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I removed tumour on neck, but I want it back. Can you make it so I can have helminth take it awya and reinfect me whenever?

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Warframe with tumour, when cured, is basically immune to it forever, like the chickenpox.

Not possible to reacquire it even just for fashion, cuz Helminth isn't the same infestation as the tumour (i think).

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The original tumor has been caused by Nidus players getting infected by Helminth, having it began spreading between players. It is indeed the same infestation.

I don't see anything wrong in funtionally be able to reapply the cyst and it is a reasonable request. (I personally do not want a cyst on any of my warframe, but I don't see why not), It's definitely better than forcing people to build a new copy of the same warframe just to have it again.


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1 hour ago, S074 said:

I don't see anything wrong in funtionally be able to reapply the cyst and it is a reasonable request.

Feel free to code and add this system to the game, oh wait.

1 hour ago, S074 said:

It's definitely better than forcing people to build a new copy of the same warframe just to have it again.

What is even better is teaching people that actions have consquences.

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