and that shield gate tech as well as cold procs + slow and radiation from subsumed pillars make me and duality survive no problem. Sleep and invulnerability from Vazarin help a lot.

There are 2 things, however that pushed Duality from being a primer to oneshotting level cap Thraxes and eximuses. Its Secondary Fortifier and Magnetic procs.

You see by the time of level cap the overguard value get so high that Magnetic proc feeding from them just oneshots anything that had overguard. And Fortifier combined with bonus damage from magnetic causes so much damage scaling that even duality instantly removes overguard, consuming magnetic procs and turning them into electric with triple scaling and thus just onetaps big targets. 

It was a blessing to see how effortlessly lvl 9999 thrax dies.

And a curse to see how it switches to attacking fodder enemy and does 0 damage to it. 


Additionaly I wanna point out how insanly powerful Scourge is in general AND specifically in this setup.

Scourge lets you build Corrosive+Magnetic with some status scailing utility mods so you can prime with it for easu duality kills.

More so - throwing it and turning bubbles on in the aread for 30 seconds is very poverful in itself.

Headshots caused by specter hit like a trick adding yet another damage modifier to the mix.

But in level cap specifically there is another funny interaction. Because enemy armor is now capped, and damage is not... When it hits level cap, fodder enemies just kill themselves by shoting into bubbles. Especially if combined with some radiation. Its... really funny to see.




Tenet Plinx tested - medium.

New Arcane that actually works on Duality

Build without changes for the most part.

Level cap shows that Duality doesn't have enough damage - unless you use magnetic priming. Then it oneshots.

Scourge is OP.

Recommend trying out combo magnetic Scourge and Punch Through Tenet Detron. 


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Tested Boltor Prime. While the gun feels good to use, most build need headshots and galvanized mods to work well. I'd say this isn't recommended for duality.

Strun Incarnon feels like a winner this patch. it works really good this patch with Canonade and Elementalist mods.


Seems like guns that can work best for spectres are either high crit with multi explosion, status weapons, or devouring attritions. Not to mention that they sometimes miss their shots more and more. First time I got my Laetum last year they were dead accurate, now they started to miss more.

ADDITION: it seems like arca scisco could be a good duality gun. Watched MCgamerCZ's video it seems nice but should be build for bodyshot. AX-52 also seemed really good for Viral-Slash hunter munitions. Or electric- rifle elementalist with a pet primer. AX needs headshot to do meaningfull damage, it also double reloads and doesn't use the build in ammo efficiency. Also is it me or do spectres always use aiming mode? But conditional mods doesn't work on spectres.. man....

Edited by lumine99
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